English 9 2015-2016 School Year NOVELS *Night by Elie Wiesel *Romeo and Juliet Experience by William Shakespeare To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee That was Then, This is Now by S.E. Hinton Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins (Novels will be chosen throughout the year based on student interest and ability) Welcome to English 9! COURSE DESCRIPTION Ninth grade English focuses on heroes and student’s identity through history. Students will be reading grade level novels, analyzing literature, writing, and conducting research. STUDENT EXPECTATIONS Success is in your reach! 1. BE HONEST! 2. Be punctual and prepared for class daily! 3. Be respectful! 4. Participate! 5. Always do your best! WRITING In this course, students will learn to use a systematic approach to writing. Students will be taught the writing process, and practice going through the steps. The goal is develop students’ writing through practice. Frequent practice is intended to increase stamina, create opportunities for learning through experience, and meaningful expression of ideas. Students writing is evaluated using the district writing rubric assessing focus, content, organization, sentence variation/ word choice, and grammar/usage and mechanics; as well as, requirements based on individual assignments. Student writing will be collected on a biweekly basis. These five things will create an environment where we can all learn and grow. “The grass isn’t greener on the other side. It is greener where you water it!” - Unknown MATERIALS NEEDED English section in binder 1 marble copy book 1 folder labeled English CULMINATING ESSAYS Pencils/ pens for daily use Personal Narrative/ Memoir Character Dialogue/ Monologue Theme Essay *novels marked with a star will be covered GRAMMAR Grammar will be taught in two ways. Grammar will be addressed through student writing. Meaningful instruction in grammar usage can be taught through the writing process; however, there will be times that grammar will need to be taught through direct instruction. Grammar topics will be addressed in mini-lessons both in large and small groups based on student needs. REQUIREMENTS Grades – Grades are composed of your tests and quizzes scores, scores on writing assignments and projects, and points earned through classwork and homework assignments. Classwork and homework is the smallest portion of the student grade, but can make the difference between an A and a B. The bulk of the grade comes from test, quizzes, assignments, and projects. Absences – It is your responsibility to make up missed assignments. Assignments are posted on my website, but can change. It is a good idea to get a phone number of a friend from class to call for homework. Make sure to check in with me when you return to school! Do not hesitate to contact me if you have a question! CATHERINE DANGLER Website http://www/cbsd.org/Domain/2570 Email cdangler@cbsd.org Phone (267) 893-2700 Voice Extension x- 6098 ESSENTIAL QUESTION Is it better to be naïve or aware? Do adverse events have the capability of stealing the innocence of youth? Are youth capable of having/ understanding adult emotions and issues? Is there a price for the early loss of innocence? How does a child’s perspective of the world differ from an adult’s? Is the loss of innocence inevitable? What happens when youth try to grow up too quickly? Catherine Dangler Learning Support – Holicong Middle School Central Bucks School District Student Signature: ________________________________________ Date: _______________ Parent Signature: _________________________________________ Date: _______________