COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES – DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH SUBSTANCE ABUSE PREVENTION AND CONTROL NAME OF ORGANIZATION: NAME AND POSITION TITLE OF CONTACT PERSON FOR THIS SURVEY: CURRENTLY A PROVIDER IN GOOD STANDING WITH ALL COUNTY CONTRACTS (i.e. no CARD designation, State suspensions, current investigations, etc.): Yes No If No, please explain. ___________________________________________________________ CURRENT DMC CERTIFICATION: Yes No If Yes, for what DMC program services is the program certified to provide? (Check all that apply) Outpatient Treatment Services Intensive Outpatient Treatment Narcotic Treatment Programs Perinatal Outpatient Treatment Perinatal Intensive Outpatient Treatment If no, for what DMC program services will the program seek DMC certification under the expanded services available under the DMC-ODS waiver? (Check all that apply) Outpatient Treatment Services Intensive Outpatient Treatment Residential Treatment Residential Withdrawal Management Narcotic Treatment Programs Is your agency accredited? Yes No Perinatal Outpatient Treatment Perinatal Intensive Outpatient Treatment If Yes, with what accrediting organization(s): _______________________________________________________________________________ TYPE(S) AND AMOUNT OF FUNDING NEEDED: Which type of assistance would your organization need to participate in the DMC-ODS waiver program (check one or both)? Bridge Augmentation for Residential Services (program must be a SAPC-contracted provider of residential services in good standing) Technology Capacity Building If additional funding were to be made available, what would be the annual amount needed? Bridge Augmentation for Residential Treatment Services: Annual Amount Needed: FY 2015-16______________ FY 2016-17 ________________ Technology Infrastructure Capacity Building Annual Amount Needed: FY 2015-16______________ FY 2016-17 ________________ DESCRIPTION OF HOW FUNDING COULD BE USED: Residential Treatment Services Population to be served: Adult Adolescent Both (check one) Will a specific underserved population be served? Yes No If Yes, please list which population(s): _____________________________ Total number of State-licensed capacity (beds) for the residential treatment program per facility location: Facility 1: Adolescents _____ Adults ______ Facility 2: Adolescents _____ Adults ______ Facility 3 Adolescents _____ Adults ______ Total number of SAPC-contracted beds: Facility 1: Adolescents _____ Adults ______ Facility 2: Adolescents _____ Adults ______ Facility 3 Adolescents _____ Adults ______ If additional funding was to be made available, what would be the requested number of beds for each residential facility location? Facility 1: Adolescents _____ Adults ______ Facility 2: Adolescents _____ Adults ______ Facility 3 Adolescents _____ Adults ______ Address (es) of licensed facility/facilities where the services will be offered: Adolescents: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Adults: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ If additional funding were to be made available, how might these additional funds be used? (use additional pages, as needed): Describe any extraordinary circumstances for the need for funding: Additional Capacity Building Assistance Please identify which of the following training and technical assistance areas you are most interested in receiving (Check all that apply) Building an effective Board of Directors Preparing the application for DMC Residential License Effective Business Planning and Fiscal Operations to operate in the Medi-Cal system Recruiting, developing, and retaining staff under DMC ODS Improving Financial Management/Internal Controls Increasing referrals and accessibility of services Designing program services to meet the clinical standards for DMC ODS (e.g. using the ASAM Criteria in clinical practice, effective treatment planning and documentation, etc.) Selecting, acquiring, and implementing an Electronic Health Record System Network development/participation in a regional coordinated service network Other, please describe__________________________________________ Technology Infrastructure Capacity Building (for residential and/or non-residential treatment programs, especially those programs not yet DMC-certified) SAPC-contracted service modality: ________________________________________________ Please indicate how additional funds might be used: Purchase computers and other equipment – Describe needed purchases. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Consultation for organizational information systems design. Consultation to upgrade current organizational information system to meet new health integration requirements. Consultation for administrative capacity building for the DMC ODS transformation. Consultation for business/fiscal administrative capacity building for DMC ODS. Other (please describe): ______________________________________________________ Attach a brief categorical budget and narrative describing how additional funds would be used in each year. Technical Assistance Provided by the SAPC-Designated Consultant If additional funds were to be made available, would your organization agree to the following provisions as a condition for receiving such funds? Yes No 1. To actively seek Drug Medi-Cal certification for the residential facilities receiving bridge augmentation so that the program is able to provide residential services under DMC by no later than July 1, 2017; 2. To fully participate in capacity building/technical assistance services offered by an organization contracted by SAPC in support of this effort where augmentation are for bridge funding for residential services; 3. To actively seek DMC certification where information technology infrastructure investment funds are awarded to provide DMC services by no later than July 1, 2017; 4. To assign lead staff (minimum manager-level) who will lead the DMC certification effort/infrastructure capacity building for the full duration of the project period; and 5. To submit quarterly progress reports and a final report to SAPC and to participate in periodic provider meetings according to instructions provided when funds are awarded. 6. To relinquish or return funds if the organization decides not to pursue DMC certification, fails to provide timely progress reports, or fails to actively fulfill any of the preceding five conditions. __________________________________________________ Print Name and Title of Person Completing Survey ______________________ Date __________________________________________________ Signature of Person Completing Survey ______________________ Date Return the completed survey by 5:00 p.m. on December 8, 2015 to: Substance Abuse Prevention and Control County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health 1000 South Fremont Avenue, Building A-9 East, Third Floor Alhambra, California 91803 Attention: Wayne K. Sugita, Deputy Director Or send the completed survey electronically to by the indicated deadline. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR RESPONSE.