V (A). NY Tributary Strategy – Agriculture V. (A) 1. The New York Agricultural Environmental Management (AEM) Program The New York AEM program was codified into law in 2000. Its goal is to support farmers in their efforts to protect water quality and conserve natural resources, while enhancing farm viability. AEM has become the primary program for agricultural conservation in New York, using a voluntary approach to meet local, state and national water quality objectives. It has become the umbrella environmental program for addressing agricultural point and nonpoint source issues for all local, state and federal programs. The core concepts of the program is that it is voluntary and incentive-based, addresses specific farm needs and reduces farmer liability by providing approved protocols to follow. AEM is meant to addresses watershed needs, be locally led and coordinated and provide a confidential method of planning and assessment. The assessment process also increases farmer awareness of the potential impact of farm activities on the environment. The AEM Program relies on a five-tiered process: 1. Tier 1 – Survey current activities, future plans and potential environmental concerns. 2. Tier 2 – Document current land stewardship; identify and prioritize areas of concern. 3. Tier 3 – Develop a conservation plan addressing areas of concern tailored to the farm’s goals. 4. Tier 4 – Implement the plan utilizing available financial, educational and technical assistance. 5. Tier 5 – Conduct evaluations to ensure the protection of the environment and farm viability. Using the AEM as the baseline program for implementing BMPs, the USC counties will integrate their local goals with NY and CBP objectives to help attain nutrient and sediment load reductions. They will participate in those initiatives (e.g., precision feeding, rotational grazing, cover crops, buffers) described in this section that best support the needs and types of agriculture in their county. With this approach we believe we will be successful in meeting federal, state and local objectives. 1 V. (A) 2. Funding the AEM Program in the NY CB Watershed Since 1994, the State’s Agricultural Nonpoint Source Grant Program, through the State Department of Agriculture and Markets, and Soil and Water Conservation Committee (SWCC) has allocated cost-share funds to support farmers in their efforts to protect water quality and natural resources that are in the public’s interest. These funds, along with Federal Farm Bill funding have supported the bulk of the agricultural support for this watershed. There is virtually no dedicated funding stream for agriculture in this watershed, with the funds being captured through some form of competitive approach. The following list includes all agricultural partners and comprises the majority of funding sources for agricultural planning and implementation: NY Agriculture and Markets Nonpoint Source Grant using NY Environmental Protection Fund and EPA 319 NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation “EFarm Program”, funding CNMP development and support. USDA NRCS Farm Bill Programs, including EQIP, WRP, AMA and others USDA FSA Farm Bill Programs, including CRP and the NY CREP Special Congressional earmarks, such as those supporting the AEM Strategy development through the NYS DAM and planning and intensive rotational grazing under the “Graze NY” program Specific grants obtained through RFPs, such as the USDA NRCS Conservation Innovative Grants and the EPA Targeted Watershed Initiative An additional approach is to support agricultural positions through the NY Environmental Protection Fund as a line item for the USC counties. This concept is already successfully working for the Finger Lakes and Lake Ontario region in NY. It would be a key funding source to provide long-term stability and AEM capacity directed at the most important component in this tributary strategy, namely agriculture. V. (A). 3 County AEM Strategies: the basis for Agricultural Planning for the NY Tributary Strategy In 2004 the NYS SWCC initiated a process for each county to develop an AEM Strategic Plan that would describe how the county would, usually on a watershed basis, communicate the goals of AEM to farmers, assess and prioritize farms and implement agricultural BMPs. The goals 2 were to ensure that a consistent AEM message was developed statewide, all aspects of the AEM process were adequately reviewed and implementation efforts would be enhanced through coordinated planning efforts. All of the counties in the NY CB Watershed follow the AEM program. At this writing 14 out of the 19 counties representing over 97% of the NY CB Watershed have specifically acknowledged the need to address the nutrient and sediment reduction goals developed by the CBP. Their plans will be the basis for developing implementation efforts. Because much of implementation is done autonomously at the county level, and in the spirit of the AEM voluntary approach, this Strategy presents overall nutrient and sediment reduction goals for the entire NY CB Watershed and challenges each county to implement sufficient measures to meet those load allocations. This will also allow each county, through its own AEM Plan, to address local needs, state needs and Bay needs using its own unique approach. We will however provide Basin and subwatershed discussions to help describe the NY landscape and stimulate new initiatives. V. (A) 4. Status of Agriculture in the NY Chesapeake Bay Watershed Basin Total Ag Alfalfa Pasture (all numbers are in Distur. Hay Hay Consev Conven. All stream w/nutr. wo/nutr. Till Till crops in crops crops wo/ pasture w/man. w/man. man. Nurs. Cows Beef (K’s) (K’s) acres) Chemung 289,295 31,390 77,304 388 74,683 34,900 1,479 58,624 6,908 3,619 19 K 31K Susq. 646,807 81,421 211,775 1,064 159.459 61,781 14,127 107,604 2,952 6,624 85 K 97K Total 936,102 112,811 289,079 1,452 234,142 96,681 15,606 166,228 9,860 10,243 104K 128K Precise and accurate baseline data is very important for this strategy because the Bay Model uses these numbers to estimate nutrient and sediment loads. If the agricultural acres and livestock numbers are overestimated then we will be given larger load allocations than are actually present. All indications are, unfortunately, that agricultural operations are in decline in our watershed and the Bay model may be overestimating our nutrient loads by using older data (2002 Ag census). One goal of this strategy will be to continue to improve the baseline data so that as 3 accurate a description of agriculture in the watershed is available. Agricultural information presented will be the best available at the time. Dairy and beef are the two most prevalent agricultural enterprises in the watershed. Although there may be more cattle than milk cows, 82 of the 84 confined animal feeding operations (CAFO - those farms with more than 200 animals) are dairy farms. Many of the row crops and hay operation also help to support the dairy and beef operations. It does appear that small horse farms are becoming more numerous. EXPAND AFTER COLLECTING MORE INFORMATION????? Status of Agriculture in Chemung River Basin There are about 1900 farms in the Chemung Basin in NY, representing about 26 % of the land cover. Forest (69%) and urban/suburban (5%) account for the remaining landscape. Farms are relatively small, with only 13 reaching CAFO size. Review after data developed Watershed County Estimated number 1 farms Farm of Planning assessments completed 2 CAFOs4 Dairy Beef projects for next five years3 Canisteo R. Cohocton R. Alleghany 70 0 20 0 Steuben 500 95 78 7 Livingston 4 0 0 0 Ontario 1 Schuyler 60 19 90 0 Steuben 525 90 60 3 Yates 9 0 0 0 Cowanesque R. Steuben 8 8 1 Tioga R. Steuben 5 8 0 Chemung R. Chemung 380 31 155 2 Schuyler 60 4 14 0 Steuben 300 22 10 0 all 1908 269 443 13 Chemung Basin 4 1 Number based county on percent of county in the CB Watershed and 2002 Ag Census; may include many small farms or “farms” that are actually land parcels rented to other farmers 2 Includes Tier 1, 2 and 3a planning projects 3 Includes Tier1, 2, 3a and 5 planning projects 4 All CAFOs are dairy except for one 1000 hog operation in Chemung River, Chemung County Status of Agriculture in Susquehanna River Basin There are about ????? farms in the Susquehanna Basin in NY, representing about 22 % of the land cover. Forest (69%) and urban/suburban (5%) account for the remaining landscape. Finish after data developed Watershed County Estimated Farm Planning number of assessments projects farms1 completed2 for CAFOs4 Dairy Beef next five years3 Cayuta Cr. Catatonk Cr. Owego Cr. Nanticoke Tioughnioga R. Otselic R. Chemung 5 0 0 0 Schuyler 20 7 0 1 Tioga 1 5 0 Tompkins 6 3 0 Tioga 32 30 1 Tompkins 1 3 0 Cortland 1 2 2 Tioga 35 40 2 Tompkins 8 11 1 Broome 15 Tioga 3 20 0 Broome 20 100 1 Cortland 67 80 14 36 2 16 3 5 17 1 Madison 32 13 Onondaga 22 0 Chenango 65 1 40 2 5 Cortland 7 20 2 4 18 0 Broome 5 69 1 Chenango 48 132 6 Oneida 0 Madison Chenango R. Madison Unadilla R. Otsego Lake 28 204 Chenango 101 30 2 18 2 0 15 2 8 2 17 1 0 108 3 9 98 1 44 0 Madison 50 2 Oneida 0 Otsego 40 64 1 80 2 13 Otsego Susquehanna R. 5 61 Herkimer Herkimer 8 Delaware 125 Herkimer 26 30 20 3 69 120 2 Headwaters Mainstem Susquehanna R. 0 Otsego 60 80 3 Schoharie 0 Broome 46 82 6 Chenango 15 57 3 3 10 0 Broome 10 93 0 Tioga 40 160 4 0 Mainstem Great Bend Delaware Susquehanna R. 15 Lower Mainstem Susquehanna Basin 1 723 71 all Number based county on percent of county in the CB Watershed and 2002 Ag Census; may include many small farms or “farms” that are actually land parcels rented to other farmers 2 Includes Tier 1, 2 and 3a planning projects 3 Includes Tier1, 2, 3a and 5 planning projects 6 4 All CAFOs are dairy except for one 1100 sheep operation in Owego Creek, Cortland County V. (A) 5. Load Reduction Strategy from Agriculture We envision a combination of traditional “baseline” county agricultural implementation efforts augmented by additional “CB inspired” projects and new special initiatives. Most activities will have multiple benefits, addressing local and state needs while also providing downstream reductions. County AEM Plans will help describe priority areas. The USC uses the concept of a “Multiple Barrier Approach” for implementation. This concept fits well with the planning and implementation efforts proposed for our agricultural efforts. The Multiple Barrier Approach begins with reductions at the source and here we suggest the primal beginning is with mass balancing on farms. This planning tool will provide the information helpful for selected appropriate BMPs and focus work on the most cost–effective measures. Secondly, precision feed and forage management and yield reserve will be important because they can reduce the importation of nutrients onto the farm and into the watershed. Once the nutrients have reached the farm implementation across the landscape will be important. This step starts with comprehensive nutrient management planning and all of its components, leading to such BMPs as conservation tillage, cover crops, land retirement, wetlands and tree planting. The last barrier is at the stream edge and here stream fencing and buffers come into play. The following discussion presents the potential for 17 BMPs to help reduce nutrient and sediment on farms. To the degree possible we have included the criteria used by the CBP for their Version 4.3 Watershed Model. These descriptions will also help the reader understand the following table, which summarizes the “best practical estimates” for implementing agricultural BMPs, based on meetings with knowledge agricultural experts and farmers. These estimates will be used to begin implementing our strategy, with the full knowledge that we will change our course as we need to as new information, initiatives and funding sources develop. Reductions at the Source Source control begins with understanding the nutrient budget on the farm; mass balancing (difference between nutrients entering the farm through feed, fertilizer, fixation etc. and the 7 amount leaving the farm through sales of milk, meat, animals, crops, manure etc.) can determines excess nutrients based on all nutrient inputs and outputs, which provides information for several planning purposes: Development of a mass balance program for farms would provide an important baseline for all planning and many implementation projects. Mass balancing can help target BMPs that address a documentable nutrient excess Mass balancing has an outreach potential because it shows nutrient loading in a different manner that may be more understandable to farmers. Mass balancing on farms can be used to develop a mass balance for a watershed. Mass balancing can be used as a tool for documentation in nutrient trading. The USC and Cornell University are conducting mass balances on 19 farms under a pilot project to streamline how to develop a more extensive approach. Because this process is a precursor for precision feeding and an aid for targeting many BMPs, we expect it to be a key planning tool. An important next step is to determine the number of farms to be balanced and the schedule. These numbers will be dependent on the extent that certain practices, such as precision feeding, are implemented. There are two important BMPs that reduce the amount of nutrients imported into the farm, yield reserve and precision feeding. Comprehensive nutrient management can also fit this category, but we will discuss that BMP in the next section. 1. Yield Reserve. Yield reserve is a reduction in nitrogen applied to cropland beyond the nutrient management recommendation. This BMP involves a 15% nitrogen rate reduction below levels specified in a nutrient management plan and is available for cropland only. Based on research, the nutrient management rates of nitrogen application are set approximately 35% higher than what a crop needs to ensure nitrogen availability under optimal growing conditions. Therefore, this BMP requires that a nutrient management plan be developed for the farm prior to final enrollment in the program. Significant research indicates diminishing crop response to increasing rates of nitrogen application. Some research has also revealed exponentially increasing rates of nutrient loss as nutrient application rates increase. The practice may negatively impact crop yields somewhat, therefore requiring financial incentives, but this yield impact is expected to be less than 15%. The reduction efficiency of this practice may be refined 8 through additional future research. Based on available research on nutrient loss associated with application rate as well as crop nutrient budget estimates, the present reduction efficiencies for the practice are conservatively estimated at 15% for TN loss. Therefore, the modeled nitrogen rate would equate to 85% of the 135% NMP nitrogen uptake, or 114.75% of crop uptake [135% x (1.00 - 0.15)]. Nitrogen loss is minimal early as crop growth accelerates and jumps exponentially after the growth flattens out near the end of the growing cycle. University nutrient recommendations (the basis for nutrient management) attempt to minimize excess nitrogen while attempting to ensure that the plant has what it needs at all times during the growth cycle. Yield reserve works under the premise that a farmer will not suffer a yield loss in most years (based on the long term average) and for those few years where yields drop slightly, the "crop insurance or cost-share risk payment" is designed to offset it. In addition, the reduction in production inputs (nitrogen) may offset any one-year yield loss. Our estimate for NY is that possibly 10% of all acreage under comprehensive nutrient management planning might meet this BMP criteria. 2. Precision Feeding and Forage Management. Nutrient management planning on dairy farms with a focus on nutrient source reduction is vital for the economic sustainability of the farms as well as improvement in water quality in the CB Watershed. Significant reductions in nutrient imports can be accomplished with changes in ration formulation, feeding management and forage production and storage practices. This approach increases the efficiency of converting feed nutrients consumed into milk, thus increasing farmer income while decreasing nutrient loading to the environment. “Precision Feeding” helps not only to reduce nutrients in runoff, but also reduces volatilized ammonia, an important atmospheric pollutant. Preliminary research trial and on-farm demonstration data indicate that N and P intake can be reduced by 15 – 30% on dairy farms without affecting milk production. Other studies have examined the potential shifts in whole farm mass that can occur when both alterations in feeding and crop management practices are implemented on dairy farms. Previous studies have reported that 60-80% of the total N and P imported onto dairy farms remain after accounting for the quantity of nutrients leaving in milk. In the long-term, nutrient losses to the environmental can only be addressed by reducing this imbalance (i.e. decreasing imports and/or increasing exports. We believe that nutrient excretion can be decreased by 15-30% and whole farm mass balance by 30-40% on 9 many dairy farms in the Upper Susquehanna Watershed through careful management of feed rations and maximizing the use of home grown high quality forage. PFM would complement other comprehensive agricultural waste and stream corridor management practices to provide a multiple barrier approach for nutrient loading reductions. Our estimate of precision feeding and forage management is very preliminary as we are just in the beginning stages of developing a precision feed program. The Delaware SWCD is beginning a 5 farm pilot project in Susquehanna Upper Mainstem and the USC and Cornell are awaiting notification on a USDA NRCS CIG proposal for a watershed wide pilot project. Our very preliminary estimate for NY is that we will be able to implement precision feed and forage management on 20 percent (this is a placeholder guess) of the dairy cows in the NY CB Watershed. Implementation Across the Landscape 3. Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans (CNMP). There is general agreement that all farmers should develop and implement a sound nutrient management plan that fits their operations. In order to be successful not only must there be technical support to develop the plan, but also long-term technical support for plan implementation. This will require additional staff to provide this service, either in the private sector, County SWCD or USDA NRCS. There are three levels of CNMP implementation that must be accomplished for complete success: a. Developing the plan. Considerable effort is needed to develop a plan that meets USDA NRCS 512 (?) specifications. We suggest developing comprehensive nutrient management plans as a matter of course. b. Plan support and updates. A plan is only as good if it used and is current. It is imperative that periodic soil sampling and review by agricultural planners occur that will keep the plan up-to-date and also keep the farmer using the plan. An important, yet simple suggestion to help ensure plans are being used is that each plan include =a farmer friendly Aerial Map with color-coded spreading schedules that can be placed on the milk house wall. Continued planning support is usually overlooked and without it we believe that full nutrient management benefits will not be realized. 10 c. Plan implementation - The complete implementation of nutrient management plans may entail relatively expensive components such as manure storage structures. These structures may be needed especially in NY, with its relatively long winter season, when nutrient reductions may be most important to achieve. Not only will these practices increase costs, they will take time to build. Nutrient management plans describes the optimum use of nutrients to minimize nutrient loss while maintaining yield. It details the type, rate, timing, and placement of nutrients for each crop. Soil, plant tissue and manure are used to assure optimal application rates. Nutrient management plans (NMPs) are developed to address meeting crop nutrient needs in ways that protect water quality. NMPs are developed to match crop nutrient needs of each field with the expected crop yield based on soil productivity data or yield history for the site. NMPs recommend appropriate rates of nutrient application, timing of applications and placement of nutrients to result in economically optimum crop yields while managing the level of nutrient loss. Nitrogen application rates have been revised to 135% of modeled crop uptake. The phosphorus application rate assumptions are under review. Note: The CBP does not have a Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP) category, thus we take credit for all BMP components the CNMP would cover. Our estimate for NY is that 68 percent of all acreage eligible for comprehensive nutrient management planning will be addressed. At present ?? percent have been completed. We expect the remaining – percent to be completed by 2010. 4. Conservation Plans. Farm conservation plans are a combination of agronomic, management and engineered practices that protect and improve soil productivity and water quality, and to prevent deterioration of natural resources on all or part of a farm. Soil conservation plans are comprehensive plans that meet criteria of the USDA-NRCS Field Office Technical Guide. Soil conservation plans help control erosion by modifying cultural practices or structural practices. Cultural practices may change from year to year and include changes to crop rotations, tillage practices, or use of cover crops. This BMP does not include reduction credits to cultural practice changes in conservation plans on cropland or hay land since reductions are already reflected in land use changes, conservation tillage surveys, and cover crop practices. However, cultural practice changes are reflected in pastureland reduction efficiencies. Structural practices are 11 longer term measures that include, but are not limited to the installation of grass waterways (in areas with concentrated flow), terraces, diversions, sediment basins, or drop structures. The reduction credits attributed to structural practices in conservation plans, also including cultural practice changes for pasture only, are estimated as follows: Landuse TN Reductions TP Reductions TSS Reductions Conventional Tillage 8% 15% 25% Conservation Tillage 3% 5% 8% Hayland 3% 5% 8% Pastureland 5% 10% 14% We believe that “Conservation Plans” are captured under the Comprehensive Nutrient Management Planning described under number 3, so we will take credit for a Conservation Plan for every CNMP completed and thus estimate a 68% implementation rate for this BMP. 5a,b. Animal waste management systems. These practices are designed for proper handling, storage, and utilization of wastes generated from confined animal operations and include a means of collecting, scraping or washing wastes and contaminated runoff from confinement areas into appropriate waste storage structures. Lagoons, ponds, or steel or concrete tanks are used for the treatment and/or storage of liquid wastes. Storage sheds or pits are common storage structures for solid wastes. Controlling runoff from roofs, feedlots and “loafing” areas are an integral part of these systems. These systems allow for collection and containment of a significant portion of the waste excreted by confined animals. They are designed for the proper handling, storage, and utilization of wastes generated from animal confinement operations. Failure to properly collect and store generated manure results in point source losses of liquid manure to surface water and excessive nutrient leachate to groundwater. For dry manure, subsequent contact with precipitation or wet soils under stockpiles can result in significant nutrient leaching. Reduction efficiencies for livestock animal waste systems are established as 80%, 80%, and 0% for TN, TP, and TSS respectively. Again we assume that we will fully implement our CNMPs and we estimate that half of these CNMPs will require “large storage systems” and the other half “small systems”. Thus our estimate is based on a 68% implementation rate. These will almost exclusively occur on dairy operations. 12 6. Barnyard runoff control practices and rotational loafing lots. These practices may be implemented as part of a total animal waste management system, or as a stand-alone practice (particularly on smaller operations). Barnyard runoff practices include diversions, rainwater guttering, and similar practices. Installation of rotational loafing lots is grouped with barnyard control practices. The reduction efficiencies of barnyard control practices and rotational loafing lots are established as 20%, 20%, and 40% for TN, TP, and TSS respectively if the practices are implemented without an animal waste storage system. If the practices are implemented with a present or subsequent storage system, the reduction efficiencies are 10%, 10%, and 40% for TN, TP, and TSS. We assumed, that in addition to the practices described in number 5 that each farm would also need some type of barnyard project. And based on the 68% implementation rate for CNMPs, we estimated one project for each of these farms. 7. Barn Relocation. Many barns, especially for dairy, were built before newer technologies were developed for that industry. Barns may have been built 50, 100 or more years ago. Thus they were generally located near water, namely streams, to take advantage of that water source as a drinking water supply for the animals and as a means to cool the milk. Nutrient loading to the watercourse was not an issue. The location has now become an issue because it greatly increases the change of nutrient runoff and also many times precludes the implementation of BMPs just by the sheer location and lack of room. We suggest a new BMP “barn relocation” should be considered before expending funds on other BMPs, where these BMPs will in the long term not really be able to address the true problem, which is the location of the barn. If long-term sustainability of an operation is important and we believe it is then we strongly suggest that the new BMP be developed. This is not a CBP BMP; indeed it at present is not describes as a BMP by any agency. The Bradford County Conservation District in PA has piloted this concept by analyzing the costs of attempting to retrofit practices on a barn without sufficient room to cost-sharing a new building and using the old barn for non-animal uses such as storage. We suggest further piloting on 10 13 farms in the basin where the site, owner willingness and other factors would showcase this concept. 8. Conservation Tillage. Conservation tillage involves planting and growing crops with minimal disturbance of the surface soil. Conservation tillage requires two components, (a) a minimum 30% residue coverage at the time of planting and (b) a non-inversion tillage method. No-till farming is a form of conservation tillage in which the crop is seeded directly into vegetative cover or crop residue with little disturbance of the surface soil. Minimum tillage farming involves some disturbance of the soil, but uses tillage equipment that leaves much of the vegetation cover or crop residue on the surface. We estimate that possibly 30% of the cropland acres in the watershed could be put under conservative tillage with the appropriate incentives. 9. Cereal Cover Crops. Cereal cover crops reduce erosion and the leaching of nutrients to groundwater by maintaining a vegetative cover on cropland and holding nutrients within the root zone. This practice involves the planting and growing of cereal crops (non-harvested) with minimal disturbance of the surface soil. The crop is seeded directly into vegetative cover or crop residue with little disturbance of the surface soil. These crops capture or “trap” nitrogen in their tissues as they grow. By timing the cover crop burn or plow-down in spring, the trapped nitrogen can be released and used by the following crop. The crops capable of nutrient removal include rye, wheat, barley, and to a much lesser extent, oats. There is no BMP reduction credit for legume cover crops such as clover and vetch that fix their own nitrogen from the atmosphere. Significant amounts of nitrogen may remain in the soil after harvest of summer annual crops such as corn, soybeans, and vegetables. Nitrate nitrogen is particularly subject to leaching toward groundwater if substantial nitrogen remains in the soil as crop uptake of the summer annual crop ceases. Fall nitrate nitrogen levels in soils are more pronounced following years of less crop nutrient uptake due to drought conditions. The cereal cover crops trap nitrogen in their tissues as they grow, provided root growth is sufficient to reach the available soil nitrogen. Proper timing of cover crop killing or plow down in the spring helps release some of the trapped nitrogen for subsequent summer annual crops. The BMP also provides some benefit for sediment erosion control, particularly when established after low residue crops. The BMP is less 14 effective in reducing phosphorus than sediment losses since some phosphorus is transported in water-soluble forms in addition to particulate forms. This BMP is most effective following drought conditions. Effectiveness is reduced in years when rainfall has allowed excellent summer annual crop yields that deplete available soil nitrogen and on very sandy soils where residual nitrate may have already migrated below the early rooting depth of a cover crop. Early planting of a fall established cereal cover crop is critical in achieving substantial uptake of nitrogen in the fall. Research indicates that nitrogen uptake and trapping ability diminishes rapidly when planting dates extend beyond optimum planting dates. To be eligible for level 1 reduction credit, the cover crop must be planted earlier than 7 days prior to the long-term published average date of the first killing frost in the fall. To be eligible for level 2 reduction credit, the cover crop must be planted earlier than 14 days following the published long-term average date of the first killing frost in the fall. No reduction credits should be allowed after these establishment dates. Cover crops may not receive N or P applications from any nutrient source and may not be harvested for grain, hay or silage. Based on research, long-term BMP N reductions for all cropland categories are 45% for level 1 and 30% for level 2 for rye, wheat, barley, or triticale. P reductions are established at 15% and 7% for levels 1 and 2 respectively for conventional tillage cropland. Sediment reductions are 20% and 10% for levels 1 and 2 respectively for conventional tillage cropland. There are no P or sediment reductions for conservation tillage cropland. Reduction credits for oats are one-half of the above credits for the level 1 planting dates and zero for the level 2 planting dates. We estimated that with the proper incentive possibly 30% of the watershed’s cropland acreage could be cover cropped. We allocated 15% to this category until we conduct some pilot work under a proposal submitted to the USDA NRCS CIG we will not have a firm idea as to the extent we can implement this BMP. 10. Commodity Cover Crops. Commodity cover crops differ from cereal cover crops in that they may be harvested for grain, hay or silage and they may receive nutrient applications, but only after March 1 of the spring following their establishment. The intent of the practice is to modify normal small grain production practices by eliminating fall and winter fertilization so that crops function similarly to cover crops by scavenging available soil nitrogen for part of their production cycle. This practice can encourage planting of more acreage of cereal grains by 15 providing farmers with the flexibility of planting an inexpensive crop in the fall and delaying the decision to either kill or harvest the crop based on crop prices, silage needs or weather conditions. Because fertilizer may be applied in the spring, the reduction efficiencies are reduced from cereal cover crop efficiencies. The same planting date criteria apply as specified under cereal cover crops. The reduction efficiency is 25% for level 1 planting dates and 17% for level 2 planting dates for all categories of cropland. There are no phosphorus or sediment reduction credits for this practice. We estimated that with the proper incentive possibly 30% of the watershed’s cropland acreage could be cover cropped. We allocated 15% to this category until we conduct some pilot work under a proposal submitted to the USDA NRCS CIG we will not have a firm idea as to the extent we can implement this BMP. 11. Land Retirement. Agricultural land retirement takes marginal and highly erosive cropland out of production by planting permanent vegetative cover such as shrubs, grasses, and/or trees. Agricultural agencies have a program to assist farmers in land retirement procedures. Land retired and planted to trees is reported under “Tree Planting”. For this category we will not estimate any level of BMP implementation but rather report what land has been retired under programs such as CRP. We will also document land retired when a farm ceases to operate. 16 A small wetland that treats barnyard runoff draining into the Unadilla River 12. Wetland Restoration (Agriculture). Agricultural wetland restoration activities re-establish the natural hydrologic condition of a wetland that existed prior to the installation of subsurface or surface drainage. Projects may include restoration, creation and enhancement acreage. Restored wetlands may be any wetland classification including forested, scrub-shrub or emergent marsh. Wetland construction gets a land conversion credit to forest and a 60% N reduction ion 4 upland acres and a 60% reduction in P and sediments on two upland acres. Preliminary results of work by Binghamton University researchers and others are showing that wetlands that capture runoff from barnyards do significantly reduce nitrogen concentrations. The USC has an active and extensive wetland construction and restoration program that we will describe in more detail in its own section. We estimate that we can restore/construct 11,400 acres of wetlands, including previously completed projects. 17 13. Tree Planting. The tree planting (row crop) BMP includes any tree planting on agricultural lands, except those used to establish riparian forest buffers, targeting lands that are highly erodible or identified as critical resource areas. Tree planting is also called afforestation because it involves growing trees and converting the land use from agricultural to forest. This BMP results in a landuse conversion from row crop to forest. It is assumed that the density of the plantings is sufficient to produce a forest like condition over time. Considering that the watershed is about 69% forested we do not believe this BMP will be of great importance. We have suggested that 1000 acres of cropland may become forest. 14. Carbon Sequestration or the long-term storage of carbon through the planting of carbon sinks, such as trees is being considered by the CBP as a BMP. This idea may become more important in the future. At present we suggest it as a placeholder for further study. Reductions at the Stream Edge 15. Stream Protection in Pastures. Direct contact of pastured animals with surface water results in direct deposition of manure, streambank erosion, and re-suspension of sediments and associated nutrients held in streambeds. There are three unique systems that are variations to this BMP. The variations include off stream watering: (1) without stream fencing, (2) with stream fencing, and (3) with stream fencing and rotational grazing. The systems are mutually exclusive, so reduction efficiencies are not additive. (a) Off Stream Watering With Fencing – incorporates both alternative watering and installation of fencing that involves narrow strips of land along streams to exclude livestock. The fenced areas may be planted with trees or grass, but are typically not wide enough to provide benefits of buffers. The implementation of stream fencing should substantially limit livestock access to streams, but can allow for the use of limited hardened crossing areas where necessary to accommodate access to additional pastures or for livestock watering. The BMP is estimated to impact the load from three pasture acres for each 208 feet of stream fencing with reduction efficiencies of 60%, 60%, and 75% for TN, TP, and TSS respectively. Preliminary results from studies in Delaware County are showing that even higher nutrient reductions may be 18 occurring. Cattle exclusion is also has a very important “BMP” for stabilizing streambanks by reduce the constant stress on banks from cow hooves. We estimate for NY that 66% of the pasture acres can be addressed with this practice. (b) Off stream watering without fencing - requires the use of alternative drinking water troughs or tanks away from streams. The BMP may also include options to provide shade for livestock away from streams. Limited research has been conducted for this practice that documents changes in livestock behavior resulting in significantly less time spent near streambanks and in streams. The net effectiveness of the practice must reflect partial removal of livestock from near stream areas and relocation of animal waste deposition areas and heavy traffic areas surrounding water sources to more upland locations. Reduction efficiencies are 30%, 30%, and 38% for TN, TP, and TSS respectively. We will implement this practice where fencing is not feasible. We do not believe it will be a major practice because most sites will be conducive to option (a).. (c) Off Stream Watering With Fencing and Rotational Grazing - combines stream fencing and alternative watering with cross fencing systems to create paddocks to enable rapid grazing of small areas in sequence. Once an area is intensively grazed of most vegetative matter, the animals are moved to another paddock to enable recovery of the pasture grasses. This BMP is beneficial in removing animals from stream areas, but may be offset by an increased animal stocking rate per acre. This increases the concentration of animal manure per acre and may adversely impact the quality of surface water runoff. Because of the offsetting impacts, the reduction efficiencies have been estimated to be 20%, 20%, and 40% for TN, TP, and TSS respectively. If the original grazing operation was not located in close proximity to surface water, reduction efficiencies of zero are applied. This BMP does not adequately describe intensive rotational grazing as done in NY; thus most grazing projects will be reported under off stream watering with fencing, option (a). In NY there are several extensive grazing initiatives being conducted throughout the watershed. The Finger Lakes RC&D Council supports work in the Chemung Basin and several USC Counties (Broome, Tompkins, Cortland, Chenango, Tioga and Madison) support a Graze NY Initiative in the Susquehanna Basin. The USC and Finger Lakes RC&D Council have submitted a 19 proposal to the USDA NRCS CIG to help develop a watershed wide grazing program. We estimate that 10,000 acres (placeholder suggestion) of rotational gazing will be implemented in additional to the benefits and credits for cattle exclusion that we will gain from item (a). 13. Buffers (Agriculture). Although NY is not a signatory state to the CBP Habitat goals for implementing 10,000 miles of forest buffers, work under this task, beside the nutrient reduction value, may provide about 300 miles of forest buffer, if fully implemented to help the Bay States reach their goal. (a) Agricultural riparian forest buffers are linear wooded areas along rivers, stream and shorelines. Forest buffers help filter nutrients, sediments and other pollutants from runoff as well as remove nutrients from groundwater. The recommended buffer width for riparian forest buffers (agriculture) is 100 feet, with a 35 feet minimum width required. For NY, which lies in the Appalachian Plateau, (different efficiencies based on geologic region) this BMP is credited at 60% on 4 upland acres for N and 60% for P and sediment on 2 upland acres. This BMP does meet resistance by farmers, possibly because of the added expense of tree planting and the potential of shading crops. Because of these concerns we estimated a total of 2,000 acres of forested buffers would be implemented. (b) Agricultural riparian grass buffers are linear strips of grass or other non-woody vegetation maintained between the edge of fields and streams, rivers or tidal waters that help filter nutrients, sediment and other pollutant from runoff. The recommended buffer width for riparian forests buffers (agriculture) is 100 feet, with a 35 feet minimum width required. This BMP is slightly less efficient than forested buffers, reducing N by 41% on 4 upland acres and reducing P and sediments 60% on 2 upland acres. We believe this BMP is seen in a much more favorable light and estimate 9,000 acres of grass buffers can be installed. The only drawback is that grass buffers are not generally allowed under the NY CREP, a $60m potential funding source. 20 17. Alternative manure uses, including energy production and composting – Although there are virtually no nutrient savings from energy production, the use of manure for generating heat or electricity in a biodigesters does provide a new funding source to help farmers meet other nutrient reducing obligations. It can also produce more manageable manure byproducts. An important general concept is that the nutrients stay with the mass of the product as it is being manipulated. 21 Summary Table of Agricultural BMP Implementation Estimates Practice Cost/ Yearly Available unit Maintenan units to ce Establ Costs ish REDUCTIONS AT THE SOURCE 1. Yield Reserve na $40/acre 2. Precision Feeding and Forage TBD TBD 104,000 Management dairy IMPLEMENTATION ACROSS THE LANDSCAPE 3. Comprehensive Nutrient $22/a $3/acre Management Plans cre 4. Conservation Plans Inclu Included in ded in CNMP CNM P 5a. Animal Waste Management $200, Systems – large storage 000/ ? farm 5b. Animal Waste Management $35,0 Systems – smaller systems 00/ ? farm 6. Barnyard Runoff Controls or $35,0 rotational loafing lots 00/ ? farm *inclu ded in CNM P 7. Barn Relocation $100, na 000 8. Conservation Tillage $60/a $3/acre cre 9. Cereal Cover Crops na $40/acre 10. Commodity Cover Crops 11. Land Retirement na $928/ acre 12. Wetland Restoration $4,81 7 13. Tree Planting $1,28 4/ acre 14. Carbon Sequestration ? REDUCTIONS AT THE STREAM EDGE 15a. Stream Protection w/ ? fencing and off-stream watering 15b. Stream Protection through ? just off-stream watering Estimated BMP Implementation level 10% of CNMPs or 30,846 acres 10% or 10,000 dairy BMPs previously implement ed (% or acres) Nitrogen Reduction (lbs) based on column 4 Phosphorus Reduction (lbs) based on column 4 Sediment Reduction (tons) based on column 4 0 TBD TBD TBD Cost to establish Cost To maintain na TBD 1,233,840 TBD 453,612 acres 617,183 acres 68% or 308,846 acres 68% or 419,685 acres 420 farms 68% of 1240 dairy farms, with half needing large storage $84,000,000 (minus column 6) 420 farms 68% of 1240 dairy farms, with half needing smaller systems 14,700,000 (minus column 6) 840 farms 68% of 1240 dairy farms $29,400,000 (minus column 6) unknown 10 $1,000,000 na 265,141acres 30% of or 79,542 acres $238,626 272,414 na $4,772,520 (minus column 6) na na na 1,634480 $40/acre 272,414 na 71,000 15% of cropland or 40,862 acres 15% of cropland or 40,862 acres 21,000 794,576 11,400 acres 1,000 ? ? 1,000 ? 236,281 ? ? 66% of pasture or 141,769 acres ? na 1,634,480 $19,488,000 $54,913,800 (minus column 6) $1,284,000 22 15c. Stream Protection w/ fencing, off-stream watering and rotational grazing 16a. Riparian Forest Buffers 16b. Riparian Grass Buffers TOTAL ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 10,000 acres of additional pasture or cropland for rotational gazing 2,000 acres 9,000 acres 1. Acreage available based on all cropland and hay land in the watershed 2. Cost, based on Chesapeake Bay Commission estimate = $30/acre farmer incentive, $8.50/acre insurance, $1.50/acre technical 3. Precision Feeding and Forage management estimates are being developed; we expect total nutrient reductions (N and P) to the farms using this BMP to be in the 25% range. 4. Acreage available is based on total cropland, hay land and pasture. 5. Estimated number of dairy farms at 1240, based on average farm size (84 cows, based on 2002 Ag census totals from 22 counties ) divided into number dairy cows in watershed(estimated at 104,000). Most, if not all, implementation assumed on dairy farms for this BMP. Assumed half would be storage and half would be smaller projects. 6. Original estimate was that there was probably at least one smaller project to be done on every farm (using CBP estimate of $35,400 for project), either a barnyard clean water exclusion or loafing lot, thus the estimate was for all farms that we thought we would be able to reach out to (68% of dairy farms). 7. Barn relocation is a suggested pilot. 8. Cost, based on Chesapeake Bay Commission estimate = $15/acre/year for 4 years as incentive to promote practice and $3/year operating cost. 9 and 10. $40/acre is the Maryland estimate. Implementation estimate based on 30% total cover crop establishment. Assumed 50:50 split between the two cover crop types. Assumed an “na” for previously implemented because all would likely want to paid an incentive. 11. $928/acre is the Virginia estimate. Land retirement includes land retired under an incentives program such as CRP as well as land retired because farming ceased. Of the CBP estimated 21,000 acres of highly erodible land, 14,000 acres are already retired and accounted for by the CBP; 7,000 acres remain. This item should be reviewed. 12. Stream protection will emphasize fencing and off-site watering; an estimate by “project” might be more realistic, based on the average pasture size (guess – 40 acres). Just off-site watering may be used where this is the only BMP available for a specific site. Lastly Intensive Rotational grazing is a specific category that includes stream protection. Again a project cost estimate seems more reasonable than per acre. 13a. Cost estimates needed 13b. Cost estimates needed 14. The Upper Susquehanna Coalition wetland program estimates: installation $3,817/acre, incentive payment $500/acre, planning/technical assistance $500/acre 23