Notes: SVA 2
DO NOW: SVA QUIZ: Without using your notes, fill in the blanks. Find the core sentence, find tense evidence, and
write the subject pronoun. (
1. Vending machines ____________________ (to kill) more than ten people each year.
2. A woman ____________________ (to have) a better sense of smell than a man.
3. A sloth ____________________ (to take) two weeks to digest its food.
4. You ____________________ (to lose) an average of 40 to 100 strands of hair each day.
5. One sneeze ____________________ (to travel) out of your mouth at 100 miles per hour.
Subject-Verb Agreement 2: Irregular Verbs
What is the complete
The main verb is the _____________________ or _____________________
The _____________________ plus the __________________________ is the
Change the __________________in the group to fix the _________________
What is an irregular
Fabio is talking to Olga.
An irregular verb is any verb that ____________________________________
What are two common
irregular verbs?
The irregular verb “to be” _________________________________________
A. I am a brilliant student. _____________
B. She is taking great notes. _____________
“To have” _____________________________________________________
How do I check for
correct SVA with
irregular verbs?
C. I have a dog with a loud bark. _____________
D. She has snuggled with her dog. _____________
to be
to have
First person singular
Second person singular
Third person singular
First person plural
Second person plural
Third person plural
Use your ______________________________________________________
1. What makes a complete verb?
2. If there is more than one verb, which verb changes?
3. What is an irregular verb?
4. Which sentence uses “to have” correctly?
5. Which of the following sentences uses “to be” correctly?
Classwork: SVA 2
“TO BE” PRACTICE: Use the charts and your verb questions to fill in the present tense form of the verb “to be”
that agrees with the subject. Label the core sentence, highlight evidence (every day, always) to confirm that it is
in present tense, and write the matching pronoun above the subject.
1. Anna ____________ a member of the Olympic softball team this year.
2. Monica and I ____________ both carpenters, but she _____________ more skilled than I at this time.
3. We ____________ sorry about your accident; you _____________ always unlucky on rollerblades.
4. Alfonzo and Jose ___________ salmon fisherman for life.
5. As of this moment, Jonathan ____________ a drummer in the firefighter’s band.
6. I _____________ a secret jazz singer, and I love to perform in disguise.
“TO HAVE” PRACTICE: Use the charts and your verb questions to fill in the present tense form of the verb “to
have” that agrees with the subject. Label the core sentence, highlight evidence (every day, always) to confirm
that it is in present tense, and write the matching pronoun above the subject.
7. Jesus and Daniel ______________ a loud, bizarre-looking car, and they drive it everywhere.
8. We ______________ several bars of chocolate to share today.
9. Betsy ______________ many friends from her grammar school and talks to them often.
10. It ______________ a blinking, green light that will not turn off.
11. Fabio ______________ black shoes and ratty jeans that need to be replaced.
12. I ______________ so much homework that I don’t know what to do.
13. Martin ______________ suddenly stopped working.
14. In the quiet, Sandra ______________ snuck down the hall and stolen the cookies.
MIXED SVA PRACTICE: Correct the SVA in each sentence. Don’t forget to find the core sentence (circle
the verb, box any helpers, underline the subject), check the person/number by replacing the subject
with a “tester” pronoun, and find tense confirmation.
15. I watches TV every afternoon after school.
16. He exercise every day at school with his team.
17. We plays sports most weekends in the park.
18. Felicia has been sick for a week, so she need to see the doctor soon.
19. You likes pizza, don’t you?
20. The junior class is going to hit their ACT goal.