ACT calculator sheet - Bath County Schools

ACT Calculator Unit:
How to clear your calculator and set appropriate settings:
*Press Program then Enter twice.
How to do the slope formula on the calculator:
*Press the program button.
*Go to slope.
*It will ask for X1 first type that number in, then press enter.
*Continue to plug in your numbers then press enter.
* It will give you the slope as a decimal.
How to change a decimal to a fraction:
There are 2 different ways
1.) Press MATH then Enter twice.
2.) In ZOOM you press the division sign.
How to do the distance formula on the calculator:
*Press the program button.
*Go to distance.
*Plug in the appropriate numbers and press enter.
How to raise something to a power:
*If it is squared press the x2 button.
*If it is another power press the ^ then the number.
*Press the up arrow then the number.
How to type an equation into ZOOM
*Typing variables:
- Pressing the xyz button until you get to the right letter.
-Pressing ALPHA and then the green letter that corresponds.
*The y= button on the top of the calculator is the = button.
How to type to system of equations into ZOOM
Apps > Zoom300
Type the first equation into ZOOM (refer to How t type an equation into ZOOM above) after you type in
the first equation press ENTER and type the second. When you are finished typing the second equation
press enter and wait. The calculator will give you an answer in the form of x= # and y= #.
How to do absolute value problems in ZOOM:
*Apps > Zoom300
*Press the 2nd button then the parenthesis key. (Note: Must use the “(“ for the first absolute value and
the “)” for the second. )
How to do an inequality sign in ZOOM:
*Apps > Zoom300
*Press ALPHA then the arrow key in the direction your absolute value is.
-For < or > press ALPHA then the arrow key you want then press y= .
Students need to know where the following mathematical symbols are on the calculator:
*Sin, Cos, and Tan
*Sin-1,Cos-1,and Tan-1