Mr. Frank`s Class Guide - Wattsburg Area School District

Mr. Frank’s Class Guide
Welcome to Mr. Frank’s class! 7th grade social studies according to the curriculum set forth by the State
of Pennsylvania and the Wattsburg Area School District encompasses World History and World
Geography. Each student will have challenging and fun tasks in store throughout the course of this
school year. This guide will cover class rules, procedures, expectations, grading scales and contact
Class Rules:
This class is a social studies course. Part of the job of a social studies course is to promote responsible
behavior that will benefit the student not only in the classroom, but in life. Life has rules and so does my
class. Following the rules in life and in the classroom leads to success. Not following the rules in life
and in the classroom has a consequence. Not following the rules is unacceptable. The high school and
the real world will expect you to behave in a professional manner and so the expectations in this class
are the same. The Rules are as follows:
1. #1 RESPECT… Students will respect the teacher and other students and in return the teacher
and other students will respect each other.
2. Students will raise their hands in class if they wish to speak.
3. If students miss class, they are responsible for following up on missed assignments.
4. Students are expected to come to class on time and prepared to work. Being on time means being
in your seat at the bell and being prepared means having all the necessary supplies for the day.
5. Students should in no way hinder another student’s ability to learn or the teacher’s ability to
facilitate that learning.
6. Students should keep all make-up and/or beauty products in their proper places.
7. No Food or Drink (Unless otherwise permitted.)
8. No electronic devices. (Unless otherwise permitted, See handbook for procedures)
9. Follow all rules and guidelines as they are explained in the Wattsburg School District handbook.
Procedures and Expectations:
Each student will be able to accomplish the tasks that I have set for them. Their best efforts will be
rewarded. These is no such thing as a free lunch, however the door is open for help, upon request. It is
understood that students will follow all rules on a daily basis. In addition to that students will have
certain tasks that are expected every day.
1. Daily Bellringer assignments. Each day, students will complete a short assignment at the
beginning of class that will be posted at the back of the room. Bellringers will be compiled in an
explained format until the point where they are due. Students will be responsible for making up
Bellringers for days they are absent. (Excused or otherwise.)
2. Students will be required to take notes and compile them for each chapter. These notes will be
checked prior to each exam.
3. Students will be required to complete worksheets and projects and turn them in on the due date.
Late work will be penalized 5 points per day late.
4. Good Citizenship will be rewarded.
The system of grading which I employ follows an un-weighted points system. Each point you earn for
the year will be worth the same as every other point. An example is as follows:
1. Bellringers: 5 points per day for small assignments to be completed at the beginning of class.
2. In-Class worksheets: Formative Assessments. Generally between 10 and 25 points per
3. Quizzes: Summative Assessments. Usually between 25 and 50 points per quiz.
4. Projects and Essays: Ordinarily one per unit, between 50 and 100 points per project.
5. Exams: Summative assessments based on knowledge learned in the chapter. (50-100 Points)
Note: Corrections may be made on Exams at the discretion of Mr. Frank
The approximate total of points per 9 week grading period will be between 600-800.
Contact Information:
I believe an open line of communication is critical with parents/ guardians. I can be reached at extension
3211 here at the Middle School. If I am unable to answer the call please leave a message and I will
return your call as soon as possible. In addition to this, my preferred mode of communication is through
e-mail. My address is:
Please feel free to e-mail me at your convenience regarding your students progress/conduct. I will also
accept essays via e-mail in the form of attachment where appropriate. I am looking forward to a great
school year and appreciate your cooperation.
David A. Frank
Student Signature: _______________________________________________
Parent/ Guardian Signature: ________________________________________
E-mail: Student: _________________________________________
Parent: __________________________________________
Phone Information: _________________________________