BAB III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This chapter is intended to describe the research method used in the study which course : research design, data and source of data, data collection , and data analysis . A. Research Design According (Bungin,2008:91), define research is a series of scientific activities both for the purposes of collecting data, draw conclusions on specific symptoms in the empirical phenomena. In this research the writer used descriptive research. Descriptive research is a method of research that attempt to describe and interpret the objects in accordance with reality. This research is also often called non experiment, because in this study the researchers did not perform control and manipulate variables research . Beside that, descriptive research is research where data collection to test the research question or hypothesis related to the state of object and subject are examined in accordance with reality, (Sukardi,: 2005:157). This study is also considered as qualitative research. Qualitative research is the research findings obtained under the paradigm, strategy, and implementation of a qualitative model, (Bakri, 2003:48). In other hand, (Pangaribuan, 2008:14), argued that Qualitative research is an effort to find a 27 28 hypothesis, that is the rules that exist in reality which perceived with participative observation. Moreover qualitative research is exploring hypothesis that contained in the group of data . Based on the explanation above, this study is attempted to analyze the slang used in the lyric of Ciara’s songs, the meaning of the lyric, the message of the lyric, and the theme from the lyrics by using qualitative approach, since the description of the analysis is presented in the form of research words. In line with the description above, the design of this research is categorized into semantical content analysis. (Bungin, 2001:293), define that content analysis. includes efforts; classification symbol-symbol used in communications, using the criteria in the classification, and use of certain analysis techniques in making predictions (Bungin. 2003:172-176), offers the following classification of content analysis: 1. Pragmatical content analysis Procedure which classify sign according to their probable causes or effects. 2. Semantical content analysis Procedure which classify signs according to their meaning. 3. Sign-vehicle analysis Procedure which classify according to psychophysical properties of the sign. 29 B. Data and Source of Data Data is the raw material that needs to be processed to produce information or testimony, both qualitative and quantitative data that show the facts, (Ridwan, 2006:106). On the other hand, data is material information about the object of study something, (Bungin, 2001:123). The data is got from questionnaire, interview, observation, tests, documents and other, (Riduwan, 2006:97). According Arikunto (2006:129), Sources of data in the study were the subject of where the data obtained. When the researchers used questionnaires or interviews in the inference data, then the source data is called the respondent, the people who respond to or answer the research questions, both written and oral questions. If researchers using observation, the source data can include objects, motion or process anything. And if researchers use the documentation, then the document or record which is the source of data, while the contents of the note the subject of research or study variables. To make it easier to identify the data source then the source data are classified into 3 levels of English letter p, namely: 1. P= Person , source of data is person. Person is a data source that can provide data in the form of verbal answers through interviews or through questionnaires answers. 30 2. P= Place , source of data is place Place the data sources that deliver compelling view of a state of rest (room, equipment fittings, objects, colors) and the state moves (activity, performance, teaching and learning activities, rhythm of songs). 3. P= Paper , source of data is symbol Paper is a data source that presents the signs of letters, numbers, images, or other symbols. Paper suitable for the use of documentation methods. In this study, the writer uses document as the sources of data, because song’s lyric is written material. In conducting the study, the writer uses the lyric of Ciara’s songs in the first album, because there are very popular songs in 2004th by Ciara in that albums. This study only analyze 3 selected songs that very popular in 2004th and contain slang in that albums. There are 3 songs from first album as follow: 1. “goodies” from Ciara’s first album’s namely “ Goodies” 2. “1_2 step” from Ciara’s first album’s namely “ Goodies” 3. “oh” from Ciara’s first album’s namely “ Goodies” . C. Data Collection Bakri (2003:109), state that collecting the data is the important thing in conducting research. According (Riduwan, 2006:97-105), Data collection is the techniques used by researchers to collect data. Technique can only seen only use through: questionnaire, interview, observation, examination (testing), 31 and other documentation. In this study the researcher used the method of documentation. Documentation that is intended to obtain data directly from the research, including relevant books, studies, reports on activities, photographs, documentary films, relevant research data. In this study, the writer used documentary technique in collecting the data. This method is attempted to trace the source of information in the form of document which are relevant to research. In this study, researchers obtained data documentation from browsing the Internet to do research. The steps collecting the data are described bellow: 1. Reading and understanding Ciara’s lyrics 2. Choosing the data dealing with slang used in the lyrics 3. Selecting the data dealing with the purpose of the study D. Data Analysis Data analysis is the review process, sorting, and grouping data in order to formulate working hypotheses and lifted it into conclusions or theories in the research findings, (Bakri, 2003:162). Data in qualitative research consisted of a detailed description of the situation, interaction, events, people and the observed behavior; or excerpt-direct excerpt from someone about the experiences, thoughts, attitudes, and its confidence or excerpts of documents, letters, and recordings other. The data collect through data gathering techniques, such as in-depth interviews, participating observation and documentation study, (Bakri, 2003;163). 32 To maintain the trustworthiness of the data, before the lyric are analyzed, a crosscheck was conducted in order to compare the lyrics written from the internet with original ones by listening the song. This is conducted, so that the lyrics are accurately transcript. To gain easiness of this study and to answer the research problem, after the data have been collected, then the writer analyzed them systematically. In order to make it systematic, the writer conducted the analysis through some steps as follow: 1. Listening to Ciara’s song and reading all the lyrics text to find some slang used. After finding the slangs, the writer found the literal meaning of those slangs. 2. Interpreting song’s lyric to find meaning of song’s lyric. 3. Finding the messages of the songs. To finding the message of the song first of all the writer find the meaning of song’s lyrics. After that start finding the writers thought being expressed in the song and then simply required to express feeling to describe the message of the song. 4. Finding out the theme in the Ciara’s selected songs In identifying the theme of the song’s lyrics the first step is done to decide on the theme of the songs, the researcher used the key words. After that the writer tried to find out the content of the songs. At the end, the writer concluded the theme of the song’s lyrics.