All Constant Contact and Mind Body

Burn Boot Camp Autoresponders
You will create campaigns in Constant Contact with all of the following autoresponders. Each one of these emails will
be connected to a different opt-in on your website which is labeled below. We will load them for you, once loaded,
you will go in and tailor the autoresponders to fit your specific location equipped with your own unique email
Connected to – Newsletter Opt-In
Subject - Welcome to the Burn Boot Camp Newsletter!
Congratulations, First Name!
You have just tapped into the ultimate fitness and fat loss resource for busy moms! Although you do not have to be
a mom to benefit from all of my awesomeness, I gear all of my content towards creating a healthier and happier you
in a busy, fast-paced world!
To prove to you that I will always look out for you, I have compiled a list of my most useful resources to get you
started into a new direction today…but first, how about a little inspiration?
>>> Watch this inspirational video, and be sure to keep tissues close by!
How powerful is that? That video encompasses what BBC is all about, making YOU happy and confident. By following
this Newsletter you will learn all of the tips, tricks, secrets, and resources to make this possible in your own life!
Now, for my top resources to get you started on a path to your own transformation…
7 Day Fat Flush - Detox Program
6 Approved BBC Meal Plans
12 Healthy Habits to Transform Your Life in 30 Days
The Fit Moms 16 Week Transformation Guide
Burn Boot Camp Grocery Guide
My Top 25 Healthy Recipes
Sunday Night Meal Prepping 101 with Morgan
Get Your Mindset Right in Easy Steps
As I do not wish to communicate with you on an on-going basis without your permission, I have included an
“unsubscribe” button located at the bottom of this e-mail. If you do not want the latest in fitness and fat loss
specific to your busy lifestyle delivered to your inbox 1-3 times per week, use the button below.
I look forward to always having your back and putting your health and happiness first!
Keep Moving,
Devan Kline
Founder of Burn Boot Camp – Fit Community of Moms
PS – If you would like to learn a little more about me and how BBC got its start, click here!
Connected to – All E-Book Opt Ins
Subject – The E-Book You Asked For, Plus More!
Congratulations, you have just received over $500 worth of free fitness and fat loss information from the Certified
Personal Trainer Transformation Experts at Burn Boot Camp! Please download and save these files to your computer
for future reference…
7 Day Fat Flush - Detox Program
6 Approved BBC Meal Plans
12 Healthy Habits to Transform Your Life in 30 Days
The Fit Moms 16 Week Transformation Guide
Burn Boot Camp Grocery Guide
I know you only asked for one, but at Burn Boot Camp we aim to over-deliver with everything we help you with. If
you are near a location don’t miss the opportunity to see how we can help you exceed your goals beyond what you
ever thought possible!
Click here to take our free 14 Day Test Drive!
If you are not near a Burn Boot Camp training facility, we have a program to help you too! Introducing Burn Boot
Camp Online’s 12 Week Transformation program!
Click here to learn more!
Keep Moving,
Your name
PS – Not sure if you are near a location or not? No problem…find out here!
Connected to – 14 Day Test Drive Opt In
Subject – Everything You Need to Know for Your BBC Trial!
Congratulations, you are now ready to get started!
You have made a great decision! By taking the 14 Day Test Drive you have shown me you are ready to make
emotional, mental, and physical changes in your life. At Burn Boot Camp we not only give you cutting edge fitness
routines but we also got you covered on all other aspects of your goals. Let’s get you started right away!
Before we do…here are a few things you need to know…
Starting your 14 Day Test Drive
In order to start your 14 Day Test Drive at Burn Boot Camp all you have to do is come ready to work with a positive
attitude. Show up 10 minutes early and I will talk about any injuries you may have, show you around the gym,
introduce you to some new friends, and get you set up on a Burn Boot Camp Focus Meeting. You do not need to
register or sign up for a camp, simply pick the time and location that works best for your schedule as we are waiting
with open arms! Your first session will start a 14 DAY clock, you have unlimited sessions within your trial period.
Please visit the camp times for your training facility HERE.
Prior to starting your first session here are two things you can do…
#1 - Click here to sign the liability waiver form and bring it with you to your first session.
#2 – Download your Burn Boot Camp Grocery Guide and get some BBC approved foods ready to go in your kitchen
*Note – You are only allowed to do ONE TRIAL with Burn Boot Camp. If you have used a Groupon, Living Social,
Amazon Local, been a past member, or done any type of trial at any point in time, you must become a full time
member to train with me!
There is no pre-requisite fitness level.
Burn Boot Camp is very much “personal training in a group setting”. I am a Certified Personal Trainer (as are all of
our transformation experts) and we tailor each program to various fitness levels. Whether you have 100 LBS to lose
or you want to elevate your fitness level, I got your back!
Yes, we are a boot camp but we do not train “traditional boot camp” style. We train BBC style! You will notice that
each person is doing things a little bit differently, and that is by design. It is not my goal to drive you into the ground
on your first day.
I am a tough trainer, but how tough I am is relative to your fitness level. Your first 3-5 sessions you will be eased into
the program but always expect to have a kick butt workout and be smiling at the end!
If you have any injuries or past traumatic experience I have THOUSANDS of modifications for you. I will never think
you are “wimpy” for telling me something bothers you, I want you to be open and honest about how your body
feels. If there is something we need to tweak, we will do seamlessly. My most important goal is keeping you safe,
after all, you cannot win the game of life if you are injured and sitting the bench!
Knowing what your routine is.
This is very important! My training sessions will NEVER be the same. I have trained countless sessions and not one
has been exactly like another. You will never know what you are getting when you walk through the doors and that
will keep you excited to keep coming back! Doing the same thing is boring and I am definitely not a boring trainer.
Each week we have a “Burn Boot Camp Weekly Protocol” that will give you an overview of the “splits” or body parts
that we will work each day. Our dynamic style of training calls for over 200 different styles that create an infinite
amount of variety.
To get an overview of what we how we will train in any given week, we post our Weekly Protocols on our Facebook
page. Click HERE to go to our BBC Facebook page and “LIKE” the page so your weekly routine will show up right in
your newsfeed!
What to expect from BBC:
You can expect a warm, encouraging, and supportive environment where each mom and woman alike are pulling
together on a daily basis to achieve the same goals. You can expect extreme motivation from all angles with no
competition besides the “get better every day” mentality you have with yourself. My workouts are the toughest and
most challenging around because we are very results oriented. If it does not challenge you, it does not train you.
You can expect zero negativity, competition, or any other form of common “gym” discomfort. We understand that
together we are stronger, that together we can do this. There is no food in my training facility that is not BBC
approved, and there is also no swearing. We expect you to bring your piece of the energy because we are team and
we must all do this together.
You can expect to form some amazing friendships. There is nothing that brings moms together more than going
through “mommy struggles” together. You will form lasting relationships that go far beyond fitness into making BBC
a second home for you. Plus, you all will already have one thing in common, hating to love my training sessions :)
If one thing is for certain we know how to make getting results, meeting new moms in the community, and
shredding those extra LBS a great and addicting experience that you will not get enough of!
What I expect from you.
I expect that you show up with a positive, uplifting attitude ready to work hard and train with a purpose. We are all
about getting you the results you desire, so when you go to work, go to work! You are busy and we have 45 minutes
to kick serious butt together, we expect you to want to maximize your time in the gym.
I expect you to set up and follow through with your Focus Meetings…
Focus Meetings – You will schedule your first Focus Meeting on your first session. I have a schedule at the
gym and will get you set up on your first session. These are one on one meetings designed to set your goal
and create a customized nutrition, exercise and mindset goals through our 12 Phase Process. Even though
you are on a trial, my mission is to teach you everything that I can while you are my client. These meetings
are mandatory!
I take your goals very seriously, I am excited to get you started on your journey!
Keep Moving,
Your Trainer’s Name
PS – Don’t forget to go to your Burn Boot Camp Facebook Page and checkout all of the awesomeness that is BBC!
=>> Click here!
Connected to – Free Saturday Camp Opt-In
Subject – Coming This Saturday? Bring a Friend Too!
You are all set for your FREE Saturday session at BBC!
Please print this liability form off and bring it into your session with you!
Would you like to invite a friend with you, too? Please send them HERE to register them for the free Saturday camp.
As space is limited, you MUST fill this form out to be eligible to train for free.
I look forward to helping you start your weekend off with an exciting, motivating, and inspirational workout session
with me!
Keep Moving,
Your Trainer’s Name
PS – Check our Facebook Page to see what is on the schedule for my workout this Saturday. You may have to scroll
back as the Burn Boot Camp Weekly Protocol for this week was posted last Sunday at 6 PM.
Emails Connected to – Human Billboard Opt-In
Email #1 – Immediately
Subject - You Successfully Locked In a Spot!
Congratulations, you have officially locked your BBC Human Billboard Spot In!
My name is Devan, and I want to congratulate you on taking advantage of a great opportunity. By choosing to
participate in Burn Boot Camp, you show me that you are serious about your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing.
We can't wait to begin working with you! The best part about my job is watching your body change dramatically and
witnessing the overall positive impact BBC will have on your entire life. I truly believe that fitness is the ultimate
gateway to happiness!
To better understand what BBC can do for you…you HAVE to check out this inspirational video!
>>> click HERE to see what this program has done for women just like you!
It's important to understand a few things about Burn Boot Camp. This is not your "everyday" fitness class. We bring
energy, excitement, creativity and one on one personal training in a group atmosphere. We are building
a community of moms who all have the same goal, and working towards those goals are fun and motivating for
everyone involved!
By supporting, encouraging and motivating each other, we WILL succeed as a team and you WILL succeed as a part
of that team. Our coaches are NCCA accredited personal trainers who are well trained, educated, and experienced
but more importantly passionate. Your trainer is someone you can count on and look to for whatever you need
whenever you need it!
I ask that you come to each session with a positive attitude, 120% effort, and unlimited determination. You are
going to be a part of this community that allows us to educate you so you can pass it onto others. That is what the
#BBCfamily is all about!
The start date is soon approaching and we are looking for more motivated moms just like you! Please let them know
about this amazing opportunity to come to BBC for 30 days at absolutely no cost to you or them!
Send this email and have them link this link
>>> Human Billboard: 30 Day Rapid Fat Loss Program Sign Up!
We will be starting soon and I hope you are geared up to experience the fastest results of your life. You can check
out the schedule for your BBC sessions at in the meantime!
We will talk soon. You will be setting up a focus meeting and finding out more details on the BBC Sunday
Orientation...use our BBC Meal Guide's to get you started (click this link)
Keep Moving,
Devan Kline
PS - Spots will run out REALLY fast, I promise. Send this to that friend you were just thinking of before you forget!
Email #2 – Sent 3 Days Later
Subject – 10 Things You Need To Know About BBC!
Good Morning!
So you are probably wondering what this Human Billboard thing is all about? Is it too good to be true? Wait, a free
30 day premium fitness program? Okay, so what’s the catch?
No catches, no hype, no tricks! I want to show you why Burn Boot Camp is the last fitness program you’ll ever need,
and to do so, you get 30 days with me with ZERO financial obligation. The purpose of this email is to tell you a little
bit more about BBC and what to expect with our 30 Day Rapid Fat Loss program!
Here are 10 things you’ll need to know...
Our Burn Boot Camp Facebook page is full of resources, updates, recipes, tips, tricks, detox cleanses, and
much much more! If you are a part of BBC you’ll definitely want to be on this page! Click HERE and Like
your BBC South Charlotte Page so you don't miss any updates!
All sessions are 45 minutes long with the exception of the 5 am which is 30 minutes long. To view the Burn
Boot Camp schedule click here.
Free child care is provided at 8:00 am, 9:30 am, and 4:30 pm Monday – Friday for your use. There is no age
limit as we can accommodate any children.
BBC is a state-of-the-art indoor training facility. Our floating microfoam floor is designed to allow you to do
intense, calorie busting, BBC style workouts without impacting your joints. We have tons of outside-the-box
equipment and no two workouts will EVER be the same!
There will be our Burn Boot Camp (LOCATION) Sunday orientation on (THIS DATE). This orientation is an
event you will not want to miss! This will take place Sunday, (DATE) at (TIME) and we hope you can make it!
This is NOT required of you in order to participate in 30 Day Rapid Fat Loss Program but is highly
Although BBC is geared towards moms, any woman who is motivated and in need some positivity,
encouragement, nutrition guidance, goal setting and planning, support, amazing workouts, and a great
group of new friends, BBC is your new home and we welcome you with open arms! You DO NOT have to be
a mom to join us.
There is no catch to this program, we are going to give 150% dedication to you and we ask that you give
150% dedication back to us! There will be one small task we ask of you each week to help us grow our
facility and location but it is not required and you will most likely already be doing it anyways!
This is NOT a traditional boot camp. Our goals are to help you get lean, toned, tight, strong, and
conditioned through our BBC Weekly Protocol. With over 200 different rotating “styles” and thousands of
exercises done within those styles, no two workouts will ever be the same. You will NEVER get bored at
BBC, I promise! I program your sessions so you can work out 6 days per week. When first starting, I
recommend 3-6 to give your body time to recovery between sessions.
There are still spots left for my life-changing program! Please send the following link to 10 people who you
would like to go on this journey with!
====>>> BBC 30 Day Rapid Fat Loss Challenge Sign Up
10. There is no prerequisite fitness level. I am a tough trainer, but how tough I am is relative to your fitness
level and the injuries/limitations you have incurred in the past. Your first 3-5 sessions you will be eased into
the program but always expect to have a kick butt workout and be smiling at the end!
What to expect from BBC:
You can expect a warm, encouraging, and supportive environment where each mom and woman alike are pulling
together on a daily basis to achieve the same goals. You can expect extreme motivation from all angles with no
competition besides the “get better every day” mentality you have with yourself. My workouts are the toughest and
most challenging around because we are very results oriented. If it does not challenge you, it does not train you.
You can expect zero negativity, competition, or any other form of common “gym” discomfort. We understand that
together we are stronger, that together we can do this. There is no food in my training facility that is not BBC
approved, and there is also no swearing. We expect you to bring your piece of the energy because we are team and
we must all do this together.
You can expect to form some amazing friendships. There is nothing that brings moms together more than going
through “mommy struggles” together. You will form lasting relationships that go far beyond fitness into making BBC
a second home for you. Plus, you all will already have one thing in common, hating to love my training sessions :)
If one thing is for certain we know how to make getting results, meeting new moms in the community, and
shredding those extra LBS a great and addicting experience that you will not get enough of!
What I expect from you.
I expect that you show up with a positive, uplifting attitude ready to work hard and train with a purpose. We are all
about getting you the results you desire, so when you go to work, go to work! You are busy and we have 45 minutes
to kick serious butt together, we expect you to want to maximize your time in the gym.
I expect you to set up and follow through with your Focus Meetings…
Focus Meetings – You will schedule your first Focus Meeting on your first session. I have a schedule at the
gym and will get you set up on your first session. These are one on one meetings designed to set your goal
and create a customized nutrition, exercise and mindset goals through our 12 Phase Process. Even though
you are on a trial, my mission is to teach you everything that I can while you are my client. These meetings
are mandatory!
I take your goals very seriously, I am excited to get you started on your journey. Enjoy your day and I will be
updating you soon with more information!
Keep Moving,
Your Trainer
*NOTE - The rest of the Human Billboard Email campaign WILL NOT be on autoresponder. The emails are crafted for
you and are to be sent out manually based on the started date of your sessions.
Connected to – MindBody
Subject - Automatic Payment for <AUTOPAYDESCRIPTION> Has Failed
Frequency/Trigger – Triggered immediately when draft is declined, and only sent once.
Your AutoPay for <AUTOPAYAMOUNT> for your <AUTOPAYDESCRIPTION> was not successful.
To avoid any disruption of service or additional fees, please log into the <STUDIONAME> Site to verify your billing
information and resubmit the charge, or come to <STUDIONAME> to update your information in person.
How to Update Your Information Online
You can update your billing information in a matter of seconds. Here's all you need to do..
1. Go to <LINK>
2. Choose "Been Here Before" if you've already used the system and have a password. Log in and follow the
prompts. Choose "New To Our Site" if you've never accessed the system before. Enter in your first and last name
and follow the prompts.
Comments and Questions
If you have any additional questions, then please feel free to contact us using the email or phone number listed
Thank you for being our client!
Connected to – MindBody
Subject – Your Credit Card on File at <STUDIONAME> Will Expire Soon
Frequency/Trigger – Triggered within 2 months of expiration date on card; only sent once.
Our records show that your credit card on file will expire soon. To avoid any disruption of service or additional fees,
please log into the <STUDIONAME> Site to verify your billing information and resubmit the charge, or come to
<STUDIONAME> to update your information in person.
How to Update Your Information Online:
You can update your billing information in a matter of seconds. Here's all you need to do:
1. Go to <LINK>
2. Choose "Been Here Before" if you've already used the system and have a password. Log in and follow the
prompts. Choose "New To Our Site" if you've never accessed the system before. Enter in your first and last name
and follow the prompts.
Please let me know if you have any other questions!
Keep Moving,
Your Head Trainer
Connected to – MindBody
Subject – Congratulations on Joining <STUDIONAME>!
Frequency/Trigger – Sent immediately upon set up of a new client profile; only sent once.
Congratulations! I am honored to be your trainer and I look forward to always over-delivering and exceeding your
expectations. At Burn Boot Camp we take your goals VERY seriously and I am adamant about helping you not only
reach, but exceed what you ever thought possible for yourself.
Since you are now officially a full-time member, you get A LOT of extras :) But lets’ start with rewarding any friends,
family, members or co-workers who may have showed you the way to BBC! Please follow the directions below to
ensure the BBC Referral Rewards™ are paid out the right way.
Follow The Following Steps to Ensure Your Referrer Receives Their Credit
Your Referrer is ONLY eligible to receive this credit if you did our 14 Day Test Drive Trial. If you used a
Groupon, Living Social, or any other form of a trial besides the 14 Day Test Drive. STOP HERE and do
nothing else.
If you took a 14 Day Test Drive and want to credit your Referrer, please CLICK HERE to enter their first and
last name into our system to trigger their credit.
If you do not enter their name here they WILL NOT receive the credit and they cannot redeem it
themselves via email. You are the only one who can give them their credit.
Now For All of Your Burn Boot Camp Extras
Burn Boot Camp Online – When you are traveling, on vacation, or simply just stuck at home you can keep
right on track with your training! Burn Boot Camp Online was created by the expert trainers at BBC
Headquarters to deliver you on-the-go results!
Here is your login information for your account:
User Name Password Please DO NOT give this password to anyone else. You pay for it and it is for your eyes only! Should there
be too many login attempts that trigger a red flag in our system, your account will be shut down without
21 Day Nutrition Jumpstart – This 21 Day Jumpstart program may or may not align with the plan that we
have set for you thus far. Please speak with me first before jumping into this program but watching the 1
Hour Seminar can teach you A LOT of nutrition. You will do this at some point, but please check with me
Click Here to view the 21 Day Nutrition Jumpstart How-To Video and Download the Checklist
Here is the login information for your account:
Password - BBC2015a
Focus Meeting 12 Step Transformation System – If you haven’t already got your Focus Meetings started, you
definitely need to ASAP! We are not just a training facility, we are lifestyle transformation facility and our
goals for you are very ambitious! We meet every 21 days, get your initial meeting in my schedule book
today! There is lots to be learned whether you are a novice or nutrition expert, this is MANDATORY!
A List of Nutritional Resources for You to Live By – Download the following PDF and save it on your
computer. Read through all of these blog posts if you REALLY want to learn about nutrition, recipes, and
how this process is MUCH easier than you ever thought it could be! There are dozens of tricks, hundreds of
recipes, and they all are BBC approved!
Click here to download my Top 15 Nutritional Resources
Now that you are a full- time Burn Boot Camp member there is a lot more where that came from!
Keep Moving,
Your Head Trainer
Connected to – MindBody
Subject – Receipt for Your <STUDIONAME> Purchase
Frequency/Trigger – Sent immediately once credit card is used to purchase the contract; only sent once.
Welcome to Burn Boot Camp! Below is your purchase receipt; please keep a copy for your records.
You may log in to view your purchase history here: <WSLINK>. If you have any additional questions, then please feel
free to contact us using the email or phone number listed below.
Keep Moving,
Your Head Trainer