94 Newmarket Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets P.O. Box 4, Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 4W3 Date: September 9,2015 From: Squadron Sponsoring Committee Chair To: Parents/Guardians and Cadets Subject: Lottery Book Sales & Assessment Fee, Fundraising, Upcoming Events and Bonus Point Process Updated Welcome back everyone! We all you have had a fantastic summer and congratulations to those of you who successfully completed training camps and courses. Undoubtedly, you have a learned a lot, and made lasting friendships. We are genuinely looking forward to hearing about all your experiences, and have no doubt that you have some new found knowledge to bring back to 94 and your fellow cadets. As the new training year begins, the SSC are already working hard along with the CO, Staff and Volunteers to make the 2015-2016 training year the best ever. Please take the time to read this newsletter and please show it to your parents as well. Listed below are changes made this year, as well as reminders about the many standing orders that have always been in place to make your Squadron fair and equitable for all cadets. We hope you all are as excited to get started as we are! Lottery Books and Membership Fee (assessment fee) Once again, $100.00 will be collected from EVERY cadet upon registration. This includes a $50.00 non-refundable assessment fee and …$50.00 for the purchase of 1 lottery book. (Which when sold by the cadet, the $50.00 can be fully recovered). A separate letter will be included with lottery books indicating the date that all the lottery stubs should be returned so submission can be made to the Air Cadet League so as not to incur late charge fees. Squadron Coin The introduction of 94 Newmarkets FIRST EVER Squadron coin last year went over extremely well! Many of you may have already purchased or seen the Squadron coin on the website. Not only is each coin numbered and one of a kind but it was designed by a former 94 Air cadet. Challenge coins are an old Air Force tradition, we wanted to bring it to 94. These coins are unique to 94 Newmarket, and over the years as each one of you retires from the Squadron to move on to future endeavors you will always have this special connection with present and future 94 cadets. As the years progress, the coins will change, and those of you who choose to get one this year will always have 94s first ever. Fundraising Fundraising is the means by which the squadron raises the money to conduct much of the training and entertainment activities that cadets enjoy. It is mandatory for all cadets to participate fully in fundraising. Cadets who do not participate in fundraising may be ineligible to participate in optional cadet trips and activities. The following fund raising programs will be reviewed to determine eligibility for optional cadet activities. a) Spring and Fall Tagging: cadets are expected to attend 4 of the 5 shifts for each tagging session. b) Fundscrip participation (online gift card (prepaid card) purchases) c) eMagazine participation (online magazine purchases) d) OPC lottery: participation, lottery book pickup and lottery stubs returned on time as well as extra books sold other than just the mandatory requirement, will be monitored and reviewed. Note: Remember to advertise our fundraisers to family and friends! Please obtain handouts and sign up for our fundraisers ! Tagging 94 Squadron will be participating in FALL TAGGING on October 1 - 4 2015. Each cadet MUST tag four of the five tagging shifts, they need to make sure they are prepared to do so. Homework and part-time jobs are not legitimate excuses. Everyone enjoys the benefits of the program and in order to be fair, everyone must participate in the raising of the funds that supports the program. These funds have direct impact on our ability to deliver the program to you and your fellow cadets. Parents /Guardians, your assistance will be greatly appreciated. Dates: October 1, 2015 18:00 h – 21:00 h October 2, 2015 18:00 h – 21:00 h October 3, 2015 09:30 h – 17:00 h October 4, 2014 13:00 h – 17:00 h 94 Newmarket Squadron Bonus Program Please note changes have been made to the Bonus Program for cadet year 2015-2016. Please refer to website for further details. We are confident that we can count on your support and full participation this year. When everyone works in unison for the same purpose great things can happen. Help us, help you, to have the best year ever If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to speak to me or another member of the SSC. Sincerely, Michele Tirone SSC - Chair 94 Newmarket Squadron