Lord Beaverbrook High School Advanced Placement Application copy of this application form is available at the LBHS AP website: www.lbhs.ca Please feel free to print it off and complete to include with your application package. A Part 1 - FOR COMPLETION BY THE STUDENT Surname: _____________________________________ ID#: ____________ Given Names: _________________________________ Sex: M F Address: ____________________________________________________________ Postal Code: _____________ Telephone: __________________________ Name of Parent/Guardian: _____________________________________________ Address (if different from above): ______________________________________________ Alternate Telephone: __________________ Postal Code : _____________ Business/Cellular: __________________ Junior High Last Attended: I understand that this is an application only and that it may not be possible for me to be placed in all Advanced Placement courses requested. Signature: _________________________________ Date: _____________ CBE student email:______________________________________ Please check the Advanced Placement courses you wish to be considered for: Art 10 AP Computer Science 10AP English 10 AP (Complete and Submit writing sample document with this application) Mathematics 10 AP Science 10 AP Social Studies 10 AP Personal Statements: Please be concise in your response, an essay is NOT needed. Why do you feel you would be a good candidate for the AP courses you have selected? Briefly discuss your strengths and how they will contribute to your success. What do you expect to get out of the AP program? Briefly discuss your expectations of the program and how they will help you to be successful. Part 2 - FOR COMPLETION BY A PARENT OR GUARDIAN This program requires a commitment to academic rigor beyond that of the regular Alberta curriculum. In order to prevent any disappointment or misunderstanding, parents are respectfully requested to consider all aspects of the commitment when deciding whether or not to support their child’s application. It is especially important that parents and students understand that Advanced Placement courses at the Grade 12 level are the equivalent of first year university courses and, as such, require students to be prepared for and capable of handling material which may be more difficult than regular course work. I have examined the application form prepared by my son/daughter. The application has been made with my full knowledge and support. PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE: ______________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME: ___________________________________________ DATE: __________________ Please Include the Following with Your Application Attach all pieces of the application together in the order listed below. 1. A completed Advanced Placement application signed by parent/guardian. 2. A photocopy of your most recent report card. 3. A transfer request, if you are from outside Lord Beaverbrook High School boundaries. Applications should be directed to: Advanced Placement Lord Beaverbrook High School, B: 403. 259-5585 FAX: 403.777.7949 ATTN: Ms Pamela Conrad APPLICATION DEADLINE is: March 15, 2011