Home heating with firewood versus natural gas and heat pump Scope Electricity and natural gas supplied to house Consider emissions from coal and natural gas combustion Firewood Me cutting downed trees that father in law is going to push into a burn pile Ignore trip to Berea, I am going to help on other projects or wife visit family Impacts PM – particulate matter SOx NOx CO2 Costs LCI My utility bills COP at 47F is 3.6 and 17F is 2.5, assume 3 overall Gas furnace that is 80% efficient think we used about 4600 kWh for heating (15.7 million Btu) also used 31.4 MCF of natural gas (31.4 million Btu) Based energy loads on min gas and electric bill over 3 years (assume that was other loads) Existing system Emission factors from Nat gas furnace http://www1.eere.energy.gov/buildings/appliance_standards/residential/pdfs/furnaces_boilers /fb_tsd_appendixw_0906.pdf Co2 kg/GJ Nox g/GJ SO2 g/GJ Natural gas 50.6 40 0 Emission factors based on energy input. Electricity http://www.eia.gov/cneaf/electricity/st_profiles/kentucky.html PM from coal http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy99osti/25119.pdf Effect of Wood Five pickup loads at 65 ft3 each (325 ft3 or 2.5 cords) Mostly hackberry – http://extension.missouri.edu/explorepdf/agguides/forestry/g05450.pdf Cord is 3,080 air-dried, 4,000 lb green (7,700 lb or 3,490 kg) 21.6 million btu/cord Gasoline is 114,000 btu/gal, assume engines 33% efficienct Chainsaw 1 gallon for all wood + 3.2 ounces oil (33 cc or 1.5 hp or 1.2 kW) Ignore oil and bar lube, used 114,000 btu, ran for 8 hr then, or 9.6 kWh Log splitter 3 gallon for all wood (7.5 hp or 5.6 kW) Ignore oil and hydraulic oil, used 342,000 btu, ran for 4.5 hr or 24.9 kWh EPA standards (handheld SI engines Federal register 65 FR 24268 in effect in 2000) 200 g/kWh or less of HC+NOx CO 800 g/kWh http://www.epa.gov/oms/models/nonrdmdl/nr-003.pdf (older, easier to read emissions) 340 ppm sulfur – all goes to SO2 (assume) This is a BIG assumption, but in gasoline car (http://www.epa.gov/otaq/consumer/f00013.htm) 2/3 of HC and NOx was due to HC that is PM Assume all of the CO goes to CO2, 800 g approx 1200 g CO2??? 340 ppm sulfur would be 2.78 g SO2/gal of gasoline Wood stove specs from EPA epa.gov/compliance/resources/publications/monitoring/caa/woodstoves/certifiedwood.pdf 36,000 btu/hr max heat output 63% efficient 4.42 g/hr emissions (particulate) Average 28,000 btu/hr, These are old emissions 1999 (best I could find for NOx and SOx from burning wood) http://www.epa.gov/ttnchie1/ap42/ch01/bgdocs/b01s10.pdf Nox 1 g/kg Sox 0.2 g/kg Considering upstream effects Upstream factors for natural gas and coal – these based on power plant delivery, assume same for each Line losses appear to be only 1.5% in KY, seems odd, but we will ignore http://www1.eere.energy.gov/buildings/appliance_standards/residential/pdfs/k-3.pdf Table K-3.1 Estimated Upstream Emission Factors and Relative Percentages To Direct Power Plant Combustion Emissions Coal Emission factor (g/GJ) Nat Gas Emission factor (g/GJ) Carbon 2222 5456 SO2 29.2 0 NOx 41.7 153 http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy07osti/38617.pdf PM is about 20% higher when coal supply considered Transportation of firewood (fueleconomy.gov) 2006 Toyota camry versus a 98 GMC pickup Traveling to Berea to help Father in law on farm, so difference in two vehicles 31 mi/gal versus 18 mi/gal, differential of 13 mi/gal 555 g CO2/mi truck, 355 g CO2/mi car, differential of 200 g/mi 10 trips (I don’t like to store wood at the house in warm weather) Analysis Assume energy supplied to house needs to be the same, split evenly in electric and gas 45% reduction in natural gas and electric energy consumption with firewood 45% reduction in CO2 produced 6% reduction in NOx – half of NOx production due to chain saw/splitter 30% reduction in NOx if small engines have half emissions 44% reduction in SOx 45% reduction in PM LCC Stove was 4,000, but 1,000 tax credit Mantle not up to spec, so I spent 2 weeks redoing (-10 marital bliss units) Log splitter 1,000 (made me very mad trying to split hackberry by hand) Wood more expensive, takes 40% increase in electric and gas to make equal But I have a happy cat!