Reference: The property is registered as REGISTRATION NORTH, BLOCK
58715 B PARCEL 334 at the Land Registry.
Area Analysis: The subject property is located at Limestone
Village, in a residential area, that is moderately developing.
In the immediate vicinity of the subject property are middle income residential homes (as shown in photo), which are supported by most of the necessary amenities close by, thus complimenting the area.
In general the land slopes downwards in a westerly thus direction, offering a limited view of the surrounding villages and the Caribbean Sea to the northwest.
The property is located in close proximity to Limestone
Beach, one of the famous beaches on the island, which is known as a ‘get-away’, where along the course line there are high income owner/occupier homes and villas.
In addition, there continues to be an increase in the construction of new and modern structures for residential accommodation and there is virgin land, suitable for residential development.
The area is located within fifteen minutes drive to the
Town Center and Wallblake Airport Terminal and twenty five minutes drive to Sandy Ground and Blowing Point Sea Ports.
Services: i) ELECTRICITY: This is provided by Anglec, supplying single-phase (120 volts) power, using overhead lines along the Right of Way. ii) TELEPHONE: This is provided by Cable and
Wireless and runs parallel to the above utility. iii) CABLE TELEVISION: This runs parallel to the above two utilities. iv) WATER: Cistern water is available.
v) SANITATION: Garbage collection by private
enterprise through government.
Limitations: The National Land Use Plan zones this area for medium density residential development.
The Site: The soil is of a
Limestone Rock Type that affords a good bearing
LOCATION OF PROPERTY stratum for built development. It is low lying and has varying densities of soil vegetation cover and comprises mixed species of indigenous scrub.
Drainage is by natural infiltration and run-off.
The site is not fenced and it is anticipated that fencing, would greatly enhanced its privacy, create a better environment and positively impact on the value of the property.
Parcel Size: 0.92 acre
Accessibility to Main Road: Access to the property is provided by a 25 ft. Right of Way that is presently a marl surfaced road.