MINUTES OF FRIENDS OF KNOCKLOFTY ANNUAL MEETING 21 January 2016 Present:, Ann Hughes, Greg Summers, Robyn Mounster, Rodney Arnold, Vicky Martin, Astrid Wright (in the chair), and Ian Wright(Minutes secretary, MS). Lisa Cawthen (COH), Bec Johnson (COH) Apologies: Jim Anderson, Bruce Champion, Adrienne Willing 1. Convenor’s Report: Astrid read her report (and some of the major items were discussed more fully later. 2. FoKL Officers: The following agreed to hold positions for 2016 Office 2016 Convenor Astrid Wright (happy to do again provided the support from the core members is maintained) Equipment Officers Robyn Mounster storage and Jim Anderson maintenance Qualified in Senior First Aid Three retrainings will be provided by COH to * people who need it. Flora Officer Bruce Champion Fauna Officer David Obendorf (to be confirmed) Web Master Rex Bunn ISSUES ARISING FROM THE CONVENORS REPORT. 1. Site Plan The Knocklofty site plan has been prepared by Bruce and forwarded to Council and the FoKL website. 2. Ald Anna Reynolds Ald Reynolds continues to be supportive. 3. Knocklofty Open Day Lisa Cawthen reported on the Open Day. The historians engaged by COH have prepared a report on the day, which has still to go to Council before it can be released. It was obvious that people who came to the Open Day appreciate the Reserve. 4. Rare Ammonite Snail. The location is known but will not be publicised to prevent damage to its environment. 5. Weed Control. There is little weed about due to the dry season. This year work will be concentrated on the area of Forest Rd beyond the boom gate, and KR 18 where there are scattered areas of gorse. The activity calendar has been prepared up to the end of June. The activities in the rest of the year are dependent on rain and the ownership of Mrs Fielding’s property. 6. OPTUS. Last year they paid for three days maintenance of the buffer zone on their land. There is little regrowth there now due to dry weather. It is our turn to pay next year. 7. TASNETWORK Wayleave A 5 year contract has been signed by COH with FoKL as subcontractors. The contract payment terms are the same as previous contracts. MINUTES OF FRIENDS OF KNOCKLOFTY ANNUAL MEETING 21 January 2016 OTHER BUSINESS 1. WALLY MOUNSTER PLAQUE. This has now been placed. Site is not being publicised to prevent vandalism. 2. CASCADE STRATEGIC LAND REVIEW Greg and Jim attended the Cascade meetings as some of that land borders on Knocklofty,. The report is still being prepared. 3. UTAS FIRE PLAN UTAS environmental students have prepared a fire plan for Knocklofty Reserve/McRobies Gully area with input from Bruce and COH staff. UTAS want to see their students working more closely with community groups such as FoKL. FoKL FUNDS Astrid reported that there is $18,496 in trust with the COH, $451 in the Commonwealth Bank account, and about $111 is held in petty cash. The expenditure for 2015 was $388 and this covered subscriptions, tools and refreshments. Astrid said funds for 2016 will be OK. If needed, money can be taken from the trust fund. HOURS WORKED BY FoKL Astrid has prepared a summary of hours worked by FoKL members. She has estimated that the group in general have worked about 833 hours ‘on ground’. In addition about 200 hours for training, open day help, meetings and administration MRS FIELDINGS PROPERTY The property is now up for sale by ‘expression of interest’. Lisa is preparing a report for a special meeting of the COH Council which puts forth options about purchase of all or part of the property. If acquired by COH there is an expectation that FoKL will need to work in the area as the regrowth and weeds are almost out of control. Possibly FoKL may be able to use the trust fund to pay contractors for clearing. If COH is not successful in purchasing the property, then COH will seek to talk to the new owners about assistance with managing the area designated ‘environmental management’. Lisa said the situation with the property was very complex due to the nature of the land titles. An associated issue concerns a large gumtree on the property which requires protection. This will be discussed once the property is sold. GREEN ARMY Lisa said that COH had obtained the service of Green Army in 2016. There will be nine people working for 26 weeks, four days a week. In addition, COH will receive $20,000 for incidentals. The Green Army will be supervised through Landcare and Land Management. Tasks on Knocklofty includes new fencing around Janets Pond. There will also be a dual bike /walk track from Knocklofty to Sth Hobart via McRobies Gully and a new track from Tara St up Ross Rivulet. BUSHCARE BROCHURE Lisa said that Bushcare is about more than just weeding and the new Bushcare brochure highlights these other activities. Bushcare also covers wildlife monitoring such as – bat/bird tracking, mammal surveys etc. The COH holds workshops to get interested people involved in these activities. VOLUNTEERING Both Bec and Lisa talked about how the style of volunteering was changing. People no longer belong to just one organisation and do all their volunteering with them. People are more fluid and more from group to group. Social media has a role to play in making people aware of groups such as ours. MINUTES OF FRIENDS OF KNOCKLOFTY ANNUAL MEETING 21 January 2016 Thanks from Lisa to FoKL for all work done. She said her job is to assist in any publicity FoKL need. Social media, posters etc. She is also more than willing to help with grant applications. The meeting closed at about 8:30pm and was followed by another splendid supper provided by Jenny and Greg. This was greatly enjoyed by all. Thank you Jenny and Greg.