2013–2014, Action Item # 29 (Revised June 11, 2014) Los Angeles Pierce College Pierce College Council Electronic Accountability Form Action Items Only Approved by PCC November 18, 2010 This section to be completed by Initiator Initiator (Committee, person, etc.) Greg Gilbertson and Margarita Pillado, Faculty Accreditation Co-Coordinators Earic Peters, VP Student Services and Name of area dean (If applicable) Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO) Date of Submission May 18, 2014 July 20, 2014 Recommendation (Please be specific) Rationale (Include desired measurable outcome) Approve the updated revised Accreditation Steering Committee (ASC) charter—Appendix A in this form. Also separate document accompanying this action item. This newer revision incorporates changes suggested by President Burke regarding clarifications on the membership and adds Resource Members and a sub-heading for Operation. Budget Impact (If any, submit to Budget Committee with appropriate pages from AAPP.) None For requests with a budget impact, e-mail form to Don Sparks, SparksDM@piercecollege.edu and area dean (if applicable). For requests without a budgetary impact, e-mail form to Lyn Clark, ClarkLR@piercecollege.edu Only forms received electronically will be considered. PCC Action Date This section to be completed by PCC July 24, 2014 Budget Committee’s Recommendation Not applicable (If budget impact) PCC Action PCC approved 15-0-0 President’s Action Recommended Not recommended with rationale Date President's Action Reported to Initiator and PCC Page 1 of 4 2013–2014, Action Item # 29 (Revised June 11, 2014) This section to be completed by PCC if recommendation approved by the president and requires additional action. Assigned to Date to Be Completed Specific Action Expected Outcome, If Applicable This section to be completed by Assignee Action Assigned to Specific Action Required Date to be Completed Evaluation of Outcome Date Outcome Reported to PCC Chair Upon completion of recommendation, e-mail form to Lyn Clark, ClarkLR@piercecollege.edu This section to be completed by PCC upon completion of recommended action Date Completed Evaluation of Outcome Date Outcome Reported to PCC PCC Recommendations for Further Action, If Any Date Action Item Report Posted on PCC Web Site Page 2 of 4 2013–2014, Action Item # 29 (Revised June 11, 2014) APPENDIX A – ASC Charter (Draft) Accreditation Steering Committee Charter for 2014-2016 Revision June 11, 2014 Mission The Accreditation Steering committee is a standing committee of the Pierce College Council. The committee provides overall leadership and management of the College’s accreditation and ACCJC related matters including internal reporting on accreditation activities and status. Membership 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Accreditation Liaison Officer (*) Faculty Accreditation Coordinator Academic Senate President Pierce College Council Chair Vice President, Academic Affairs Vice President, Administrative Services Vice President, Student Services Academic Policy Committee Chair or Designee Distance Education Coordinator College Outcomes Coordinator Dean of Institutional Effectiveness or Designee Dean of Academic Affairs or Student Services (**) Student Representative AFT Local 1521 Representative AFT Local 1521A Representative Teamsters Representative SEIU Local 721 Representative SEIU Local 99 Representative Building and Construction Trades Council Representative (BCTC) Unrepresented Managers and Confidential Employees Representative (*) The Accreditation Liaison Officer may be one of the Vice Presidents. (**) Appointed by the College President following the selection of a Teamster Representative Resource Members College Librarian Page 3 of 4 2013–2014, Action Item # 29 (Revised June 11, 2014) Director of Facilities Institutional Effectiveness Office College Webmaster Other resource persons may be asked to participate in the committee as needed. Operation The Accreditation Liaison Officer and the Faculty Accreditation Coordinator shall serve as Co-Chairs of the Accreditation Steering Committee. Attendance is mandatory. After two consecutive absences the constituent group will be notified in writing so it may take appropriate action to ensure its interests are fully represented. Proxy votes are allowed provided the Co-Chairs are informed of the substitution at least 24 hours ahead of the meeting and that the proxy is not used more than twice in a semester. Minute-taking will be rotated among committee members. The committee will determine the frequency of meetings in response to the Accreditation Timeline. At a minimum, the committee shall meet once a month. Term of service The committee will validate membership on an annual basis during the spring semester for the following academic year. Page 4 of 4