
Name: ______________________
Date: ___________________
5B Sexual Reproduction and Meiotic Cell Division
Eukaryotic Chromosomes
 DNA binds to proteins called histones
 DNA and histones condense to form
 Chromatin is condensed completely to
form chromosomes after the DNA has
replicated and the cell is ready for division.
 Chromosomes make it possible to separate DNA precisely during cell division.
Chromosomes can be seen in two forms:
1. Single-Arm: are composed of a single chromatid
2. Double- Arm (Replicated Form, Duplicated form): are made up of
paired, genetically identical chromatids, called sister chromatids.
 Sister chromatids are joined at the centromere.
 Because the sister chromatids are formed during replication of
DNA, they are identical right down to the nucleotide sequences!
Chromosome Number
Organisms have 2 sets of chromosomes:
One set from the ____________________ parent
One set from the _______________ parent
Example: The fruit fly (Drosophila)
8 chromosomes total
How many from mom? ________ How many from dad? _________
The corresponding chromosomes from mom and dad are called
Homologous Chromosomes
same size
same _____________________ position
same banding pattern
same ______________ in the same locations on each pair
BUT, the nucleotide sequences at the same gene location may or may not be the same
Diploid and Haploid
Diploid- cells containing ______________ homologous chromosomes
 Diploid number of chromosomes is represent by “2N” where “N” is the number of
chromosomes in a single set
 Example: Drosophila have 8 total chromosomes so 2N=8
(N= ______)
Haploid- cells containing just ___________________ of chromosomes
 Gametes are haploid
 “N”
 Example: In Drosophila, N = _______
Human Chromosome Number
 Humans have ________ pairs of chromosomes for a total of
 1 of each pair came from mom, and 1 of each pair came
from dad
A Karyotype shows a complete ______________ set of
chromosomes, grouped in pairs, arranged in size order.
Somatic Cells and Sex Cells
Somatic cells- ______________ cells which contain all of the chromosomes.
Sex cells (gametes)- sperm and egg cell which contain ________________ the number of
 One of each sex cell is needed during sexual reproduction to produce an offspring
- the making of new individuals
Asexual Reproduction Requires only one “parent” cell
 Offspring are genetically ______________________ to the parent
Sexual Reproduction
 Involves fusion of _________ separate parent cells
 Genetic information is inherited from both parents
 Most animals and plants reproduce this way
Comparing Asexual and Sexual Reproduction
Species survive by reproduction
Species better suited to their environment ________________ better, and reproduce more,
passing on their genes
Asexual Reproduction
- All organisms _________________.
- This is an advantage if conditions are
favorable and a disadvantage of they
are not.
Sexual Reproduction
Requires more time
- Provides genetic _____________
because DNA comes from both parent
- Advantageous in varying
Number of Parents
Are sex cells needed?
Genetic Variability of
Offspring (high/low)
Advantage in what kind of
Mitosis vs. Meiosis
Mitosis –a step in cell division in which the nucleus divides into two, genetically identical nuclei
- Occurs during asexual reproduction, growth and repair of cells (somatic cells)
Meiosis –division of nuclear material that produces __________________ (egg & sperm) with
half the number of chromosomes
- Occurs during sexual reproduction to make sex cells
Review of Mitosis
 G1, S, G2
The process of producing ______________________ (sex cells)
In this process the number of chromosomes is cut in ______________
Why is it important for gametes to have only half the number of chromosomes?
Meiosis only occurs in cells that will produce sex cells
 In mammals, these cells are located in the ovary or the
The rest of the _____________________ that make up an
organism divide normally by ________________.
Meiosis Involves 2 Separate Divisions
1. Meiosis I: Similar to Mitosis
A. During S-phase of Interphase I the chromosomes
B. During Prophase I, the homologous chromosomes
pair up into ________________
C. Crossing over (the exchange of parts of the
homologous chromosomes) occurs at this time
What will crossing over do to the daughter cells that will be produced?
Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, Cytokinesis (I)
 These stages occur the same way they occur in Mitosis except in Meiosis I, the
_________________________ chromosomes separate and end up in different cells
Anaphase I
Homologs (chromosomes that are homologous to each other) move in a
_______________________ fashion to either end of the cell.
 The two resulting cells end up with a random _____________________ of the mother
and father’s chromosomes.
 How are the daughter cells resulting from meiosis I different from their parent cell?
 ________________________________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________________________________
The Second Meiotic Division
2. Meiosis II: The division of the daughter cells made in meiosis I
- Unlike the first division, chromosomes are
______________________________ during Interphase II
- Prophase II- no tetrads form because homologous
chromosomes have already been separated
Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, Cytokinesis (II)
 Similar to the stages of Meiosis I, only ____________________________ are separated
this time
 This gives each daughter only _________ the chromosomes of the original parent cell
o ________ daughters are produced
o The daughters have a _____________ number of single armed chromosomes
Metaphase II
Anaphase II
Telophase II
/Cytokinesis II
The products of Meiosis
The female gamete = _________ cell
The male gamete = ______________ cell
Each is Haploid (has ½ the normal # of chromosomes)
During fertilization, egg and sperm randomly combine making a
Diploid ________________
 The zygote grows into an organism through Mitosis
Sources of Genetic Variation in Offspring
1. ______________________________
2. ______________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________
These all contribute to why siblings are all different despite having the same parents!
Meiosis I-First division –diploid number of double-arm chromosomes is reduced to a haploid
number of ______________________________________.
Meiosis II- Second division –haploid number of double-arm chromosomes is divided to
produce cells with a haploid number of __________________________
Why do you think Meiosis is called a reduction division process?
Egg and Sperm Production
GAMETOGENESIS- the production of ___________________.
The process is slightly different in males and females
1. Oogenesis- production of ________________
2. Spermatogenesis- production of __________________
1. Oogenesis
 In the _______________ of the female
 Produces ________ egg for every parent cell
 Occurs in human females during embryonic development and continues until
 Note that the cytoplasm is NOT equally divided between the eggs during this process.
The result is one large, functional egg with a better chance of survival.
2. Spermatogenesis
 in the male _____________
 produces ________ viable
(functioning) sperm for every
beginning cell
Chromosomal Disorders
Occur mainly due to errors in _________________ (rare)
Nondisjunction- when homologous chromosomes fail to _______________during meiosis I
 Or when sister chromatids fail to separate during meiosis II
 Gametes will be made with the _____________________ of chromosomes
Example: An extra chromosome in a gamete will lead to an offspring with 3 copies of one
 This is called __________________
 The most common form of trisomy involves
chromosome 21
 Three copies of chromosome 21 leads to
Other Chromosomal Disorders