Pharmacy Engagement Letter

Swindon & Wiltshire LPC
Tel: 07985 308539
Fax: 0808 189 0757
Young Diabetics Health Promotion Service
Treatment of diabetes has improved over the last 20 years such that it is now possible for a person
with a diagnosis of diabetes to live a full life-span in good health.
However all diabetics (Type 1 and Type2) are at a higher risk of CVD and many will suffer with
complications of the disease. 10 Care Processes have been identified which, if carried out annually,
ensure that any complications are identified and can be treated early. Young diabetics (under the
age of 40) are the least likely to engage with healthcare professionals and to ensure that they have
received each of these checks.
The majority of these young people access Community Pharmacy routinely to collect medication.
Swindon and Wiltshire LPC has been awarded funding by the Public Health Team in Wiltshire Council
to demonstrate how this contact can be used to support Self-Care, including accessing help and
monitoring from specialist services as appropriate.
What is involved?
Our preliminary work indicates that each pharmacy will have approximately 20 adult patients under
the age of 40 receiving treatment for Diabetes (Type 1 and Type 2)
Work element
 Use PMR search facility to identify appropriate patients
o Age range 16 – 40
o Prescribed insulin or metformin
 Flag to highlight for intervention at next dispensing
 Record name and age on PharmOutcomes service
 Request appropriate number of resource packs from LPC
Brief Intervention
If prescription collected by patient:
 Ask how aware patient is of the following Long Term
Complications of diabetes
o Cardiovascular Disease
o Kidney Disease
o Diabetic Retinopathy
 Show the “Blue Book” from the resource pack and ask which
£30 per pharmacy
£8.50 per intervention
of the 10 Care Processes detailed the patient can tick as
completed in the past 12 months
Highlight that the pack contains information and links to great
websites with lots of useful information
Record on PharmOutcomes (proforma Appendix 1)
If prescription is collected by another person on behalf of the patient:
 Give out resource pack
 Explain that we are highlighting the long term complications
of diabetes and Care Processes detailed in the Blue Book
 Record hand-out of pack on PharmOutcomes
£3 per intervention
If patient is on 4 or more medicines – invite for targeted MUR
If patient is on fewer than 4 medicines but asks questions which may
indicate need for a conversation with the pharmacist – invite for
intervention MUR
At next dispensing, ask if patient found any of the resources
particularly useful, and if they have made appointments for any
outstanding Care Processes
Advanced Service
£3 per follow-up
Record feedback on PharmOutcomes
Who can carry out interventions?
Patient identification, interventions and follow-up can be carried out by any member of staff
deemed competent by the Pharmacy Manager. The service is carried out under the supervision of a
pharmacist, but need not be performed by a pharmacist.
No element of this service requires specific accreditation or external training.
Supporting Training
There is no specific training required to participate in this project; however, pharmacists and staff
may find the following resources helpful:
Appendix 1: guide to the project and intervention
CPPE “Evidence Based Management of Diabetes” online learning
Devon LPC “Diabetes MUR Toolkit”
Swindon and Wiltshire LPC Evening events on Diabetes sponsored by Astra Zeneca (planned
for September 2015)
June 2015: invitation to participate
July – September 2015: Pharmacies identify patients
August 2015 – January 2016: Patient interventions
September 2015 – February 2016: Patient Follow-up/feedback
October 2015: Preliminary report to Wiltshire Council
March 2016: Final report to Wiltshire Council