Solutions to multiple and combined stresses in crop production

Sustainable Food Safety SFS-01-2016
Topic: Solutions to multiple and combined stresses in crop production
Dátum zverejnenia:
Dátum otvorenia:
Deadline 2. fázy:
17.2.2016, 17:00
13.9.2016, 17:00
Dvojfázový projekt
Výzva a jej dokumenty:
Špecifická výzva:
Water, soil quality and nutrients are key determinants of plant growth and crop productivity. With
supplies of these inputs becoming increasingly variable and scarce, improvements in water use
efficiency (WUE) and nutrient use efficiency (NUE) are of particular importance for both plant
breeding and crop management, as are issues of yield stability.
Rozsah pôsobnosti:
Proposals will lay the ground for a better understanding and management of highly dynamic
processes of combined abiotic variations and their effects on crops. More specifically, activities will
establish how combined water and nutrient stresses act upon plants taking into account complex
interactions between plants/roots, soils and below ground biodiversity. Knowledge of these basic
processes should be linked to overall system resource- use efficiency in crops on the basis of a
thorough understanding of the interplay between crop genetics, crop management and the
environment. Findings will be applied to the development and testing of strategies and tools for soil,
water and crop management. Also, they will serve to identify (combinations of) above- and belowground traits associated with improved plant performance under restricted water and nutrient
availability to develop crop breeding strategies and tools.
Proposals should fall under the concept of the 'multi-actor approach'[See definition of the 'multiactor approach' in the introduction to this Work Programme part.] to ensure that knowledge and
needs from various sectors including farming are brought together. The topic is open to all types of
crop production and farming systems (e.g. arable farming, horticulture, grassland, fruit trees, agroforestry) and should benefit both conventional and organic agriculture in various pedo-climatic
The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of up to EUR
6 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does
not preclude the submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.
Očakávaný účinok:
Activities will enhance our capacity to deal with multiple abiotic stresses in cropping systems. More
specifically project outputs will serve to:
 reveal how different combinations of water and nutrient stresses interact and impact on crops, in
particular on agriculturally important traits;
 increase the range of farm-level crop management strategies and tools to respond better to
variable levels of water and nutrient supply;
 support breeding strategies and tools to develop crops that can adapt better to water and
nutrient stresses and ensure high product quality;
 identify combinations of genotypes and management practices suited to increase water and
nutrient use efficiency of crops (this could include exploiting the natural variation e.g. in
traditional crops)
More generally and in the long term, outputs and results will help to increase the resilience of crop
production in more variable environments and ultimately secure productivity. They will also
contribute to optimising water use and reducing nutrient losses in agricultural systems, thereby also
reducing the environmental impact of agricultural activities, in particular with regard to water
Typ opatrenia:
RIA (Research and Innovation Action), financovanie 100 %
minimálne 3 nezávislé právne subjekty z rôznych členských štátov EÚ alebo pridružených krajín
elektronická prihláška
čitateľnosť, dostupnosť, možnosť tlače
životopis primárne zodpovedných osôb
zoznam 1 – 5 relevantných publikácií/produktov/služieb/iných úspechov
zoznam 1 – 5 relevantných predošlých projektov/aktivít
opis relevantnej infraštruktúry alebo technického vybavenia
opis tretích strán, ktoré nie sú partnermi ale budú prispievateľmi
návrh plánu využívania a diseminácie výsledkov ak nie je definované inak – nevyžaduje sa pri
prvej fáze dvojfázových postupov
dodržanie obmedzenia počtu strán – v prvej fáze sa vyžaduje 10 strán (strany nad obmedzený
počet nebudú brať hodnotiaci do úvahy)
 Informovanie o výsledkoch:
Pre prvú fázu: max. do 3 mesiacov od deadlinu pre podanie návrhov
Pre druhú fázu: max. do 5 mesiacov od deadlinu pre podanie návrhov
 Podpis grantovej dohody max. do 8 mesiacov od deadlinu pre podanie návrhov