Co-op Application Form


CO-OPERATIVE EDUCATION and Other Forms of Experiential Learning


Year applying to Co-op: 1


Semester 200___ or 2


Semester 200___


Student’s Name (Last, First)

M / F Age Language(s) (Other than English)

Address _________________________________________________________________________


Postal Code __________ Telephone No.________________ Cell Phone No. __________________

E-mail Address: __________________________________________________

Birthdate (Day-Month-Year)__________________


Parent/Guardian Name ______________________ ____________________ ___________________

Home No.________________ Business No. _________ _______Cell Phone No . ________________

Parent/Guardian Name ______________________ _________________________ _______________

Home No.________________ Business No. ________________Cell Phone No. ________________

Emergency Contact ___________________________ __________________________ __________

Home No.________________ Business No. _________ _______Cell Phone No . ________________

Doctor’s Name_____

_____________________ Busi ness No. ___________

List any relevant medical probl ems: _______________________ _______________ _______________


Paid/ Volunteer Work Experience/Extracurricular Activities

Name of Company/Organization Position Dates

________________________________ ____________ ____________________

________________________________ ____________ ____________________

________________________________ ____________ ____________________


List any previous courses that you have taken which are related to your placement selection.

(Grade/Level/Course Code)

1. ____________________________________ 2. ___________________________________

3. ____________________________________ 4. ___________________________________

List any relevant skills, interests, certificates, hobbies, etc.


What are your plans after Graduation?

Work ________ College ________ University _________ Apprenticeship _________


Co-op Preferred: Semester 1 _____ Semester 2 _____ 2 credit _____ 3 credit _____ 4 credit _____

Cooperative Education: __________ OYAP: __________

Specialist High Skills Major: __________________________________

Type of work placement requested: First Choice _______________________________________

Second Choice _____________________________________


Parents/Guardians must recognize that each student:

• Will be interviewed by the Cooperative Education teacher to determine suitability for the program.

• Is to attend both in-school classes and the placement as scheduled.

• Is to report any absence to both the Coop teacher and the Placement Supervisor.

• Is covered under the Workplace Safety Insurance Board by the Ministry of Education, or is covered by the School

Board’s Insurance policy.

• Will only receive credits after all in-school assignments and placement hours are successfully completed.

Freedom of Information Act – In accordance with the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act, effective January 1991 this information is being requested with the consent of the applicant and his/her legal guardian if under the age of eighteen.

Signature of the student and guardian will assume consent to the issuance of this information as part of the cooperative education program. Also, permission is granted to use photos taken at the Coop placement in any board literature.

_______________________________________ _________________________

Student Signature Date

_______________________________________ __________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature Date
