Pupils Premium 2014/15 costs Aspect What How Cost Outcome 2015 Lead intervention and planning for PP pupils Leadership time to focus on PP intervention ESW meetings / PSA meetings / pastoral support for PPG pupils/ 1 day (teacher led) £7200 Increase TA understanding of targets for PPG pupils Extra time in the morning with staff – planning/targets 8.30 start for all TA’s Narrative Therapy Phonic intervention 1:1 support Narrative Therapy 1:1 letters and sounds 10 hours £4500 TA hours (10 hours) £5000 The gap between pupil premium and other pupils was insignificant Target Met In place – analysis of full impact required Target met 67% TA hours (14) £7300 Target met 67% Letters and sounds 1:1 and group class support TA hours (14 hours) £ 7300 Target met 66% met the target Phonics intervention Paired reading 1:1 class support 1st class number reading intervention TA hours (8) £3600 Target not met TA hours (8) £3600 Target met 1:1 tuition Teacher 6 hours £4700 Target met Anger management Socially Speaking Resilience Time to talk Positive people Sporting influence TA ( 8) £3600 Improved confidence resulting in increase in progress especially for identified year 6 pupils Dave Moss £2000 Classroom support 1:1 / small group intervention TA 16 hours £7200 1.A wide range of after school clubs which target pp children as well TA hours ( 10 hours) £4500 Difficult to fully assess impact Year 6 pupils were reluctant to link the literacy and sport events Target met 45% made 3 levels progress in writing 36% made 3 levels progress in reading 29% made 3 levels progress in maths Breakfast club is well attended and Foundation Stage 65% GLD PP – 65% in reading, writing and number Year 1 phonics. 66% PP to meet target (all) Year 2 progress Support in phonics to support PPG pupils who did not meet the target 66% to meet target Year 3 Reading for PP pupils increase 3.4 points Year 4 Lower ability PP pupils make 6.6 points progress in reading and maths Year 5 Lower ability PP pupils make 10 points progress in reading and maths Pastoral Support: working with PPG pupils who require specific targeted support with social and emotional needs Year 4/ 5/6 Lend me your literacy intervention Year 6 35% make more than expected progress in reading 35% make More than expected progress in writing 30 % make more than expected progress in maths Engagement and inclusion Pupils Premium 2014/15 costs as all children so that there is social inclusion and engagement 2. Breakfast Club to support most vulnerable children eligible for pp and keep costs low Clubs helps some pupils have a better start to the. , Drama and Music Clubs Self-esteem and school engagement £2500 Extra activities Visits and visitors to school funded. E.g. live theatre, money towards coaches, CPD Reading intervention Phonics training £2000 resources Including ipads £3000 Total Payments of theatre groups, coaches £2000 £69000 Cohort F1 F2 1 2 3 4 5 6 % PPG 3 6 6 7 8 7 4 11 % 13% 24% 30% 29% 42% 57% 33% 61% total 23 25 20 24 19 14 12 18 Razzle Dazzle successful Clubs which end in a performance/ outcome are well attended Range of theatre companies and reduced costs for transport helped pupils access a wider range of extracurricular events Progress in reading was high across school All appropriate staff trained in phonics – high quality lessons observed Used across school to support learning Needs further analysis to measure impact