With reference to the provisions of Snam Rete Gas Network Code (par. 3.1 and 3.2 of the Chapter
6) and to the current legal framework, the present procedure defines how the Transporter carries
out activities in the subject.
All the termination/activation/reactivation requests must be made by the Shipper exclusively
through the functionalities made available by Snam Rete Gas on its own web site (DiARia web
section, attainable through the ServiRe web Portal), using the modalities described below.
To access to ServiRe Portal Shipper must to send the “Modulo_accesso_al_Portale_ServiRe” and
gestione_contratti_pdr@snamretegas.it. Shipper can download these documents following this
route “Business & Services – General Procedure” in the SRG web site.
Remember that to carry out the operations Shipper must provide the necessary information clicking
the button "Enable" in the "Business & Services - Online Services" of the SRG web site.
A) Termination (Discatura) of existing Redelivery Points
The following operating modalities related to the management of the closure request are
DiARia makes available to the Shipper to send to SRG the 4 different termination request
descrived below:
1. Closure request in case of agreement between the requesting Shipper and the End Customer
on the necessity to terminate the gas supply;
2. Closure request in the case the End Customer ceases its activities;
3. Closure request for all the other cases different from the point 1 and 2;
4. Closure request, in case of agreement between the requesting Shipper and the Distribution
To request the schedulation of a termination activity Shipper must to use the functionality of the
DiARia portal (User Manual is downloadable from the DiARia section).
For the typology 1 e 4 is necessary to attach in DiARia the form countersigned by the End
Customer: the forms (Modulo_discatura_con_Accordo - 1_Allegato - Utente_Cliente Finale e
Modulo_discatura_con_Accordo - 1_Allegato - Utente_Cliente Distributore) are downloadable from
the apposite section reachable from “Business & Services – General Procedure” in the SRG web
In the case of a shared Redelivery Point, the closure requests must be received by all Shippers
holding capacity at the same redelivery Point, and Snam Rete Gas will schedule the surgery only
after receiving the termination request of all those sharers capacity on the same Redelivery Point.
In relation to item 1 and 4 the request for closure of a Redelivery Point must be received by Snam
Rete Gas with at least 3 working days in advance of the date indicated in the reques made by
DiARia; otherwise Snam Rete Gas reserves of program the same request to the earliest date
provided by the territorial offices.
In relation to points 2 and 3 the Shipper must send a request to Snam Rete Gas at least 30 days
before the date mentioned in the same request, but in any case Snam Rete Gas reserves to
schedule this request to the earliest date provided by the offices of territorial jurisdiction for the
action involved.
Snam Rete Gas, after having verified the relevant information, will plan and communicate to the
Shipper (using DiARia) the date for the termination works, trying to respect, as far as possible, the
request of the Shipper.
Only in the case of closure of a Redelivery Point of Snam Rete Gas interconnected to a distribution
company, Snam Rete Gas will notify the scheduling of the activity to the Distribution company
(through the address listed in Modulo_discatura_con_Accordo - 1_Allegato - Utente_Cliente
Distributore attached to the request made by DiARia), and in CC to the Shippers (using the
addresses in possession of the business units of Snam Rete Gas in charge).
If the documentation submitted does not comply with the procedures set out in this procedure and
reported in Chapter 6 "Development and management of the delivery points and delivery" of the
Network Code, Snam Rete Gas will promptly inform the user, by certified mail, the rejection of the
The Shipper will have to inform the End Customer communicating:
(i) the indication of the date of closure as planned and communicated by Snam Rete Gas;
(ii) the specific warning that the closure activity shall be done even in the absence of the End
The Notice of Closure must also be received by the End Customer in advance, not less than 20
days from the date identified for programmed closure, except in the cases referred to point 1,
delegated to the agreement between the End Customer and the Shipper as communicated to
Snam Rete Gas.
This advance is necessary to allow the End Customer to implement all actions aimed at ensuring
the safety of their plants.
The User must also ensure, by giving evidence to the Transporter through the acceptance of the
declaration made into DiARia, the Notice of Closure contains the minimum content requirements
specified above and be received by the End Customer with the above advance.
If Snam Rete Gas will not receive the above-mentioned declaration in lieu by the 12:00 of the
working day before the date scheduled for the termination, will withdraw its own.
If the Shipper wishes to withdraw the request for termination, it must communicate – using the
functionality of DiARia - its intention to Snam Rete Gas not later than the 12.00 of the working day
before the scheduled date the programmed termination.
Snam Rete Gas will therefore cancel the scheduled closure.
Snam Rete Gas will instead automatically withdraw the planned termination if it finds, according to
the provisions of the Chapter 7 of the Network Code, the takeover of another user in the delivery of
the End Customer in question; Snam Rete Gas will notify the user the withdrawal of the
The termination intervention will run in the absence of both the Representative of the Shipper that
the Representative of the End Customer.
The termination intervention will run in the presence of a Representative Shipper (or representative
of the distribution company, limited to the case of closure a Redelivery Point of Snam Rete Gas
interconnected to a distribution company).
It is understood that in relation to the termination request and to all information/communications
useful for the correct management, Snam Rete Gas does not assume any responsibility to the
Shipper, to the End Customer and to third parties referred to the veracity, accuracy and
completeness of the reported data and the statements made by them through the provided
functionality of the SRG website.
Snam Rete Gas will not during the operation required in the following cases:
1. when the representative of the Shipper (or representative of the distribution company, limited to
the case of closure a Redelivery Point of Snam Rete Gas interconnected to a distribution
company), at the time of the operation, was not present at the facility which was required to close
or, if present, should refuse to sign the report;
2. in the absence of all the requests of Shippers, in the case of a shared Redelivery Point;
3. when the name of the representative of the Shipper (or representative of the distribution
company, limited to the case of closure a Redelivery Point of Snam Rete Gas interconnected to a
distribution company) present during the closure activity does not match with the name indicated
by the same Shipper as its representative;
4. If the requesting Shipper has not provided to communicate all the information requested in
5. If Snam Rete Gas was unable to perform the closure because beyond his control (including,
without limitation, impediments to access to area where is located the closure point).
In such cases, the Transport Contract with the Shipper will be fully effective for the Redelivery
Point for which the closure request was made.
Subject to technical aspects of implementation of operation of closure, signing the minutes
indicated above, the Shipper (or the distribution company in the case of closure requested)
assumes any and all liability to the End Customer and any third party in connection with the
operation of closing, expressly exempting carrier from any claims for compensation made, for
whatever reason, the End Customer or third parties.
B) Activation/Reactivation of Redelivery Points
According to the provisions of the paragraph 3.1. of the Chapter 6 of the Network Code, Snam
Rete Gas describes the operating procedures in order to request an activation/reactivation of a
Redelivery Point.
The activation of a new Redelivery Point – in other words, the start of gas delivery at the point –
will be authorised and performed by Snam Rete Gas, once the following contractual and technical
conditions are met:
1. capacity booking at the relevant Redelivery Point, according to the terms of the Transportation
2. approval of the Shipper to start the delivery of gas at the Redelivery Point using DiARia;
3. subscription of the certification and inspection report by the owner of the measurement station
and by Snam Rete Gas;
4. possession – in case of measurement plants connected to fiscal deposits different from that of
Snam Rete Gas – of the UTF statement.
To request the programming of an activation/reactivation Shipper must use the functionalities
made available in DiARia.
In order to speed up the checks held by Snam Rete Gas, the Shipper, in case of request for
reactivation, will provide some additional information about any changes that occurred close to the
Redelivery Point and occurred after the closure of the same Point.
Snam Rete Gas, after having verified the relevant documents, will plan and communicate to the
Shipper the date for the termination works, trying to respect, as far as possible, the request of the
Shipper. The Shipper will have to inform the End Customer of the precise time of the
If the documentation submitted does not comply with the procedures set out in this procedure and
reported in Chapter 6 "Development and management of the delivery points and delivery" of the
Network Code, Snam Rete Gas will promptly inform the user, by the functionalities of the web
portal, the rejection of the request.
The Shipper is also aware that the activation/reactivation of the Redelivery Point is subject to the
satisfactory verification techniques that Snam Rete Gas will carry on the documentation produced,
and during the inspection at the time of the same activation/reactivation.