Signposting Directory for Pharmacies NHS ENGLAND South (South Central) NHS England cannot be held liable for changes to contact details of third parties, or changes to websites, weblinks and email addresses. KEY CONTACT DETAILS FOR YOUR LOCALITY: Reference to these contact details is made elsewhere in this document. BaNES and Wiltshire pharmacies: Gina Bryant, Primary Care Team, NHS England, Bewley House, Marshfield Road, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 1JW Tel: 0113 8251509 Fax: 01249 463058 Team email address: Gloucestershire and Swindon pharmacies: Sharon Hodges, Primary Care Team, NHS England, Sanger House, 5220 Valiant Court, Brockworth Business Park, Brockworth, Gloucester, GL3 4FE Tel: 0113 8253512 Fax: 0300 421 1853 Team email address: Key websites: Avon LPC Gloucestershire LPC Swindon and Wiltshire LPC NHS England Pharmacy Policies NHS Business Services Authority NHS Prescription Services PSNC NHS Choices (then “Services near you”) 1 2 PHARMACY OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION PHARMACY HOURS 100 Hour Monitoring A new process is under development, to be agreed with the LPC. Please continue to use the existing reporting procedures until notified otherwise. NOTIFICATION OF AD-HOC CLOSURES (UNPLANNED CLOSURES AND EXCEPTION REPORTING) If you need to close the pharmacy, open later than usual or open without a pharmacist present, use the following procedures: BaNES, Gloucestershire, Swindon and Wiltshire Pharmacies Email NHS Shared Business Services on , requesting the form for “Notification of unplanned temporary suspension of services”. Alternatively the form can be downloaded from . Submit the completed form by 12 noon the next day to NHS Shared Business Services on or fax to 0300 421 1886 Please note that closures should only be considered in exceptional circumstances and following every effort to obtain full pharmacist cover. 3 COMMUNITY PHARMACY ASSURANCE FRAMEWORK (CPAF) Below is a link to the NHS England internet pages with the monitoring documentation that NHS England South (South Central) uses. The 2013/14 CPAFs have been submitted, and you will be notified when the next one is required. CPAF provides an assurance framework for the Community Pharmacy Contract. It covers matters that can be self-assessed, and apart from random verification purposes avoids the need for these matters to be covered during visits. You may find it helpful to refer to the Contract Workbook published by the Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC), when completing the questionnaire. The PSNC provides information about the CPAF on these pages: For the criteria used to monitor compliance please see the “Procedure for monitoring compliance with the terms of service for pharmacy and dispensing appliance contractors” : PHARM OUTCOMES A web-based system which helps community pharmacies provide services more effectively and makes it easier for commissioners to audit and manage these services. The PSNC provides information about PharmOutcomes on these pages: 4 COMPLAINTS: ANNUAL RETURNS Under the provisions of the National Health Service (Pharmaceutical and Local Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations 2013 pharmacy contractors are required to make arrangements for the handling and consideration of complaints. As part of the requirements an ‘annual report’ about complaints must be published, made available to anyone who requests it, and be sent to NHS England South (South Central). You should send your report to the NHS England Contact details for your locality Complaints Procedures. The PSNC publishes details of the responsibilities of pharmacies here: OPENING HOURS AND SEASONAL ROTAS The terms of service requirements for opening hours are set out in Schedules to the 2013 Regulations: • Paragraphs 23 to 27, Schedule 4 for pharmacy contractors. • Paragraphs 13 to 17, Schedule 5 for DACs. If a contractor wishes to change its core opening hours it must apply to the NHS England office in whose area the premises are located. However if it wishes to change the supplementary opening hours then it may notify the AT of the change and give at least three months’ notice. NHS England has discretion to allow the change in supplementary opening hours to take place within the three-month notice period. Where there is a clear benefit to patients then changes to supplementary opening hours will be allowed to take place as quickly as is possible, e.g. a pharmacy wishes to extend its supplementary opening hours. Use the following forms, which can be found on this website to give notice of or make changes to opening hours Annex 2 – template – notification of bank and public holiday opening hours V1 – NHS England Annex 3 – template – change of core opening hours V2 – NHS England Annex 5 – template – change of supplementary opening hours V1 – NHS England Annex 6 – template – unplanned temporary suspension of services V2 – NHS England Seasonal adjustments to opening hours (Christmas/New Year, Easter) will be finalised by your local NHS England office. 5 Information from the PSNC about notifying NHS England of your service hours during the Christmas/New Year period can be found here: Further information and guidance on opening hours’ regulations can be found at Your Local Pharmaceutical Committee will also be able to advise you. CERTIFICATES OF CONFORMITY / ANALYSIS Applies to all Pharmacies in BANES, Gloucestershire, Swindon and Wiltshire. Please ensure that all Certificates of Conformity (CoCs) and Certificates of Analysis (CoAs) are sent to the Primary Care Team, NHS England South (South Central), Sanger House, Unit 5220, Valiant Court, Gloucester Business Park, Brockworth, Gloucester. GL3 4FE Certificates should be correctly endorsed and anonymised so that all patient identifiable information is redacted. QUARTERLY MUR AND NMS RETURNS Pharmacy contractors must be able to provide a summary of their MURs conducted on a quarterly basis to their NHS England South (South Central) local office. This data is used to demonstrate the activity and value of the MUR service. The dataset is defined and can be found on the PSNC website at: For full MUR service specification please refer to: Your local NHS England office contact is your contact for returns of MURs and for any further details. The local NHS England MUR Policy can be seen here Conducting Medicines Use Reviews.docx and at Appendix 1 6 INFORMATION GOVERNANCE Community pharmacies must provide information governance assurances to the NHS annually. This must be done by completing an online NHS Information Governance Toolkit (IGT). Please note that the requirements change annually. Further advice can be obtained from the PSNC website on The information governance toolkit can be found here: CONTROLLED DRUGS CD Accountable Officer PSNC Controlled Drugs advice Name and address Julie McCann Sanger House, 5220 Valiant Court, Brockworth Business Park, Brockworth, Gloucester, GL3 4FE Contact number Phone: 0113 825 3499 Safe haven fax: 0300 421 1853 Email the team on: or Google: PSNC controlled drugs Guidance on CD discrepancies and guidance on destruction of Controlled Drugs can be found on this PSNC website page: Controlled Drug Disposal via the clinical waste contract: If Water Authorities prohibit disposal of Controlled Drugs in the waste water, then the CDs must be destroyed using CD destruction kits. After destruction has been completed, the resulting waste can be disposed as part of the regular normal NHS hazardous waste collections. If in doubt contact your clinical waste service provider (see NHS Clinical Waste: Service providers and contact numbers). 7 Methadone rinsings: When requesting permission to dispose of methadone rinsings into the waste water system each pharmacy is responsible for contacting the correct water authority. Below are contact details for some water authorities that cover the area of Bath, Gloucestershire, Swindon and Wiltshire. Up-to-date contact details can be found on the website operated by your Water Authority Wessex Water, Claverton Down Road, Bath, Somerset BA2 7WW. General enquiries: 0345 600 4 600 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm, emergencies only at other times. Trade Effluent: Phone: 0345 600 4 600 Email: Webpage: Trade Effluent, Wessex Water, Trowbridge STW, Off Bradford Road, Trowbridge, BA14 9AX Thames Water, PO Box 286, Swindon, SN38 2RA General Enquiries: 0800 316 9800 Trade Effluent: Phone: 0203 577 9200 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday Webpage: Wastewater Quality, Thames Water, Crossness Sewage Treatment Works, Belvedere Road, Abbey Wood, London, SE2 9AQ Severn Trent Water Ltd, Customer Relations, PO Box 5310, Coventry, CV3 9FJ Business enquiries: 02477 715000 Trade effluent Phone: 01332 683369 Email: Webpage: 8 PHARMACEUTICAL NEEDS ASSESSMENT (PNA) The Health and Social Care Act 2012 transferred the responsibility to develop and update Pharmaceutical Needs Assessments (PNA) to Health and Wellbeing Boards from 1 April 2013. Each Health and Wellbeing Board had a statutory duty to complete a PNA for 1 April 2015. You will find the draft PNA for your area on these links: Gloucestershire: Swindon: Wiltshire: BANES: Oxfordshire: (2015 version) (2015 version) (2015 version) (2015 Version) (2015 Version) PNAs can usually be found by searching the websites of the local county or borough council, or the local Health and Wellbeing Board or Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA). 9 SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN - Contact details: If a child or young person is in immediate danger then please dial 999 and ask for police assistance. Police Child Abuse Investigation Team: call 101 Police Domestic Abuse Investigation Team: call 101 Bath and North East Somerset (BaNES) Council Name of Team Office Hours Children and Families Assessment and Intervention Team Outside of office hours Emergency Duty Team Gloucestershire County Council Name of Team Office Hours Children's Helpdesk (opening hours are 8am - 5pm, Monday to Friday) Outside of office hours Duty Team Contact number 01225 396312 01225 396313 01454 615165 Contact number 01452 426565 01452 614194 Swindon Borough Council Office Hours Outside of office hours Name of Team Family Contact Point Emergency Duty Service (out of hours) Contact number 01793 466903 01793 436699 Name of Team Wiltshire Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) Emergency Duty Service Contact number 0300 4560108 (Immediate danger) 08456070888 Wiltshire County Council Office Hours Outside of office hours 10 SAFEGUARDING VULNERABLE ADULTS - CONTACT details: If a vulnerable adult is in immediate danger then please dial 999 and ask for police assistance. Police Domestic Abuse Investigation Team: call 101 If the person you are concerned about is in a care home you can report it to the Care Quality Commission, 03000 616161 If possible you should try to get the person’s permission to contact an agency. If this is not practically possible, you can still report the matter. People can refer themselves if they wish. If they want, they can have an advocate or a representative speak on their behalf. Bath and North East Somerset (BaNES) Council Office Hours Outside of office hours Office Hours Name of Team Contact number BANES Council BANES Council Emergency Duty team Sirona Care and Health (works with BANES Council) 01225 396000 01454 615165 (01225) 396000 Outside of office hours Sirona Care and Health Emergency Duty Team (01454) 615165 Gloucestershire County Council Office Hours Outside of office hours Name of Team Contact number Gloucestershire County Council (Adult Help Desk) Gloucestershire County Council (Adult Help Desk) Emergency Duty team - 01452 426868 0845 4090 1234 11 Swindon Borough Council Office Hours Outside of office hours Name of Team Contact number Safeguarding Adults Investigation Unit, 01793 507828 or 01380 734212 Wiltshire Police Out of hours Emergency Duty Service Wiltshire County Council Name of Team Office Hours Social Care Help Desk Office Hours Safeguarding Adults Investigation Unit, Outside of office hours Wiltshire Police Emergency Duty Service 01793 436699 Contact number 0300 456 0111 01380 734212 0845 6070 888 ELECTRONIC PRESCRIPTION SERVICE (EPS) What is EPS: Visit the Get Started section at this website: For PSNC guidance on EPS go to: Dispensers require dispensing tokens for EPS. Without them dispensers will not be able to operate EPS effectively. To order EPS tokens: make a Pharmacy Stationery Requisition via the NHS SBS Practitioner Support Services. See Ordering Pharmacy Stationery. NHS England/HSCIC guidance about patient nominations for EPS: To use EPS, patients choose where their prescriber will electronically send their prescriptions. This is called nomination 12 Complaints about EPS nominations It is important that any complaint about nomination is investigated and dealt with appropriately. Guidance for complaints about nominations can be found on page 4 of the above NHS England/HSCIC guidance, and also includes the following link to register your complaint: You will need a Smartcard to use EPS. See SMARTCARDS SMARTCARDS For details about which pharmacy staff need a Smartcard, and how to apply: To obtain a Smartcard or to find help about Smartcards contact the Smartcard office for NHS Central Southern CSU: BaNES, Central Southern Commissioning Support Unit SmartCard Team, Priory Road Surgery, 01793 422336 Gloucestershire, Priory Rd, Swindon SN3 3EZ Swindon and, Wiltshire 13 TRANSLATION SERVICES Some interpreting service providers require an Access Code from you to confirm that you are eligible to access these services. If your service provider requires a code from you, your local NHS England office will issue those codes. To prevent abuse of NHS funds pharmacies must keep their code safe and not divulge it to patients. Service providers will invoice NHS England or its agents. BANES Gloucestershire Swindon Wiltshire Interpretation/translation of spoken language: Language Line Solutions 0800 169 2879 Translation of British Sign Language: contact Action on Hearing Loss Email: Translation of spoken language: Prestige Network. Telephone interpreting is quick and easy to arrange. For face to face booking allow 48 hours. Press 1 for Face to Face Interpreting or press 2 for Telephone Interpreting Enter your 6 digit pin code. Translation of British Sign Language: Gloucestershire Deaf Association, Colin Road, Barnwood, Gloucester, GL4 3JL E:mail Interpretation/translation of spoken language: Language Line Solutions 0845 685 8003 01635 246 700 01452 372999 0800 169 2879 Translation of British Sign Language: contact Alpha Plus, 12 Hill Street, Stogumber, Taunton, Somerset. TA4 3TD E:mail 01984 656751 Hands on Communication – Dawn Wheeler Trading as Hands on Communication Email: 01793 814148 Translation of spoken language: Language Line Solutions. 0800 169 2879 Translation of British Sign Language: contact Action on Hearing Loss Email: 0845 685 8003 14 CLINICAL WASTE COLLECTIONS NHS clinical waste collections from pharmacies are commissioned by NHS England. This includes patient returned medicines and patients’ sharps. Service details are below. Needle Exchange Schemes and the collections of associated sharps bins are commissioned by the Public Health Department of your Local County or Borough Council. Collection and contact details should be in your Service Level Agreement you have signed with them for this service. Clinical Waste produced by the pharmacy from non-NHS commercial operations will not be collected by the NHS commissioned service and must not be mixed with NHS-commissioned collections. NHS Clinical Waste: Service providers and contact numbers: Wiltshire and Swindon PHS Group 029 2085 1000 BaNES SRCL 0333 240 4400 Gloucestershire: Tradebe 01179 802 990 Missed/overdue collections of clinical waste: If your waste collection has been missed or is overdue contact your clinical waste service provider as above. Provide your pharmacy name and postcode, and the nature of your request. Changing the container type or the collection frequency: If you require additional clinical waste collections or more/different bins, these must be authorised by the team commissioning that service (see contacts below). You must provide justification for any change that requires additional funds. Contacts: Gloucestershire: Estates Team (Security, Safety & Facilities), Gloucestershire Care Services NHS Trust. Tel 0300 421 8273 Swindon: Primary Care Team, Sanger House, Tel 011382 53496 Wiltshire and BaNES: Primary Care Team, Bewley House, Chippenham. Tel 011382 51509 Different pharmacies have different collection frequencies depending upon their average output of NHS clinical waste. 15 Managing your waste output Pharmacies are responsible for controlling and auditing the content of their waste streams in accordance with the requirements of the Environment Agency. As of April 2015 the most recent version of HTM 07-01 “Management and disposal of healthcare waste” published 20/03/2013 can be found here: Guidance is also available on the PSNC website at (Check that the version of HTM 07-01 is not earlier than 20/03/13) And (Check that the version of HTM 07-01 is not earlier than 20/03/13) Patients’ clinical waste and sharps Some Local Authority waste management services provide collections of clinical waste including sharps from domestic premises. Patients should be advised to contact their local authority for information about this service. Patients should return unused drugs to the pharmacy for correct disposal. INFORMATION GOVERNANCE Community pharmacies must provide information governance assurances to the NHS annually. This can be done by completing an online NHS Information Governance Toolkit (IGT). Please note that the requirements change annually. Further advice can be obtained from the PSNC website on The information governance toolkit can be found here: 16 ORDERING PHARMACY STATIONERY To order pharmacy stationery contact NHS SBS Practitioner Support Services on Email (This is the recommended method of submitting your order) Phone 01392 351351 Fax 01392 351383 Address Camberwell House, Grenadier Road, Exeter Business Park, Exeter, EX1 3LQ Operates a 10 working day lead time from receipt of requisition to delivery. If you do not have an order form they will provide one on request. Pharmacy Stationery Hints and Tips from SBS: Guidance is attached here: Appx 2 NHS SBS PharmacyStationeryService.doc or at Appendix 2 An order form with catalogue is attached here Appendix 3. Appx 3 NHS_SBS_Pharmacy_Requisition_Form_V3.xlsx . You will need MS Excel. Or a MS Word version can be seen at PRESCRIPTION ENDORSEMENT AND PAYMENT For PSNC guidance go to For NHS BSA Prescription Services guidance on endorsement go to 17 DRUG TARIFF Copies of the Drug Tariff are distributed by NHS SBS Practitioner Support Services, who can be contacted on: Email Phone 01392 351351 Fax 01392 351383 (For full contact details see “Ordering Pharmacy Stationery”) The most recent version of the Drug Tariff can be accessed here: For guidance on the Drug Tariff go to: PSNC: NHS Prescription Service: PHARMACY CONTRACT MONITORING See Community Pharmacy Assurance Framework PHARMACY CONTRACT REGULATIONS For PSNC guidance on the Regulations go to: For PSNC guidance on Market Entry go to: For The Pharmacy Regulations go to 18 INFORMATION FOR PATIENTS NHS England Complaints contacts for patients Contact Method By post: NHS England PO Box 16738 Redditch B97 9PT Advice on information required from service user by NHS England Address with subject line: ‘For the attention of the complaints manager’. Provide as much information as possible to allow NHS England to investigate the complaint. Include some or all of the following: o your name and a valid email or home address for reply; o a clear description of your complaint; o a statement giving NHS England permission to contact your GP, Dentist, Pharmacist or Optometrist to investigate your complaint o copies of previous communication about your concerns By email: With ‘For the attention of the complaints manager’ in the subject line. Then the information as above. By telephone: 0300 311 22 33 (Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm, excluding English Bank Holidays) PSNC provides details of the NHS Complaints Procedure here: 19 PATIENT ADVICE AND COMPLAINTS ABOUT HOSPITAL AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Swindon CCG Patient Advice and Complaints Team (PACT), 0300 200 8844 NHS South Central and West Commissioning Support Unit, Priory Road Medical Centre, Priory Road, Park South, Swindon, SN3 2EZ Email: Wiltshire CCG or PALS and Complaints Service Tel: 0300 1232103 NHS Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group, NHS Wiltshire CCG, Southgate House, Pans Lane, Devizes, Wiltshire, SN10 5EQ Fax: 01380 733737 Email: BaNES CCG PALS and Complaints Team, NHS Bath & North East Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group, 1st Floor, Kempthorne House, Clara Cross Lane, Bath, BA2 5RP Tel: 01225 831717 Email: Gloucestershire CCG Patient Experience and Safety Team, Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group, 5220 Valiant Court, Gloucester Business Park, Brockworth, Gloucester, GL3 4FE Tel: 0300 421 1458 20 ADVOCACY Advocacy supports and assists people, especially the vulnerable, to express their views and concerns, helps them to access information and services, defends and promotes their rights and responsibilities, and helps them explore choices and options. BANES SEAP 0300 343 5700 Email: Website: Gloucestershire SEAP 0300 343 5710 Email: Website: Swindon Swindon Advice & Support Centre, Sanford House, Sanford Street, Swindon SN1 1QH 01793 497777 Email: Website: Wiltshire South Wiltshire Advocacy Network (SWAN), 26 Milford Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP1 2AP 01722 341851 Email: Website: 21 A & E / EMERGENCY DEPARTMENTS BANES Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust, Combe Park, Bath, BA1 3NG Emergency Dept 01225 824391/ 824007 Gloucestershire Swindon Gloucestershire Royal Hospital, Great Western Road, Gloucester, GL1 3NN 0300 422 2222 Cheltenham General Hospital, Sandford Road, Cheltenham, L53 7AN 0300 422 2222 Great Western Hospital, Marlborough Road, Swindon, SN3 6BB Main Switchboard 01793 604020 Wiltshire Salisbury District Hospital, Odstock Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP2 8BJ 01722 336262/ 429163 22 MINOR INJURIES AND ILLNESSES BANES Gloucestershire Urgent Care Centre, Royal United Hospital, Combe Park, Bath BA1 3NG Open 24 hours a day, every day Cirencester Hospital, Tetbury Road, Cirencester, GL7 1UY 24 hours a day, every day 01225 428331 01285 655711 0300 421 8640 Dilke Memorial Hospital, Cinderford, GL14 3HX 8.00 a.m. to 11.00 p.m. 0300 421 8722 Lydney and District Hospital, Lydney, GL15 5JF 8.00 a.m. to 11.00pm 0300 421 8770 North Cotswolds Hospital, Stow Road, Moreton-in-March, GL56 0DS 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. Stroud General Hospital, Trinity Road, Stroud, GL5 2HY 24 hours a day, every day 0300 421 8884 Tewkesbury Hospital, Barton Road, Tewkesbury, GL20 5GJ 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. 0300 421 6100 The Vale Hospital, Dursley, GL11 4BA 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. 0300 421 8494 23 Swindon Wiltshire Walk in Centre: Swindon Health Centre, Carfax Street, Swindon SN1 1ED Open every day of the year. 7am - 8pm Mon to Fri 8am - 8pm Sat/Sun/Bank Hols Blood tests: 7am - 12 noon Mon to Fri Children’s Health Clinic: Moredon Medical Centre, Moredon Road, Swindon, SN2 2JG Open Monday to Sunday between 8am and 8pm. Provides services for youngsters, toddlers and infants suffering from common colds, aches or pains who are unable to get an appointment with their own GP. Not those with life-threatening conditions. To access the service you must telephone first and a specialist nurse will make an appointment time with you. Minor Injury Unit, Trowbridge Community Hospital, Adcroft Street, Trowbridge, Wiltshire BA14 8PH Open 24 hours a day, every day 01793 541655 01793 646466. 01225 711329 Minor Injury Unit, Chippenham Community Hospital, Rowden Hill, Chippenham SN15 2AJ Open from 7am - 1am every day 01249 456403 Salisbury Walk-in Health Centre, Avon Approach, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP1 3SL Open from 8am - 8pm, every day 01722 331191 24 MENTAL HEALTH CARE CRISIS BANES Hill View Lodge, Royal United Hospital, Combe Park, Bath, BA1 3NG 01225 362700 Gloucestershire Cheltenham, Tewkesbury and North Cotswolds 0800 1690398 (press 3) 0800 1690398 (press 1) 0800 1690398 (press 2) Stroud and Cotswolds – Gloucester and Forest – Swindon Wiltshire Contact any of the three above on: 2gether NHS Foundation Trust Headquarters, Rikenel, Montpellier, Gloucester, GL1 1LY Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust, Sandalwood Court, 01793 836800 Highworth Rd, Swindon, SN3 4WF Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust, Green Lane Hospital Devizes, Marshall Road, Devizes, SN10 5DS 01380 731282 Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust Fountain Way, Wilton Road, Salisbury, SP2 7FD 01722 820329 Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust, Jenner House, Langley Park, Chippenham, SN15 1GG Advice and support 01225 325680 * If driving to Jenner House and using satellite navigation, please use the postcode SN15 1DG. Administration 01249 468000 25 CARERS BANES Gloucestershire Swindon Wiltshire by visiting: North East Somerset Carers' Centre, 1 Riverside Cottages, Radstock BA3 3PS Bath Carers' Centre, The Woodlands, Lower Bristol Road, Bath BA2 9ES by freepost (no stamp needed): The Carers’ Centre FREEPOST (SWB 10722) Radstock BA3 3ZZ Carers Gloucestershire, 2nd Floor, 35 St Michael’s Square ,Gloucester, GL1 1HX Swindon Carers Centre, Swindon Advice and Support Centre, Sanford Street, Swindon, SN1 1QH Carer Support Wiltshire, Independent Living Centre, St George’s Road, Semington, BA14 6JQ Freephone for carers: 0800 0388 885 Office: 01761 431388 01452 386283 01793 531133 01380 871 690 0800 1814 118 SEXUAL HEALTH SERVICES Check NHS Choices Website for ‘Services Near You’, then ‘Sexual Health’ for service locations, opening times and additional details. This is especially relevant for Emergency Hormonal Contraception when time is critical. BANES Check NHS Choices Website for current opening times and additional details CASH Clinic, Bath Riverside Health centre, James Street West, Bath, Somerset, BA1 2BT Sexual Health Clinic, Royal United Hospital, Combe Park, Bath, Somerset, BA1 3NG Tel: 01225 474242 Tel: 01225 824617 26 Gloucestershire Swindon Check NHS Choices Website for current opening times and additional details Alternatively, for details of services in your area ring – Or go to the Sexual Health in Gloucestershire website: Check NHS Choices Website for current opening times and additional details Sexual Health Clinic, First Floor, Health Centre, Carfax Street, Swindon SN1 1ED Includes Walk-in Clinic, Youth Clinic and Contraception Clinic See website for opening times Sexual Health Clinic, 4th floor, Great Western Hospital, Marlborough Road, Swindon, SN3 6BB Appointments only. See website for opening times Tel: 0300 421 6500 Telephone: Clinic times apply. Tel: 01793 604038 01793 604038 New College, New College Drive, Swindon, SN3 1AH Students have access to contraceptive services and STI testing. See website for opening times Swindon College, North Star Ave, Swindon SN2 1DY Students have access to contraceptive services and STI testing. See website for opening times 27 Wiltshire Check NHS Choices Website for current opening times and additional details Telephone: Clinic times apply. Chippenham Community Hospital, Rowden Hill, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 2AJ Monday 6.00pm - 8.30pm Tel: 01249 456412 CASH Clinic - Calne Health Centre Broken Cross, Calne, Wiltshire, SN11 8BN Contraception information and advice, Emergency contraception, testing for STIs and pregnancy. 01249 812821 for appointments CASH Clinic, Melksham Community Hospital, Spa Road, Melksham, Wiltshire, SN12 7NZ Tel: 01225 701005 CASH Clinic, Devizes Community Hospital, New Park Street, Devizes, Wiltshire, SN10 1EF Tel: 01380 725089 Bradford on Avon Health Centre, Station Approach, Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire, BA15 1DQ Tel: 01225 865660 Salisbury Central Clinic, Avon Approach, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP1 3SL Tel: 01722 328595 Salisbury District Hospital, Odstock Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP2 8BJ Tel: 01722 410069 Cash Clinic, Trowbridge Community Hospital, Adcroft Street, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 8PH Downton Pharmacy, 5 High Street, Downton Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP5 3PG Tel: 01725 510388 Free emergency contraception (EHC) for young people aged 19 and under. • Free pregnancy testing for young people aged 19 and under. • Free condom distribution for young people aged 19 and under. Boots the Chemist, 40 Salisbury Street, Amesbury, Wiltshire, SP4 7HD Free emergency contraception (EHC) for young people aged 19 and under. • Free pregnancy testing for young people aged 19 and under. • Free condom distribution for young people aged 19 and under. Tel: 01980 622188 28 SOCIAL SERVICES BANES Gloucestershire Swindon Access Team, P.O. Box 3343, Bath, BA1 2ZH Adult Social Care Helpdesk Email: 01225 396000 Children & Families Helpdesk Email: 01452 426565 Adults Children Family Contact Point email: Wiltshire Social Care Helpdesk, Wiltshire County Council, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, Wilts, BA14 8LE Email: Website: 01452 426868 0800 085 6666 01793 466903 Emergency and Out of Hours: 01793 436699 Tel: 01225 713001 Fax: 01225 713355 29 SMOKING: STOP SMOKING SERVICES All areas BANES Gloucestershire Swindon Wiltshire NHS Stop Smoking Services Sirona Care and Health Gloucestershire NHS Stop Smoking Service Swindon Borough Council or email Wiltshire Stop Smoking Service 0800 022 4322 01225 831 852 0300 421 0040 0800 389 2229, 01793 465513, text 07881 281797 0300 003 4562 GPs, Dentists, Pharmacies, and Opticians Separate appendices contain lists of the above. NHS Choices provides an easy way to find contact details for providers of NHS Health Care and can be searched by town or postcode. Website: , select ‘Services Near You’ then GP, Dentist, etc. (or Google search for NHS Choices) You are advised to use NHS Choices in preference to the fixed/printed lists appended. Some contact details on lists will become out-of-date. NHS England takes no responsibility for the continued correctness of the listed information. 30 Appendix 1 NHS England South (South Central) BaNES, Gloucestershire, Swindon and Wiltshire Conducting Medicines Use Reviews (Version 21/04/15) Medicines Use Reviews (MURs) should be conducted in the pharmacy face to face as a general rule. In exceptions MURs can be conducted in patients’ homes where agreed with the NHS England South (South Central - BaNES, Gloucestershire, Swindon and Wiltshire). It is NHS England Policy that a pharmacist wishing to conduct MURs in patients’ homes has an enhanced disclosure and barring service (DBS) certificate (the updated CRB check). The service specification states that permission needs to be given for each patient every time a MUR is to be undertaken. Aims for the Service To improve patient knowledge, adherence and use of their medicines by: Establishing the patients actual usage, understanding and experience of taking their medicines Identifying, discussing and resolving poor or ineffective use of their medicines Identifying side effects and drug interactions that may affect adherence Improving the clinical cost effectiveness of prescribed medicines and reducing medicine wastage Working with other professionals In order to ensure cost effective and integrated services are delivered NHS England South (South Central - BaNES, Gloucestershire, Swindon and Wiltshire) requires pharmacists to work in collaboration with the local GP surgery within their local Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs). This is intended to ensure that the MUR activity is co-ordinated with any medication reviews undertaken by others within the CCG e.g. GPs, nurses. As Offsite MURs are, by definition, not carried out in the pharmacy it is essential that patients and other Health Care Professionals can see that this is part of integrated NHS medicines optimisation services and does not lead to any confusion about who is doing what. Pharmacist will be required to give assurance that this contact has been made, and there is local agreement and understandings of how all MURs are to be carried out off the pharmacy premises. Gaining consent Pharmacy contractors wishing to carry out consultations off the pharmacy premises must gain consent from the NHS England South (South Central - BaNES, Gloucestershire, Swindon and Wiltshire), and this consent can be for: a specific premises e.g. specific room in a GP practice a specific premises or a category of premises for a category of patients e.g. care home for care home residents specific premises for a specific patient e.g. in a patients’ own home 31 Standard Operating Procedure The pharmacy will need to have in place a SOP of how it will deliver offsite MURs and this will need to include the following: How patients will be targeted, How the pharmacy will gain approval for the MUR, How the pharmacy will obtain consent from the patients for an offsite MUR What areas will be covered in the MUR How improved outcomes will be recorded during the MUR How these details will then be collated for the offsite MUR review summary for reporting to the NHS England South (South Central - BaNES, Gloucestershire, Swindon and Wiltshire) The SOP will need to be shared with the NHS England South (South Central - BaNES, Gloucestershire, Swindon and Wiltshire) prior to authorisation being given. MURs over the Telephone MURs can only be provided in exceptional cases by telephone, but only where NHS England South (South Central - BaNES, Gloucestershire, Swindon and Wiltshire) gives approval for a particular patient, and on a particular occasion. It should be noted that it is extremely unlikely that NHS England South (South Central - BaNES, Gloucestershire, Swindon and Wiltshire) approval for these will be given. The Directions require a telephone MUR to be carried out such that no-one can overhear the consultation. MURs at a patient’s home There may be circumstances where a patient is housebound and is unable to attend the pharmacy premises but would benefit from an MUR. In this instance a contractor may apply to the relevant NHS England South (South Central - BaNES, Gloucestershire, Swindon and Wiltshire) to provide an MUR to a specific patient on a specific occasion. The pharmacist undertaking the MUR must have an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) certificate. MURs at other premises There may be circumstances where a contractor wishes to provide the service at premises or a category of premises to a particular category of patient e.g. residents of a care home who are self-medicating. The pharmacist undertaking the MUR must have an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) certificate. Service Specification If a pharmacy wishes to provide MURs in another location they must seek the prior approval of the NHS England South (South Central - BaNES, Gloucestershire, Swindon and Wiltshire). Carrying out the MUR service away from the pharmacy could include an area for confidential consultations at premises other than the pharmacy (e.g. at a GP practice); at premises to provide the service to a particular patient on a particular occasion (e.g. in a patient’s home); or at premises to provide the service to a particular category of patient (e.g. at a care home). Where a pharmacy wishes to provide an MUR via telephone to a particular patient on a particular occasion, they must seek the prior approval of NHS England South (South Central - BaNES, Gloucestershire, Swindon and Wiltshire). Only when it is not practical for the 32 patient to get to the pharmacy or for the pharmacist to attend the patient’s home, should an MUR be conducted by telephone. The MUR must be conducted in such a way as to ensure that the telephone conversation can only be overheard by someone whom the patient wants to hear the conversation, for example a carer. For full MUR service specification please refer to: Forms Pharmacy contractors can use PSNC’s PREM2 forms to make applications to NHS England South (South Central - BaNES, Gloucestershire, Swindon and Wiltshire): Application to undertake MURs off the pharmacy premises at alternative premises with a consultation area: Form PREM2A Application to undertake MURs off the pharmacy premises at alternative premises for a particular patient on a particular occasion: Form PREM2B Application to undertake MURs off the pharmacy premises at alternative premises or a category of premises for a particular category of patients: Form PREM2C Application to undertake an MUR by telephone for a particular patient on a particular occasion: Form PREM2D DBS checks DBS application must be arranged through the NHS England South (South Central - BaNES, Gloucestershire, Swindon and Wiltshire), only one pharmacist per pharmacy will be eligible for a DBS check, only if that pharmacist leaves will the NHS England South (South Central BaNES, Gloucestershire, Swindon and Wiltshire) allow for a second DBS check to be completed per pharmacy. Further information on DBS checks can be found at Procedure for DBS check:1. The Pharmacy request a DBS application form from NHS Shared Business Services ( Please ensure the name and address of the pharmacist conducting the MURs is included in the email. 2. NHS Shared Business Services send the applicant the form for the Pharmacist to complete 3. The applicant arranges to meet with NHS Shared Business Services to hand over the completed application form along with originals and copies of documents proving their identity. These checks can be undertaken at any of the offices detailed. Please confirm which office is more convenient at the time of email NHS Shared Business Services for an application form: Sanger House, Gloucester Bewley House, Chippenham 33 Southgate House, Devizes 4. NHS Shared Business Services sends the application to DBS for processing 5. DBS issues a certificate to the applicant. 6. The Applicant sends a copy of the certificate to NHS Shared Business Services 7. NHS Shared Business Services provides a copy of the certificate to the Area Team NHS England South (South Central - BaNES, Gloucestershire, Swindon and Wiltshire) Contract Details Gloucestershire and Swindon Pharmacies Sharon Hodges, Primary Care Administration Support Email: Address: Sanger House, 5220 Valiant Court, Gloucester Business Park, Brockworth, Gloucester, GL3 4FE Telephone number: 0113 825 3512 BaNES and Wiltshire pharmacies Gina Bryant, Primary Care Commissioning support Email: Address: Bewley House, Marshfield Road, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 1JW Telephone number: 0113 825 1509 34 Appendix 2 NHS SBS Primary Care Services Project Name: SW PSS Change Document Date: Version: 19/03/2016 1.0 Primary Care Services – SW PSS Change Document V1.0 35 1) DOCUMENT CONTROL 1. History Version Date Change Description Changed By 1.0 5th March 2015 Initial Draft Christopher Perkins 2. Issue This document is issued by NHS Shared Business Services, to whom any change requests or queries should be directed. The master for this document shall be maintained/accessed electronically. Any copy-controlled printed copies shall be suitably identified. A printed copy that is not suitably identified is not copy-controlled and will not be automatically updated. It is therefore the responsibility of the reader to ensure that it is a currently valid copy. 3. References No. Reference Title Note: Unless a specific version is referred to above, reference should be made to the current version of the document. 36 Table of Contents 1) DOCUMENT CONTROL ...................................................................................................................................... 36 1. 2. 3. HISTORY ........................................................................................................................ 36 ISSUE ............................................................................................................................ 36 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................... 36 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................ 38 1.1 BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................... 38 2. ORDER FORM ..................................................................................................................................................... 38 2.1 USING THE NEW FORM........................................................................................................ 38 1.2 SECURE STATIONARY ORDERS .............................................................................................. 40 2) SUBMITTING AN ORDER ........................................................................................................................... 41 2.1 ORDER PROCESS ................................................................................................................ 41 2.2 EMAIL SUBJECT HEADINGS .................................................................................................. 41 37 1. Introduction 1.1 Background In an effort to increase efficiency within the PSS service we have streamlined the process of ordering. With this streamline come some small changes in the way we would like to take orders. 2. Order Form The current form is a word document with a product catalogue. To make the ordering easier we have created an excel order form. The new form is simple to fill out and also contains a product catalogue. 2.1 Using the new form Fill the form in from left to right: 38 The mandatory fields that need to be filled in with every order are: Area Contractor Name Address Postcode Contact Number Order Date Catalogue number Description (This is filled in automatically) Quantity Unit Type (This is filled in automatically) Fill “Area” to “Order Date” only once and then add each item under the other, please see below for an example: 39 1.2 Secure Stationary Orders For secure stationary orders the form is very similar as you fill in the same details but with a few additional fields. The mandatory fields in this form are: Area Contractor Name Address Postcode Contact Name Contact Number Order Date Catalogue number Description (This is filled in automatically) Quantity Unit Type (This is filled in automatically) GP Prescriber Code and Name or Pin Number (Nurses & Health Visitor) 40 2) Submitting an Order All orders will need to be submitted attached to an email, if you do not have access to the internet please contact Sarah Thompson to inform her you will only be able to fax orders. 2.1 Order Process When submitting an order it is very similar to the current process. Once you have filling in the form correctly you will need to attached the excel order form to an email and send it to When sending the email you will need to put the word “Order” only into the subject heading. This is so that the automatic submission of orders can be completed. 2.2 Email Subject Headings For all emails please follow the guide below for subject headings. All order emails will have “Order” only in the subject heading All receipt email will have “Receipt” only in the subject heading All other emails will have “Query” only I the subject heading 41 42 Appendix 3 Area Contractor Practice Contractor Address Code Code Name Post code Order Date Catalogue Description Only Number Only Quantity (Number Only) Unit Type See PSS catalogue over the page. 43 Appendix 3A PSS Catalogue PSS Type Product code Pharmacy FP57 Pharmacy FP92A Pharmacy FP95 Pharmacy FP1010 Pharmacy Oatbooks Pharmacy Product Type Product Name Unit Type Receipt for prescription charges Box Application for prescription charge exemption (medical) Pads Prescription charges prepayment certificate Box Peak flow charts Packs Anti-coagulant therapy forms Packs STC Steroid treatment cards Packs Pharmacy HC1 Claim form for help with NHS charges Forms Pharmacy HC5 Refund claim forms Forms Pharmacy HC12 Help with Health Costs Forms Pharmacy RD1 Patient Agreement Form – Repeat Dispensing Arrangement Forms Pharmacy RD2 Repeat Dispensing Information Leaflet for Patients Forms Pharmacy FW8 Application for prescription charge exemption (maternity) Forms Pharmacy RE26 Pre-Paid Envelopes for Prescription Pricing Authority Pharmacy Oatpacks Anti-coagulant packs Pharmacy FP10DT EPS Dispensing Tokens Pharmacy FP30P Pharmacy requisition forms Envelopes Packs Box Forms 44 Dentists Name of Dental Practice Green Park Dental Surgery Avon SPCDS Circus Orthodontic Practice Cloudshill Limited Laser-Dent Limited - Queen Square Dental Practice Charlotte Street Dental Practice Gay Street Dental Practice RUH Orthodontic Department - Royal United Hospital Larkhall Dental Practice Batheaston Dental Surgery Mere Dental Practice Chantry Dental Practice Wylye Valley Dentistry Limited Dentalcare Limited Mr M Saliba White Horse Dental Practice Haynes Road Dental Cottage Dental Practice The Halve Dentalcare (Southern) Limited IDH Limited Oasis Dental Care Ltd The Health Centre Dental Practice Community Dental Centre Limited (CDC) Twerton St. Michael's Dental Surgery Whitecross Dental Care Rush Hill Dental Access Centre Appendix 4 In postcode order Address 40 Green Park, Bath Salaried Dental Service, Riverside Health Centre, James Street West, Bath 20 The Circus, Bath Postcode BA1 1HZ BA1 2BT Phone 01225 421096 01225 474243 BA1 2EU 01224 424051 1a Queen Square, Bath BA1 2HA 01225 424336 15a Charlotte Street, Bath BA1 2ND 01225 318455 25 Gay Street, Bath Combe Park, Bath BA1 2PD BA1 3NG 01225 330011 01225 824324 1a St Saviours Road, Bath 211 London Road East, , Batheaston, Bath Duchy Manor, Springfield Road, Mere, Warminster, Wiltshire 48 High Street, Warminster, Wiltshire 1 Station Road, Warminster, Wiltshire 11 The Mall, Edward Street, Westbury, Wiltshire 1 Hospital Road, Westbury, Wiltshire White Horse Health Centre, Mane Way, Leigh Park, Westbury, Wiltshire 29 Haynes Road, Westbury, Wiltshire The Cottage, 26B Roundstone Street, Trowbridge, Wiltshire Trowbridge, Wiltshire The Halve, Trowbridge, Wiltshire Trowbridge Dental Centre, Meadow Court, The Slipway, Staverton Marina, Wiltshire 28 St Georges Terrace, Stallard Street, Trowbridge, Wiltshire Station Approach, Bradford-onAvon, Wiltshire Walwyn Close, Twerton, Bath BA1 6RT BA1 7NB 01225 313914 01225 859394 BA12 6EW BA12 9AF 01747 860365 BA12 9BR 01985 212777 BA13 3DR 01373 858580 BA13 3EQ 01373 822229 BA13 3FQ 01373 859136 BA13 3HB 01373 865084 BA14 8DE 01225 754638 BA14 8SA BA14 8SA BA14 8TJ 01225 752423 01225 430545 01225 351333 BA14 9AB 01225 755620 BA15 1DQ 01225 860038 BA2 1ER 01225 339882 Walwyn Close, Bath Lower Ground Floor, 20 Rush Hill, Bath BA2 1SX BA2 2QH 01225 334733 01225 487790 01985 846576 45 Name of Dental Practice Community Dental Centre Limited (CDC) Oldfield Dental Centre Lyndhurst Dental Practice Pulteney Dental Practice Wellsway Dental Surgery IDH 324 & 325 Limited Combe Down Dental Practice Bath Orthodontics Limited Bathampton Dental Surgery University of Bath Dental Centre IDH 324 & 325 Limited Peasedown Dental Practice North Way Dental Practice Limited Midsomer Dental Care Wells Hill Dental Surgery The Parks Dental Practice The Parks Dental Practice Avon House Dental Practice Keynsham Dental Practice Charlton Road Dental Practice Charlton Park Dental Practice Mermaid Dental Surgery Saltford Dental Practice Halton House Dental Centre Limited Paulton Dental Surgery Harptree Dental Surgery Chew Magna Dental Practice Genix Healthcare Ltd (Gloucester) Clarence House Dental Phoenix Orthodontics Messenger Dental Practice Whitecross Dental Care Ltd (Gloucester) Smile Dental Address 45 Upper Oldfield Park, Bath Postcode BA2 3HT Phone 01225 445455 16a Upper Oldfield Park, Bath 14 Argyle Street, Bath 56 Wellsway, Bath 8 Combe Road, Combe Down, Bath Sydney Road, Bath 29 Holcombe Lane, Bathampton, Bath The Avenue, Claverton Down, Bath 30, Bath Road, Peasedown St John, Bath Northway, Midsomer Norton, Radstock, Somerset 1 North Road, Midsomer Norton, Radstock, Somerset 3 Wells Road, Radstock, Somerset St Clements Road, Keynsham, Bristol 58 Park Road, Keynsham, Bristol 7 High Street, Keynsham, Bristol 7a, Bath Hill, Keynsham, Bristol 26 Charlton Road, Keynsham, Bristol 30 Charlton Park, Keynsham, Bristol 1 Norman Road, Saltford, Bristol 478, Bath Road, Saltford, Bristol Hallatrow Road, Paulton, Bristol BA2 3JZ BA2 4BQ BA2 4SA BA2 5HX 01225 422125 01225 461572 01225 312847 01225 834447 BA2 6NR BA2 6UL 01225 481890 01225 485303 BA2 7AY 01225 386065 BA2 8DJ 01761 439191 BA3 2DY 01761 413663 BA3 2QB 01761 412366 BA3 3RN 01761 436279 BS31 1AG 01179 461 001 BS31 1BU BS31 1DP BS31 1EB BS31 2JA 0117 986 9643 0117 986 2992 0117 986 7501 0117 986 2040 BS31 2NB 0117 986 2627 BS31 3BQ BS31 3DJ BS39 7LH 01225 872106 01225 873809 01761 411166 Ivy Cottage, High Street, Paulton, Bristol Bristol Road, West Harptree, Bristol Vinery Corner, Harford Square, Chew Magna, Bristol Lister House, Station Road, Gloucester 22 Clarence Street, Gloucester 20 Clarence Street, Gloucester 33 St. Michaels Square, Gloucester Eastgate House, Eastgate Street, Gloucester 2 Spa Road, Gloucester BS39 7QE 01761 416057 BS40 6HF 01761 221869 BS40 8RD 01275 332371 GL1 1DH 01452 303 983 GL1 1DP GL1 1DP GL1 1HX 01452 522720 01452 332444 01452 523723 GL1 1PX 01452 418164 GL1 1XA 01452 520375 46 Name of Dental Practice Dental Clinic (Gloucester PCC) Gloucestershire Roger Moore Dental Practice Ltd Gloucester Dental Care Norfolk House Dental Practice Oasis Dental Care (Stroud Road) Woodcock Lane Dental Practice HRS Dental High Street Dental Surgery Townes and Townes Associates Archway Dental Practice Ltd (Dursley) Cam Dental Surgery Wotton Dental Clinic Chipping Manor Dental Practice (Wotton-Under-Edge) Westbury Dental Surgery Whitecross Dental Care Ltd (Cinderford) The Coach House Dental Practice The Central Surgery Oasis Dental Care (Lydney) Rock Castle Dental Practice Willow Tree Dental Practice Newent Dental Care Quedgeley House Dental Practice St James Dental (Quedgeley) The Cross House IDH Dental (Tewkesbury) Tewkesbury House Dental Practice Churchdown Dental Surgery Windsor Drive Dental Practice Courtlands Dental Practice Abbeymead Dental Centre Brockley House Dental Surgery Address Southgate Moorings, 2, Kimbrose Way, Gloucester Three Cocks Lane, Westgate Street, Gloucester 65 London Road, Gloucester 91 London Road, Gloucester 124 Stroud Road, Gloucester Postcode GL1 2DB Phone 01452 380073 GL1 2QU 01452 521440 GL1 3HF GL1 3HH GL1 5JN 01452 310730 01452 525540 01452 522644 2 Woodcock Lane, Stonehouse GL10 2EE 01453 828327 2, Ebley Road, Stonehouse 13 High Street, Stonehouse 13 Queens Road, Stonehouse GL10 2LQ GL10 2NG GL10 2QA 01453 826 234 01453 822205 01453 827474 40 Parsonage Street, Dursley GL11 4AE 01453 542695 3 Chapel Street, Cam, Dursley 43-45 Long Street, Wotton-UnderEdge 10 Long Street, Wotton-UnderEdge The Village, Westbury-On-Severn 26 Market Street, Cinderford GL11 5NU GL12 7BX 01453 542993 01453 844428 GL12 7ES 01453 844646 GL14 1PA GL14 2RX 01452 760662 01594 824030 Victoria Road, Lydney GL15 5DG 01594 842715 Hill Street, Lydney 1B Hylton Court, Newerne Street, Lydney Newland Street, Coleford 2 Pyart Court, Ols Station Way, Coleford 4, Court Lane, Newent Unit 39-42 Space Park, Olympus Park, Quedgeley, Gloucester St. James, Quedgeley, Gloucester Church Street, Tewkesbury 93 High Street, Tewkesbury 23 Barton Street, Tewkesbury GL15 5HH GL15 5RF 01594 841368 01594 845718 GL16 8AL GL16 8RG 01594 834124 01594 810 366 GL18 1AR GL2 4AL 01531 822149 01452 886 954 GL2 4WD 01452 727667 GL20 5AB GL20 5JZ GL20 5PR 01684 293322 01684 294263 01684 276937 22 St. Johns Avenue, Churchdown, Gloucester 29 Windsor Drive, Tuffley, Gloucester 208 Painswick Road, Gloucester 2, Abbeymead Avenue, Abbeymead, Gloucester 10 Lansdown Road, Stroud GL3 2DB 01452 712274 GL4 0QL 01452 421688 GL4 4PH GL4 5UA 01452 304800 01452 311882 GL5 1BB 01453 763992 47 Name of Dental Practice Archway Dental Practice Ltd (Stroud) Nelson Street Dental Practice Rowcroft Dental Practice Rodney Road Dental Practice Cambray Dental Montpellier Dental Surgery Oriel Villas Dental Practice Bath Street Dental Practice Lovat House Dental Surgery Orthodontic Practice and Consulting Rooms IDH Dental (Cheltenham) Hilltop Dental Practice Springbank Dental Clinic Dental Surgery Coronation Dental Practice Albian House Orothdontics Centre Cheltenham House Dental Practice Prestbury Dental Care Hewlett Road Dental Practice Cotswold Orthodontics Bishops Cleeve Dental Practice Cheltenham General Hospital The Forge Dental Surgery Riverside Dental Practice Stone House Dental Practice Today's Dental Care Ashbee Dental Care Grafton House Dental Practice Springhill Dental Surgery Address Frome House, London Road, Stroud 17 Nelson Street, Stroud 11 Rowcroft, Stroud 31 Rodney Road, Cheltenham 7 Cambray Place, Cheltenham 59, Montpellier Terrace, Cheltenham 1, Oriel Villas, Oriel Road, Cheltenham 5 Bath Street, Cheltenham 32 Christchurch Road, Cheltenham 74 Suffolk Road, Cheltenham Postcode GL5 2AA Phone 01453 760330 GL5 2HN GL5 3AZ GL50 1HX GL50 1JS GL50 1UX 01453 764029 01453 764762 01242 522616 01242 515599 01242 234274 GL50 1XN 01242 523531 GL50 1YE GL50 2PL 01242 259960 01242 522841 GL50 2SZ 01242 573058 6A The Brewery, Henrietta Street, Cheltenham 42 Tommy Taylors Lane, Cheltenham Springbank Community Resource Centre, Springbank Way, Cheltenham 8 Libertus Road, Cheltenham 54 Edinburgh Place, Coronation Square, Princess Elizabeth Way, Cheltenham 58 Gloucester Road, Cheltenham GL50 4FA 01242 256341 GL50 4NJ 01242 233774 GL51 0LG 01242 259227 GL51 7EH GL51 7SQ 01242 523422 01242 523573 GL51 8PA 01242 248788 30 Winchcombe Street, Cheltenham 212 Prestbury Road, Cheltenham Baden House, 62A Hewlett Road, Cheltenham 145 Hales Road, Cheltenham 40 Church Road, Bishops Cleeve, Cheltenham Cheltenham General Hospital , Sandford Road, Cheltenham High Street, Bourton-On-TheWater, Cheltenham Riverside, High Street, BourtonOn-The-Water, Cheltenham Abbey Terrace, Winchcombe, Cheltenham High Street, Chipping Campden Ashbee House, Battlebrook Drive, Chipping Campden Grafton House, New Road, Moreton-In-Marsh Springhill House, Spring Hill, Nailsworth, Stroud GL52 2LZ 01242 513146 GL52 3ER GL52 6AH 01242 515644 01242 234048 GL52 6TD GL52 8LR 01242 269498 01242 673287 GL53 7AN 0300 422 222 GL54 2AP 01451 821268 GL54 2BP 01451 820306 GL54 5LL 01242 602220 GL55 6AT GL55 6JX 01386 840866 01386 840840 GL56 0AS 01608 650721 GL6 0LS 01453 832726 48 Name of Dental Practice The Minchinhampton Dental Practice Chipping Manor Dental Practice (Cirencester) Genix Healthcare Ltd (Cirencester) Gloucester Street Dental Practice R Coleman and Associates (Gloucester Road) Market Place Dental Practice R Coleman and Associates (Dyer Street) Corinium Dental Practice Burford Street Dental Practice White Cottage Dental Practice Elsey and Elsey Dental Clinic Tetbury Dental Practice Dental Access Centre Carfax Ambience Dental Practice Family Dental Health Care Dunedin House Dental Practice Eurodental (Devizes Road) Swindon Anaesthetic Clinic Eurodental (Bath Road) Greenbanks (plus ortho) Clyde House Dental Practice Mr A Rehman (ortho) Milton Road Dental Practice Advance Dental Care Market Place Dental Practice The High Street Dental Practice Dental Access Centres Devizes Ferndale Dental Practice Ltd Long Street Dental Urchfont Dental Care Address 25 Tetbury Street, Minchinhampton, Stroud 56 Ashcroft Road, Cirencester Postcode GL6 9JH Phone 01453 883867 GL7 1QX 01285 641686 Alexander House, 6-20 Dugdale Road, Cirencester 10a Gloucester Street, Cirencester Gloucester Street, Cirencester GL7 2DA 01285 654 895 GL7 2DG 01285 653251 GL7 2DG 01285 653399 18 Market Place, Cirencester 56 Dyer Street, Cirencester GL7 2NW GL7 2PF 01285 652200 01285 653295 49 Dyer Street, Cirencester 7 Burford Street, Lechlade London Street, Fairford 7 Sudeley Drive, South Cerney, Cirencester Tetbury Hospital, Malmesbury Road, Tetbury Swindon Health Centre, Carfax Street, Swindon Wade House, 37-39, Queen Street, Swindon 9, Groundwell Road, Swindon 30, Victoria Road, Swindon GL7 2PP GL7 3AP GL7 4AQ GL7 5XN 01285 652004 01367 252080 01285 713993 01285 860712 GL8 8XB 01666 500032 SN1 1ED 01793 428580 SN1 1RN 01793 529985 SN1 2LT SN1 3AW 01793 539845 01793 522928 9 Devizes Road, Old Town, Swindon 56-58, Prospect Place, Old Town, Swindon 45, Bath Road, Old Town, Swindon 55, Bath Road, Swindon 42, Bath Road, Swindon 21, Park Lane, Swindon Berkley Hose, 9, Milton Road, Swindon 64, Commercial Road, Swindon 1A The Little Brittox, Devizes, Wiltshire 7 High Street, Devizes, Wiltshire SN1 3BH 01793 522120 SN1 3RW 01793 484995 SN1 4AU 01793 534492 SN1 4AU SN1 4AY SN1 5EL SN1 5JE 01793 521848 01793 611181 01793 423661 01793 523877 SN1 5NX SN10 1AR 01793 541999 01380 722007 SN10 1AT 01380 722711 Devizes Health Centre, Devizes, Wiltshire Estcourt Street, Devizes, Wiltshire 14 Long Street, Devizes, Wiltshire 1 High Street, Urchfont, Devizes, Wiltshire SN10 1DR 01380 725089 SN10 1LQ SN10 1NN SN10 4QH 01380 725225 01380 723691 01380 840726 49 Name of Dental Practice Wiltshire PCT Dental Services Kerry Crescent Dental Practice IDH Limited Market Place Dental Practice Limited Market Place Dental Practice Partnership Melksham Dental Centre Regency Dental Practice The Corsham Dental Partnership Hanlon & Gardner Dental Surgeons Clove House Dental Care Hathaway Dental Practice Old College Dental Surgery Hanlon & Gardner Dental Surgeons Caledonia Dental Practice Dental Access Centres Chippenham High Street Dental Practice London Road Dental Practice Barley Mow Dental Surgery Malmesbury Dental Practice Eastgate House Whitecross Dental Practice Gorse Hill Dental Practice Smile Dental Care Cheney Manor Dental Practice Priory Vale Dental Practice Address HM Prison Erlestoke, Erlestoke, Devizes, Wiltshire 2 Kerry Crescent, Calne, Wiltshire Postcode SN10 5TU Phone 01380 814250 SN11 0JH 01249 821113 The Dental Surgery, 5 Oxford Road, Calne, Wiltshire 33 Market Place, Melksham, Wiltshire 33 Market Place, Melksham, Wiltshire 22 Bank Street, Melksham, Wiltshire 8 Spa Road, Melksham, Wiltshire 38 High Street, Corsham, Wiltshire 53 Pickwick Road, Corsham, Wiltshire 48 Pickwick Road, Corsham, Wiltshire Middlefield Road, Chippenham, Wiltshire 40 New Road, Chippenham, Wiltshire Cleveland House, 30 New Road, Chippenham, Wiltshire 34 New Road, Chippenham, Wiltshire Chippenham Community Hospital, Rowden Hill, Priory Way, Chippenham, Wiltshire 10 High Street, Chippenham, Wiltshire 1A Blackcross, Chippenham, Wiltshire 21 St Mary's Street, Malmesbury, Wiltshire Malmesbury Primary Care Centre, Priory Way, Malmesbury, Wiltshire 17 Oxford Street, Malmesbury, Wiltshire 93-97, Cricklade Road, Gorse Hill, Swindon 133, Cricklade Road, Gorse Hill, Swindon Pinetrees Community Centre, The Circle , Swindon 11, Cheney Manor Road, Swindon 59, Millgrove Street, Redhouse Village Centre, Swindon SN11 8AA 01249 822380 SN12 6ES 01225 703232 SN12 6ES 01225 704854 SN12 6LG 01225 703598 SN12 7NS SN13 0HB 01225 791710 01249 715906 SN13 9BS 01249 713316 SN13 9BX 01249 715194 SN14 6GT 01249 445873 SN15 1HL 01249 657132 SN15 1HP 01249 652259 SN15 1HP 01249 655812 SN15 2AJ 0845 7587926 SN15 3ER 0844 499 6626 SN15 3LD 01249 446568 SN16 0BJ 01666 822220 SN16 0FB 01666 826646 SN16 9AX 01666 822168 SN2 1AB 01793 640183 SN2 1AD 01793 613883 SN2 1QR 01793 490880 SN2 2NT 01793 528431 SN25 2FW 01793 745291 50 Name of Dental Practice DentalCare Address 16, Moredon Road, Swindon Sevenfields Dental Practice Groundwell Farm House, Woodcutters Mews, Cricklade Road, Swindon Elstree Way, Abbey Meads, Swindon Priory Road, Park South, Swindon Eldene Health Centre, Eldene Centre, Eldene, Swindon 8 High Street, Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire 52 High Street, Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire Unit 12, Borough Fields Shopping Centre, Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire 12 High Street, Purton, Swindon, Wiltshire West Swindon Health Centre, West Swindon District Centre, Link Avenue, Swindon West Swindon District Centre, Swindon 104 High Street, Cricklade, Swindon, Wiltshire 72 High Street, Marlborough, Wiltshire George Lane, Marlborough Marlborough Business Park, Salisbury Road, Marlborough, Wiltshire 7c High Street, Pewsey, Wiltshire Abbey Meads Dental Practice Priory Road Dental Surgery Eldene Dental Practice Cottage Dental & Implant Clinic Ltd Hanlon & Gardner Dental Surgeons Wootton Bassett Dental Centre Purton Dental Practice Dental Access Centre The Town Square Cricklade Dental Practice Williams & Sanghera Dental Practice Kennet River Dental Practice The Savernake Forest Dental Practice Vale Dental Practice & Physiotherapy Clinic Pewsey Dental Practice Salisbury Orthodontic Practice Dental Surgery The Chequers Dental Practice* Petrie Tucker & Partners IDH Limited Bishopdown Dental Practice Dental Access Centres Salisbury 15 North Street, Pewsey, Wiltshire 32 Chipper Lane, Salisbury, Wiltshire 18 Endless Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire 18 Endless Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire Langdale House Dental Surgery, 19 Endless Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire New Canal Dental Practice, 13 New Canal, Salisbury, Wiltshire 28 St Clements Way, Salisbury, Wiltshire Central Health Clinic, , Avon Approach, Salisbury, Wiltshire Postcode SN25 3DQ SN25 4AU Phone 01793 514004 SN25 4YZ 01793 726288 SN3 2EZ 01793 613989 SN3 3RZ 01793 530784 SN4 7AA 01793 855335 SN4 7AQ 01793 852355 SN4 7AX 01793 852744 SN5 4AA 01793 771022 SN5 7DL 01793 889428 SN5 7DL 01793 872340 SN6 6AA 01793 750388 SN8 1HF 01672 513845 SN8 4BY SN8 4FD 01672 516780 01672 512418 SN9 5AF 01672 563787 SN9 5ES 01672 563622 SP1 1BG 01722 415456 SP1 1DP 01722 329959 SP1 1DP 01722 329959 SP1 1DP 01722 333656 SP1 2AA 01722 410320 SP1 3FF 01722 412290 SP1 3SL 01722 322405 01793 722194 51 Name of Dental Practice Sarum Dental Practice Execudent Ltd MA Surgeries Limited Fisherton House Partnership Mid Wessex Orthodontic Clinic Fisherton Dental Care Dental Access Centres Amesbury Ivydene Dental Surgery Amesbury Dental Care Care Dental Tidworth Dental Partnership Address 208 Castle Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire Castle Street Dental Practice, 40 Castle Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire Postcode SP1 3TE Phone 01722 333324 SP1 3TS 01722 322722 16 North Street, Wilton, Salisbury, Wiltshire Fisherton House, Fountain Way, Salisbury, Wiltshire 16 Ashfield Trading Estate, Salisbury, Wiltshire 151 Fisherton St, Salisbury, Wiltshire Amesbury Health Centre, Amesbury, Salisbury, Wiltshire 5 Salisbury Road, Amesbury, Wiltshire Unit 1, Stonehenge Walk, High Street, Amesbury, Wiltshire The Castle Practice, Drummer Lane, Tidworth, Hampshire Beacon House, Station Road, Tidworth, Hampshire SP2 0HE 01722 472100 SP2 7FD 01722 334484 SP2 7HL 01722 340034 SP2 7RP 01722 333844 SP4 7AN 01980 623419 SP4 7AN 01980 623295 SP4 7DB 01980 623004 SP9 7FH 01980 847953 SP9 7NN 01980 847600 52 Appendix 5 GP Surgeries Name of GP Practice Monmouth Surgery Catherine Cottage Surgery St James Surgery Weston Surgery Newbridge Surgery St James Branch Surgery Bath Spa University College Grosvenor Place Surgery Fairfield Park Health Centre Batheaston Medical Centre Cherry Orchard Mere Surgery Post code order Address 8 Monmouth Place, Bath, Somerset 21 Catherine Place, Bath, Somerset 6 - 9 Northampton Buildings, Bath, Somerset 36 Combe Park, Bath, Somerset 129 Newbridge Hill, Bath, Somerset Free Church Hall, Weston, Bath, Somerset Somerset Place, Sion Hill, Bath, Somerset 26 Grosvenor Place, Bath, Somerset Tyning Lane, Camden Road, Bath, Somerset Coalpit Road, Bath, Batheaston, Bath, Somerset Codford, Warminster, Wiltshire Dark Lane, Mere, Warminster, Wiltshire Smallbrook Surgery Warminster Community Hospital, The Avenue, Warminster, Wiltshire Avenue Surgery 14 The Avenue, Warminster, Wiltshire Temple Clinic 28 Station Road, Warminster, Wiltshire White Horse Health Mane Way, Leigh Park, Centre Westbury, Wiltshire Bratton Surgery The Tynings, Bratton, Westbury, Wiltshire Lovemead Group Roundstone Surgery, Polebarn Practice Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire Adcroft Prospect Place, Trowbridge, Wiltshire Bradford Road Medical 60 Bradford Road, Trowbridge, Centre Wiltshire Park Suite medical 60A Bradford Road, Centre Trowbridge, Wiltshire Postcode BA1 2AU BA1 2PS BA1 2SR BA1 3NR BA1 3PT BA1 4BX BA1 5HA BA1 6BA BA1 6EA BA1 7NP BA12 0PN BA12 6DT BA12 8QS BA12 9AA BA12 9BR BA13 3FQ BA13 4RR BA14 7EH BA14 8QA BA14 9AR BA14 9AR Phone 01225 334618 01225 421034 01225 422911 01225 446089 01225 425807 01225 422911 01225 331616 01225 484748 01225 331616 01225 858686 01985 850298 01747 860001 01985 846700 01985 224600 01986 224600 01373 828330 01380 831911 01225 759850 01225 435757 01225 767849 01225 767849 53 Name of GP Practice Widbrook Medical Practice St Margaret's Surgery Bradford on Avon & Melksham Health Centre Winsley Branch Surgery St Mary's Surgery St Michael's Surgery The Beehive Surgery Combe Down Branch Surgery Rush Hill Surgery Oldfield Surgery No 18 Surgery 8 Junction Road Bath Spa University College The Pulteney Practice Widcombe Surgery Combe Down Surgery Bathampton Surgery University Medical Centre Hillcrest Surgery Wellow Branch Surgery Somerton House Surgery St Chads & Chilcompton Surgery Address Fairfield, 72 Wingfield Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire Bridge Street, Bradford on , Avon, Wiltshire Station Approach, Bradford on , Avon, Wiltshire Postcode BA14 9EN 73A Tyning Road, Winsley, Bradford on , Avon, Wiltshire Mary's Close, Timsbury, Bath, Somerset Walwyn Close, Twerton on , Avon, Bath Mount Road, Southdown, Bath, Somerset Sulis Meadows, Sulis Manor Road, Odd Down, Bath, Somerset 20 Rush Hill, Bath, Somerset BA15 2JW 45 Upper Oldfield Park, Bath, Somerset 18 Upper Oldfield Park, Bath, Somerset 8 Junction Road, Oldfield Park, Bath, Somerset Newton Park, Corston, Bath, Somerset 35 Great Pulteney Street, Bath, Somerset 3-4 Widcombe Parade, Widcombe, Bath Combe Down House, Combe Down, Bath, Somerset Holcombe Lane, Bathampton, Bath, Somerset Quarry House, North Road, Bath, Somerset Wellow Lane, Peasedown St John, Bath, Somerset 16 Manor Close, Wellow, Bath, Somerset Somerton House Surgery, 79a North Road, Midsomer Norton, Bath, Somerset Gullock Tyning, Midsomer Norton, Bath BA2 3HT BA15 1BY BA15 1DQ BA2 0HX BA2 1ER BA2 1NH BA2 2AL BA2 2QH BA2 3JZ BA2 3NQ BA2 4BN BA2 4BY BA2 4JT BA2 5EG BA2 6UL BA2 7AY BA2 8JQ BA2 8RA BA3 2QE BA3 2UH Phone 01225 757120 01225 863278 01225 866611 01225 860003 01761 470880 01225 428277 01225 445004 01225 832226 01225 446087 01225 421137 01225 427402 01225 422012 01225 331616 01225 464187 01225 310883 01225 832226 01225 464187 01225 386655 01761 434469 01761 434469 01761 412141 01761 413334 54 Name of GP Practice Hope House Surgery Address Radstock, Bath, Somerset Westfield Surgery Postcode BA3 3PL Waterford Park, Radstock, Somerset Chilcompton Carters Way, Chilcompton, Radstock, Somerset Temple House Surgery St Clements Road, Keynsham, Bristol West View Surgery 9 Park Road, Keynsham, Bristol BA3 3UJ Severn Way Surgery St Augustines Surgery Severn Way, Keynsham, Bristol 4 Station Road, Keynsham, Bristol 495, Bath Road, Saltford, Bristol BS31 1NU BS31 2BN Wells Road, Temple Cloud, Somerset Clansdown Road, Paulton, Bristol Bristol Road West, Harptree, Somerset Chew Lane, Chew, Stoke, Bristol St. Michaels Square, Gloucester BS39 5BW Eastgate House, 121 - 131 Eastgate Street, Gloucester The Park, Gloucester GL1 1PX GL1 2RE Kingsholm Surgery Mount Street, Westgate, Gloucester Alvin Street, Gloucester Barnwood Medical Practice London Medical Practice Bartongate Surgery Aspen Centre, Horton Road, Gloucester Aspen Centre, Horton Road, Gloucester 115 Barton Street, Gloucester GL1 3PX Partners In Health GL1 5JJ Rosebank Health Pavilion Family Doctors, 153a Stroud Road, Gloucester 153b Stroud Road, Gloucester Regent Street Surgery 73 Regent Street, Stonehouse GL10 2AA High Street Medical Centre 31 High Street, Stonehouse GL10 2NG St Augustines Branch Surgery Cameley Surgery Elm Hayes Harptree Surgery Chew Medical Centre St. Michaels Surgery Gloucester Health Access Centre Gloucester City Health Centre College Yard Surgery BA3 4XH BS31 1AF BS31 1BX BS31 3HQ BS39 7SF BS40 6HF BS40 8UE GL1 1HX GL1 1XR GL1 3EN GL1 3PX GL1 4HR GL1 5JQ Phone 01761 432121 01761 436333 01761 232231 0117 986 2406 0117 937 6835 0117 986 2343 01225 873245 01761 452205 01761 413155 01761 221406 01275 332420 014525299 33 014523362 90 014528911 10 014524128 88 014525229 02 01452 337711 01452 337777 014524229 44 01452 385 555 01452 543000 01453 825 690 014538220 47 55 Name of GP Practice Stonehouse Health Clinic Acorn Practice Address High Street, Stonehouse Postcode GL10 2NG May Lane Surgery, Dursley GL11 4JN Walnut Tree Practice May Lane Surgery, Dursley GL11 4JN Cam and Uley Family Practice Cam and Uley Family Practice Chipping Surgery Fairmead, Cam, Dursley GL11 5NE 42 The Street, Uley, Dursley GL11 5SY Symn Lane, Wotton under Edge GL12 7BD Culverhay Surgery Wotton under Edge GL12 7LS Marybrook Medical Centre Newnham Surgery Marybrook Street, Berkeley GL13 9BL High Street, Newnham on Seven, Gloucester Rodley Road, Westbury on Severn GL14 1BE The Health Centre, Cinderford GL14 2AN GL14 2AN Blakeney Surgery The Health Centre, Dockham Road, Cinderford Mill End, Blakeney Yorkley Health Centre Bailey Hill, Yorkley, Lydney GL15 4RS Lydney Practice The Health Centre, Albert Street, Lydney Tutnalls Street, Lydney GL15 5NQ Cinderhill, Coleford GL16 8HJ Westbury Surgery (Newnham Branch Site) Dockham Road Surgery Forest Health Care Severnbank Surgery Lydney Brunston Practice GL14 1PF GL15 4ED GL15 5PF Coleford Health Centre Railway Drive, Coleford GL16 8RH Mitcheldean Surgery Brook Street, Mitcheldean GL17 0AU Drybrook Surgery Drybook Road, Drybrook GL17 9JE Lydbrook Practice Upper Lydbrook, Lydbrook GL17 9LG Ruardean Surgery High Street, Ruardean GL17 9US Holts Health Centre Watery Lane, Newent GL18 1BA Phone 014538231 44 01453 540540 014535405 55 014535486 66 014538604 59 01453 842 214 01453 843893 014538102 28 015945162 41 01594 516241 01594 820010 01594 820 820 015945102 25 015945624 37 015948421 67 01594 845 715 015948332 55 015948381 08 015945422 70 015945422 39 015948602 19 015945422 25 015318206 89 56 Name of GP Practice The Surgery (Staunton) Longlevens Surgery Address Corse, Staunton, Gloucester Postcode GL19 3RB 19b Church Road, Longlevens, Gloucester 16 Cheltenham Road, Gloucester Olympus Park, Quedgeley, Gloucester St. James, Quedgeley, Gloucester Quedgeley Health Campus, St. James, Quedgeley, Gloucester The Surgery, Whitminster Lane, Frampton on Severn Lassington Lane, Highnam GL2 0AJ Mythe Medical Practice (previously Watledge Surgery) Mythe Medical Practice (previously Jesmond House Practice) Church Street Practice Barton Road, Tewkesbury GL20 5QQ Chance Street, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire GL20 5RF 016842928 13 77 Church Street, Tewkesbury GL20 5RY Churchdown Surgery 24 St. John's Avenue, Churchdown, Gloucester 5A Brookfield Road, Hucclecote, Gloucester Abbotswood Road, Brockworth, Gloucester Aspen Centre, Horton Road, Gloucester Glevum Way Surgery, Abbeydale, Gloucester Askwith Road, Saintbridge, Gloucester Taylor House, 4 Matson Lane, Gloucester Locking Hill, Stroud GL3 2DB Stroud GL5 3BE The Health Centre, Beeches Green, Stroud The Health Centre, Beeches Green, Stroud GL5 4BH 084484846 61 01452 899762 014526172 95 01452 862 247 01452 337 733 014525299 33 014525002 52 014525053 44 014537642 22 01453 764 471 014537639 80 014537646 96 Cheltenham Road Surgery Quedgeley Medical Centre Severnvale Surgery Quedgeley St. James Family Doctors Frampton Surgery Highnam Surgery Hucclecote Surgery The Surgery (Brockworth) Heathville Road Surgery Hadwen Medical Practice Saintbridge Surgery Matson Lane Surgery Locking Hill Surgery Rowcroft Medical Centre Stroud Health Centre (Swindell) Stroud Valley Family Practice (Staniforth) GL2 0LS GL2 4NF GL2 4WD GL2 4WD GL2 7HU GL2 8DH GL3 3HB GL3 4PE GL4 0SL GL4 4BL GL4 4SH GL4 6DX GL5 1UY GL5 4BH Phone 014528402 28 014525226 95 01452 522 575 014527288 82 01452 720 011 01452 385 555 014527402 13 014525296 99 016842932 78 57 Name of GP Practice St.Lukes Medical Centre Overton Park Surgery Royal Crescent Surgery Yorkleigh Surgery Underwood Surgery Crescent Bakery Surgery Corinthian Surgery St. Georges Surgery St.Catherines Surgery The Portland Practice The Royal Well Surgery Springbank Surgery The Up Hatherley Surgery Hesters Way Healthy Living Centre Seven Posts Surgery Berkeley Place Surgery Sixways Clinic Greyholme Stoke Road Surgery The Leckhampton Surgery Stow Surgery Cotswold Medical Centre Address 53 Cainscross Road, Stroud Postcode GL5 4EX Overton Park Road, Cheltenham 11 Royal Crescent, Cheltenham GL50 3BP 93 St. George's Road, Cheltenham 139 St. George's Road, Cheltenham St. Georges Place, Cheltenham GL50 3ED St. Paul's Medical Centre, 121 Swindon Road, Cheltenham St Paul's Medical Centre, 121 Swindon Road, Cheltenham St Paul's Medical Centre, 121 Swindon Road, Cheltenham St. Paul's Medical Centre, 121 Swindon Road, Cheltenham St. Paul's Medical Centre, 121 Swindon Road, Cheltenham Springbank Way, Cheltenham GL50 4DP Glebe Farm Court Road, Up Hatherley, Cheltenham Hesters Way Community Resource Centre, CASSIN WAY, CHELTENHAM Prestbury Road, Cheltenham GL51 3EB 11 High Street, Cheltenham GL52 6DA London Road, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham Church Road, Bishops Cleeve GL52 6HS 4 Stoke Road, Bishops Cleeve, Cheltenham Lloyd Davies House, 17 Moorend Park Road, Cheltenham Well Lane, Stow on the Wold GL52 8RP Moore Health Centre,, Moore Road, Bourton-On-The-Water, Cheltenham GL54 2AZ GL50 3DA GL50 3EQ GL50 3PN GL50 4DP GL50 4DP GL50 4DP GL50 4DP GL51 0LG GL51 7SU GL52 3DD GL52 8LT GL53 0LA GL54 1EQ Phone 014537637 55 012425805 11 012425802 48 012425190 49 012425806 44 012422263 36 01242 215 000 01242 215 015 012422150 05 01242 215 020 01242 215 010 01242 234 306 01242 864 890 01242 548 299 012422441 03 012425139 75 01242 223810 012426726 69 012426720 07 01242 539 080 014518306 25 014518202 42 58 Name of GP Practice Westwood Surgery Address Northleach, Cheltenham Postcode GL54 3QJ Winchcombe Medical Centre Chipping Campden Surgery Mann Cottage Surgery Greet Road, Winchcombe, Cheltenham Back Ends, Chipping Campden GL54 5GZ GL56 0DS Prices Mill Surgery Four Shires Medical Centre, Stow Road, MORETON-INMARSH Four Shires Medical Centre, Stow Road, Moreton in Marsh New Market Road, Nailsworth Hoyland House Gyde Road, Painswick GL6 6RD Frithwood Surgery 45 Tanglewood Way, Bussage, Stroud The Surgery, Bell Lane, Minchinhampton 1 The Avenue, Cirencester GL6 8DE St.Peters Road Surgery Park Surgery 1 St. Peter's Road, Cirencester GL7 1RF Old Tetbury Road, Cirencester GL7 1US Phoenix Surgery 9 Chesterton Lane, Cirencester GL7 1XG The Medical Centre Oak Street, Lechlade GL7 3RY Hilary Cottage Surgery Keble Lawns, Fairford GL7 4BQ Rendcomb Surgery Mill House, Rendcomb, Cirencester 41-43, Long Street, Tetbury GL7 7EY White House Surgery Minchinhampton Surgery Avenue Surgery Romney House Surgery Carfax NHS Medical Centre GP Whalebridge Practice GL55 6AU GL56 0DS GL6 0DQ GL6 9JF GL7 1EH GL8 8AA The Health Centre, Carfax Street, Swindon Swindon Health Centre, Carfax Street, Swindon Great Western Surgery Farriers Close, Swindon SN1 1ED Victoria Cross Surgery 168/169 Victoria Road, Swindon SN1 3BU Hermitage Surgery Dammas Lane, Old Town, Swindon Curie Avenue, Swindon SN1 3EF Old Town Surgery SN1 1ED SN1 2QU SN1 4GB Phone 014518602 47 012426023 07 01386 841 894 016086507 64 016086503 17 014538324 24 014528125 45 01453 882868 014538837 93 012856531 22 012856531 84 012856547 33 012856520 56 013672522 64 012857123 77 012858312 57 016665023 03 017935416 55 017936929 33 017934213 11 017935355 84 017935224 92 017936160 57 59 Name of GP Practice Park Lane Practice Address 7-9 Park Lane, Swindon Postcode SN1 5HG Southbroom Surgery The Green, 15 Estcourt Street, Devizes, Wiltshire Gains Lane, Devizes, Wiltshire SN10 1LQ Waiblingen Way, Devizes, Wiltshire High Street, Market Lavington, Devizes, Wiltshire 39 High Street, West Lavington, Devizes, Wiltshire Peppercombe Close, Urchfont, Devizes, Wiltshire 8A Patford Street, Calne, Wiltshire North Street, Calne, Wiltshire SN10 2BU Harrier Close, Calne, Wiltshire SN11 9UT Snowberry Lane, Melksham, Wiltshire Spa Road, Melksham, Wiltshire SN12 6UN Giffords Primary Care Centre Box Surgery Spa Road, Melksham, Wiltshire SN12 7EA London Road, Box, Wiltshire SN13 8NA Porch Surgery Beechfield Road, Corsham, Wiltshire Middlefield Road, Chippenham, Wiltshire Yatton Keynell, Chippenham, Wiltshire 3 Cleaves Avenue, Colerne, Wiltshire 32 New Road, Chippenham, Wiltshire Rowden Hill, Chippenham, Wiltshire Lodge Road, Chippenham, Wiltshire Chestnut Road, Sutton Benger, Chippenham, Wiltshire Priory Way, Malmesbury, Wiltshire SN13 9DL St James Surgery Lansdowne Surgery Market Lavington Surgery Courtyard Surgery Urchfont Surgery Patford House Surgery Northlands Surgery Beversbrook Medical Centre Spa Medical Centre St Damian's Surgery Hathaway Medical Centre Jubilee Field Surgery Firs Surgery Branch Surgery Rowden Medical Practice Lodge Surgery Sutton Benger Surgery Malmesbury Primary Care Centre SN10 1QU SN10 4AQ SN10 4JB SN10 4QS SN11 0EF SN11 0HH SN12 7AE SN14 6GT SN14 7EJ SN14 8BX SN15 1HP SN15 2SB SN15 3SY SN15 4RP SN16 0FB Phone 017935231 76 01380 719959 01380 711879 01380 722939 01381 812500 01380 813300 01380 848090 01249 815407 01249 812141 01249 821831 01225 703236 01225 898490 01225 896630 01225 742361 01249 712232 01249 462775 01249 782204 01225 743600 01249 462775 01249 444343 01249 479809 01249 720244 01666 825825 60 Name of GP Practice Tolsey Surgery Address High Street, Sherston, Malmesbury, Wiltshire May Close, Cricklade Road, Swindon Moredon Road, Swindon Postcode SN16 0LQ 257 Penhill Drive, Swindon SN2 5HN Crossroads Surgery 478 Cricklade Road, Swindon SN2 7BG North Swindon Practice (Homeground Surgery) Taw Hill Medical Practice Abbey Meads Medical Practice Westrop Surgery (Blunsdon) Lawn Medical Centre Home Ground Surgery, Thames Avenue, Swindon SN25 1QQ Taw Hill Village Centre, Aiken Road, Swindon Abbey Meads Village Centre, Elstree Way, Swindon 36, Berton Close, Blunsdon, Swindon Guildford Avenue, The Lawns, Swindon Park South, Swindon SN25 1UH Park North, Swindon SN3 2RJ Nythe Surgery 5 Keble Close, Nythe, Swindon SN3 3NN Eldene Health Centre (Dr. Guilding's Surgery ) Swindon Eldene Surgery Eldene Health Centre, Swindon SN3 3RZ Collingsmead, Eldene, Swindon SN3 3TQ Merchiston Surgery Highworth Road, Stratton St. Margaret, Swindon 3-5 Ham Road, Wanborough, Wiltshire Station Road, Chiseldon, Swindon Station Road, Chiseldon, Swindon High Street, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, Wiltshire Borough Fields, Royal Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire Wroughton Health Centre, Barrett Way, Swindon SN3 4BF Hawthorn Medical Centre Moredon Medical Centre Penhill Surgery Priory Road Medical Centre Kingswood Surgery Wanborough Surgery Cornerstone Surgery Station House Surgery Tinkers Lane Surgery New Court Surgery Ridgeway View Family Practice (Wroughton) SN2 1UU SN2 2JG SN25 4YZ SN26 7BE SN3 1JL SN3 2EZ SN4 0DF SN4 0PB SN4 0PB SN4 7AT SN4 7AX SN4 9LW Phone 01666 840270 017935365 41 01793 342 000 017937231 30 017937251 13 01793 705783 017937095 00 01793 706030 017937212 54 01793 536 515 01793 688 744 017935346 99 017935224 79 01793 480 111 01793 522 710 017938233 07 01793 790527 017937400 33 017937402 76 01793 852131 01793 852302 017938122 21 61 Name of GP Practice Purton Surgery Sparcells Surgery Ridge Green Surgery Ashington House Surgery Freshbrook Surgery Phoenix Surgery Cricklade Surgery 38a High Street The Surgery Westrop Surgery (Highworth) Elm Tree Surgery Ramsbury & Wanborough Surgery Old School House Surgery Burbage Surgery Marlborough Medical Practice Pewsey Surgery Avon Valley Practice Three Swans Surgery New Street Surgery St Ann Street Surgery Bishopdown Surgery MillStream Medical Centre was Castle Street Address High Street, Purton, Swindon, Wiltshire Midwinter Close, Peatmoor, Swindon Ramleaze Drive, Shaw, Swindon Ashington Way, Westlea, Swindon Village Centre, Freshbrook, Swindon Dunwich Drive, Toothill, Swindon 113 High Street, Cricklade, Swindon, Wiltshire 38a High Street, Cricklade, Swindon, Wiltshire Ashton Keynes Village, Swindon, Wiltshire Westrop, Highworth, Swindon Postcode SN5 4BD 24A High Street, Shrivenham, Swindon Whittonditch Road, Ramsbury, Marlborough, Wiltshire Church Street, Great Bedwyn, Marlborough, Wiltshire 9 The Sprays, Burbage, Marlborough, Wiltshire George Lane, Marlborough, Wiltshire High Street, Pewsey, Wiltshire SN6 8AG Fairfield, Up, Avon, Pewsey, Wiltshire Rollestone Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire 61 New Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire 82 St Ann Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire 28 St Clements Way, Bishopdown, Salisbury, Wiltshire MillStream House, , Avon Approach, Salisbury, Wiltshire SN9 6DZ SN5 5AN SN5 5PX SN5 7XY SN5 8PY SN5 8SX SN6 6AE SN6 6AY SN6 6NT SN6 7DN SN8 2QT SN8 3PF SN8 3TA SN8 4BY SN9 5AQ SP1 1DX SP1 2PH SP1 2PT SP1 3FF SP1 3SL Phone 01793 770207 017938819 28 017938748 94 017936148 40 017938704 94 017936004 40 01793 750645 01793 752633 01793 750645 017937622 18 017937822 07 01672 520366 01672 870388 01672 810566 01672 512187 01672 569990 01980 630221 01722 333548 01722 334402 01722 342000 01722 334402 01722 322726 62 Name of GP Practice Address Endless Street Surgery 72 Endless Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire Bourne Valley Practice 10-12 High Street, Ludgershall, Andover, Hampshire Castle Practice Central Street, Ludgershall, Andover, Hampshire Wilton Health Centre Market Square, Wilton, Salisbury, Wiltshire Orchard Partnership The Old Orchard, South Street, Wilton, Salisbury, Wiltshire Salisbury Medical Fisherton House, Fountain Way, Practice Wilton Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire Harcourt Medical Crane Bridge Road, Salisbury, Centre Wiltshire Bemerton Heath Pembroke Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire Till Orchard (Till High Street, Shrewton, Valley) Salisbury, Wiltshire Cross Plain Surgery High Street, Shrewton, Branch Salisbury, Wiltshire Spring Orchard High Street, Fovant, Salisbury, (Bechers Brook) Wiltshire Hindon Surgery The Surgery, High Street, Hindon, Salisbury, Wiltshire Tisbury Surgery Park Road, Tisbury, Salisbury, Wiltshire Porton Surgery 32 Winterslow Road, Porton, Salisbury, Wiltshire Barcroft Medical The Centre, Amesbury, Centre Wiltshire St Melor House Edwards Road, Amesbury, Surgery Salisbury, Wiltshire Cross Plain Surgery 84 Bulford Road, Durrington, Salisbury, Wiltshire Durrington 77 Bulford Road, Durrington, Wiltshire The Surgery Middleton Road, Winterslow, Salisbury, Wiltshire Whiteparish Surgery Common Road, Whiteparish, Salisbury, Wiltshire Downton Surgery Moot Lane, Downton, Salisbury, Wiltshire Broad Chalke Surgery Doves Meadow, Broad Chalke, Salisbury, Wiltshire Postcode SP1 3UH SP11 9FZ SP11 9RA SP2 0HT SP2 0JU SP2 7FD SP2 7TD SP2 9DJ SP3 4BZ SP3 4DB SP3 5JL SP3 6DJ SP3 6LF SP4 0LR SP4 7DL SP4 7LT SP4 8DH SP4 8EU SP5 1PQ SP5 2SU SP5 3 JP SP5 5EL Phone 01722 336441 01264 400300 01264 790356 01722 746810 01722 744775 01722 333034 01722 333214 01722 820490 01980 620259 01980 620803 01722 714789 01747 820222 01747 870204 01980 611060 01980 623983 01980 622474 01980 652221 01980 652378 01980 863853 01794 884269 01725 510296 01722 780282 63 Name of GP Practice Sixpenny Handley Silton Surgery Castle Practice Beacon House Address Dean Lane, Sixpenny Handley, Salisbury, Wiltshire The Surgery, Gillingham Road, Silton, Gillingham, Wiltshire Drummer Lane, Tidworth, Wiltshire Station Road, Tidworth, Hampshire Postcode SP5 5PA SP8 5DF SP9 7FH SP9 7NN Phone 01725 552500 01747 840226 01980 842261 01980 600600 64 65 Appendix 6 Opticians In postcode order Name of Optician’s Practice Boots Opticians - Newark St Bath Ellis & Killpartrick - Bath Bath Vision Plus Limited (Specsavers) Kathryn Anthony Opticians Limited - Bath B J Abrahams Boots Opticians - Upper Borough Wall Bath Optical Express - Bath Vision Express LET - Bath Armstrong & North Opticians Orbital Eyewear Limited Visionplus Frome Limited Haine & Smith Opticians Limited - Warminster Vision Express (UK Limited) - Warminster Haine & Smith Opticians Limited - Westbury Tesco Opticians Trowbridge Haine & Smith Opticians Limited - Trowbridge Visionplus (Trowbridge) Limited R D White Limited Boots Opticians Limited Carter & Harding Opticians Carter & Harding Opticians Nixon & Shaw Opticians BOA Bath Opticians limited Scrivens Opticians Midsomer Norton Eyetech Opticians Limited Midsomer Norton Edwards Opticians Midsomer Norton Address Postcode Phone 1 Newark Street, Bath BA1 1AT 01225 461251 18 New Bond Street, Bath 18 Westgate Street, Bath BA1 1BA BA1 1EQ 01225 466954 01225 874670 16 Pierrepont Street, Bath BA1 1LA 01225 464433 2 Upper Borough Walls, Bath 28 Upper Borough Walls, Bath BA1 1RG BA1 1RG 01225 444321 01225 465861 56 Southgate Street, Bath 53 Southgate, Bath 13 Chelsea Road, Weston, Bath 3a Hanover Street, Bath Unit 2, Market Place, Warminster, Wiltshire 10 Market Place, Warminster, Wiltshire 21 Market Place, Warminster, Wiltshire 19 High Street, Westbury, Wiltshire County Way, Trowbridge, Wiltshire 5A The Street, Trowbridge, Wiltshire 23 The Shires, Trowbridge, Wiltshire 38 Roundstone Street, Trowbridge, Wiltshire 28-29 Fore Street, Trowbridge, Wiltshire Trowbridge, Wiltshire 16 Market Street, Bradford on , Avon, Wiltshire 4 Church Street, Bradford on , Avon, Wiltshire 40 Moorland Road, Oldfield Park, Bath 26 High Street, Midsomer Norton, Somerset 2 The Island, Midsomer Norton, Somerset 2 Mansbrook House, Midsomer Norton, Somerset BA1 1TG BA1 1TG BA1 3DU 0845 5558211 01225 313422 01225 466110 BA1 6PP BA11 9AY 07981395841 01373 451180 BA12 9AN 01985 212034 BA12 9AY 01985 213347 BA13 3BN 01373 822163 BA14 7AQ 01225 458838 BA14 8AT 01225 776871 BA14 8AT 01225 775434 BA14 8DE 01225 753172 BA14 8EW 01225 719055 BA14 8HD BA15 1LL 01225 752143 01225 863607 BA15 1LN 01225 863632 BA2 3PN 01225 427353 BA3 2DW 01761 414774 BA3 2HQ 01761 414136 BA3 2HW 01761 413212 66 Name of Optician’s Practice Carpenters Optometrists Limited (Lovat Short Optometrists) Boots Opticians (Amar's Eyes Limited) - Keynsham Norville Opticians Keynsham Specsavers Limited Keynsham Brignall & Partners Keynsham Brock & Houlford Opticians Chew Magna John Weygang Optometrists (Gloucester) Asda Optical (Gloucester) Boots Optical (Gloucester) F Norville Ltd (Gloucester) Boots Opticians (Gloucester) Gloucester Medical Eye Centre (Gloucester) Mark Harmer (Gloucester) Richard Weale Ltd (Gloucester) Optical Express (Gloucester) Kodak Lens Vision Centre (Gloucester) Gloucester Specsavers Ltd (Gloucester) Gloucester VE Ltd (Gloucester) F Norville Ltd (Stonehouse) MD Bailey (Stonehouse) Armstrong and North Opticians (Dursley) F Norville Ltd (Dursley) F Norville Ltd (Wotton Under Edge) RJ Manns Opticians (Wotton Under Edge) Armstrong and North Opticians (Berkeley) David Kear Opticians (Cinderford) Ashton and Daniels (Cinderford) Address Postcode Phone 2 The Street, Radstock, Somerset BA3 3PL 01761 432169 17 High Street, Keynsham, Bristol 7, Bath Hill, Keynsham, Bristol BS31 1DP 0117 986 2278 BS31 1EB 0117 986 5066 12 Temple Street, Keynsham, Bristol 36 West View Road, Keynsham, Bristol 33 High Street, Chew Magna, Bristol 26, Clarence Street, Gloucester ASDA Stores Ltd, Bruton Way, Gloucester 7, Eastgate Street, Gloucester 65, Eastgate Street, Gloucester 38 - 46, Eastgate Street, Gloucester 58, Eastgate Street, Gloucester 58, Eastgate Street, Gloucester 58, Eastgate Street, Gloucester 23, Kings Walk, Gloucester 114, Northgate Street, Gloucester 4 - 6, Bell Walk, East Gate Shopping Centre, Gloucester 24, Bell Walk, East Gate Shopping Centre, Gloucester 2, Elgin Shopping Mall, High Street, Stonehouse 15, High Street, Stonehouse Parsonage Street, Dursley BS31 1EG 0117 986 6226 BS31 2UA 0117 986 2147 BS40 8PR 01275 332882 GL1 1DP 01452 522118 GL1 1DS 01452 833000 GL1 1NS GL1 1PN 01452 524175 01452 522033 GL1 1PU 01452 419429 GL1 1QN 01452 381113 GL1 1QN 01452 381113 GL1 1QN 01452 381113 GL1 1RY GL1 1SL 01452 309633 01453 410496 GL1 1XH 01452 505163 GL1 1XH 01452 421122 GL10 2NA 01453 822525 GL10 2NG GL11 4AA 01453 823399 01453 545816 4, Silver Street, Dursley 13, High Street, WottonUnder-Edge 5, Long Street, Wotton-UnderEdge Market Place, Berkeley GL11 4ND GL12 7DE 01453 542183 01453 842129 GL12 7ES 01453 842851 GL13 9BP 01453 511436 1, Woodside Street, Cinderford 63, High Street, Cinderford GL14 2NL 01594 823690 GL14 2SU 01594 823666 67 Name of Optician’s Practice David Kear Opticians (Lydney) Armstrong and North Opticians (Lydney) David Kear Opticians (Coleford) Ashton and Daniels (Newent) John Weygang Optometrists (Quedgeley) Tesco Opticians (Gloucester) Scrivens Ltd (Tewkesbury) Scrivens Opticians Tewkesbury Zeiss Opticians Tewkesbury Specsavers Ltd (Tewkesbury) O'Brien Wrench and Lowcock Ltd (Tewkesbury) John Weygang Optometrists (Churchdown) John Weygang Optometrists (Hucclecote) Tesco Opticians (Brockworth) John Weygang Optometrists (Abbeymead) Boots Optical Professional Services Ltd (Stroud) Stroud Vision Plus Ltd (Stroud) Armstrong and North Opticians (Stroud) Evenglobe Ltd (Stroud) Boots Optical (High Street Cheltenham) Vision Express (UK) Ltd (Cheltenham) Cheltenham Medical Eye Centre (Cheltenham) Oculus Opticians (Cheltenham) Boots Optical ( Regent Street Cheltenham) Chapman Opticians Limited (Cheltenham) Ellis and Kirkpatrick Ltd (Cheltenham) Address Postcode Phone 9, Hill Street, Lydney GL15 5HJ 01595 843233 36 - 38, Newerne Street, Lydney 10, High Street, Coleford GL15 5RF 01594 844956 GL16 8HF 01594 832968 10, Broad Street, Newent GL18 1AH 01531 820677 100 Bristol Road, Quedgeley, Gloucester Bristol Road, Quedgeley, Gloucester 131, High Street, Tewkesbury 131 High Street, Tewkesbury , Gloucestershire 108, High Street, Tewkesbury Unit 3, Bishops Walk, Tewkesbury Theocsbury House, 18 - 20, Barton Street, Tewkesbury 31, Morley Avenue, Churchdown, Gloucester 39, Hucclecote Road, Hucclecote, Gloucester Brunswick House, Gloucester Business Park, Brockworth, Gloucester 4, Abbeymead Avenue, Abbeymead, Gloucester 9 - 10, High Street, Stroud GL2 4NA 01452 721108 GL2 4PF 01452 367479 GL20 5JR GL20 5JR 01684 299904 01684 299904 GL20 5JZ GL20 5LQ 01684 292201 01684 273028 GL20 5PP 01684 850212 GL3 2BL 01452 855484 GL3 3TL 01452 619100 GL3 4AA 01452 367338 GL4 5UA 01452 306857 GL5 1AU 01453 764699 22, King Street, Stroud GL5 3DE 01453 766601 24, George Street, Stroud GL5 3DP 01453 764753 3, George Street, Stroud 197 - 199, High Street, Cheltenham Unit 16, Beechwood Shopping Centre, High Street, Cheltenham 11, Regent Street, Cheltenham Oculus Optician, 19, Regent Street, Cheltenham Unit 40, Regent Arcade, Regent Street, Cheltenham 12, Regent Street, Cheltenham The Gallery, Regent Arcade, Regent Street, Cheltenham GL5 3DX GL50 1DB 01453 764103 01242 580730 GL50 1DQ 01242 238777 GL50 1HE 01242 221442 GL50 1HE 01242 242220 GL50 1JZ 01242 577811 GL50 1JZ 01242 584358 GL50 1JZ 01242 228686 68 Name of Optician’s Practice Optical Express (Cheltenham) Smith and Swepson Opticians Ltd (Cheltenham) Keith Holland and Associates Ltd (Cheltenham) Cheltenham VisionPlus LTD (Cheltenham) David Clulow (Luxottica Retail) (Cheltenham) Maddox Eyecare (Cheltenham) Kodak Hearing and Vision Centre (Gloucester) Kodak Lens Designer Vision Centre (Cheltenham) Community Opticians (Home Visits) Scrivens Ltd (Cheltenham) Tesco Opticians (Cheltenham) F Norville Ltd (Cheltenham) Guilford and Carter (Cheltenham) F Norville Ltd (Bishops Cleeve) F Norville Ltd (Leckhampton) Independant Eyecare Centre (Cheltenham) Eyewear by Shelley Ltd (Stow on the Wold) Cotswold Eye Care Centre Ltd (Winchcombe) Greys Opticians Ltd (Cotswolds) Kevin Tait Opticians Ltd (Moreton in Marsh) The Optical Shop (Nailsworth) Bailey Eyecare (Nailsworth) Boots Optical (Cirencester) Address Postcode Phone 43-45 Promenade, Cheltenham 2, Imperial Square, Cheltenham 27, St. Georges Road, Cheltenham Unit 1, 206, High Street, Cheltenham 213 High Street, Cheltenham GL50 1PY 08455 558218 GL50 1QB 01242 243800 GL50 3DT 01242 233500 GL50 3HF 01242 224314 GL50 3HH 01242 250005 2nd Floor St Pauls Medical Centre, 121 Swindon Road, Cheltenham Kodak Lens Optician Outlet , Unit 2, Morrison's Centre, Caernarvon Road, Cheltenham Unit 2 Morrisons Centre, 3, Caernarvon Road, Cheltenham 7 Azalea Drive, Up Hatherley, Cheltenham 60, Edinburgh Place, Coronation Sqaure, Cheltenham Colletts Drive, Cheltenham GL50 4DP 07595 726680 GL51 3BW 01452 887470 GL51 3BW 01242 504800 GL51 3EA 07888 802282 GL51 7SA 01242 235220 GL51 8JQ 0845 6449161 256, London Road, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham 23a, Church Road, Bishops Cleeve, Cheltenham The Guillimount Health Centre, 4, Stoke Road, Bishops Cleeve, Cheltenham 182, Bath Road, Leckhampton, Cheltenham 144, Bath Road, Cheltenham GL52 6HY 01242 584030 GL52 8LR 01242 675964 GL52 8RP 01242 673634 GL53 7NF 01242 513678 GL53 7NG 01243 222802 Sheep Street, Stow On The Wold, Cheltenham High Street, Winchcombe, Cheltenham Drury House, The Square, Chipping Campden 3, High Street, Moreton-InMarsh 51, George Street, Nailsworth, Stroud 7, Old Market, Nailsworth, Stroud 42, Cricklade Street, Cirencester GL54 1AA 01451 830554 GL54 5LJ 01243 604654 GL55 6AL 01386 848836 GL56 0AH 01608 651631 GL6 0AG 01453 839145 GL6 0DU 01453 834339 GL7 1JH 01285 654579 69 Name of Optician’s Practice Cirencester VisionPlus LTD (Cirencester) Haine and Smith Partnership LLP (Cirencester) Tesco Opticians (Cirencester) RJ Holmes Ltd (Cirencester) F Norville Ltd (Cirencester) Philip Kersey and Partnership Opticians Ltd (Cirencester) Leighton Ltd (Cirencester) Fairford Opticians (Fairford) Poole Opticians (Tetbury) Haine and Smith Partnership LLP (Tetbury) Haine and Smith (Regent Street) Specsavers (Regent Street) Vision Express Boots Opticians (2c Brunel Plaza) Boots Opticians (3 Brunel Plaza) White Horse Optical Practice Gillian Monk Tesco Opticians Ltd Old Town Eyecare The Outside clinic (Complete Price Eyewear Limited) Complete Price Eyecare Limited - T/A The Outside Clinic Leightons Opticians Specsavers Opticians Devizes Nixon & Shaw Opticians Devizes Vision Care 20/20 LLP T/A Boots - Devizes * Haine & Smith Opticians Limited - Devizes Haine & Smith Opticians Limited - Calne Nixon & Shaw - Melksham Address Postcode Phone 30, Cricklade Street, Cirencester 6c, Cricklade Street, Cirencester Kings Meadow, Cricklade Road, Cirencester 6, Castle Street, Cirencester 20, Dyer Street, Cirencester 56, Dyer Street, Cirencester GL7 1JH 01285 648610 GL7 1JH 01285 651161 GL7 1NP 01285 667400 GL7 1QA GL7 2PF GL7 2PF 01285 650136 01285 652054 01286 641999 Merchants House, 39 - 41, Dyer Street, Cirencester 11, High Street, Fairford Poole Optician, 2, Church Street, Tetbury 5, Church Street, Tetbury GL7 2PP 01285 651344 GL7 4AD GL8 8JG 01286 713313 01666 502913 GL8 8JG 01666 503610 45c Regent Street, Swindon SN1 1JS 01793 487888 62-63 Regent Street, Swindon 83 Regent Street, Brunel Centre, Swindon, 2C Brunel Plaza, Swindon SN1 1JS SN1 1JY 01793 617858 01793 491194 SN1 1LF 01793 693719 3 Brunel Plaza, Swindon SN1 1LF 01793 433060 7 Brunel Plaza, Swindon 35 Havelock Street, Swindon Ocotal Way, Swindon 123 Victoria Road, Swindon 10-14 High Street, Old Town Court, Swindon, Wiltshire 10-14 High Street, Swindon, Wiltshire SN1 1LT SN1 1SD SN1 2EH SN1 3BH SN1 3EP 01793 432751 01793 523743 01793 587438 01793 512084 01793 642200 SN1 3EP 01793 648607 33 Wood Street, Swindon 27 The Brittox, Devizes, Wiltshire 30 Monday Market Street, Devizes, Wiltshire 33 Market Place, Devizes, Wiltshire 31 The Brittox, Devizes, Wiltshire 5 Phelps Parade, Calne, Wiltshire 6 High Street, Melksham, Wiltshire SN1 4AN SN10 1AJ 01793 522936 01380 722225 SN10 1DN 01380 725802 SN10 1JG 01380 728223 SN10 3AJ 01380 723446 SN11 0HA 01249 814560 SN12 6JU 01225 703218 70 Name of Optician’s Practice Haine & Smith Opticians Limited - Melksham Melksham Visionplus Limited Graeme Andrew Mountford Opticians Haine & Smith Opticians Limited - Corsham Brignall & Partners Boots Opticians Limited Haine & Smith Opticians Limited - Chippenham Specsavers Opticians Chippenham Vision Express (UK) Limited Chippenham Haine & Smith Opticians Limited - Malmesbury J M Forss Opticians Haine and Smith (Cricklade Road) Asda Vision Centre Samsco Limited - Swindon Haine & Smith Opticians Limited - Swindon Haine and Smith (Wroughton) R J Holmes Opticians Ltd Andrew Rhys Evans Optometrists Limited Haine and Smith (Highworth) Precision Eyewear Jacqueline Burns Opticians Marlborough Specsavers Opticians Marlborough Haine & Smith Opticians Limited - Marlborough S J Hussey Opticians Salisbury Vision Express Address Postcode Phone 27 High Street, Melksham, Wiltshire 29 Bank Street, Melksham, Wiltshire 11 High Street, Corsham, Wiltshire 22 High Street, Corsham, Wiltshire 33 New Road, Chippenham, Wiltshire 10 High Street, Chippenham, Wiltshire 10 Emery Gate, Chippenham, Wiltshire 17 Borough Parade, Chippenham, Wiltshire Unit 13 Borough Parade, Chippenham, Wiltshire 25 High Street, Malmesbury, Wiltshire 57 High Street, Malmesbury, Wiltshire 105 Cricklade Road, Swindon SN12 6JY 01225 707881 SN12 6LE 01225 899810 SN13 0ES 01249 712369 SN13 0HB 01249 715175 SN15 1HP 01249 653292 SN15 3ER 01249 652323 SN15 3JP 01249 652883 SN15 3WL 01249 463636 SN15 3WL 01249 651000 SN16 9AA 01666 824234 SN16 9AG 01666 822444 SN2 8AN 01793 522572 Asda Stores Ltd, Orbital Shopping Centre, Thamesdown Drive, Swindon 51 Windsor Road, Lawn, Swindon, Wiltshire 140 High Street, Royal Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire 8 Ellendune, Wroughton, Swindon West Swindon District Centre, Tewkesbury Way, Swindon 82 High Street, Cricklade, Swindon, Wiltshire 22 High Street, Highworth, Swindon Unit 2, Majors Road, Watchfield, Swindon 140 High Street, Marlborough, Wiltshire 131 High Street, Marlborough, Wiltshire 23 - 24 High Street, Marlborough, Wiltshire 2 Old Ford Court, Pewsey, Wiltshire 25 - 27 Butcher Row, Salisbury, Wiltshire SN25 4BG 01793 707882 SN3 1JU 07776206155 SN4 7AY 01793 853298 SN4 9LN 01793 813054 SN5 7DL 01793 870011 SN6 6DF 01793 750415 SN6 7AG 01793 762204 SN6 8TQ 01793 783848 SN8 1HN 01672 516022 SN8 1HN 01672 517900 SN8 1LW 01672 513432 SN9 5AQ 01672 564617 SP1 1EP 01722 330056 71 Name of Optician’s Practice Silverthornes Opticians Salisbury Boots- Dolland & Aitchison Memory Opticians Ltd Salisbury Visionplus (Salisbury) Limited Optical Express Limited Boots Opticians Limited Tesco Opticians - Salisbury Mark Jones Eyecare Limited John Hooley Bourneside Optometry Ltd Haine & Smith Opticians Limited - Amesbury Memory Opticians Ltd Amesbury Vision Express (UK Limited) - Amesbury A J Bass Roving Eye Memory Opticians Ltd Tidworth Address Postcode Phone 50 Catherine Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire 18 - 19 Catherine Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire 13 Catherine Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire 1 Catherine Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire Beckett House, 2-10 Bridge Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire 41 - 51 Silver Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire Bourne Center, Southampton Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire 21 Fisherton Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire 3 Winterslow Road, Porton, Salisbury, Wiltshire Bourneside House, Hurdcott Lane, Hurdcott, Salisbury, Wiltshire 20 Salisbury Street, Amesbury, Salisbury, Wiltshire 44B Salisbury Street, Amesbury, Wiltshire 12 Salisbury Street, Amesbury, Salisbury, Wiltshire 53 The Borough, Downton, Salisbury, Wiltshire Targetts Farm, Bowerchalke, Salisbury, Wiltshire Station Road, Tidworth, Wiltshire SP1 2DD 01722 322880 SP1 2DF 01722 322 522 SP1 2DF 01722 410959 SP1 2DF 01722 412255 SP1 2LX 08455 558244 SP1 2NG 01722 412625 SP1 2NY 01722 317438 SP2 7SU 01722 322891 SP4 0LZ 01980 612082 SP4 6HL 01980 611433 SP4 7DB 01980626551 SP4 7HD 01980 624065 SP4 7HD 01980 623228 SP5 3LX 01725 512058 SP5 5DB 01722 781218 SP9 7NN 01980 843440 72 73 Appendix 7 Pharmacies Name of Pharmacy Boots UK Limited Southgate Boots UK Limited Westgate Superdrug - Westgate Bath Lifestyle Pharmacy Sainsbury's Pharmacy Jhoots Pharmacy - Brock Street Hawes Whiston & Company (S P Medley Limited) Jhoots Pharmacy Newbridge Hill Your Local Boots Pharmacy - Upper Weston Bestway National Chemists Ltd - Claremont Terrace formerly The Co-operative Pharmacy Larkhall Pharmacy Your Local Boots Pharmacy - Batheaston Mere Pharmacy - Dudley Taylor Boots Warminster Boots Warminster Bestway National Chemists Ltd- Warminster Formerly Co-op Warminster John Preddy & Co Westbury Boots Westbury In postcode order Address 1 Newark Street, Southgate, Bath, Somerset 33-35 Westgate, Bath, Somerset 30-32 Westgate Street, Bath, Somerset 15 Westgate Street, Bath, Somerset Green Park Station, Green Park Road, Bath, Somerset 28 Brock Street, Bath, Somerset 38 St James Square, Bath, Somerset Postcode BA1 1AT BA1 1EL BA1 1EL BA1 1EQ BA1 2DR BA1 2LN BA1 2TU 129 Newbridge Hill, Bath, Somerset 125 High Street, Upper Weston, Bath, Somerset 3 Claremont Terrace, Camden Road, Fairfield Park, Bath, Somerset BA1 3PT 1 St Saviours Road, Larkhall, Bath, Somerset 201 London Road East, Bath, Somerset The Square, Mere, Warminster, Wiltshire 14-16 The Avenue, Warminster, Wiltshire 39 Market Place, Warminster, Wiltshire 10 Cornmarket, Warminster, Wiltshire BA1 6RT 29-31 High Street, Westbury, Wiltshire 9-11 High Street, Westbury, Wiltshire BA13 3BN BA1 4DF BA1 6EH BA1 7NB BA12 6DL BA12 9AA BA12 9AZ BA12 9BX BA13 3BN Phone 01225 461251 01225 482069 01225 336198 01225 465576 01225 332046 01225 426998 01225 424662 01225 424401 01225 421644 01225 319445 01225 314301 01225 858753 01747 860232 01985 219027 01985 212303 01985 213167 01373 822998 01373 822819 74 Name of Pharmacy Shaunaks Ltd Tesco Trowbridge Boots Trowbridge Lloyds Trowbridge Superdrug - Trowbridge Lloydspharmacy Trowbridge Boots Trowbridge The Shires Gateway Boots Adcroft Surgery Gorgemead Limited Cohens Chemist Gorgemead Limited Cohens Chemist St Margarets Pharmacy Day Lewis Pharmacy Timsbury Pharmacy Your Local Boots Pharmacy - Twerton Your Local Boots Pharmacy - Southdown Lloydspharmacy - Frome Road Odd Down Hounsell & Greene The John Preddy Company Limited The Bathwick Pharmacy Pulteney Pharmacy Address White Horse Health Centre, Mane Way, Westbury, Wiltshire County Way, Trowbridge, Wiltshire Roundstone Surgery, Polebarn Circus, Trowbridge, Wiltshire Unit G Local Centre, Hacketts Place, Paxcroft Mead, Hilperton, Trowbridge, Wiltshire Unit 28, The Shires, Trowbridge, Wiltshire 33-34 Fore Street, Trowbridge, Wiltshire 32 - 34 Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire Prospect Place, Trowbridge, Wiltshire Park Suite, 60A Bradford Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire 74 Wingfield Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire Station Approach, Bradford on , Avon, Wiltshire 6 Silver Street, Bradford on , Avon, Wiltshire Postcode BA13 3FQ Phone 01373 888088 BA14 7AQ 01225 497447 01225 775543 High Street, Timsbury, Bath, Somerset 84-85 The Parade, High Street, Twerton, Bath, Somerset 100 Mount Road, Southdown, Bath, Somerset 88 Frome Road, Odd Down, Bath, Somerset 45 Upper Oldfield Park, Bath, Somerset 41-42 Moorland Road, Oldfield Park, Bath, Somerset 8 Argyle Street, Bath, Somerset 35 Great Pulteney Street, Bath, Somerset BA2 0HT BA14 7EG BA14 7GW 01225 759143 BA14 8AT 01225 752056 01225 752069 01225 752068 01225 774643 01225 753104 01225 775030 01225 862353 01225 862212 BA14 8EW BA14 8FZ BA14 8QA BA14 9AR BA14 9EN BA15 1DQ BA15 1JX BA2 1DE BA2 1LN BA2 2PP BA2 3HT BA2 3PN BA2 4BQ BA2 4BY 01761 470476 01225 423382 01225 423391 01225 833003 01225 422960 01225 425356 01225 464429 01225 466454 75 Name of Pharmacy Widcombe Pharmacy Wellsway Pharmacy Dudley Taylor Pharmacies Limited - Bradford Road Bath Lloydspharmacy Combe Down Bathampton Pharmacy Shaunaks Pharmacy Peasedown Lloyds Pharmacy Midsomer Dispensing Limited Address 4a Widcombe Parade, Widcombe, Bath, Somerset 2 Hayes Place, Bear Flat, Wellsway, Bath, Somerset 87 Bradford Road, Combe Down, Bath, Somerset Postcode BA2 4JT The Avenue, Combe Down, Bath, Somerset 27 Holcombe Lane, Bathampton, Bath, Somerset 15, Bath Road, Peasedown St John, Bath, Somerset Chesterfield House, High Street, Midsomer Norton, Bath, Somerset 98 High Street, Midsomer Norton, Radstock, Bath, Somerset Norton House, High Street, Midsomer Norton, Bath, Somerset 7 The Street, Radstock, Bath, Somerset BA2 5EG BA2 4QW BA2 5BP BA2 6UL BA2 8DH BA3 2DD Phone 01225 447924 01225 427456 01225 833640 01225 833195 01225 485314 01761 432235 01761 413231 BA3 2DE 01761 568202 BA3 2DG 01761 412249 BA3 3PL 01761 434687 BA3 3SX Lloyds pharmacy Keynsham High Street 9 Elmtree Avenue, Westfield, Radstock, Bath, Somerset Keynsham Health Centre, St Clements Road, Keynsham, Bristol , Avon 54 High Street, Keynsham, Bristol , Avon Boots UK Limited Keynsham 40 High Street, Keynsham, Bristol , Avon BS31 1DX Chandag Road Pharmacy (Wellbeing - Keynsham Limited) The Bath Pharmacy Company Limited Distance Selling Day Lewis plc - Bath Road 47 Chandag Road, Keynsham, Bristol , Avon BS31 1PW Unit 32, Burnett Business Park, Gypsy Lane, Keynsham, Bristol , Avon 497, Bath Road, Saltford, Bristol , Avon BS31 2ED 01761 434692 0117 986 4578 0117 986 3678 0117 986 3247 0117 986 4121 01179 8608322 Lloyds pharmacy Norton House Midsommer Norton Dudley Taylor Pharmacies formerly Clement (Radstock) Limited Westfield Pharmacy/ Elm Tree Radstock Lloydspharmacy Keynsham HC BS31 1AG BS31 1DX BS31 3HQ 01225 874454 76 Name of Pharmacy Lloyds pharmacy Elm Hayes Health Centre Paulton Chew Pharmacy Ramesh Yadav opened 23/02/2015 Asda (Gloucester) Badham (Montpellier) Boots The Chemist Ltd (Gloucester) Lloyds Pharmacy (Bell Walk Gloucester) Tesco In-Store (Gloucester) Rowlands Pharmacy (Gloucester) Alchem Pharmacy (Gloucester) Al-Shafa Pharmacy (Gloucester) Your local Boots (Gloucester) Barkey Chemist (Gloucester) The Co-operative (Gloucester) Stroud Road Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy (Rosebank Surgery Gloucester) Sainsbury's (Gloucester Quays) Stonehouse Pharmacy Ltd Address Elm Hayes Health Centre, Clansdown Road, Paulton, Bristol , Avon 4 South Parade, Chew Magna, Bristol, Somerset Postcode BS39 7SF Phone 01761 412146 BS40 8SH 01275 333885 Asda Superstore, Bruton Way, Gloucester Rikenel Health Centre, Montpellier, Gloucester 38-46, Eastgate Street, Gloucester 1-3, Bell Walk, East Gate Shopping Centre, Gloucester St. Oswalds Road, Gloucester Alvin Street, Gloucester GL1 1DS 12, London Road, Gloucester GL1 3NE 105, Barton Street, Gloucester 117, Barton Street, Gloucester 110, High Street, Gloucester GL1 4HR 92-94, Linden Road, Gloucester 153a Stroud Road, Gloucester Rosebank Surgery, 153c, Stroud Road, Gloucester GL1 5HE 01452 833017 01452 386816 01452 423501 01452 301146 01452 898 647 01452 305518 01452 300181 01452 386604 01452 522951 01452 523937 01452 522812 01452 523937 01452 523205 Gloucester Quays, St. Ann Way, Gloucester High Street Medical Centre, 31, High Street, Stonehouse Boots The Chemists Ltd 70-72, Parsonage Street, (Dursley) Dursley The Co-operative (Dursley) 20, Parsonage Street, Dursley Lloyds Pharmacy (Dursley) May lane Surgery, 27, May Lane, Dursley Your local Boots (Dursley) 16b, Chapel Street, Cam, Dursley GL1 1LY GL1 1PU GL1 1XH GL1 2SG GL1 3EN GL1 4HR GL1 4TA GL1 5JJ GL1 5JL GL1 5LY GL10 2NG GL11 4AA GL11 4EA GL11 4JN GL11 5NU 01452 368303 01453 823184 01453 542275 01453 542321 01453 543886 01453 543177 77 Name of Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy (WottonUnder-Edge) Berkeley Pharmacy Ltd Postcode GL12 7BX Newnham Pharmacy Address Grantley House, 43, Long Street, Wotton-Under-Edge The Former George Inn, 14, Market Place, Berkeley High Street, Newnham The Co-operative (Cinderford) Your local Boots (Cinderford) Lloyds Pharmacy (Lydney) The Co-operative Foodstore, Dockham Road, Cinderford 9-11, Market Street, Cinderford 41, Newerne Street, Lydney GL14 2AQ The Co-operative (Lydney) 33, Newerne Street, Lydney GL15 5RA Your local Boots (Bream) High Street, Bream, Lydney GL15 6JS Day Lewis Chemists Ltd (Berry Hill) Dispensing Chemists, 42, Park Road, Berry Hill, Coleford 14, Pyart Court, Old Station Way, Coleford Units 9-10 Pyart Court, Railway Drive, Coleford 5, Churchill Way, Mitcheldean GL16 7AG Drybrook Road, Drybrook GL17 9JA 19, Broad Street, Newent GL18 1AQ 1, Old Cheltenham Road, Longlevens, Gloucester 2, Elmbridge Road, Gloucester Kingsway Local Centre, Kingsway, Quedgeley, Gloucester Unit 3, 6 Quedgeley Retail Park, Quedgeley, Gloucester Bristol Road, Quedgeley, Gloucester Severnvale Surgery, St. James, Quedgeley, Gloucester 105, Queens Road, Priors Park, Tewkesbury GL2 0AS Day Lewis Chemists Ltd (Coleford) Lloyds Pharmacy (Coleford) Mitcheldean Pharmacy (Mitcheldean) Drybrook Pharmacy Limited Day Lewis Chemists Ltd (Newent) Lloyds Pharmacy (Longlevens) Lloyds Pharmacy (Barnwood) Badham (Kingsway Gloucester) Boots The Chemist Ltd (Quedgely) Tesco In-store (Quedgeley) Lloyds Pharmacy (Quedgeley) Badham (Priors Park Tewkesbury) GL13 9BB GL14 1BB GL14 2RT GL15 5RA GL16 8RG GL16 8RG GL17 0AZ GL2 0NZ GL2 2ZZ GL2 4NF GL2 4PF GL2 4WD GL20 5EN Phone 01453 843171 01453 810316 01594 516276 01594 822131 01594 822332 01594 842847 01594 843443 01594 562271 01594 832225 01594 836835 01594 832151 01594 544997 01594 542517 01531 820443 01452 523338 01452 503939 01452 724206 01452 720688 01452 898 847 01452 728297 01684 290 659 78 Name of Pharmacy Boots The Chemists (High Street Tewkesbury) Lloyds (Bishops Walk Tewkesbury) Lloyds (Church Street Tewksbury) Northway Chemist (Tewkesbury) Badham (Churchdown) Badham (Blacksmith Lane Churchdown) O' Connor Pharmacies Ltd (Hucclecote) Lloyds Pharmacy (Hucclecote) Lloyds Pharmacy (Court Road Brockworth) Badham (Brockworth) Lloyds Pharmacy (Abbotswood Road Brockworth) Tuffley Pharmacy (Gloucester) Lloyds Pharmacy (Tuffley) Sainsbury's (Barnwood) Glevum Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy (Abbeydale) Saintbridge Pharmacy (Askwith Road Gloucester) Matson Pharmacy Boots The Chemists Ltd (Stroud) Superdrug Stores plc (Stroud) Lloyds Pharmacy (Locking Hill Stroud) Address 92, High Street, Tewkesbury Postcode GL20 5JZ 8, Bishops Walk, Tewkesbury GL20 5LQ 80, Church Street, Tewkesbury Northway Lane, Tewkesbury GL20 5RX 33, Morley Avenue, Churchdown, Gloucester 2, Blacksmith Lane, Churchdown, Gloucester 7, Glenville Parade, Hucclecote, Gloucester 5, Brookfield Road, Hucclecote, Gloucester 22, Court Road, Brockworth, Gloucester Whittle Centre, Delta Way, Gloucester Business Park, Brockworth, Gloucester 1-2, Abbotswood Road, Brockworth, Gloucester GL3 2BL GL3 4NY 01452 863019 16, Seventh Avenue, Tuffley, Gloucester 19, Holmleigh Parade, Tuffley, Gloucester Barnett Way, Barnwood, Gloucester Hadwen Medical Centre, Glevum Way, Abbeydale, Gloucester 5, Glevum Centre, Heron Way, Abbeydale, Gloucester Askwith Road, Gloucester GL4 0EB 01452 310 199 01452 527859 01452 619754 01452 303 182 87, Matson Avenue, Matson, Gloucester 57, High Street, Stroud GL4 6LL Unit 2-3, 57-62, High Street, Stroud Locking Hill, Stroud GL5 1AS GL20 8TW GL3 2EU GL3 3ES GL3 3HA GL3 4EP GL3 4FE GL4 0QU GL4 3RT GL4 4BL GL4 4FF GL4 4SH GL5 1AS GL5 1QN Phone 01684 292122 01684 293125 01684 293309 01684 299499 01452 712286 01452 856320 01452 616906 01452 618377 01452 863985 01452 611089 01452 417714 01452 541541 01452 526067 01453 764292 01453 764079 01453 750532 79 Name of Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy (Rowcroft Retreat) Sainsbury's (Stroud) Address Rowcroft Retreat, Stroud Postcode GL5 3BE Dudbridge Road, Stroud GL5 3HG Tesco in Store (Stroud) Tesco Superstore, Stratford Road, Stroud 16, Cashes Green Road, Cainscross, Stroud 197-199, High Street, Cheltenham 91-97, High Street, Cheltenham 84, St George's Place, Cheltenham, GL50 3QD 12 Rotunda Terrace, Montpellier Street, Cheltenham 19, St. Georges Road, Cheltenham Waitrose Store, Honeybourne Way, Cheltenham 118, Swindon Road, Cheltenham St Pauls Medical Centre, 121, Swindon Road, Cheltenham Wymans Shopping Centre, Windyridge Road, Cheltenham Springbank Community Resource Centre, Springbank Way, Cheltenham Greatfield Park, Shurdington Road, Up Hatherley, Cheltenham 52, Windermere Road, Cheltenham 80, Tennyson Road, St Marks, Cheltenham 56, Edinburgh Place, Cheltenham Colletts Drive, Cheltenham GL5 4AG Unit F, Gallagher Retail Park, Tewkesbury Road, Cheltenham GL51 9RR The Co-operative (Stroud) Boots (Cheltenham) Superdrug (Cheltenham) Badham (Regent Street Cheltenham) Spa Pharmacy (Cheltenham) James Pharmacy Lloyds (Waitrose Store Cheltenham) Badham (Swindon Road Cheltenham) Lloyds (St Pauls Medical Centre Cheltenham) Wymans Brook Pharmacy (Cheltenham) Cheltenham Pharmacy (Cheltenham) Morrisons (Cheltenham) Hawkes Pharmacy St Marks Pharmacy (Cheltenham) Lloyds (Edinburgh Place Cheltenham) Tesco In Store (Cheltenham) Boots (Gallagher Retail Park Cheltenham) GL5 4JG GL50 1DB GL50 1DP GL50 1HE GL50 1SW GL50 3DT GL50 3QW GL50 4BJ GL50 4DP GL50 4RA Phone 01453 764513 01453 436009 01453 568647 01453 759205 01242 527084 01242 262459 01242 279511 01242 522130 01242 522880 01242 512120 01242 898030 01242 571590 01242 221988 GL51 0LG 01242 255061 GL51 3BW 01242 862803 GL51 3PH 01242 523290 01242 512333 01242 516623 01242 639847 01242 269387 GL51 7DB GL51 7SA GL51 8JQ 80 Name of Pharmacy Sainsburys (Cheltenham) Badham (Presbury Road Cheltenham) Rowlands (Prestbury) Badham (Whaddon Road Cheltenham) Badham (Hewlett Road Cheltenham) Badham (Cheltenham) (Repeat Prescription) Badham (Sixways Cheltenham) Badham (Church Road Bishops Cleeve) Badham (Stoke Road Bishops Cleeve) Rowlands (Bath Road Cheltenham) Rowlands (Leckhampton) Charlton Pharmacy Stow Pharmacy Limited (Stow on the Wold) Rowlands Pharmacy (Bourton-On-The-Water) Cotswold Pharmacy (Northleach) Lloyds (Winchcombe) Robscott Limited (Chipping Campden) AD Byers (Moreton-InMarsh) Lloyds Pharmacy (Millyard Nailsworth) Lloyds Pharmacy (Old Market Nailsworth) The Painswick Pharmacy Address Gallagher Retail Park, Tewkesbury Road, Cheltenham 6, Prestbury Road, Cheltenham 5, High Street, Prestbury, Cheltenham 102, Whaddon Road, Cheltenham 62, Hewlett Road, Cheltenham 256 London Road, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham Sixways Pharmacy, 256, London Road, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham 23, Church Road, Bishops Cleeve, Cheltenham 4, Stoke Road, Bishops Cleeve, Cheltenham 139, Bath Road, Cheltenham Postcode GL51 9RR Phone 01242 253093 GL52 2PW 01242 523226 01242 244318 01242 514330 01242 523762 01242 515143 01242 515143 244, Bath Road, Leckhampton, Cheltenham 39, Lyefield Road West, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham The Market Square, Stow On The Wold, Cheltenham 3, The Chestnuts, High Street, Bourton-On-TheWater, Cheltenham Market Place, Northleach, Cheltenham 11, High Street, Winchcombe, Cheltenham High Street, Chipping Campden The Pharmacy, High Street, Moreton-In-Marsh 16, Millyard, George Street, Nailsworth, Stroud 3, Old Market, Nailsworth, Stroud New Street, Painswick, Stroud GL53 7NB GL52 3AR GL52 5NF GL52 6AH GL52 6HS GL52 6HS GL52 8LR GL52 8RP GL53 7LT GL53 8HA GL54 1BQ GL54 2AN GL54 3EG GL54 5LJ GL55 6HB GL56 0AL GL6 0AG GL6 0DU GL6 6XH 01242 672653 01242 672211 01242 522204 01242 523270 01242 522207 01451 830623 01451 820849 01451 860295 01242 602305 01386 840251 01608 650306 01453 835501 01453 832051 01452 812263 81 Name of Pharmacy Your local Boots (Stroud) Address 37, Tanglewood Way, Chalford, Stroud London House, The Cross, Minchinhampton, Stroud 39-43, Cricklade Street, Cirencester Kings Meadow, Cricklade Road, Cirencester 24, Ashcroft Gardens, Cirencester 16, Chesterton Lane, Cirencester 7, Market Place, Cirencester Postcode GL6 8DE GL7 3AA The Laurels Pharmacy (South Cerney) Cohens Chemist (Tetbury) Market Square, High Street, Lechlade Gloucester House, Market Place, High Street, Fairford 3, The Laurels, Clarks Hay, South Cerney, Cirencester 41, Long Street, Tetbury Lloyds Pharmacy (Tetbury) 37, Long Street, Tetbury GL8 8AA Day Lewis (Chepstow) (Repeat Prescription) Pharmacist Health Centre Beachley Road, Sedbury, Chepstow Pharmacy Dept., Carfax Street Health Centre, Swindon 3, Brunel Plaza, Swindon NP16 7AA 35, Wood Street, Old Town, Swindon Tesco Superstore, Ocotal Way, Swindon 171, Victoria Road, Swindon SN1 1LF In Co-operative Store, High Street, Old Town, Swindon The Health Centre, Curie Avenue, Swindon 1, Park Lane, Swindon SN1 3EG 123, Commercial Road, Swindon SN1 5PL Your local Boots (Minchinhampton) Boots The Chemists Ltd (Cirencester) Tesco In-store (Cirencester) Lloyds (Cirencester) Chesterton Pharmacy (Cirencester) G Horton Ltd (Cirencester) Lechlade Pharmacy Your local Boots (Fairford) Boots Pharmacy (Brunel Plaza) Boots Pharmacy (Old Town) Tesco Pharmacy (Ocotal Way) Lloyds Pharmacy (Victoria Road) Pharmacist Pharmacies (Co-operative) Lloyds Pharmacy (The Health Centre) Park Lane Pharmacy The Pharmacy GL6 9JA GL7 1HY GL7 1NP GL7 1RB GL7 1XQ GL7 2NX GL7 4AD GL7 5UA GL8 8AA SN1 1ED SN1 1LF SN1 2EH SN1 3DF SN1 4GB SN1 5HG Phone 01453 886869 01453 882146 01285 653019 01285 688 847 01285 658217 01285 653539 01285 653042 01367 252285 01285 712350 01285 861123 01666 502314 01666 503058 01291 622532 01793 616280 01793 536347 01793 522941 01793 461847 01793 528388 01793 495499 01793 495979 01793 522708 01793 535041 82 Name of Pharmacy Rowlands Pharmacy Morrisons Devizes Day Lewis - Market Lavington Bestway National Chemists Ltd - Calne (Formerly Co-op Calne) Boots Calne Noorani & Sons Limited Lloyds - Calne Boots Melksham Gompels Melksham Gompels Pharmacy Sainsbury's Melksham Lloyds - Melksham Asda Melksham Boots Corsham Box Pharmacy Shaunaks Corsham Pharmaxo Services Limited Sainsbury's Chippenham Lloyds Chippenham Address 1 The Little Brittox, Devizes, Wiltshire 15-16 Estcourt Stree, Devizes, Wiltshire 37 Rochelle Court, Market Place, Market Lavington, Devizes, Wiltshire Unit 2 New, New High Street, Calne, Wiltshire Postcode SN10 1AR SN11 0BH 01249 812508 18 Phelps Parade, Calne, Wiltshire 30-32 North Street, Calne, Wiltshire 7 Harrier Close, Lansdowne Centre, Calne, Wiltshire 19-23 High Street, Melksham, Wiltshire Spa Medical Centre, Snowberry Lane, Melksham, Wiltshire 1 Bank Street, Melksham, Wiltshire Bath Road, Melksham, Wiltshire Giffords Primary Care Centre, Spa Road, Melksham, Wiltshire Bradford Road, Melksham, Wiltshire 22 Martingate, Corsham, Wiltshire 10 High Street, Box, Wiltshire SN11 0HA 01249 813616 01249 812889 01249 822923 01225 703139 01225 703183 The Pharmacy - Porch Surgery, Beechfield Road, Corsham, Wiltshire Unit A15 Fiveways Industrial Estate, Westwells Road, Corsham, Wiltshire Bath Road, Chippenham, Wiltshire Hathaway Medical Centre, Middlefield Road, Chippenham, Wiltshire SN13 9DN SN10 1LA SN10 4AT SN11 0HH SN11 9UT SN12 6JY SN12 6LE SN12 6LE SN12 6LL SN12 7EA SN12 8LQ SN13 0HL SN13 8NN Phone 01380 723804 01380 720615 01380 813395 01225 702198 01225 791727 01225 703140 01225 491400 01249 712379 01225 742552 01249 712000 SN13 9RJ 01225 811131 SN14 0BJ 01249 651724 01249 449142 SN14 6GT 83 Name of Pharmacy Morrisons Chippenham Lloyds Chippenham Boots Chippenham Address Cepen Park North, Malmesbury Road, Chippenham, Wiltshire St Lukes Drive, Rowden Hill, Chippenham, Wiltshire 8-9 High Street, Chippenham, Wiltshire Lodge Road, Pewsham, Chippenham, Wiltshire Postcode SN14 6UZ Phone 01249 464241 SN15 2SD 01249 446715 01249 652087 01249 660323 SN15 3ER Bestway National Chemists Ltd Chippenham (Formerly Coop - Chippenham) Boots - Malmesbury Primary Care Centre, Priory Way, Burton Hill, Malmesbury, Wiltshire Boots The Chemist 39 High Street, Malmesbury, Malmesbury Wiltshire Lloyds - Malmesbury 28 High Street, Malmesbury, Wiltshire Hawthorn Pharmacy 261, Cricklade Road, Swindon Lloyds Pharmacy (Clive 16, Clive Parade, Cricklade Parade) Road, Swindon Swindon Pharmacy Hawthorne Medical Centre, May Close, Swindon Rodbourne Pharmacy 167, Rodbourne Road, Swindon Lloyds Pharmacy Moredon Medical Centre, (Moredon Medical Centre) Moredon Road, Swindon Sherwood Healthcare Unit 75 BSS House, Cheney Manor Industrial Estate, Swindon Boots Pharmacy (Penhill 257A, Penhill Drive, Swindon Drive) Homeground Pharmacy North Swindon Practice, Thames Avenue, Swindon Morrisons Pharmacy Thames Avenue, Swindon SN15 3SY Co-operative Chemists (Taw Hill) Boots Pharmacy (Orbital Shopping Centre) SN25 1WL Asda Pharmacy (Orbital Shopping Park) Lloyds Pharmacy (Abbey Meads Medical Centre) 24, Aiken Road, Taw Hill, Swindon Unit 3, Orbital Shopping Centre, Thamesdown Drive, Swindon Orbital Shopping Park, Thamesdown Drive, Swindon Abbey Meads Medical Centre, Elstree Way, Abbey Meads, Swindon SN16 0FB 01666 826115 SN16 9AA 01666 823130 01666 822157 01793 522430 01793 722097 01793 976363 01793 642214 01793 535417 01793 528388 SN16 9AU SN2 1AE SN2 1AJ SN2 1UU SN2 2AY SN2 2JG SN2 2PJ SN2 5HN SN25 1QQ SN25 1QQ SN25 4AN SN25 4YX SN25 4YZ 01793 723534 01793 727866 01793 705322 01793 726736 01793 728569 01793 707801 01793 704165 84 Name of Pharmacy Lawns Pharmacy LLoyds Pharmacy (Royston Road) Kingswood Pharmacy Rowlands Pharmacy Boots Pharmacy (Greenbridge Retail Park) Dorcan Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy (Highworth Road) Sainsbury's Pharmacy (Stratton St. Margaret) Lloyds Pharmacy (Covingham Square) CML Jones & Partner Lloyds pharmacy Wootton Bassett Boots - Wootton Bassett St John Pharmacy Jephson Pharmacy (Wroughton Health Centre) Lloyds - Purton Sparcells Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy (Shaw Village Centre) Asda Pharmacy (West Swindon District Centre) Ashington Way Pharmacy Address 56, Guildford Avenue, Lawns, Swindon Unit 1, Royston Road, Park South, Swindon Kingswood Avenue, Park North, Swindon 10, Sussex Square, Swindon Postcode SN3 1JE Unit 5-6, Greenbridge Retail Park, Stratton Road, Swindon Colingsmead, Eldene, Swindon St Margaret's Close, Highworth Road, Swindon Sainsbury's Superstore, Stratton St. Margaret, Oxford Road, Swindon 3, Covingham Square, Swindon 102 High Street, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, Wiltshire Unit 19, Boroughfields Shopping Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, Wiltshire 133 High Street, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, Wiltshire 6 St. John Road, Wroughton, Swindon Wroughton Health Centre, Barrett Way, Wroughton, Swindon 7 The Parade, Purton, Swindon, Wiltshire Midwinter Close, Peatmoor, Swindon Shaw Village Centre, Ramleaze Drive, Shaw, Swindon Asda Superstore, West Swindon District Centre, Tewkesbury Way, Swindon Ashington Way, Westlea, Swindon SN3 3SG SN3 2GD SN3 2RJ SN3 3BJ SN3 3TQ SN3 4BF SN3 4EW SN3 5AA SN4 7AU Phone 01793 496093 01793 521379 01793 527757 01793 520262 01793 423838 01793 692073 01793 822181 01793 831706 01793 529911 01793 854450 SN4 7AX 01793 852472 SN4 7AY 01793 852364 SN4 9ED 01793 814388 01793 812250 SN4 9LW SN5 4BX SN5 5AN SN5 5PY 01793 770294 01793 877760 01793 886076 SN5 7DL 01793 758010 SN5 7XT 01793 616840 85 Name of Pharmacy Sainsbury's Pharmacy (Ashworth Road) Facechoice Phamacy Toothill Pharmacy Boots Cricklade Highworth Pharmacy Home Farm Pharmacy Shrivenham Pharmacy Boots Marlborough Kennet Pharmacy Boots Pewsey Boots Devizes PW & JA Hedge Lloyds Pharmacy Salisbury Three Swans Pharmacy Superdrug Salisbury Fittleworths Medical Limited (DAC) Boots Salisbury Tesco Salisbury Rowlands Pharmacy Imaan Limited Bishopsdown Pharmacy Rowlands Pharmacy (Millstream MC) Address Ashworth Road, Bridgemead, Swindon Freshbrook Village Centre, Freshbrook, Swindon Dunwich Drive, Toothill, Swindon 100 High Street, Cricklade, Swindon, Wiltshire 4, Sheep Street, Market Place, Highworth, Swindon 25, Newburgh Place, Home Farm, Highworth, Swindon 50A, High Street, Shrivenham, Swindon 103-103 High Street, Marlborough, Wiltshire 56 George Lane, Marlborough, Wiltshire 32 High Street, Pewsey, Wiltshire 14-15 The Brittox, Devizes, Wiltshire The Pharmacy, Dummer Lane, Tidworth, Wiltshire 47 Market Place, Salisbury, Wiltshire Three Swans Surgery, Rollestone Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire 12-14 Old George Mall, Salisbury, Wiltshire Unit 12 - 14, Barnack Business Park, Salisbury, Wiltshire 41-51 Silver Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire Bourne Centre, Southampton Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire 82 St Ann Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire Bishopdown Surgery, 28 St Clements Way, Bishopdown, Salisbury, Wiltshire 41 Castle Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire Postcode SN5 7YH SN5 8LY SN5 8SX SN6 6AA SN6 7AA SN6 7DN SN6 8AA SN8 1LT SN8 4BY SN9 5AQ SNB10 1AJ SO9 7FH SP1 1DA SP1 1DX SP1 2AG SP1 2LP SP1 2NG SP1 2NY SP1 2PT SP1 3FF SP1 3SP Phone 01793 420046 01793 870226 01793 539701 01793 750226 01793 762220 01793 861392 01793 783336 01672 512351 01672 512543 01672 563488 01380 722964 01980 843368 01722 327645 01722 324953 01722 334142 01903 311017 01722 333233 01722 395847 01722 411775 01722 324462 01722 320520 86 Name of Pharmacy PW & JA Hedge Lloyds Wilton Tanday - Salisbury Rowlands Pharmacy Rowlands Pharmacy Boots - Tisbury Sarum Pharmacy Distance Selling Boots Amesbury Boots Amesbury Lloyds Amesbury Downton Pharmacy - Day Lewis (H Carson Limited) Address The Pharmacy, Central Street, Ludgershall, Wiltshire 3 North Street, Wilton, Salisbury, Wiltshire Fisherton House, Fisherton House, Fountain Way, Wilton Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire Harcourt Medical Centre, Cranebridge Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire Pembroke Road, Bemerton Heath, Salisbury, Wiltshire High Street, Tisbury, Salisbury, Wiltshire The Portway Centre, Old Sarum, Salisbury, Wiltshire Unit 8 Stonehenge Walk, The Centre, Amesbury, Salisbury, Wiltshire 40 Salisbury Street, , Amesbury, Salisbury, Wiltshire 67 Bulford Road, Durrington, Wiltshire 5 High Street, Downton, Salisbury, Wiltshire Postcode SP11 9RA SP2 0HA SP2 7FD Phone 01264 790305 01722 742289 01722 328288 SP2 7TD 01722 323250 SP2 8DJ 01722 414055 01747 870264 01722 435605 01980 623893 SP3 6LD SP4 6EB SP4 7DB SP4 7HD 01980 622188 SP4 8DL 01980 654244 01725 510388 SP5 3PG 87