Business Plan - Disinteglue Industries - Home

Business Plan:
Disinteglue Industries
“A Greener World Starts Now”
234 Judd Road
Southbury, CT 06488
Submitted: May 26, 2015
Table of Contents
1.0 Executive Summary………………………………………......
Company Goals and Objectives………………………………………...
Our Product……………………………………………………................
Mission Statement………………………………………………………..
Marketing and Sales Strategy…………………………………………...
Competitive Position……………………………………………………..
Management Team ………………………………………………………
2.0 Business Description/Company Profile…………………...
Statement of Problem……………………………………………………
Business Philosophy…………………………………………………….
Company Strengths and Competencies……………………………….
Legal Form of Ownership………………………………………………..
Product Description……………………………………………………….
3.0 Sustainability……………………………………………………
By Department……………………………………………………………..
4.0 Corporate Mentorship/Director’s Challenge………….…...
5.0 Situational Analysis…………………………………………….
SWOT Analysis…………………………………………………………….
PEST Analysis……………………………………………………………...
6.0 Marketing Plan…………………………………………………..
Competitive Analysis………………………………………………………
Marketing Trends…………………………………………………………..
Marketing Segmentation…………………………………………………..
Marketing Surveys………………………………………………………….
Customer Service…………………………………………………………..
Marketing Plan………………………………………………………………
Target Market……………………………………………………………….
7.0 Web Plan Summary……………………………………………..
Web Development Requirements…………………………………………
User Interface………………………………………………………………..
Web Marketing Strategy……………………………………………………..
8.0 Operational Plan………………………………………………….
Product Development……………………………………………………….
Quality and Inventory Control………………………………………………
Location and Facilities………………………………………………………
Hours of Operation…………………………………………………………..
9.0 Legal Environment……………………………………………….
Health, Workplace, and Environmental Regulations…………………….
Zoning and Building…………………………………………………………
Trademarks and Copyrights………………………………………………..
10.0 Management and Organization………………………………
Organizational Chart………………………………………………………..
Job Descriptions/ Team Directors…………………………………………
Cross-Functional Support…………………………………………………
Investing in Human Capital……………………………………………… ..
11.0 Financial Plan…………………………………………………..
Start up Costs……………………………………………………………….
Breakeven Analysis………………………………………………………..
Balance Sheet………………………………………………………………
Three-Year Projection……………………………………………………..
Investors Page………………………………………………………………
12.0 Future Developments…………………………………………
13.0 Appendix………………………………………………………..
1.0 Executive Summary
1.1 Introduction
Our product, Disinteglue, is an adhesive compound specially infused with a combination of
Sargassum Algae and Delftia Bacteria which can reverse the pollution of plastics that harm
our environment by enabling these plastics to decompose naturally. It is solvent-based,
non-toxic, contains no animal byproducts, and is environmentally safe. This adhesive
substance will be used mainly on the back of water bottle labels to reduce plastic pollution
by disintegrating plastic particles and restoring balance back to our environment.
1.2 Company Goals and Objectives
Disinteglue Industries will primarily market our product to plastic water bottle producers. We
have already formed a mentorship alliance with PepsiCo and are hoping to gain support
from other similar companies ranging from water bottle manufacturers expanding to all
other plastic bottle beverage producers. We strive to balance our time between pushing
our company forward and collaborating with other businesses. Our future developments
include having Disinteglue Industries become a globally-recognized industrial name.
1.3 Our Product (See more on page 7)
Disinteglue is a revolutionary adhesive product which naturally accelerates the process of
plastic bottle decomposition. With the use of natural bacteria and algae, our product safely
breaks down plastic bottles and positively impacts the environment. Delftia Litopenaei, a
bacterium commonly found in freshwater shrimp ponds will be our primary decomposer.
1.4 Mission Statement
Disinteglue Industries is committed to balancing the use of bottled water with its adverse
environmental effects by providing companies with an eco-friendly and environmentally
conscious alternative to the currently used adhesives.
1.5 Market and Sales Strategy (See more on pages 17, 18, 21, & 22)
Disinteglue Industries will attempt to market to plastic bottling companies. In order to create
brand awareness we will use our marketing and sales team to advertise through multiple
means of technological communication in order to make our name recognizable and show
other companies that we are a legal up-and-coming business.
As we move into different markets we will need to develop our business internally. We must
increase our human resources department by hiring of qualified employees. As we branch
out we need to think about horizontal and vertical growth.
1.6 Competitive Position (See more on pages 16 & 17)
Our main competitors in this market are Glue Fast and Star Packaging Supplies Company.
Each of these companies has expertise in manufacturing and distribution and has made
innovations in the glue industry. However, Disinteglue Industries has the competitive
advantage due to our globally innovative product and potential international impact.
1.7 Management Team (See more on pages 27-40)
Disinteglue Industries would not be able to function without the structure we have built for
our employees. We have multiple departments including: Web Design, Research and
Development, Business Plan, Marketing/Booth, Video and Blog, as well as Accounting,
each of which is lead by an expert in that field.
1.8 Financials (See more on pages 41-43)
The financial section contains crucial information about our company’s start up costs,
balance sheet, break-even analysis, and three year forecast. All of this information will be
important for our potential investors who have the interest in joining us on this business
venture. Our accounting department is working full time on updating all important
documents and ensuring that we will be a lucrative company.
Business Description
2.1 Statement of Problem
“Bottles, used to package water, take over 1,000 years to biodegrade and if
incinerated, they produce toxic fumes. It is estimated that over 80% of all
single-use water bottles used in the U.S. simply become ‘litter’.”
"Bottle Water Is Wasteful." The Water Project.The Water Project, n.d. Web. 25 Feb.
“Plastic debris causes the deaths of more than a million seabirds every year,
as well as more than 100,000 marine mammals.”
"Facts and Figures on Marine Pollution" Facts and Figures on Marine
Pollution.UNESCO, n.d. Web. 02 Mar. 2015.
“Once discarded, plastics are weathered and eroded into very small
fragments known as micro-plastics. These together with plastic pellets are
already found in most beaches around the world...Land-based sources (such
as agricultural run-off, discharge of nutrients and pesticides and untreated
sewage including plastics) account for approximately 80% of marine
pollution, globally.”
"Facts and Figures on Marine Pollution" Facts and Figures on Marine
Pollution.UNESCO, n.d. Web. 02 Mar. 2015.
“In the United States, 24 percent of all bottled water sold is either Pepsi’s
Aquafina (13 percent of the market) or Coke’s Dasani (11 percent of the
market). Both brands are bottled, purified.”
"Bottled Water Facts."Ban the Bottle RSS. Ban the Bottle, n.d. Web. 14 Feb.
2015.municipal water3.
2.2 Solution
Our company, Disinteglue Industries, strives to greatly reduce the time involved in the total
composition of plastics. The adhesive we produce for the labels on plastic bottles contains
bacteria called Delftia Litopenaei and algae called Sargassum. Together, this combination
of bacteria and algae is able to naturally break down these plastics in oceans and landfills.
Delftia Litopenaei is a poly-β-hydroxybutyrate. This means that the bacteria will naturally
break down biodegradable plastic materials. Sargassum is an algae that collects and eats
microscopic molecules that come close to it. The goal of including the Sargassum in our
product is for it to “eat away” at the leftover plastic molecules after the Delftia Litopenaei
destroys the majority of the plastic bottle and breaks it down to miniscule pieces.
2.3 Business Philosophy
The world needs a balance between living a demanding lifestyle while at the same time
preserving the environment for future generations. Today’s Generation “Y” (those born from
1985-2004), also known as the Green Generation are individuals who are constantly on the
go, yet prioritize their responsibility to protect the purity of our environment. The pollutants
in beverage plastics lead to the destruction of ecosystems, pollution of natural resources,
and reduction of available land space. These pollutants have been shown to be
carcinogens and cause birth defects by disrupting hormones. Thus, plastic pollution affects
not only the environment around us, but affects us biologically as well.
2.4 Company Strengths and Competencies
Anyone can think of an idea, but the challenge arises when an entrepreneur tries to utilize
the factors of production in order to turn that idea into a successful business. Disinteglue
Industries employs a large team that has been together since the inception of this idea, and
is 100% dedicated to developing a product which will provide balance back into our earth.
Disinteglue Industries operates using a powerful infrastructure consisting of seven strong
diversified teams. Each cross functional team is made up of personnel who have different
expertise all working toward common goals. The idea alone is only an idea, however,
application of this idea to create Disinteglue provides a crucial solution to a widespread
environmental issue in our world today. Until now, no single product has successfully
solved our world-wide plastic pollution problem. Disinteglue Industries has entered the
arena of being the first company to utilize this solution and restore balance back to the
2.5 Legal Form of Ownership
Our business enterprise is considered to be a limited liability company (LLC) because our
owners/employees are limited on their personal liability for business debts. Also, we have
set up the LLC to enjoy more favorable tax rates that allow us to provide a range of fringe
benefits to our employees/owners while being able to deduct these costs as a business
2.6 Product Description
Disinteglue is a revolutionary adhesive product which naturally accelerates the process of
plastic bottle decomposition. With the use of natural bacteria and algae, our product safely
breaks down plastic bottles and positively impacts the environment, providing a healthy
balance of convenience and environmental sustainability. Delftia Litopenaei, a bacterium
commonly found in freshwater shrimp ponds, will be our primary decomposer. Litopenaei is
a poly-β-hydroxybutyrate, which means it will attach to and consume plastic. It breaks down
the large amounts of plastic and breaks the plastic bottles down to very small pieces.
Sargassum, an algae commonly found floating on top of oceans, will act as our cleanup
crew. It will collect and consume the small pieces of plastic left behind by the Delftia
Polyethylene Terephthalate is the full name for PET’s. The majority of the single use,
plastic bottle market uses PET to create their water, soda, or juice bottles. Disinteglue is
most effective in disintegrating this type of plastic because it is thinner and more pliable
than other plastics as well as more biodegradable.
3.0 Sustainability
Our goal, as a company, is to help protect the environment against useless waste materials
(primarily plastic waste), thus bringing our planet back into balance. Disinteglue Industries
ensures that our booth at the 2015 Student Innovation Expo will be sustainable by using
multipurpose and recycled materials.
In the creation of our business cards we utilized the least amount of trees possible
by printing them on recycled paper.
We also included a QR code on the back of our business cards allowing people to
scan our business cards on their phones and go directly to our website where our
efforts are expressed in digital form as a way to conserve printed materials.
As a company, we encourage environmental responsibility, which is why both our
informational and promotional products have multiple uses. We decided that our
promotional products will also serve functional purposes in addition to branding our identity.
Our promotional products include:
The “Wheel of Fortune” game uses dry-erase technology, and can therefore be used
at future expos.
The cinch pack is not only reusable after the Expo, but works as a major vessel to
contain valuable materials collected at booths throughout the Expo as well as
serving as a way to make our name and logo recognizable.
The stress ball promotional item not only carries the theme of our branding, but will
definitely come in handy throughout the Expo as we are all feeling stressed during
the competition. It can also be used after the Expo to relieve stress in our everyday
lives as we all struggle to maintain balance and solitude.
The functional pens serve as a great takeaway in the 21st century world of
technology, as it employs a stylus that will last far after the ink dries out.
The water bottle koozies allow extra comfort to people who consistently use water
bottles, and provide a longstanding insulator for a non-sustainable item.
3.1 By Department
We have also ensured that each of our departments operates using sustainable guidelines.
The accounting team is sustainable because we have kept all financial reports on
the computer, using the least amount of paper yet enabling the most updated
financial information to be readily available to potential investors. (Paper copies of
any information will be provided to potential investors for examination only upon
Promotional Booth/Marketing:
The promotional booth and marketing team have worked together to reduce the
amount of paper that will be present during the Expo. In addition to the
aforementioned list of sustainable items, the only other tangible promotional
products used in our booth will be the company banner. Following the Expo, our
company banner will be hung in the school as a promotional item to encourage
students to enroll in the E-Commerce/Entrepreneurship Program in the upcoming
years. In addition, surveys were conducted online to minimize paper waste. Also,
these allowed for more effective market analysis.
Business Plan:
As the business plan has been a constantly edited and revised document, all drafts
have been kept in Google Doc format and have not been printed unless specific
sections have been requested for review by the Skills21 Team, et. al. Also, the
business plan has been continually shared virtually amongst teams and leaders in
order to ensure sustainable communication and progress updating. In our appendix,
we did not include additional copies of our promotional items, to eliminate use of
excess paper.
Web Design:
The website in itself is the perfect example of sustainability. It provides an
opportunity for accessing company information, investing, purchasing products, and
learning more about our core issues.
Research and Development:
By performing extensive and in-depth research, the Research and Development
team was able to show sustainability in both our promotional items and our product.
Our product, Disinteglue, has multiple uses because of how it works. Through
researching the bacteria and algae we use in our product, our team was able to find
that the bacteria breaks down the majority of the plastic bottle and the algae breaks
down the smaller pieces leftover. Our promotional items are reusable products and
use recyclable materials whenever possible. When researching items for promotion
at the Expo, our group looked for the most environmentally-friendly, yet sustainable
materials. An abundance of valuable resources and materials can be located only in
the Appendix section of our business plan (hard copy).
4.0 Corporate Mentorship/Director’s Challenge
Once our class was presented with the Director’s Challenge, we began to search for a
company that would serve as a strong role model. After research and networking,
Disinteglue Industries found a rather unique mentorship from PepsiCo. Through a
connection we made with Michelle Snyder, our class has had opportunities that were
unimaginable to us when we first began to start up our business.
Michelle Snyder
Senior Director of Marketing
Ms. Snyder is responsible for leading strategic
marketing across the company’s portfolio of
brands – including Multi-Cultural, Beverage
Portfolio activation and P03. Michelle has
been with PepsiCo for 8 years and has worked
in a variety of capacities. Previously, she led
the Sierra Mist and Flavor CSD brands where
she developed the turnaround strategy for
Sierra Mist that included a new brand
positioning, new brand identity, and new
product formula developed to meet consumer
trends and margin improvement. Michelle also
held roles on Global Hydration, Amp Energy,
Foodservice Innovation and Foodservice Customer Marketing. Prior to PepsiCo she
worked across a variety of marketing capacities for Chase Credit Card Services, Burger
King Corporation, Pizza Hut, Inc., as well for Philadelphia based advertising agencies. She
has a B.A. in Communications from Penn State University and an M.B.A. from Temple
University’s Fox School of Business.
Through various class conference calls, we discussed our ideas, asked key questions, and
received valuable feedback from her perspective as a leader of marketing at PepsiCo. Ms.
Snyder’s advice was crucial in our understanding of how to properly structure, market, and
run a business-to-business company. She explained how rather than thinking of clever
guerilla marketing techniques to catch the general consumer’s eye, we should focus on
capturing the attention of major corporations instead. Rather than having flashy designs
and logos, we quickly learned that as a business-to-business company, we would come
across as more professional if we stuck to more formal logos and designs.
In past years, the Pomperaug High School E-Commerce teams have only worked as
business-to-consumer companies. The advice from Ms. Snyder was instrumental in
overcoming the challenges of operating a business-to-business enterprise.
In conclusion, our mentorship with Ms. Snyder and PepsiCo was an instrumental part to our
class’s progress and success. By having a major company like PepsiCo to discuss
obstacles with, we have not only succeeded in our mission as an E-Commerce class, but
have also been exposed to problem solving in the real business world. On the next page is
a letter of support from Ms. Snyder and PepsiCo along with a press release written by the
PepsiCo Communications Team.
Disinteglue Industries
E-commerce Entrepreneurship Team
Pomperaug Regional High School
234 Judd Road
Southbury, CT 06488
Attn: Mr Christian Santa Maria
May 14, 2015
Dear Christian –
It has been my pleasure to extend my support and the support of Pepsi Americas
Beverages Marketing team to you and your teammates for your work intended for exhibit at
the 2015 Student Innovation Expo.
Your proposal for an adhesive for utilization on plastic beverage containers is very
innovative. The development of a substance that would safely aid in the long-term
disintegration of plastics that were not properly recycled would certainly benefit the
I have enjoyed working with your team to provide input on your business plan and
marketing campaign, and wish you the best of luck at the Expo on June 6th.
Michelle Snyder
Sr Marketing Director
1111 Westchester Avenue
White Plains, NY
PepsiCo North America Beverages Partners with
Pomperaug Student Entrepreneurs to Address Recycling Issues
Student team develops proprietary label adhesive to improve recycling rates
May 26, 2015, Purchase, N.Y. – On Saturday June 6, twenty students from Pomperaug Regional High
School’s E-Commerce Entrepreneurship Team, Disinteglue Industries, will unveil an environmentally
balancing label adhesive at the 2015 Student Innovation Expo.
The Disinteglue team formed a mentorship alliance with PepsiCo North America Beverages to get feedback
and guidance as they worked to develop a label adhesive designed to streamline the recycling process and
improve recycling rates for plastic beverage bottles.
The theme of the 2015 Student Innovation Expo is “Balance” and students were challenged to develop a
product that incorporates aspects of balance into an innovative solution to a global issue. The Disinteglue
Team decided to focus their energies toward balancing the convenience of bottled water with potentially
adverse environmental effects by providing companies with an eco-friendly and environmentally conscious
alternative to the adhesives currently in use.
“Finding innovative ways to minimize our impact on the environment is a key pillar of PepsiCo’s
Performance with Purpose goals and we are proud to have had the opportunity to work with Disinteglue
Industries on their important contribution to the continued protection of our environment,” said Michelle
Snyder, Senior Director of Marketing for PepsiCo Americas Beverages. “Throughout this project the entire
Disinteglue demonstrated impressive problem-solving, research and communications skills. In the end they
were able to deliver an innovative solution that has the potential to have a significant impact on recycling
rates of plastic bottles.”
In addition to product development feedback, the team received tips and guidance from PepsiCo for
creating a successful business model for their innovation, including the development of an effective and
innovative marketing campaign that ties the goal of sustainability throughout all communication and
promotional elements.
Disinteglue Industries has been working tirelessly in the direction of beneficial global change under the
guidance of their teacher, Lois DeGregory. The team has been fortunate to have several students step into
key leadership roles within various expertise areas such as web design, research and development, and
logistics. Learn more about the team at
Disinteglue Industries will present their balancing idea at the Expo on June 6th at the Connecticut XL Center
in Hartford, CT between the hours of 9 AM and 2 PM. Entry is free and the Expo is open to the public.
Exhibits will be presented in the areas of Science, Math, Social Movements and Business. For more
information, visit www.
This is the first product of its kind. There are no competing glues that disintegrate
Disinteglue will contribute to eliminating plastic pollution of our planet which has
been a trend in the global society.
There is a large market of people that would be willing to pay a little extra for a
product if it can help the environment.
It’s a simple purchase for consumers. The only change they would have to make to
their lives is buying water bottles that contain this glue instead of those that don’t.
Our team is incredibly innovative and has great experience with business and
marketing. With our hard work and current connections, this product has the
potential to be very successful.
The benefits of our product greatly outweigh the costs.
The water bottles with the glue will be slightly more expensive to produce (for the
bottling companies) and a few pennies more expensive for consumers to purchase.
At first glance, it may not seem worth the nominal extra cost.
This product would compete with the recycling process
It is not an immediate solution to plastic pollution because of how long the bacterium
takes to break down the plastic.
Before we can scale this business, we will need to get the capital to find an efficient
way to harvest the algae from the oceans.
The location of our company will need to be located near a body of water containing
the bacteria and algae we need.
Not only will this glue help to reduce plastic pollution, but it can help the ecosystem
of bottom feeders in the ocean to thrive because of the fact they can feed off of the
small, non-toxic byproducts of the process.
This will allow consumers to balance their habit of using disposable water bottles
with our desire to keep the environment clean. It will allow the population to be more
conscious of their footprint on our planet.
PepsiCo has already shown interest in our product and because of the
environmental improvements it can create we can reach other major bottling
companies as well.
The price of the water bottles containing our glue as well as the glue itself will sell at
a slightly higher price than the current water bottle and glue sold today, which may
deter consumers.
Unless we patent our process, other companies will have the ability to follow our
process of creating the glue which would create competition within our market.
There has been a rise in the use of reusable water bottles which would challenge the
success of the disposable water bottles that use our glue.
5.2 PEST Analysis
Since our product is environmentally friendly, we believe that the Environmental
Protection Agency would be likely to endorse both our product and our company’s
With the shift to a more eco-friendly world, green politics will support our product in
an effort to create a more sustainable environment.
No other companies have endorsement from any of the environmental companies,
which could potentially give us a competitive advantage within our industry.
There are various laws regulating the way in which waste is disposed, including the
Clean Water Act. Our company will work to abide by these laws in order to create a
cleaner environment while staying within government regulations.
The laws prohibiting where materials can be dumped have led to our creation of
more innovative products and ideas.
Many prestigious universities have conducted experiments pertaining to the effects
of pollution on the environment and would be likely to support our product.
Our product is relatively inexpensive and will be likely to gain support from both
private and government sectors of business.
Since we are a new company and will be hiring a wave of employees, our company
will provide a variety of jobs in the industry, which will help aid our economy and
reduce unemployment.
It assists beverage companies in their endeavors to reduce their plastic footprint.
Our product will help reduce the expenses of the waste industry.
This product puts natural resources to use and creates profit from these resources.
Our company is seen as socially responsible because of our efforts to conserve the
Our product shows awareness of current environmental issues.
Since our product is versatile and can be applied to a variety of different markets
and products, we have the ability to adapt to new issues as well as the demands of
As a company, we need to create the technology that is able to harvest the algae
and bind it to the glue.
We need to grow mass amounts of our algae in order to cut down costs.
Our new process will allow us to delve into a sector of the bottling market that has
yet to be explored.
Disinteglue is a product that has the potential to expand across global bottling and
biotech markets.
The energy use for the production of this product is relatively low and its costs are
extremely reasonable for businesses to partner with us in the near future.
6.0 Marketing Plan
6.1 Competitive Analysis
The glue industry significantly affects the plastic bottling industry because without the glue;
the bottling companies can’t physically label their company name. The glue helps to
provide an identity for each company. The more consumers buy plastic bottles, the bigger
demand our company has to provide for the bottling companies. We understand that when
it comes to selling our glue to businesses the cost will be more expensive to cover the labor
to produce glue, but that should be the price to pay when our glue is as globally innovative
as it is.
Our main competitors include:
 GlueFast
 Star Packaging Supplies Company
These businesses are threats to ours because of the fact that they have already
established a client base in the glue industry. They have strong networks for their
businesses that we need to match in a very timely fashion in order to give our company
an upper hand. Specific to Star Packaging Supplies Company, they have a larger market
because they sell more than just glue. In addition to adhesives, they sell other products
that are used in combination with glue. They appear to be our largest threat because their
variety in products creates a larger market that expands beyond our current market of
an eco-balanced adhesive.
What sets our product and company apart from our competitors is that Disinteglue is
innovative, new, and revolutionary. There are no competing glues that disintegrate plastic.
Disinteglue tries to reduce the time involved in the total composition of plastics which gives
us an edge on the competition. The bottle is now responsibly designed to decompose on
its own without involving consumer intervention. To put it simply, it is self-dissolving, less
time consuming, and more efficient. Disinteglue Industries is not only an eco-friendly
company, but we are a company that helps to balance the amount of pollution with the
convenience of an already prevalent industry.
Disinteglue Industries
Star Packaging Supplies Co
 Eco-Friendly
 Created different ways
 Large expertise in not
 Unique
to apply glue to
only adhesives but
 Revolutionary
different objects
other supplies such as
 Simple for consumers
 Created a simple and
bubble wrap, etc.
 Science-based
effective method of
 Has various types of
 We have a diverse
reducing waste from
glue such as Glue
skill set when it
comes to team
 Manufactured many
types of adhesives
 Members have past
and glue as well as
 Doesn’t provide glue
business experience
methods for packaging
that is placed on the
(i.e. marketing,
A part of the
water bottles
Packaging Machinery
 Glue isn’t eco-friendly
 A new product that
Institute (PMMI)
hasn't been used
 Glue isn’t eco-friendly
 Not strictly a glue
 Hard to produce
company, expanded
 More expensive than
into graphic market,
normal water bottles
not 100% focused on
 Competes with
glue industry
recycling process
 Long decomposing
 Difficult to travel to
get the bacteria
 We have to produce
tech to harvest algae
(need capital)
6.2 Market Trends
Last year, there were 50 billion plastic water bottles consumed worldwide. Eighty percent
of those plastic water bottles ended up in landfills-- that’s 40 billion plastic water bottles not
being recycled. From these landfills, the plastic water bottles travel into the ocean and
remain for centuries which results in the death of marine life and destruction of the oceanic
ecosystem. Disinteglue Industries is looking to change the time consuming way that plastic
decomposes. With our adhesive, we can safely and naturally speed up the decomposition
process of plastic bottles. As we all know, there has been more carbon dioxide being
released in the atmosphere in the past several years, but by using Disinteglue we can slow
down and eliminate the threat of carbon dioxide being exposed to the earth. With all that
Disinteglue Industries has to offer, we can say that a greener world is ahead of us.
6.3 Market Segmentation
Due to the fact that our product is environmentally safe, our target market consists of
mostly water bottle manufacturers and plastic companies that could benefit from using an
eco-friendly, biodegradable glue. Although our product is unique and provides a solution to
a problem, it is generally untested with very little public awareness, thus we must be very
creative without market segmentation strategies.
Our initial focus will be the attraction the business of the water bottle market. We will
attempt to appeal to an environmental standpoint and emphasize the demand for such a
product in the current day market. To do this we will explain the current “green movement”
and how there is a growing “eco friendly” market who would be inclined to purchase a water
bottle with our product over the average non biodegradable bottle. Therefore, more
companies will want to move towards a bottle with our glue to represent that they are
environmentally conscious.
Looking into the future our potential markets include that of other plastic companies. Once
we have established ourselves as a legal entity we can use status to move into other
industries. We will use the same overall strategy to appeal to an eco-friendly,
environmentally conscientious consumer and manufacturer.
6.4 Marketing Surveys
The Marketing Department for Disinteglue Industries conducted a survey asking students
and teachers at a high school questions to further our market research. Although
businesses would be our customers, the final user is the consumer. We asked four
questions and received over 275 responses that aided us in determining if there is a
demand for our product. Therefore, the survey will also be essential information for
investors interested in our company.
We conducted the survey through our school email accounts, to encourage all students and
staff at the high school to respond. Anyone not in the school system could also respond to
the survey as long as they had access to someone’s school account.
This was the most efficient method for us in order to find a cross section of people, mostly
including teachers, students, and families of students. This could include high and low
income families. Our results are as follows:
6.5 Customer Service
Our customers are very important to the success of our business. We work to be as
accommodating as possible in order to maximize our customers’ satisfaction. Our
company website contains information essential for our customers such as; pricings,
numbers to call, contact emails, and facts about our product specifically referring to how it
is made and how it was discovered. The water bottle companies are encouraged to
provide feedback about our products and our company. In addition, we provide videos on
our website to show potential customers the need for and benefits of our product.
6.6 Marketing Strategy
Our promotional goals consist of spending approximately $750 to build awareness of our
product for our target market which would ultimately create a large demand. We realize
that a good product offered to other businesses at a reasonable price is essential for our
company and the customer. Our product consists of a new solvent based glue infused with
bacteria called Delftia Litopenaei and algae called Sargassum.
Expo branding is critical to our identification, recognition and development of strong
demand. Therefore, Disinteglue Industries has created brand identification through
consistent use of a logo and slogan. Customized name tags, business cards, a banner, and
other promotional items such as stress balls, functional pens, cinch packs, and water bottle
koozies with our logo have been created for the Expo. Name tags will be worn by
employees, a banner will be displayed, and promotional items and business cards will be
handed out at our exhibition booth. Our business cards contain valuable information
regarding contact information and a QR code for quick access to our website. An
interactive game including trivia will be rewarded with various prizes. A large Disinteglue
Industries banner was designed displaying our logo and slogan, and will be exhibited at our
booth in June.
The Expo is critical to our recognition and development of strong demand. Therefore,
Disinteglue Industries has created brand identification through consistent use of a logo and
slogan. Customized name tags, business cards, a banner, and other promotional items
such as stress balls, pens, cinch packs, and water bottle koozies with our logo have been
created for the Expo.
Name tags will be worn by employees, a banner will be displayed, and promotional items
and business cards will be handed out at our exhibition booth. Our business cards contain
valuable information regarding contact information and a QR code for quick access to our
website. An interactive game will offer our promotional items as prizes.
In order to create brand awareness we will use our marketing and sales team to create a
strong web presence on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Thus, attempting to enter the
market with plastic bottle adhesive companies.
As we move into different markets we will need to develop our business internally. We must
increase our human resources department by hiring of qualified employees. As we branch
out we need to think about horizontal and vertical growth. Horizontally speaking, we should
think about providing a similar type product to different consumers. This would include
different types of ecologically safe glues and the application of our original glue onto other
plastic products. Vertically, we would need to think about growth into different levels of the
distribution chain. Perhaps we will eventually start an independent plastic bottling company.
We need to think about how we will sell our product and distribute it. As of now, we will
construct an internal sales force comprised of the members of our marketing team to sell
our product to manufacturers. Looking into the future we may want to investigate the
possibility of selling our products to distributors to sell them for themselves.
6.7Target Market
As a business to business company, our target market is unique and competitive.
Disinteglue Industry's major market is multinational corporations who have branded
themselves as household names. For example, we have been mentored by Pepsi Co.
because of the vast opportunities that they indirectly open up to our business. As we
proceed into the future of our business, we plan to continue pursuing businesses of the
same caliber which will expand our market, increase revenue, and help create a greener
world. Based on the current demand that these major bottling companies face, the market
for Disinteglue Industries looks very prosperous in the present as well as in our future. The
more attention that we attain from our target market, the more opportunities that will arise in
the form of partnerships with businesses in the public and private sector as well as the
possibility of government approval and support. By engaging our target market, Disinteglue
Industries will undoubtedly be a successful and long lasting company.
7.0 Web Plan Summary
7.1 Website Development Requirements
Disinteglue Industries has designed a website which allows us to effectively market our
product as well as a relationship with our company.
Website content includes:
 About Us
 Business Plan
 Contact Us
 Investor Information
 Join the Movement
“Meet the Team” page
 Mentorship
 Mission Statement
 Ordering Page
 Our Product
 Sustainability
 Three Year Expansion Plan
7.2 User Interface
Disinteglue Industries is a business-to-business enterprise which means that our website is
designed with professionalism in mind. Our site is user friendly, straight-forward, and
markets a relationship with our company as well as our product. Information about our
company and product is abundant, and ordering is simple.
7.3 Web Marketing Strategy
It is our goal at Disinteglue Industries to utilize multiple types of online marketing strategies
to help our business grow. We are established on social media such as Twitter, Facebook,
YouTube, and LinkedIn. We use these sites to bring customers and potential investors up
to date news about our company. Although we are primarily a business-to-business
company, we want people who buy bottled water to believe in our product and look to buy
bottled water that utilizes our product. This relationship with our potential customers is
valuable to potential business partners.
8.0 Operational Plan
8.1 Product Development
Through performing in depth research, our research and development team was able to
create our product, Disinteglue. By researching natural bacteria and algae in the
environment, we were able to find a completely natural way of fighting back against the
plastic that creates a global issue of plastic waste in the ocean. With over 350 million
plastic bottles in the ocean and over 40 billion bottles ending up in landfills, our company is
combatting an obvious issue that is jeopardizing ocean life. Our custom adhesive combines
Delftia Litopenaei, a natural plastic eating bacteria, and Sargassum, natural algae that
decomposes plastic, with a normal labeling adhesive to break down plastic water bottles in
oceans both safely and efficiently. Once the bottles are exposed to water, the algae and
bacteria become activated and catalyze the decomposition process.
8.2 Quality and Inventory Control
Because we will sell to water bottling companies, who generally produce mass amounts of
bottles, we will start out with an inventory of 3,500 gallons of glue. We expect to initially sell
to only one or a few companies, but as the number of customers increase, we will increase
our inventory in large increments because of the amount of glue that would be sold to each
company. This will cost us approximately $157,500, but these numbers may be adjusted
based on our financial department’s analyses of our sales.
8.3 Location and Facilities
Disinteglue Industries currently operates at 234 Judd Rd, Southbury, CT. This location is
where the management, website, marketing, research and development, and financial
departments function. Future growth plans include company expansion and relocation of
our production facility in order to ensure sufficient supplies of the Delftia Bacteria and
Sargassum Algae.
8.4 Hours of Operation
The office will be open from 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. every Monday through Saturday. This allows
customers to call within these hours and receive information or assistance from our
employees. Our website runs 24/7 so that customers can purchase our product at any
time. They can also email us at any time during the week.
9.0 Legal Environment
Licensing and bonding are used to show the legality of a business. This ensures that a
worker or company is very familiar with the work they are doing and are accountable if any
regulations having relation to their field are not met. Bonding shows that the company has
money set aside in case any claims are held against them. This will be essential for
Disinteglue Industries in case any issues concerning our product or our company appear.
In addition, any big name business hoping to invest in our company will need proof of
bonds and licensing.
9.1 Permits
In the United States, no permit is required to import any goods related to our product,
therefore, we have the ability to bring the Delftia Litopenai and Sargassum Algae to the
U.S. This makes obtaining resources needed for our product an uncomplicated task.
9.2 Health, Workplace, and Environmental Regulations
There are many health and workplace regulations enforced by the U.S. Government and
we aim to make the workplace one that protects the health and well-being of the employees
while keeping within the bounds of the regulations. In addition, Disinteglue Industries will
ensure the safe extraction of the bacteria and algae without harming the surrounding
environment because of our moral responsibility to respect the environment. Our company
mission is to create a better world, therefore, that mission will be evident in all aspects of
our product’s production and sales.
9.3 Zoning and Building
We have contacted our local planning agency in order to properly zone property for our
company due to the complexity of current zoning laws. The commercial buildings and
warehouses we are planning to build for the administration of our company cannot be
constructed on residential land so we have some limitations. Before we get too involved in
zoning issues, we may want to consider hiring a local land use attorney to help guide us
through the process and ensure legal building.
9.4 Insurance
Considering the fact that our company is just a start up and the size is not large, our
insurance costs are much lower than we anticipate them to be in the future. There are
many different types of insurance that cover a variety of risks in the work place. The price
depends upon need for insurance and how much risk employees may be in due to the job
General Liability Insurance- Disinteglue Industries has this type of insurance that covers
legal issues due to accident, injuries, and claims of negligence with equipment or other
work related materials. These policies protect against payments as the result of bodily
injury, property damage, medical expenses, libel, slander, the cost of defending lawsuits,
and settlement bonds or judgments required during an appeal procedure. Since we are not
using hazardous materials to develop our product or heavy duty equipment, which could
cause issues, this does not apply to our company as much.
Product Liability Insurance- Disinteglue Industries should invest more than an average
company would in product liability insurance due to the fact that our product contains a
living organism and bacteria, which increases the risk of a manufacturing mistake. Also,
Disinteglue Industries takes on the risk of being the first company ever to manufacture
something of its kind. There is a greater risk that comes along with being the first to
product a product.
Commercial Property Insurance- The objects that fall under the “commercial property” of
our company range from our warehouse to the computers we conduct sales on. We will
need property insurance to ensure we are covered if any events such as a fire or natural
disaster were to occur.
Trademarks, Copyrights (Pending, Existing, or Purchased) - We have applied for a patent
and are currently awaiting a response from the United States Patent and Trademark Office
10.0 Management and Organization
10.1 Organization
Disinteglue Industries organizational structure is unique and is designed to serve our
company’s needs. We are primarily run by a President and Vice President who oversee
every department in the company. The Research and Development department feeds
information to every group, including Business Plan/Operations, and they also collaborate
with business plan writers and check information used in the business plan. The other
groups include Web Design, Video & Blog, Presentation, Marketing, Exhibition Booth
(Collaborates with Marketing), and Accounting & Finance. Each group has a leader who
helps assign employees to various projects, and reports progress to the President and Vice
President. Leaders also collaborate with other groups in order to keep our company in
Disinteglue Industries Company Team
10.2 Personnel
Each new employee will be thoroughly trained and tested prior to full employment. Anyone
will be able to apply as long as they have the proper prerequisites for the position. A part of
the hiring process will be a face-to-face interview to ensure that our employees value the
balance that our company strives to achieve. It is also vital that our employees have the
ability to work in a collaborative environment, that they follow our code of conduct, and that
they effectively express our goals and objective throughout all projects with other
companies. A detailed work schedule is prepared at the end of each week for the following
week to show employees what they need to do each week, and when each item is due. All
employees receive a copy of this schedule each week, to ensure efficiency, organization,
and continuity of operations.
10.3 Job Descriptions and Team Directors
Job Description: The President of Disinteglue Industries is expected to oversee his staff of
team directors and create an agenda for the week and keep teams on task as well as
offering assistance and guidance throughout the process. An ideal candidate for this
position has a variety of leadership qualities that allow for effective delegation as well as
experience in the world of business and leadership that will permit him or her to provide
direction and guidance to company employees. One of the most important duties that the
President has is to create a link between the CEO and each department by holding
conferences and voicing concerns of each member of the company.
Christian SantaMaria:
Christian is more than
qualified for this position as
he is the current VicePresident of the
Pomperaug Student
Council, an organization
that provides leadership
training opportunities as
well as many chances for
delegation and leadership
practice. Christian’s
exemplary performances in both Marketing and Economics class also give him the
versatility to focus on any team and their specific issues along with his experience
conducting intense genealogical research which gives him the research skills needed to
advise the R&D Department. His score of 4 out of 5 on his Advanced Placement English
Language and Composition Examination gives him an edge with his participation in
business plan assembly. Christian’s plans for the future include studying Political Science
at The University of Connecticut and taking a Pre-Law Advisory track of study.
Vice President
Job Description: The Vice President of Disinteglue Industries is responsible for
collaborating with the President to delegate assignments amongst the team leaders. This
position also requires one to evaluate the performance of the aforementioned leaders and
work closely with the President and leaders to set a strategic course of action for the
company and ensure that said plan is carried out in the most efficient and effective way
Alissa Shapiro:
Alissa brings a striking
skill set that qualifies her
for this position better than
any other company
member. She has
completed courses in
business such as
Economics. Alissa will
also be able to incorporate
her experience in
advanced mathematics
courses such as Calculus
and arts including Graphic Design and Drawing and Painting to work with specific teams on
various aspects of what needs to be done. Outside of school, Alissa’s leadership abilities
do not end, as she spends her summer months as a counselor at YMCA Camp Woodstock
and has attended numerous leadership training programs to hone in on her delegation and
organizational abilities. Next year, Alissa plans to study International Relations and Spanish
as a member of the University of Delaware Honors Program.
Director of Business Plan
Job Description: The Director of Business Plan of Disinteglue Industries should be able
present information and write a description of the company, its background, goals, and
functions. The business plan should be presentable, thorough, and clear to ensure that it
explains the business, our mission, and the action plan, including our products and
competitive advantage. He or she is also responsible for balancing all the information so
that it is clear and concise.
Kelly Almeida:
Kelly is qualified for this job
because she has taken all
business courses offered at
Pomperaug High School,
which are Economics,
Marketing, Accounting 1&2,
and E-Commerce
Entrepreneurship. Through
these classes, she has
acquired a rich knowledge of
the business world and its
functions, essential for a job that has to do with enduring understandings of all business
concepts to effectively display the information. She has exceptional writing skills, and is
able to display information in a sophisticated manner. In addition, she is a hard working,
competitive, and knowledgeable person that cares about the functioning of the business.
Next year, Kelly will be attending Longwood University, studying Business Administration
with a concentration in Marketing, and will also be a member of the Honors Program.
Director of Research and Development
Job Description: The Director of Research and Development is responsible for gathering
all information that our company needs in order to move forward in the development of our
business. Whoever is placed in this position is held accountable for a Research team who
will gather information for product development as well as collaborate that information with
the other teams and the President to assist in the crafting of a well-cited business plan.
Connor DeLaney:
Connor is more than qualified
for this position due to his
wealth of experience and
complex skill set in the field of
research. He has taken an
array of business courses
including Economics,
Marketing, Accounting I,
Accounting II, and ECommerce Entrepreneurship.
As evident by his business
background, Connor has a great understanding of what he will need to be looking for to
conduct research conducive to the benefit of the team. His experience will also help him
share critical information with his co-workers which is essential to each department. He is a
hardworking and driven individual who is vested in the success of Disinteglue Industries.
Connor will be studying Business Management and Entrepreneurship at Central
Connecticut State University next year.
Web Designer
Job Description: As the Web Designer, one is held accountable for the technological
growth of the company including web-based communication and final website creation and
maintenance. As Disinteglue Industries is a business to business company, it is imperative
that the website focus just as strongly on the integrity of our company as well as the
integrity of our product, because what we are really marketing is a relationship with our
company. The Web Designer will also serve as the Technology Director who will create an
“inviting” web marketing strategy to help pull in new customers.
Brody Nagy:
Brody is the ideal Web
Designer for Disinteglue
Industries. His experience
has encompassed nearly ten
years of technology
development as well as other
aspects of the business
sector such as accounting
and marketing. His passion
for 21st century technological
advancement has been
growing since he was twelve
and built his very first website and only fourteen when he built his first computer
independently. Brody is fluent in JavaScript, Python, and C++. He is an incredible asset to
the company as a whole and has passed down knowledge on creating distinct, eyecatching website designs to the twenty members of the E-Commerce Entrepreneurship
Team. Next year, Brody plans to attend Wentworth Institute of Technology to further his
technological development skills.
Video/Blog Coordinator
Job Description: The video/blog coordinator is responsible for taking recordings of all
important meetings and updating the blog on a weekly basis, allowing any customers and
investors to stay up to date on what is happening with our company. They allow this
audience insight to our business in a more visual way instead of simply reading it off of a
Hunter Jones:
Hunter carries three years of
experience in both video and
computer editing to the company
through his participation in the
Academy of Digital Arts and
Sciences. He is a very sociable and
empathetic person, giving him the
ability to relate to the audience
through film in a way that affects
them in a positive way. Having experience the Student Innovation Expo for two years
already, Hunter knows what it takes to appeal to an audience and attract the eyes of
consumers and businesses. There is no doubt that he is the most qualified to craft
innovative digital advertisements and videos that embody the positive image and mission of
Disinteglue Industries. He plans on continuing his excellent Academy work into his senior
Exhibition Booth Director
Job Description: The Booth Director is in charge of implementing the booth plans for the
Expo and will create an interactive and exciting presentation for anyone who visits the
booth. The booth Director is responsible for accurately marketing our company and
product, while accounting for the fact that we are a Business to Business Enterprise. They
will have to work closely with the Marketing, Research and Development, and Accounting
teams concerning budgets, and important information about the product.
Noelle Hanna:
Noelle is one of the most enthusiastic
members of our E-Commerce team.
She brings a unique atmosphere to
the booth group as a result of her
outgoing personality. She is also a
great at working with others, and
therefore problem solves as well as
welcomes diverse ideas regarding the
exhibition booth. Noelle has taken
marketing and therefore has knowledge in what will appeal to our audience. In addition,
she has vision and creativity to make our booth stand out. Noelle will become a member of
University of Maine’s Class of 2019.
Booth Design Consultant
Job Description: The Exhibition Booth Design Consultant is responsible for the planning
of a creative and aesthetically pleasing booth design that will effectively market our
company, Disinteglue Industries. With the knowledge that our company is marketing to
other businesses, the booth will be designed accordingly.
Molly Richardson: Molly brings an
abundance of experience to the table as the
Booth Design Consultant. Her two prior years
of Expo experience serve as the backbone of
her success. She works well in groups and
assumes a natural leadership role while being
open-minded and accepting to others’ input.
Molly’s artistic abilities, positivity and business
focused mentality will ensure that the booth is exciting and interactive.
She plans on continuing her excellent Academy work into her senior year.
Director of Marketing
Job Description: The director of marketing leads the class’s largest sect of the company.
They must be willing to multi-task and work with/for the other groups of the company.
Some of their responsibilities will include assigning and monitoring the team's work,
providing other heads of the company with weekly reports, and making sure that team's
work is professional. It falls under the marketing director to make sure that the company’s
needs are met and that any needs of the team are presented to the company and
addressed appropriately. In the end, they are expected to lead the team in a successful
manner that benefits the class as a whole.
Matthew Witek:
Matthew has had a multitude of
experiences that have shaped his
marketing skills and have put him in
the position to lead our marketing
team to success. He has aced his
marketing and business courses
throughout his high school career,
and currently runs the Marketing
Department of his family's personal
company, “My Monkey Soup”. He
has worked with this company for
over two years and plans to bring his knowledge and experience to create immense
success to Disinteglue Industries. He is friendly and always willing to hear ideas from all of
his co-workers and is looking forward to bring the business to new heights! In the next step
of his educational journey, Matthew plans to study Entrepreneurship and Emerging
Enterprises as part of Syracuse University’s Class of 2019.
Director of Accounting and Finance
Job Description: It is the responsibility of the Director of Accounting and Finance to lead
his or her team in preparing financial reports for the company. This individual will work
effectively with the members of his/her team as well as the other Directors and President of
the company to complete the financial reports for the business plan. The Financial Director
is required to produce a Start-up Cost Statement, Balance Sheet, Revenue/Expenditure 3year, Break Even Analysis, Cash Flow Analysis, and statement of the monthly expenses.
Carl LaRosa:
Carl is well rounded in his business
education. Business has been prevalent
in Carl’s life as he is a member of
Future Business Leaders of America
and has completed numerous courses
in the business sector. Having taken
Accounting I and II his sophomore year,
Carl went on to take Marketing and
Economics during his junior year. This
experience has definitely turned Carl
into the qualified and competent individual that he is today in E-Commerce
Entrepreneurship. He plans on double-majoring in General Business and Economics as he
joins the Bryant University Class of 2019.
Professional Lead Presenter
Job Description: As a part of the presenters team for Disinteglue Industries, the
Professional Lead Presenter is qualified to fully prepare to answer any and every question
asked whilst having a powerful voice that keeps all listeners engaged. The Lead Presenter
should be able to describe our business in an easy-to-follow and effective way. In order to
be successful, one must be able to project to the audience and keep them intrigued. The
ability to “sell” the business concept is immeasurable in the overall success of the
Nokomis Leaman-Logsdon:
Nokomis has exceptional skills and
experience in public speaking, and
will be a strong vocal contributor for
Disinteglue Industries. Her
background in theatre makes her a
perfect candidate for the lead
presenter, as she is able to project
her voice, persuade the audience,
and react quickly to any unexpected
questions from the judges, just as
she would if she had to improvise on
stage. In addition, Nokomis is very organized, and has a strong attention to detail, allowing
her to present precise information in a powerful fashion. In the future, she plans to attend
the American Academy for Dramatic Arts in New York City to advance her presentation and
acting abilities.
10.4 Cross-Functional Support
A characteristic of horizontal companies, like Disinteglue Industries, is “organization by
process”. Self- managing teams are organized around particular processes, such as
developing new products, or providing customer support. Teams made up of people with
different specializations operate the business. Each individual team is empowered to make
their own decisions, complete tasks, and coordinate their activity with the other groups. It’s
empowerment that reinforces our team spirit and contributes to company loyalty.
However, on the job, many people are cross trained for several tasks on multiple teams
due to their wide range of experiences. This gives our team flexibility and diverse
strengths. Work becomes more enjoyable because of the changing dynamics of the job.
Prior to assigning each employee to a group, each person submitted a resume to
showcase the skills and abilities they can offer to our company. Using these, upper
management was able to place each applicant into the group(s) that they would fit in the
best. Because many employees have various assets and experiences, we are able to
balance our employees’ skills efficiently and offer cross-functional support.
Bora Agastra lends her exceptional writing skills to help create an organized, informative,
and sophisticated Business Plan. Her writing is also used in the Marketing group, where
she helps in creating a Marketing Plan and making smart Marketing decisions.
Steve Dewitt’s creativity and positive attitude, and competitive nature bring great assets to
Marketing, while his knowledge in accounting and intellectual side help Accounting work
efficiently and accurately.
Jacob Parsell has become a strong asset in both Research and Development and
Exhibition Booth. In Research and Development, Jake works efficiently to collect vital
information for the development of the business. His creative side surfaces when he works
within the Exhibition Booth, where he uses marketing and economics experience to
creatively problem solve and design a sustainable and interactive booth display.
Marcos Alfonso has many creative talents including music, poetry, rapping, and an eye for
design. For these reasons, Marcos was asked to contribute both to the Marketing
department in the development of the logo design, business cards, and selection of
sustainable prizes. In addition, his contributions to the Exhibition Booth and consulting on
the Web Site make Disinteglue Industries branding strong and memorable.
10.5 Investing in Human Capital
Collaboration within Disinteglue Industries is key in order for us to prosper as a company.
At the end of each week, group leaders have a meeting and to report back with the team’s
progress for that week. They analyze each member’s effort, performance, and attendance.
Any issues are confronted and solved for increasingly efficient work for the next
week. Teams may also collaborate and get on the same page. This helps make the
company more organized and structured.
Absences: Every employee that is absent must tell their group leader or
President/Vice President prior to when we meet. Team leaders must report if any
absences become an issue for the team.
Effort/Performance: Each Member of the company is carefully graded weekly based
on what they accomplished and how much effort was put into the company
Collaboration: Teams may meet for team meetings, team leader meetings, or one on
one meetings with the President. This may happen during class, free blocks, lunch,
or out of school through face to face meetings, Skype sessions, calling, and texting.
This investment in time keeps the business on track and gives everyone an idea of what
needs to be done in the following weeks. This allows every group to be on the same page,
alleviating unnecessary chaos in the classroom when some groups may not know what to
work on. We also give only a few tasks at a time to avoid employees becoming
11.0 Financial Plan
11.1 Start Up Costs
U-Haul 26' Truck
Petty Cash Fund
Business License/ Legal Fees $1,500.00
Fish Tank
Manufacturing Machinery
Advertising Expense
Starting Inventory
11.2 Break Even Analysis
The objective of the break-even analysis is to figure out how many units need to be sold in
order for our total sales is equal to our total expenses, which is when both our company’s
profit and loss will equal zero
Variable Costs
$45.00 / unit
Fixed Costs
Expected Sales
3,500 units
$95 / unit
Total Revenue
Total Variable Cost
Total sales equals total expenses
(Start-up costs)
(Price)(X units sold)
($95/unit)(X units)
units sold
To find the breakeven point, you must set your expenses equal to your sales. The total
expenses were calculated in the Start-Up Costs spreadsheet. Sales are calculated by a
simple formula: sales = price of product X units sold. The units sold is the point you are
trying to find so that your sales equals your expenses. By dividing $186,903.99 / $95, we
concluded that we need to sell 1968 units to break even.
11.3 Balance Sheet
Disinteglue Industries
as of 4/7/2015 as of 12/31/2015
Current Assets
Cash in bank
Accounts receivable
Prepaid expenses
Other current assets
Total Current Assets
Fixed Assets
Machinery & equipment
Furniture & fixtures
Leasehold improvements
Land & buildings
Other fixed assets
(LESS accumulated depreciation on all fixed assets)
Total Fixed Assets (net of depreciation)
Other Assets
Total Other Assets
TOTAL Assets
Liabilities and Equity
Current Liabilities
Accounts payable
Interest payable
Taxes payable
Notes, short-term (due within 12 months)
Current part, long-term debt
Other current liabilities
Total Current Liabilities
Long-term Debt
Bank loans payable
Notes payable to stockholders
LESS: Short-term portion
Other long term debt
Total Long-term Debt
Total Liabilities
Owners' Equity
Invested capital
Retained earnings - beginning
Retained earnings - current
Total Owners' Equity
Total Liabilities & Equity
$ 670
$ 700
$ 161,500
$ 22,500
$ 25,404
$$$ 700
$$$ 186,904
$ 670
$ 700
$ 700
$ 186,904
$ 186,904
11.4 Three-Year Projection
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Unit Sales
3,500 units
5,000 units
10,000 units
Unit Sales Value
Unit Cost
Total Unit Cost
Sale Revenue
Total Business Expenses
Total Profit
11.5 Investors Page
Our business will need $186,904 to start the production of our glue. We are asking for an
investment of $190,000 in exchange for 20% of our company’s equity. We will use these
funds for inventory, machinery, and advertising among other things to get our company off
the ground. Our investors should get their money back within 3 years from the start of the
production of the glue.
Customer Acquisition Costs
The cost of our customers can be calculated by adding our variable cost (manufacturing
costs, individual packaging) and our constant costs associated with marketing (advertising,
website). First however, the variable costs must be multiplied by the number of units made
(p). This is shown in the equation below.
C(p) = variable costs(p) + constant costs
At Disinteglue, our manufacturing and packaging cost is 45$/unit. Our Constant costs
include our advertising cost and our website cost. This total is $779.99. This information is
shown in the equation below.
C(p) = $45(p) + $779.99
When p equals 1 customer, we can find the acquisition cost per customer.
C(1) = $45 + $779.99
C(1) = $824.99
Our customer acquisition cost for 1 customer is $824.99.
12.0 Future Developments
“Coke, Dr Pepper and Pepsi understand that
balancing your mix of foods, drinks and physical
activities can get a little tricky. Since our products
can play a part in that equation, we’ve teamed up to
help make it easier to find a balanced mix that feels
oh so right. That’s where Mixify comes in. It’s like a
balance wingman. Bringing you new combinations
to keep your mix fresh and your body right.
School, sports, friends, parents, Snapchats, global
warming—life is hectic and finding balance isn’t always easy.
Enter: Mixify. A new project from America’s beverage companies that’s all about making
balance easier. Because even if your body is feeling less like a temple and more like— say,
a truck stop—balancing the calories that you eat and drink with the calories you burn is key
to finding the right mix to keep you feeling like the majestic creature that you are. Balance
what you eat and drink with what you do. That’s how you Mixify.” (Mixify website)
Since we are currently being mentored by PepsiCo, we are looking to expand and become
involved in My Mixify. If we could become a part of this idea, we would gain a lot of publicity
since this idea has gained a lot of public backing already. It would also give us increased
business since instead of working with just PepsiCo, we would be jointly partnered with
Coke and Dr. Pepper. This would also increase the environmental presence for these
companies and make them appeal to even more consumers. Because they are promoting
their own items through Mixify, the majority of which are plastic bottles, we will gain a
stronger reputation.
We fit in perfectly with Mixify, as their whole idea is based off of a balanced lifestyle.
Disinteglue Industries is also very much associated with balance, as we balance the
convenience of bottled water with its adverse environmental effects.
Our plan for diversification includes providing a similar type product to different businesses.
This would include different types of environmentally friendly glues and the application of
our original glue onto other plastic products other than water bottles.
Currently, our R&D professionals are looking into combining the Delftia and Sargassum into
an ink. This will expand our market into areas such as grocery bags and Ziploc® bags.
We could expand our goal of achieving balance to society and the environment, making
the balance between everyday life and recycling more convenient.
Once we realize the growth of our product within the marketplace, we will work on
developing a formula for our adhesive that can be applied to K-Cups.
After extensive research, we have discovered that 9.8 billion portion packs are used each
year in the U.S. alone, each containing 18 to 44 singular K-Cups. That means that the
range of K-Cups used annually is between 176.4 billion to 431.2 billion K-Cups.
In 2014, enough K-Cups were sold that if placed end-to-end, they would circle the globe
10.5 times. Almost all of them ended up in landfills. They are not recyclable. Using them is
extremely wasteful and irresponsible, and we advise against use of their current form. This
way of making coffee simply cannot be sustained. Disinteglue Industries hopes to solve
this issue by applying our glue to more plastic products than just bottles, hence making our
product versatile and able to maintain an even more balanced environment.
Join us as “A Greener World Starts Now”…
13.0 Appendices
Refer to hard copy of Business Plan for the following:
Business Card
Research Findings
Description of Product
Effects on Environment
About Delftia
Glue Companies
Advantages and Disadvantages
Works Cited
Works Cited
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