Homelessness Partnering Strategy Community Plan Annual Update 2015–2016 (Revised from Approved Plan) For your HPS Community Plan Update 2015-2016: 1) Only on-line submissions will be accepted 2) You will receive an e-mail with a link to the main page. From there, you may complete the five sections in any order, but must complete each section before moving to another. The sections are: a. Current Situation b. Community Contribution c. Your 2014-2015 Priorities d. Your 2015-2016 Priorities e. Community Advisory Board 3) Comments in green are included to help you understand how to complete the sections and to navigate the document. 4) With the move to a web format, the tables will disappear (as tables do not meet accessibility standards), but they have been included here for ease of reading. Contents Current Situation ..................................................................................... 3 Data ..................................................................................................................... 3 Summary .............................................................................................................. 4 Final Page ............................................................................................................. 4 Community Contribution ......................................................................... 6 Summary .............................................................................................................. 8 Final Page ............................................................................................................. 8 Your 2014-2015 Priorities ........................................................................ 9 Report on your Designated Community & Aboriginal Homelessness Funding Priorities of 2014-2015......................................................................................................... 9 Report your Community Engagement .................................................................... 11 Your HPS 2014-2019 Community Plan online ......................................................... 13 Summary ............................................................................................................ 13 Final Page ........................................................................................................... 13 Your 2015-2016 Priorities ...................................................................... 13 Identify your Funding Priorities for 2015-2016 ....................................................... 14 Changes to your Funding Priorities for 2015-2016.................................................. 14 HPS Priorities for 2015-2016................................................................................. 15 Individualized Services and Facilities Priority ...................................................... 21 Housing First Priority ........................................................................................ 22 CAB Approval of the 2015-2016 Priorities .............................................................. 23 Summary ............................................................................................................ 23 Final Page ........................................................................................................... 24 Community Advisory Board.................................................................... 24 Summary ............................................................................................................ 26 Final Page ........................................................................................................... 27 2|Page Current Situation Please report on your current situation based on the following indicators. As part of the annual update, all CABs should review their progress annually against these indicators. If you cannot provide a number for a specific indicator below, please enter 0. Aboriginal CABs will be required to submit data for questions 1 to 3.1 and will be able to provide answers to questions 6 and 7 on the Aboriginal homeless population. Joint CABs will answer questions 1 to 3.1 twice, once for the general homeless population (including Aboriginal individuals) and once for the Aboriginal homeless population. Data 1. Number of unique individuals who used an emergency homeless shelter in the twelve month period between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2013 538 1.1. Number of unique individuals (Aborginal) who used an emergency homeless shelter in the twelve month period between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014 767 2. Estimated number of shelter users who were chronically homeless in 2013 5 2.1. Estimated number of shelter users who were chronically homeless in 2014 18 3. Estimated number of shelter users who were episodically homelessness in 2013 73 3.1. Estimated number of shelter users who were episodically homelessness in 2014 108 4. Number of homeless veterans who used an emergency homeless shelter in 2013. 3|Page 4.1. Number of homeless veterans who used an emergency homeless shelter in 2014. 5. Estimated number of homeless veterans who were chronically or episodically homeless in 2013. 5.1. Estimated number of homeless veterans who were chronically or episodically homeless in 2014. 6. Number of homeless individuals identified during the latest point in time count (if available) . (Optional) N/A 7. Date count the last point in time count was undertaken (if available). (Optional) If a community enters “0” or “nothing” in any of the questions 1 to 5.1: N/A 8. You have not provided numbers for at least one of the indicators related to data on homeless population. Use the back button to update the numbers you just entered or if you are unable to provide numbers for all of the indicators required, please describe your strategy for ensuring that the community can provide numbers for 2015 for all required indicators in the next HPS Community Plan Annual Update. Summary This page provides a summary of the information you have provided in this questionnaire. Please review it carefully. You may print a copy for your own review and usage. Note that if you press "Continue" you will not be able to go back to this summary and print it. If there are any changes you would like to make, use the button "Change Answer" provided at the bottom of the answer that you would like to change rather than using the browser buttons. After you make the changes, use the button "Continue" until you return to the summary page. If the information below is correct, press "Continue", a confirmation page and number will follow. Final Page This page provides the reference number for the completed section. 4|Page Note this reference number, or print it for documentation or for your own usage. After pressing "Return to main menu", it will be impossible to recuperate this reference number. Use this reference number for any follow-up question you may have for your local Service Canada office about this questionnaire. If you would like to submit additional documents, please send them to your local Service Canada office, by fax, mail or e-mail, along with the reference number of this questionnaire. 5|Page Community Contribution N/A If an Aboriginal CAB: Your community is not required to fill out the Community Contribution section. If a Designated Community: As part of the eligibility for HPS Designated Community funding, each community must be able to demonstrate that it has mobilized funding partners to contribute to its homelessness efforts. Your community must show that it can identify $1 contributing to your homelessness efforts from other sources for every dollar in your Designated Community allocation. o The “community contribution” can include funding from any partner other than HPS such as: governments (Provincial/Territorial or Municipal/Regional); public institutions, such as hospitals, schools or universities; aboriginal organizations; private sector organizations; and not-for-profit/charitable sector organizations, such as foundations or the United Way. o If an organization is contributing (financial or in-kind) to more than one activity, you may combine all the amounts received and enter the information once. The Community Entity (CE) will be required to report annually on the actual amount received. As part of the annual update, you are asked to provide information about your actual community contribution for 2014-2015, and the community contribution expected for 2015-2016. 1. How many funders have you identified? N/A Provide the total number of unique funders for both years 2014-2015 and 2015-2016. A funder that provides funding for both of these years counts as one. Name of Funde r Type of Funder Contact Informatio n 2014-2015 Financial contributio n (Contact person) (dollars) Actual Nonfinancial contributio n (estimate in dollars) 2015-2016 Total Contributio n Financial contributio n (dollars) (estimate in dollars) Expected Nonfinancial contributio n (dollars) Total Contributio n (dollars) Choose from a drop-down list: P/T Municipali ty Not for profit/ Charity Foundatio n For Profit Other (Specify) Total Community Contribution HPS Designated Communities Funding Stream allocation If the actual funding from other sources for 2014-2015 that you have identified is not equal or greater than your designated funding: 2. You have not identified a 2014-2015 actual community contribution greater than or equal to your allocation. Use the "Back" button at the bottom of the page to update the funding partner information you just entered or, if you did not receive sufficient funds to make up your community contribution, please explain the circumstances and the measures you will take to improve the situation for next year. (1500 characters or less) 7|Page If the funding you expect to receive from other sources for 2015-2016 that you have identified is not equal to or greater than your designated funding: 3. You have not identified a 2015-2016 expected community contribution greater than or equal to your allocation, use the "Back" button at the bottom of the page to update the funding partner information you just entered or, if you are unable to identify a sufficient community contribution, please describe your strategy for ensuring that for every dollar invested by the HPS, the community can identify at least one dollar from other sources. (1500 characters or less) If the actual funding from other sources for 2014-2015 that you have identified and the funding you expect to receive from other sources for 2015-2016 that you have identified is not equal or greater than your designated funding: 4. You have identified neither a sufficient actual community contribution for 20142015 nor a sufficient expected community contribution for 2015-2016 (greater than or equal to your allocation). Use the “Back” button at the bottom of the page to update the funding partner information you just entered or, if you are unable to identify a sufficient community contribution, please describe the situation in 2014-2015 and what you will implement to ensure that in 2015-2016 you will meet the community contribution requirement. Summary This page provides a summary of the information you have provided in this questionnaire. Please review it carefully. You may print a copy for your own review and usage. Note that if you press "Continue" you will not be able to go back to this summary and print it. If there are any changes you would like to make, use the button "Change Answer" provided at the bottom of the answer that you would like to change rather than using the browser buttons. After you make the changes, use the button "Continue" until you return to the summary page. If the information below is correct, press "Continue", a confirmation page and number will follow. Final Page This page provides the reference number for the completed section. 8|Page Note this reference number, or print it for documentation or for your own usage. After pressing "Return to main menu", it will be impossible to recuperate this reference number. Use this reference number for any follow-up question you may have for your local Service Canada office about this questionnaire. If you would like to submit additional documents, please send them to your local Service Canada office, by fax, mail or e-mail, along with the reference number of this questionnaire. Your 2014-2015 Priorities In this section, you will focus on reporting your community’s priorities for 2014-2015. To report on the priorities of 2014-2015, use information provided by the Community Entity to find the actual amounts spent on projects and activities funded under the HPS. Report on your Designated Community & Aboriginal Homelessness Funding Priorities of 2014-2015 When reporting on your priorities for 2014-2015, please provide the actual amount (in dollars) of your funding you spent in each funding stream on projects for each priority listed below and for Community Entity administration costs from April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015. If you did not spend any amount on a specific priority or Community Entity administration costs, please enter 0. Use information provided by the Community Entity to find the actual amounts spent on projects and activities funded under the HPS. Round the amounts to the nearest dollar, and provide them in the following format: 99999. Also include the amounts spent on projects funded under transitional measures since April 1, 2015, under the priorities “To reduce homelessness through a Housing First approach” and “To improve the self-sufficiency of homeless individuals and families and those at imminent risk of homelessness through individualized services”. 9|Page 2014-2015 Actual Funding Amount (dollars) Priority To reduce homelessness through a Housing First approach (including projects funded under transitional measures). To improve the self-sufficiency of homeless individuals and $235,234 families and those at imminent risk of homelessness through individualized services (including projects funded under transitional measures). To preserve or increase the capacity of facilities used to address the needs of people who are homeless or at imminent risk of homelessness that are not part of the Housing First program (Capital investments). To ensure coordination of resources and leveraging. To improve data collection and use. Community Entity administration costs. Total Actual Funding Amount Spent HPS Designated Communities Funding Stream allocation If the amount spent is less than your Funding: 1. From April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015, the total actual amount of HPS funding that was spent on projects for all of your priorities and Community Entity administration costs is different from your HPS funding allocation. Use the back button to update the numbers you just entered or please explain the difference. (1500 characters or less) The system will display the percentage that you spent in 2014-2015, based on the information you just entered. Compare those percentages with the percentage you included in your Community Plan (or any update) for 2014-2015. 2. Looking at the actual amounts spent on each priority, how close were you to your estimates for 2014-2015 in your HPS 2014-2019 Community Plan that was approved? Within 10% on all priorities XX More than 10% change to one or more priority 10 | P a g e If there is change of more than 10% for one or more of the priorities: 3. You have more than a 10% change to one or more priorities, please describe (1500 characters or less) Report your Community Engagement The question below provides your community with the opportunity to report on the work with the Aboriginal sector and/or local Aboriginal CAB or, for Aboriginal CABs, to report on their work with the Designated CAB. 1. How is the CAB working with the Aboriginal sector and/or local Aboriginal CAB to identify and implement Aboriginal homelessness priorities in 2014-2015 and for the next years? (please describe in 1500 characters or less) Currently, the Aboriginal CE meets independently with the Designated CE to identify and implement homelessness initiatives together. For example, PIT Count. Representatives from each of the CAB’s attend and participate in each other meetings to be apprised of each other’s activities, to discuss and address items of mutual concern, to learn from one another, share information, and actively address homelessness from a community perspective. 2. How is the CAB working with the Designated Community to get access to data and implement Aboriginal homelessness priorities in 2014-2015 and for the next years? At the above-noted meetings, the CAB’s discuss data access because we are both in need of the same data ie. PIT Count. It is best to collaborate efforts to avoid duplication. Both CAB’s share data and information as needed. DSSAAB provides data from the emergency shelters that is shared between the CAB’s for updating HPS Community Plans. The relationship among the service providers for homelessness is resilient and, above all, a sense of community responsibility to work together to address this vital issue impacting on our community. The linkages between each other and with other government / city representatives is one of networking to support one another. The next two questions are new and provide your community with the opportunity to describe work with the official language minority community (OLMC) to address their needs related to homelessness. An OLMC is a community whose official language is not 11 | P a g e the language of the majority community (for example, Canadian English-speaking communities in Quebec, or Canadian French-speaking communities in provinces and territories outside of Quebec). CABs and CEs are expected to identify OLMCs within their community and ensure that appropriate services and supports are available in both official languages where there is significant demand. More details will be available through an HPS program directive that will be posted on the ESDC website. The question below is optional and asks about past actions. To help you answer these questions, please consider the following elements: • • • How the needs of both OLMCs are considered in community planning, assessment and selection of projects funded under the HPS. Partnership agreement between or amongst organizations. Coordination with existing projects and services in the community that are already well-established and readily accessible. 3. If the CAB and CE have been working with the OLMC to ensure that the services funded under the HPS address the needs of the OLMC, please describe what actions have been taken. (Optional) (Please describe in 1500 characters or less) The question below asks about actions that your community would consider implementing in support of OLMCs in 2015-2016. To help you answer these questions, please consider the following elements: How the needs of OLMCs will be considered in community planning, assessment and selection of projects funded under the HPS. Partnership agreement between or amongst organizations. Coordination with existing projects and services in the community that are already well-established and readily accessible. 4. Please describe how the CAB and CE will, in 2015-2016, assess the needs of the OLMC, implement measures that respond to their identified needs, and ensure that the services funded under the HPS address their needs. (Please describe in 1500 characters or less) The Aboriginal CAB does not have a significant demand for French language speaking Aboriginal persons, however; the TBIFC does have an Aboriginal person who speaks French who could interpret as needed. 12 | P a g e If anything, the TBIFC services more individuals who speak an Aboriginal language…and the TBIFC has staff who can interpret or secure other interpreters as needed. Your HPS 2014-2019 Community Plan online 5. Other communities may be interested to learn from your experience. If online, please provide the Web link to your HPS 2014-2019 Community Plan for us to post on the HPS Website. (Optional) Summary This page provides a summary of the information you have provided in this questionnaire. Please review it carefully. You may print a copy for your own review and usage. Note that if you press "Continue" you will not be able to go back to this summary and print it. If there are any changes you would like to make, use the button "Change Answer" provided at the bottom of the answer that you would like to change rather than using the browser buttons. After you make the changes, use the button "Continue" until you return to the summary page. If the information below is correct, press "Continue", a confirmation page and number will follow. Final Page This page provides the reference number for the completed section. Note this reference number, or print it for documentation or for your own usage. After pressing "Return to main menu", it will be impossible to recuperate this reference number. Use this reference number for any follow-up question you may have for your local Service Canada office about this questionnaire. If you would like to submit additional documents, please send them to your local Service Canada office, by fax, mail or e-mail, along with the reference number of this questionnaire. Your 2015-2016 Priorities In this section, you will focus on your community’s priorities for 2015-2016. 13 | P a g e To confirm or change the percentage of your HPS allocation that you are committing your 2015-2016 priorities, use the information contained in your approved HPS 20142019 Community Plan, under the section “Your Priorities”. Identify your Funding Priorities for 2015-2016 1. Which of the following funding priorities did you identify in your HPS 2014-2019 Community Plan (in the “Your Priorities” section in the column 2015-2016)? Please select all that are appropriate. Look in the “Your Priorities” section of your HPS 2014-2019 Community Plan under the column 2015-2016. Select the priorities where 1% or more of your allocation was identified for investment in 2015-2016. XX To reduce homelessness through a Housing First approach. XX To improve the self-sufficiency of homeless individuals and families and those at imminent risk of homelessness through individualized services. To preserve or increase the capacity of facilities used to address the needs of people who are homeless or at imminent risk of homelessness that are not part of the Housing First program (Capital investments). To ensure coordination of resources and leveraging. To improve data collection and use. Changes to your Funding Priorities for 2015-2016 The HPS encourages responsive community planning. Communities are encouraged to review their plans to make sure they stay relevant to the changing dynamics of the homelessness situation. Your HPS 2014-2019 Community Plan was approved some time ago, and recent events may have occurred, which may result in modifying the funding priorities that you identified for 2015-2016. In addition, you may want to change the percentage you are committing to each of your priorities. The question below provides you with an opportunity to report significant changes in your 2015-2016 priorities. If you are changing the percentage you are dedicating to any priority by 10% or more, it is considered a significant change, and you will be prompted to provide a rationale. 14 | P a g e If each of your priorities will change by less than 10%, there is no need to report any change (select “no” below). However, you may still report any changes less than 10% by selecting “yes” to the next question. 2. Are you reporting changes? XX Yes No If you are not reporting a change, you will still need to answer questions about your activities, your target populations and your results. Please proceed to page 16. If you report a change of more than 10% for one or more of your priorities: 3. Why did the priorities of allocation for 2015-2016 or the percentages you are committing to them change since your 2014-2019 HPS Community Plan? (please describe in 1500 characters or less) The Community Annual Plan has changed. The Aboriginal CAB will be accepting proposals that are 1.5 to 2.5 years in length, thus; housing investments could start sooner than 2016/17. The call for proposals will be inclusive of HF activities and HF approach and will be evaluated / selected to ensure both priorities are delivered. HPS Priorities for 2015-2016 4. What percentage of your allocation will you dedicate in 2015-2016 to each of the priorities? If you do not intend to invest in a specific priority, please enter 0. Note that the following table is not representative of the way you will be required to fill information when using the Community Plan Annual Update Tool. It has been created to facilitate you in gathering and managing the data you need to complete your Community Plan Annual Update. You only need to fill Column 1 of the table (Priorities 2015-2016) if you have decided to change one or more of your priorities with more than 10% of the initial 2015-2016 values indicated in your 2014-2019 Community Plan. 15 | P a g e Priorities 2015-2016 If the percentage dedicated to one or more priorities has changed by more than 10% compared to your initial 2014-2019 Community Plan, enter the new percentages in the appropriate boxes 10 To reduce homelessness through a Housing First (HF) approach The Housing First model includes both housing and access to supports primarily for chronically and episodically homeless individuals. The services provided are offered through an integrated approach and are interdependent. Generally, the approach will be to ensure that Housing First clients have access to all the existing services required. 16 | P a g e Please select the activities that you will fund with your HPS allocation. If your community indicates that it is planning to invest in Housing First during 2015-2016, you will be required to enter the percentage of the total amount you are allocating to Housing First for each of the five HF related activities (Column 2). Note that: For activities related to non-HF priorities, you are only asked to indicate which of those you will fund by checking the appropriate box. 10 HF Readiness: Determining the Housing First model (e.g. consultation, coordination, planning, and assessment) Identifying, integrating and improving services (including staff training on Housing First activities and functions) Partnership development in support of a Housing First approach Working with the housing sector to identify opportunities for and barriers to permanent housing (e.g. establishing landlord relationships, mapping of current available assets) Demonstrating Success (Targets for HPS Indicators) In Column 3, you can indicate your targets for the 2015-2016 period. In relation to Housing First, 2015-2016 targets are only mandatory for the largest communities. For communities with an annual HPS allocation over $200,000, targets are not required until 2016-2017. Targets remain optional for communities with an annual allocation under $200,000. For non-HF activities, you will be prompted to set target only for those you have indicated you are planning to invest in. Number of individuals that will be 0 placed in housing through an HF intervention. 0 0 Percentage of HF Clients who will remain housed at six months (your target must be at least 80%) Percentage of HF clients who will remain housed at twelve months (you must have a minimum target of 80%) Priorities 2015-2016 Please select the activities that you will fund with your HPS allocation. 17 | P a g e Client Intake & Assessment: Coordinated intake management (where feasible) Client identification, intake and assessment, focussing on the chronically and episodically homeless populations. Connecting to and Maintaining Permanent Housing: Facilitate access to housing, which could include providing emergency housing funding to bridge clients to provincial/territorial system Set-up apartments (insurance, damage deposit, first and last months’ rent, basic groceries and supplies at move-in, etc.) Furnish apartments for HF clients (furniture, dishes, etc.) Repair damages caused by HF clients Provide Landlord-tenant services Re-housing (if required) Accessing Services through case management: Coordination of a case management team Peer Support Working with clients to set goals Identifying a strategy for reaching the goals Connecting clients to services needed to Demonstrating Success (Targets for HPS Indicators) Number of days for HF clients to move into permanent housing after intake Percentage of HF clients who will be rehoused (you must have a minimum target of less than 30% Percentage of HF clients who will successfully exit the program to a positive housing situation Priorities 2015-2016 Please select the activities that you will fund with your HPS allocation. reach the client’s goal Monitoring progress Support services to improve the selfsufficiency of chronically and episodically homeless individuals and families in the Housing First program through individualized services, including: i. Connecting clients to income supports ii. Pre-employment support, and bridging to the labour market iii. Life skills development (e.g. budgeting, cooking) iv. Supports to improve clients’ social integration; v. Culturally relevant responses to help Aboriginal clients vi. Connecting clients to education and supporting success 18 | P a g e Data, Tracking & Monitoring. Activities include: Identifying the size and make-up of the chronically and episodically homeless population by accessing shelter data Tracking HF Clients Demonstrating Success (Targets for HPS Indicators) 90 Priorities 2015-2016 To improve the selfsufficiency of homeless individuals and families and those at imminent risk of homelessness through individualized services These services are offered primarily to individuals who are homeless or imminently at risk that are not part of the Housing First program. Note: These are the activities outside of Housing First that HPS will be delivering for 2015/16 Please select the activities that you will fund with your HPS allocation. Housing Placement (outside of HF) XX Connecting clients to income support XX 10 Pre-employment support, and bridging to the labour market XX 3 Number of people who will increase their income or income stability Number of people who will start or complete a job training program Number of people who will start part-time or full-time employment. No HPS indicator 5 Life skills development (e.g. budgeting, cooking) XX Supports to improve clients’ social integration XX No HPS indicator Culturally relevant responses to help Aboriginal clients XX No HPS indicator Connecting clients to education and supporting success XX 19 | P a g e Demonstrating Success (Targets for HPS Indicators) No HPS target 9 Number of people who will start part-time or full-time education Liaise and refer to appropriate resources XX No HPS indicator Housing loss prevention (only for individuals and families at imminent risk of homelessness) XX Basic or urgent needs services XX Number of people that will remain 20 housed at three months after receiving a housing loss prevention intervention. No HPS indicator Priorities Please select the activities that you will 2015-2016 fund with your HPS allocation. To preserve or increase the Transitional housing facilities capacity of facilities used to address the needs of people Permanent Supportive housing who are homeless or at imminent risk of homelessness (Capital Emergency shelter facilities investments). Non-residential facilities To ensure coordination of resources and leveraging 20 | P a g e Demonstrating Success (Targets for HPS Indicators) Number of new transitional units added to a new or existing facility Number of new permanent supportive housing units added to an existing or new facility Number of new permanent emergency shelter beds added to an existing facility No HPS indicator Determining a model in support of a No HPS indicators broader systematic approach to addressing homelessness Identifying, integrating and improving services (including staff training on activities and functions in support of a broader systematic approach to addressing homelessness) Partnership development in support of a broader systematic approach to addressing homelessness Working with the housing sector to identify opportunities for and barriers to permanent housing (e.g. establishing landlord relationships, mapping of current available assets) in support of a broader systematic approach to addressing homelessness Consultation, coordination, planning, and assessment (e.g. community planning) Priorities 2015-2016 To improve data collection and use Please select the activities that you will fund with your HPS allocation. Identifying the size and make-up of the entire homeless population Tracking non-Housing First clients Point-in-time counts Community indicators (beyond the requirements for HPS) Information collection and sharing (including implementing and using HIFIS) Demonstrating Success (Targets for HPS Indicators) No HPS indicators Individualized Services and Facilities Priority 5. Please describe in more detail the group(s) this priority will address. Note: we want to know your primary target group(s), not a comprehensive list of everyone you might serve with this priority. General Population (no specific target) Chronically and episodically homeless individuals Families & Children Youth Seniors XX Aboriginal Immigrants & Refugees Veterans 21 | P a g e Official Languages Minority communities Men Women People with a Mental Health Issue People with Disabilities (other than Mental Health) People with Addictions Other (please describe in 300 characters or less) Housing First Priority 6. The Housing First Approach requires access to a range of client supports. How will you engage (or how are you engaging) provincial or territorial programs to facilitate access to provincial/territorial services for Housing First clients? The TBIFC networks, partners and collaborates with many different partners in the community and with our provincial and national organization for a strong voice nationally. Information is shared from both and is subsequently shared with program staff for dissemination. Knowledge of new funding initiatives, support, guidance, contacts, and provincial / national perspective on matters impacting on housing and communities are some of the items that benefit the TBIFC and the CE. 7. Do you expect to address your entire chronic and episodic population in 20152016. Yes No XX If yes: 8. Who will you target next? If you are selecting Housing First as a priority for the first time, you will see the following two questions: 9. Other Resources What other resources can you leverage to contribute to your HF efforts? Please describe the other resources you have available in each of the following areas in 1500 characters or less. If you have not identified any resources, enter “none.” HF readiness resources: Both CE’s in Thunder Bay participate in each other’s CAB to bring forward HF information, new initiatives, and to explore collaboration initiatives for the benefit of the community. Client intake and assessment resources: The CE is exploring /learning of the different models for intake and assessment for review and implementation consideration to promote and / or participate in a coordinated streamlined approach to intake and assessment ie. HIFIS / SPADAT. Permanent housing resources: The CE accesses both Thunder Bay Indian Friendship Centre (TBIFC) and community resources to assist individuals to locate and secure housing. Accessing Services: TBIFC supports include listing of housing available, advocating supports, referrals to housing service providers, and navigation / language translation as needed through TBIFC programs / staff. Data, tracking and monitoring resources: The CE will be participating and learning about HIFIS by working with community partners in Thunder Bay’s HIFIS Working Group. Training in HPS On-line Results Reporting and Implementation Carried out by CE. 10. Housing First Approach Please describe your Housing First approach and provide a timeline for HF implementation. (4000 characters or less) This is the first year that HF activities will be implemented and the CE will proceed with a Call for Proposals in mid-June, 2015 that will request Housing First activities to commence October 1, 2015. In 2016/17, the CE will update the Community Annual Plan and revisit workplans for sub-agreement holders to ensure that HF priorities are being addressed. 11. Target Group(s) Please describe in more detail the group(s) this priority will address. Chronically homeless individuals Episodically homeless individuals CAB Approval of the 2015-2016 Priorities 12. When did your CAB approve this section of the HPS Community Plan Annual Update? 13. Name of the person who completed this section: Charlene Baglien 14. E-mail address: charlene.baglien@tbifc.ca 15. Telephone Number: (807) 345-5840 Ext. 9041 Summary This page provides a summary of the information you have provided in this questionnaire. Please review it carefully. You may print a copy for your own review and usage. Note that if you press "Continue" you will not be able to go back to this summary and print it. 23 | P a g e If there are any changes you would like to make, use the button "Change Answer" provided at the bottom of the answer that you would like to change rather than using the browser buttons. After you make the changes, use the button "Continue" until you return to the summary page. If the information below is correct, press "Continue", a confirmation page and number will follow. Final Page This page provides the reference number for the completed section. Note this reference number, or print it for documentation or for your own usage. After pressing "Return to main menu", it will be impossible to recuperate this reference number. Use this reference number for any follow-up question you may have for your local Service Canada office about this questionnaire. If you would like to submit additional documents, please send them to your local Service Canada office, by fax, mail or e-mail, along with the reference number of this questionnaire. Community Advisory Board Please provide the name of your Community Advisory Board (CAB), along with a members contact list, to allow HPS to send important information regarding the program. If required, you may choose more than one option in the “Sector” Column. For each individual, please identify the role they play on the CAB (Chair, Co-chair or Member). 1. What is the name of your Community Advisory Board? Thunder Bay Urban Aboriginal Advisory Committee 2. How many members do you have on your CAB? 20 Sectors include: Housing and social housing; Landlord associations; Healthcare, including mental health and addictions treatment; People with lived experience; Police and/or corrections; Income supports; Aboriginal; Youth; Private Sector and business associations; Non-profit; Municipality/City; Provincial/Territorial Government; Federal Government; Other Role of CAB: Chair; Co-chair; Member; Ex-officio Member 24 | P a g e Want to stay in touch? The HPS regularly shares important information and updates about the program or other related ESDC programs to support HPS Communities. By selecting "yes", you confirm that you have the consent of the individual to add them to this HPS mailing list. Community Advisory Board Last Name First Name Ponka Beth Tibishgogishig Melanie Lane Mathew Bobyck Tammy Farrell Amy Capon Paul Klassen Marie Magiskan Ann Bird Anne Desmoulin Jacenia Simon Vince Thompson Mathew Ayoub Rachelle Landry Janine Green Ingred 25 | P a g e TITLE / ORGANIZATIO N (Optional) EMAIL (Optional unless a chair or a co-chair) TEL SE EP CT HO OR NE (Ch (Op oos tio e nal one ) or mo re) Role on CAB Wan t to stay in touc h? (Y/ N) Kinna-aweya Legal Clinic Community Member Community Member Shkoday Abinojiiwak Obimiwedoon Lakehead Public Schools Matawa First Nations Management Lakehead Social Planning Council City of Thunder Bay Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs Community Member Ka-Na-Chi-Hih PonkaB@lao.on.ca Chair Y mtibish@hotmail.com Member N mathew.rj.lane@gmail.com Member N tbobyk@shkoday.com Member N amy_farrell@lakeheadschool s.ca pcapon@matawa.on.ca Member N Member N mklassen@tbaytel.net Member N amagiskan@thunderbay.ca Member N Anne.bird@ontario.ca Member N jaceniadesmoulin@gmail.com Member N vsimon@kanachihih.ca Member N Community Member AANDC mthomps9@lakeheadu.ca Member N Rachelle.Ayoub@aandcaadnc.gc.ca jlandry@tbcdsb.on.ca Member N Member N igreen@onwa.ca Member N Thunder Bay District Catholic School Board Ontario Native Women’s Association Bottle Erin Budgell Glenn Boissoneau Travis Nowagesic Patricia Anishnawbe Mushkiki Beendigen Baglien Charlene TBIFC Community Member Service Canada embottle@lakeheadu.ca Member N glenn.budgell@servicecanad a.gc.ca tboissoneau@mushkiki.com Ex-officio Y Member N pat@beendigen.com Member N charlene.baglien@tbifc.ca CE Y Note: ESDC will not sell, distribute, trade or transfer your e-mail address to other government departments, businesses, institutions, organizations or individuals outside ESDC for any other purposes, unless required by law. If you have identified no representatives from the Provincial/Territorial government on the CAB 3. You have not identified any Provincial/Territorial representation on your Community Advisory Board. Please explain how you are working with the Province or Territory to ensure alignment and to implement Housing First. (1500 characters or less) N/A If there are no Aboriginal representatives on the CAB 4. You have not identified any Aboriginal representation on your Community Advisory Board. Please explain what you are doing to ensure that you have Aboriginal representation. (1500 characters or less) N/A Summary This page provides a summary of the information you have provided in this questionnaire. Please review it carefully. You may print a copy for your own review and usage. Note that if you press "Continue" you will not be able to go back to this summary and print it. If there are any changes you would like to make, use the button "Change Answer" provided at the bottom of the answer that you would like to change rather than using the browser buttons. After you make the changes, use the button "Continue" until you return to the summary page. If the information below is correct, press "Continue", a confirmation page and number will follow. 26 | P a g e Final Page This page provides the reference number for the completed section. Note this reference number, or print it for documentation or for your own usage. After pressing "Return to main menu", it will be impossible to recuperate this reference number. Use this reference number for any follow-up question you may have for your local Service Canada office about this questionnaire. If you would like to submit additional documents, please send them to your local Service Canada office, by fax, mail or e-mail, along with the reference number of this questionnaire. 27 | P a g e