2015-16 English 12_Intervention_ syllabus

Diane Kridner
Email: diane.kridner@ofarrellschool.org
Phone Number: 619-263-3009 ext.4113
Welcome to 12th grade English! I am looking forward to working with you and your student to challenge them to
strive to use his/her academic potential to be successful this year.
Course Objectives
The 12th grade English curriculum has been designed to challenge students to achieve mastery of the Common
Core State Standards for English with an emphasis in college and career readiness.
 Critically read and analyze a variety of informational texts and literature
 Complete grade-level (or above) writing compositions which reflect a deep understanding of texts through
writing and discussions
 Compose writing which is grammatically and structurally sound which, in turn, prepares students for college
and beyond
 Utilize speaking and listening skills in a way that conveys respect for diverse opinions and situations
Basic Class Behavior Expectations
1. Respect yourself, your peers, your school and your teacher.
2. Come to class on time and prepared to learn.
3. Use appropriate language for the classroom setting.
4. Complete all classwork and homework on time and with 100% effort.
Academic Expectations
1. Enter into a lively discussion about the text by challenging, agreeing, and synthesizing information from
several texts, relating own and others experiences to texts, connecting with other texts and with political,
cultural, and historical events, and analyzing how the author uses various literary techniques to create
2. Write in-class essays that develop a strong thesis statement and cite strong evidence to support thesis.
3. Apply the writing process: pre-writing, drafting, revision and editing to each composition assessment.
4. Engage in peer review and academic discourse.
Discipline Procedure
Students are required to follow all classroom expectations. Students who choose to be disrespectful or
disruptive will follow the O’Farrell Progressive Discipline Plan. Homebase teacher and parent will be notified.
Assignments & Homework Policy
1. The following information will be written in the upper left-hand corner of ALL work (according to MLA
Student Name
Ms. Kridner
English 12 Period __
Assignment Title
Assignments & Homework Policy cont.
2. All assignments are DUE at the BEGINNING of class on the due date. School is your job and being tardy by
even five minutes means that your assignment is late.
3. Students will receive homework almost daily (sometimes even the day before the weekend).
Late Work Policy
1. Late HOMEWORK will earn 0%.
2. Late ASSESSMENTS/PROJECTS are subject to teacher discretion when discussed with the teacher at least 24
hours in advance. Self-advocate! If arrangements are not made before, -5% a day up until 70%. After 1
month, students will be unable to turn in late work.
Grades are figured by the number of points earned versus the number of points possible. Grades are cumulative
over the entire semester. Extra credit will only be assigned to the entire class, not on an individual basis.
The grading scale is as follows:
90-100% = A
80-89% = B
65-79% = C
0-64% = F (this course IS necessary for graduation)
*Note: O’Farrell’s grading policy prohibits D marks. The UC system does not accept D marks, so all
students receiving less than 65% in each semester will need to retake the failed semester.
Grades for this class will be determined by your performance in the following areas:
95% Assessments/Projects
5% Participation & Completion of Homework/Class Notes
Throughout the year, students can expect informal and formal assessments that will gauge his/her level of
understanding, as well as complete one mid-term and one final per semester. Students may receive a study
guide prior to the assessment, and must complete the study guide to be able to participate in the test review.
We will also be completing a variety of writing throughout the year including argumentative essays,
explanatory/informative essays, business letters, sample resumes, etc. Students will be required to type all final
drafts of their essays and submit them to the teacher online.
At the completion of most units, students will be assigned individual and/or group projects to show mastery of
content and standards that were covered throughout the unit. Students will receive a rubric prior to each
project with clear expectations and grading scales.
Students will keep their textbook at home. Please keep it in a safe place so that you can return it in good
condition at the end of the year.
1984, George Orwell
(2nd novel TBD)
Please keep this syllabus in the English section of your binder for reference.
Return this completed form to Ms. Kridner.
This is your first assignment! It is worth 30 points. It must be returned by
Your signatures will indicate that you and your student agree with and will adhere to these expectations. If you
have any questions, suggestions, or comments, please contact me with any questions or concerns.
Student Name (print):
Student Signature:
Student Email:
Parent/ Guardian Name (print):
Parent/ Guardian Signature:
Parent/ Guardian Email :
Please use this space to write anything you would like to share with me (parent/guardian or student!).