Latin 1 Syllabus - Los Alamos Public Schools

Los Alamos High School - Syllabus
Latin 1
Dr. Hanson
[Phone number forthcoming]
Course website and homework link, grades (PowerSchool), etc. at LAHS homepage
Course Description
Latin 1 focuses on basic Latin grammar and vocabulary while introducing students to ancient Roman
literature, myth, culture, and history. The course standards are aligned with the 1999 Standards for
Classical Language Learning published by the American Classical League, American Philological
Association (now Society for Classical Studies), and other regional associations.
Required Textbooks, Fees, & Materials
 Minkova, M. Latin for the New Millennium, Level 1: Student Text. Wauconda, IL: Bolchazy-Carducci,
2008. Print. ISBN 978-0865165601.
 Minkova, M. and Tunberg, T. Latin for the New Millennium, Level 1: Student Workbook. Wauconda,
IL: Bolchazy-Carducci, 2008. Print. ISBN 978-0865165618.
Please bring textbook, workbook, homework, and writing materials to every class, unless otherwise
Course Overview
The course covers the 21 chapters in the introductory textbook at the pace of about 2-3 chapters per
month. See Planbook page for detailed pacing and the textbook’s table of contents for a detailed list of
Nota Bene: My course policies and expectations exactly follow school policy as detailed in the LAHS
Student/Parent Handbook, especially in the Attendance and Code of Conduct sections. I do not
reproduce all of those policies and expectations here. Instead, I provide those policies and expectations
that I wish to further emphasize or that deserve further specification (for instance, my grading policy).
Thus both students and parents should consider what follows as supplemental to, but in no way altering,
school policy.
Major Course Expectations
 Translate on separate pieces of paper; don’t write in your books
 Do assigned homework before each class.
 Study grammar and vocab regularly, not just before class or quizzes/tests. See Homework
Guidelines (below).
 Be ready for class before the bell rings: be in your assigned seat with your textbook, workbook,
homework, and writing materials out.
 Be attentive and engaged during class.
 Unless called upon, raise your hand to participate in class, ask questions, or go to the restroom.
 Do not copy others’ homework, quizzes, or tests. See Handbook section on Academic Integrity
for detailed policy and consequences.
 Be respectful to your teacher and fellow students.
Listen to and follow the instructions of your teacher.
Turn off all electronic devices, especially cell phones, during class. See Handbook for detailed
policy and consequences.
No food or drink in class. Ask for permission if you would like to have a water bottle.
Homework, Class Work, Participation
 See assignment sheet or Planbook page for homework assignments.
 Note that you need to complete homework assignments before class starts.
 ***I will randomly collect and grade homework or class work, without any announcement.***
When applicable, I may grade a class activity that requires your participation, again without any
announcement. I will do this approximately 5-10 times per month.
Homework Guidelines: Latin 1 and 2
Try to memorize grammar and vocab every day for 15min. Devote an additional 45min for any given
homework assignment. If you follow this scheme, you should spend no more than 1 quality hour (i.e.
focused, no distractions) for any given homework assignment. Time needed to study for tests and
quizzes will depend on your daily memorization of grammar and vocab.
If the homework assignment is translation, go as far as you can in 45min. You should look up all vocab
and attempt to translate every sentence. However, move on if a sentence proves too difficult. If the
homework assignment is exercises, make sure to attempt every type of exercise (as opposed to
completing only one type), for 45min. For both types of assignments, spend the remaining 15min
studying grammar and vocab. Remember to memorize full dictionary entries for vocabulary, i.e. ALL the
grammatical info (e.g. part of speech, genitive and gender for nouns, principal parts for verbs, etc.) and
at least one standard meaning for the word.
In the Latin for the New Millennium (LNM) textbooks (used for Latin 1 and 2), the grammar to be
memorized (usually endings) typically appears in blue/purple shaded boxes. The concepts behind this
grammar appear in the "Language Fact" sections. All such grammar is summarized in appendices at the
back of the textbooks. The vocabulary to be memorized is NOT the "Reading Vocabulary" associated
with the introductory story, but that which appears afterwards in the "Vocabulary to Learn" section.
You can use the free electronic flashcards available on (for use on computers or mobile
devices) or purchase the official LNM flashcard mobile apps on the iTunes store (mobile devices only).
At the introductory level (Latin 1 and 2), quizzes and tests typically focus on grammar,
translation/understanding, and vocabulary equally. At the intermediate level (Latin 3 and higher),
translation/understanding typically becomes the priority.
Semester grades will be determined according to the chart below. Note that the numbers of items are
projected and subject to change. However, their relative values are fixed.
Projected Number
Percentage of Overall
Grade (fixed)
Quarter grades are weighted similarly, but do not include a final exam.
I will assign zeros for any missing assignment at the time of grading. However, make-up work is
sometimes allowed, per Absence/Make-Up Work Policy (see below).
Grades will be posted on PowerSchool ( At a minimum, grades will be
updated every Monday by 12:00am. You can expect to see grades for an assignment posted one week
after the assignment was due.
Special Considerations
If you are a student or parents of a student with an IEP or 504, please speak to me about the plan(s).
Absence/Make-Up Work Policy
 For any type of absence, be proactive about notifying your teacher, turning in homework,
making up missed quizzes, tests, or class work, requesting make-up assignments, and finding out
what you missed in class. This is your responsibility, not your teacher’s.
 For any excused absence, I will allow you to make up all missed homework, quizzes, or tests.
You can probably make up for class work, although I do not guarantee this, per school policy.
 For any unexcused absence, I reserve the right to assign zeros for missed homework, class work,
quizzes, or tests, per school policy. Nevertheless, I will often allow make-up work on case-bycase basis. See me.
 For all other details and consequences, see Attendance section in Handbook.
Extra Help, Saturday School, Etc.
I am happy to provide extra help outside of class. However, since I am not a full-time teacher at LAHS,
you will need to contact me to set up an appointment. Please use my email address (see above).
We have read, understand, and agree to the course policies, expectations, homework guidelines, and
grading criteria detailed on this syllabus.