UCC/UGC/ECCC Proposal for Course Change FAST TRACK (Select if this will be a fast track item. Refer to UCC or UGC Fast Track Policy for eligibility) If the changes included in this proposal are significant, attach copies of original and proposed syllabi in approved university format. 1. Course subject and number: CM 460 2. Units: See upper and lower division undergraduate course definitions. 3. College: CEFNS 5. Current Student Learning Outcomes of the course. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 4. Academic Unit: 3 Construction Management Show the proposed changes in this column (if applicable). Bold the proposed changes in this column to differentiate from what is not Evaluate the means and methods used to changing, and Bold with strikethrough what is construct heavy and highway construction being deleted. (Resources & Examples for projects. Developing Course Learning Outcomes) Demonstrate the ability to read plans and understand specifications associated with heavy and highway projects Investigate how heavy projects are bid and how risks are controlled during the estimating and purchasing process. Evaluate the regulatory requirements for heavy / highway projects including public works procurement systems, quality assurance testing, environmental compliance, and traffic control. Describe how water and wastewater construction projects are designed and constructed Estimate earthwork volumes using mass diagrams Evaluate the economics of the equipment used to excavate, load, haul, compact and finish earthwork. Develop a professional report that describes and evaluates a concrete forming system that can be used for bridge, highway, or water/ wastewater construction projects. 9. Refine professional management skills including leadership, teamwork, and written and oral communications. 6. Current title, description and units. Cut and paste, in its entirety, from the current on-line academic catalog* http://catalog.nau.edu/Catalog/. Show the proposed changes in this column Bold the proposed changes in this column to differentiate from what is not changing, and Bold with strikethrough what is being deleted. HEAVY CIVIL AND HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION Means and methods used to construct heavy and highway construction projects including dams, water and wastewater treatment projects, utility construction, highway, road, and bridge construction. Letter grade only. Course fee required. Prerequisite: CM 329, 360, and 388 with grades of C or better. HEAVY CIVIL AND HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION Means and methods used to construct heavy and highway construction projects including dams, water and wastewater treatment projects, utility construction, highway, road, and bridge construction. Letter grade only. Course fee required. Prerequisite: CM 329, 360, and 388 with grades of C or better. For CENE majors, CENE 383 with a grade of C or better. *if there has been a previously approved UCC/UGC/ECCC change since the last catalog year, please copy the approved text from the proposal form into this field. 7. Justification for course change. It is expected that CENE majors will want to take this course; the appropriate CENE-related course has been added so that overrides will not be necessary. 8. Effective BEGINNING of what term and year? Fall 2013 See effective dates calendar. IN THE FOLLOWING SECTION, COMPLETE ONLY WHAT IS CHANGING CURRENT Current course subject and number: PROPOSED Proposed course subject and number: Current number of units: Proposed number of units: Current short course title: Proposed short course title (max 30 characters): Current long course title: Proposed long course title (max 100 characters): Current grading option: letter grade pass/fail or both Current repeat for additional units: Proposed grading option: letter grade pass/fail or both Proposed repeat for additional units: Current max number of units: Proposed max number of units: Current prerequisite: Proposed prerequisite (include rationale in the justification): CM 329, 360, and 388 with grades of C or better. CM 329, 360, and 388 with grades of C or better. For CENE majors, CENE 383 with a grade of C or better. Current co-requisite: Proposed co-requisite (include rationale in the justification): Current co-convene with: Proposed co-convene with: Current cross list with: Proposed cross list with: 9. Is this course in any plan (major, minor, or certificate) or sub plan (emphasis)? Yes No If yes, describe the impact and include a letter of response from each impacted academic unit. B.S. Construction Management, BSE Civil Engineering (elective); prerequisite change will have no impact on Construction Management nor CENE since the added prerequisite is already a plan requirement. 10. Is there a related plan or sub plan change proposal being submitted? If no, explain. This prerequisite change won’t require plan changes. Yes 11. Does this course include combined lecture and lab components? Yes If yes, include the units specific to each component in the course description above. No No Answer 12-15 for UCC/ECCC only: 12. Is this course an approved Liberal Studies or Diversity course? If yes, select all that apply. Liberal Studies Diversity Yes No Yes No 14. Is this course listed in the Course Equivalency Guide? Yes No 15. Is this course a Shared Unique Numbering (SUN) course? Yes No Scott Galland 11/9/2012 Reviewed by Curriculum Process Associate Date 13. Do you want to remove the Liberal Studies or Diversity designation? If yes, select all that apply. Liberal Studies Diversity Approvals: Both Both Bridget Bero Department Chair/ Unit Head (if appropriate) 10-8-12 Date Chair of college curriculum committee Date 11/8/12 Dean of college Date For Committee use only: UCC/UGC/ECCC Approval Date Approved as submitted: Yes No Approved as modified: Yes No