Youth and Crime Prevention Application Form FY 2013 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Federal Formula Grant Program Area: Disproportionate Minority Contact Application Due Date: 11:59 p.m. PDT, June 21, 2014 Oregon Youth Development Council 255 Capitol Street NE Salem, OR 97301-0203 Application Cover Sheet Project Name: Contact Person: Affiliation: Address: Phone Number: Email: Grant Amount: Please provide a project name Please provide a contact person, their affiliation, address, phone number, and email. $52,000 Note: One grant in the amount of $52,000 will be awarded for a selected project, beginning September 1, 2014 and ending August 31, 2015. Project Summary: (no more than 200 words) Application Checklist Be sure to include each of the following in the final community application: 1. A completed application cover sheet 2. A completed narrative not to exceed 5 pages 3. A completed OJJDP logic model 4. Budget and budget detail 5. Federal standard assurances 6. Federal certifications Youth and Crime Prevention Formula Grant – DMC Application Form Federal Fiscal Year 2013 Page 1 of 6 NARRATIVE Community Need (25 points) Indicators of Need Include data and analysis to make a persuasive case for the need for the proposed program and the target population. It should be apparent from the data provided that the need exists and there is sufficient explanation of the data, including an analysis of trends and contributing factors, including assessment of specific minority groups and decision points in the juvenile justice system to be targeted in the project. Relevant local data for the proposed geographic area are used wherever possible. Data sources are provided. Please reference OJJDP DMC manual Equity (25 points) 1. Community Participants Reflective of Population Are the organizations and individuals involved in the project reflective of the population in need of programs and services in the community? 2. Culturally Appropriate Activities Is the proposed project culturally and gender appropriate for the population to be served? 3. Disparities in Outcomes Are the efforts structured to specifically address disparities in outcomes seen between youth? Partnerships or Collective Impact (15 points) Strong applications will demonstrate participation in a Collective Impact approach or coordination of the program with the work of other community organizations may be evident and submitted. Program Plan: Description and Logic Model (50 points) The project description is clear and described in sufficient detail so that it is understandable to the reviewer. Expected project accomplishments are stated, are reasonable and the objectives fit with the target population. The proposal specifies that the project is clearly designed to implement prevention activities, program delivery, and systems change activities to address and reduce DMC level within specific minority groups in a targeted jurisdiction. The logic model lists objectives, activities, and output measures and short-term and long-term measures. The logic model includes target figures. The logic model identifies the federal Formula Grant Youth and Crime Prevention Formula Grant – DMC Application Form Federal Fiscal Year 2013 Page 2 of 6 program area. It includes the mandatory output and outcome measures and at least two additional output and outcome measures. Outcome measures align with program objectives and Evaluation Plan. It is clear that data sources will be available for collection as needed for outcomes and outputs reporting. A timeline is provided with a realistic implementation schedule that identifies tasks and responsible parties. Application must include a logic model that indicates objectives, activities, outputs and outcomes. There are some specific federal requirements that are unique to the Formula Grant programs. OJJDP provides a menu of outcome and output measures to use. Applicants must plan to address all required measures and must choose at least two additional output measures and two additional outcome measures from the menu provided. To locate this essential information, follow these instructions: 1) Go to 2) Select the Disproportionate Minority Contact Standard Program Area (Area #10) 3) Open the associated Performance Measures Matrix. 4) On the Performance Measures Matrix, find the required measures, which are in bold face and capitalized. You must track those measures. 5) From the matrix, select additional output and outcome measures that you also will track. Budget and Sustainability Plan Complete the Program Budget Summary form and attach a budget detail narrative that explains the proposed costs. Provide a plan to sustain this program beyond the current fiscal year. Budget narrative explains and justifies requested funds and matching funds. Evidence of local partnerships and commitment is described (up to 25% of total cost). *Note: Budget and sustainability plan can receive a maximum of 10 points and will be scored as part of the Logic model Category. Federal Assurances and Certifications Please complete and sign federal assurances and certifications forms. Youth and Crime Prevention Formula Grant – DMC Application Form Federal Fiscal Year 2013 Page 3 of 6 OJJDP FORMULA GRANT LOGIC MODEL The logic model should lay out the logical relationships between the program’s objectives, activities, outputs, and outcomes. It is a description of how the program will work to achieve benefits for participants, staff, and the community. Federal Formula Grant Program Area #10: DMC Goal/Obj ective Strategy/ Activity Outputs Mandatory Measures Two Additional Measures* Short-term Outcomes Long-term Outcomes Mandatory Measures Mandatory Measures 1 -2 Additional Measures* 1 -2 Additional Measures* Youth and Crime Prevention Formula Grant – DMC Application Form Federal Fiscal Year 2013 Page 4 of 6 * In addition to the Mandatory Measures, one or two additional output measures and one or two additional outcome measures must be selected. The additional outcome measures can be either short-term or long-term. BUDGET CATEGORY FORMULA GRANT MATCHING FUNDS TOTAL AMOUNT Round all numbers to nearest whole dollar. A. Personnel Attach detail that lists each position by title, percentage of time devoted to the project or FTE, and annual salary / hourly rate. B. Fringe Benefits Attach detail for fringe benefit costs and payroll taxes for each Personnel position. C. Travel Itemize anticipated travel expenses on the next page. Identify purpose of the travel. D. Equipment Equipment is tangible personal property costing over $5,000 and having a useful life of more than one year. Attach detailed information for any equipment to be purchased. E. Supplies Supplies are items with a useful life of less than one year. Attach detailed description. F. Consultants/Contracts Provide a brief description of the services to be provided, the hourly/daily rate, estimated time on the project and method of procurement. Consultant fees cannot exceed $450 per 8-hour day. G. Other Costs Provide detail for costs that do not fit in the above categories. H. Grant Administration A maximum of 10% of the Formula Grant can be used for costs associated with the Youth and Crime Prevention Formula Grant – DMC Application Form Federal Fiscal Year 2013 Page 5 of 6 BUDGET CATEGORY FORMULA GRANT MATCHING FUNDS TOTAL AMOUNT Round all numbers to nearest whole dollar. Applicant’s administration of the grant funds, including indirect costs. Subtotal: Direct Costs I. Indirect Costs Include in the Formula Grant column only if the Applicant has a current indirect cost rate or allocation plan approved by a Federal cognizant agency. The total of grant funds requested for Indirect Costs plus Grant Administration (Line G) cannot exceed 10% of the requested grant. TOTAL PROJECT COSTS (Sum of Direct + Indirect Costs) BUDGET DETAIL 1. Matching Funds Identify the source(s) and amount(s) and timing for use of all matching funds included in the Budget Summary. 2. Line Item Detail Provide information identified on the Budget Summary form. 3. Sustainability Plan Youth and Crime Prevention Formula Grant – DMC Application Form Federal Fiscal Year 2013 Page 6 of 6