FRIENDS OF ELYRIA PUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEM BOARD MEETING September 8, 2015 PRESENT: Nancy Baldauf, Cherie Fabian, Denise Klammer, Jane Leavell, Phil Lyon, Tim Widman Staff: Jennifer Harmon Meeting called to order at 6:35 PM. August Minutes Crossed out one line from book sale paragraph. Nancy Baldauf moved to accept August draft as corrected, and Phil Lyon seconded. Motion passed. Treasurer’s Report The ending balance is $14,500. Expenses included bookmarks, $1152 for lease of the oversized poster maker, book box moving expenses. Some concern was expressed that as the library hasn’t made many requests this year, we may exceed the legal limits to our balance after the book sale income is added. Cherie expressed concern that Friends have not received the annual statement from the Foundation stating amount of our available income for this year. Tim Widman moved to accept the Treasurer’s Reports, and Jane Leavell seconded it. The motion was approved. Director’s Report Janet Stoffer is contacting library volunteers (not just Friends volunteers) for the book sale. Committee Reports The new bookmarks will soon be put in 5000 bags to be handed out to new library card holders. Jen Harmon distributed excellent multicolored copies of the ad for the book sale and gave us extra copies to distribute as appropriate. She also gave us a list of book sale advertising costs, and we discussed the list of categories for new signs, since the old ones are worn and some have been written upon; Phil Lyon pointed out the Audio Books/CDs/DVDs should be separate signs. Jen reported that EPL is now a member of the Lorain Co. Visitor's Bureau. Phil said he paid the membership, as we approved. Phil Lyon bought postcard stamps. Two hundred eighty have been filled out but need to be reduced in size before being mailed to the people who pre-addressed them at last year’s sale. Cherie Fabian will contact Jen and come in to cut the postcards with the library cutter. Phil will take the cards to Pennylane Printers to have the message printed. Book Sale Maynard is coming Monday morning to pick up leftover books, per Denise Klammer. Denise will meet with Sam Battle re: the students moving boxes from storage. Since this year they will NOT be opening boxes or sorting books, Denise asked Jen Harmon to print 30 coupons good for one free book at the actual sale, to be handed out to them after they do the work. Denise will remind Mr. Battle the boxes must not block the aisles and must not be under the wrong category. New Business We are running out of time to plan for the Annual Meeting, which is required by the bylaws. We must announce it in advance to all members, both in the President’s Letter and by postings on the main and branch library bulletin boards. Tim Widman and Phil Lyon suggested meeting for business from 6:30 to 7:00 and then offering pastries and coffee to all Friends of Elyria Public Library Services members from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. at Miller Room, West River branch. All present were in favor. There are currently 137 members. Phil will get Avery mailing labels 2 ½” x 1” and Tim will ask the library I.T. department to teach him how to print mailing labels for all members. Cherie Fabian pointed out that pencils for signing in on the visitors’ list are in dire need of sharpening; West River Library has electric sharpeners, but the main library does not. She suggested asking Lyn Crouse if we can buy one for upstairs and one for downstairs; if so, does the library make the purchase and we reimburse them, or do we purchase them ourselves? We should check to see if other branches need them. Mary Wojciechowski is undergoing surgery September 18th. Phil has purchased a card for her which Board members can sign. The next Board meeting will take place at 6:00 (to allow extra time to cover the book sale) on October 5th at the Main Conference Room. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM. Respectfully submitted by Jane Leavell.