ART COURSE SYLLABUS MRS. GOFF WOODINVILLE HIGH SCHOOL ~PAINTING~ Second Semester Welcome to a WHS Studio Painting Course! This is a course where demonstrations & projects are completed in the art studio during class time. Creating in the studio allows the teacher to give instruction, feedback, critique, and evaluation while the student grows and evolves from the first concept to the final project. The student benefits and learns from teacher and peer interaction during the full creation process. Some class assignments may be completed at home with teacher permission and some work may be assigned for homework. Course Components: This course will be made up of a combination of the following, ART PROJECTS A. Study of historical & contemporary artists B. Following teacher demonstration of skills/techniques C. Meeting requirements on projects PARTICIPATION & TESTS/QUIZZES A. Daily Participation B. Critiques C. Tests/Quizzes Project # write legibly Intro to Painting Activities (misc.) Small Abstract Painting Practice Objects Observation Painting Cupcake Painting Flower Painting Water Color Shells Focus EOA/POD Resource/Artists Color See Handouts Classroom Demonstration Line Movement Repetition/Pattern Unity Rhythm Color Texture Form Emphasis Classroom Textbooks Classroom instruction Wassily Kandinsky Pablo Picasso Jackson Pollock Value Balance Form Color/Contrast Form Unity Proportion Emphasis Color Balance Unity Texture Wayne Thiebaud Class instruction Online resources Classroom demo Classroom Textbooks Henri Matisse Paul Cezanne 50% of grade 50% of grade Key Terms/Vocab Color Wheel Blending Transition Acrylic Paint Tint Tone Shade Hue Depth Underpainting Overpainting Realism Shadow Complementary colors Painting from observation Photo realism Pop Art Composition Color scheme Georgia O’Keeffe Class instruction Abstraction Representation Realism See classroom demo Classroom textbooks Online resources Water color techniques: Transparent overlay Notes: Study Guide, Dry brush Opaque Bled edge Water soft edge Wash Water Color bottle & shell painting Final Painting Media of choice Balance Unity Texture Space Movement Unity Balance (above) Online research Classroom examples Concept Theme Depth Dimension PLEASE DO NOT LOSE THIS FORM. IT IS A STUDY GUIDE OF TERMS YOU SHOULD KNOW BY THE END OF THE SEMESTER. CLASSROOM RULES: 1. Be on time 2. Be respectful 3. Be on task/Follow directions 4. Be prepared CRITERIA FOR AN EXCELLENT ASSIGNMENT: 1. Masters required media techniques or skill 2. Follows required elements of assignment 3. Shows evidence of thorough research and thoughtful concept development 4. Exhibits careful, clean craftsmanship 5. Is turned in on the date of the critique, work is entered into the critique completed *Loss of assignment points will occur when the above criteria are not fully met. Students will review a more detailed rubric beforehand of what is expected on each individual project. Extended time on assignments will be given for excused absences ONLY. EXCELLENT PARTICIPATION POINTS- Students will receive 5 points each day he or she is in class doing the following: 1. On time to class, prepared (artwork is not left at home) 2. Work hard on projects or directed task for the entire class period 3. Cleans up all materials and used workspaces 4. Is respectful towards teacher & peers 5. Stays in class during work time *Loss of participation points (at teacher discretion) will occur if you are: 1. Tardy: 1-3 points depending on arrival time 2. Unexcused Absence: Missing 15 or more minutes of class 3. Not staying on task 4. Being disruptive, discourteous, or dangerous in behavior. Dangerous behavior can result in discipline or withdrawal from class. WHS Policies in the student handbook will be in effect, including the grading system, tardy & attendance policies and any appeals processes. TARDY POLICY: Tardy; Student is not in the classroom by the bell, ready to work as defined by their teacher. Do not show up to my class more than 2 minutes late without a pass either from the office or another staff member. Absence; A student is late to class more than 15 minutes, or leaves during class unexcused for 15 or more minutes. Consequences: All unexcused tardies warrant a loss of partial or all participation points. 1-2 tardies: freebies, life happens (but bring a pass) 3 tardies: 3 strikes you’re out. Lunch or after school detention will be assigned. 4 tardies: Lunch or after school detention will be assigned. Contact parentals. 5 tardies: Discipline may include: o Saturday School o Attendance Contract Don’t do this, there is no reason you should be coming in late to my class 5 times in one semester. CELL PHONES IN CLASS: Students should refrain from being on cell phones during class time. Since there is no regular homework in this course it is important to use all class time wisely. On occasion students have teacher permission to use cell phones for visual research for design ideas on art projects CONSEQUENCES WHEN CELL PHONE USAGE INTERUPTS CLASS WORK TIME 1. Warning 2. Taken away for entire period 3. Detention Note: Students are allowed to use ipods during class WORK TIME only. If student is using headphones while teacher is talking privileges will be taken away for the remainder of the period COMMUNICATION: Students who are absent are responsible for seeking teacher assistance in making up assignments missed. Please use my website as a resource to review & print handouts & rubrics if needed. PASSES: Pass privileges are based on student responsibility and will be adjusted accordingly. Do not leave classroom without permission. LATE ASSIGNMENTS: Assignments can be turned in late for partial credit. If assignment is late due to an EXCUSED absence student will have the number of days absent added to the initial deadline. Please sign this form & return to Mrs. Goff by the assigned deadline: This Form is due on: ____________________________________________ We have read & reviewed this syllabus and agree to abide by the WHS Course rules & guidelines for Mrs. Goff’s studio art class as stated above. Class Title:___________________________________________ Period:________________ Printed Student Name:___________________________________________ Student Signature:________________________________________________ Date:________________ Please PRINT your current email address legibly. This will be my main means of communication with you this semester. Parent Signature:_________________________________________________ Date:_________________ *Parent Email:______________________________________________________________________________