Professional Chapters Council In-person Chapter Strategic Planning/Facilitation Guide Following is a brief overview of suggested steps and activities once the PCC has agreed to an in-person planning session with chapter leadership. Pre-planning Obtain past years strategic plans, budgets and year end financials from AMA Global Obtain retention rates and membership numbers for prior 3 years from AMA Global Check in with the chapter’s past PCC reps to see if there are any lingering issues If the Chapter has a paid admin or ED, get a list of the responsibilities Look into the types of events is the chapter holding (lunch, dinner, SIG, Happy Hours etc) Hold a conference call with chapter leadership, ideally President, Past-President and President Elect to identify key issues and why they want PCC involvement In-person Session Planning Assign roles and responsibilities Decide who and how will stronger personalities be handled Determine what is the desired outcome of the session Post Session Report back to AMA Global and the PCC on the session Provide any follow up items/mentors to the chapter