1 Proceedings of the Meeting of Karnataka State Mental Health Authority held on 02/08/2014 under the Chairmanship of the Principal Secretary to Government, Health and Family Welfare Department at 10.AM at Conference Hall, Shimoga Institute of Medical Sciences, Shimoga. Following Members attended. 1. Shri. N. Sivasailam Principal Secretary to Government Health and Family Welfare Department and Chairman, Karnataka State Mental Health Authority Bangalore. 2. Mrs. Shashikalashetty Project Director ICPS Women and Child Development Department 3. Dr. Nagaraja D Director Dharwad Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences Dharwad 4. Dr. B.V Sushil Kumar Director Shimoga Institute of Medical Sciences Shimoga 5. Sri. Sashikanth Chief Executive Officer Shimoga 6. Dr. GundeRao Deputy Director (Mental Health) Directorate of Health and Family Welfare Services, Bangalore. 7. Dr. T. Nagaraja Naik District Health and Family Welfare officer Shimoga. 8. Sri. Syed zahiruddin Office Manager Department for the Empowerment of Differently abled and senior citizens, Bangalore 9. Dr. K. A. Ashok Pai Chairman Mental Health Task Force and Member of KSMHA, Bangalore. 2 10. Dr. Harisha Delanthabettu Vice President, India Psychiatric Society Karnataka chapter 11. Dr. Ramprasad Head of the Department Psychiatry, Shimoga Institute of Medical Sciences Shimoga. 12. Dr. Sanjay H.C Psychiatrist District Mcghan Hospital Shimoga . 13. Dr. Rajesh Suragihalli District Mental Health Officer Shimoga 14. Dr. H. Chandrashekar Member Secretary Karnataka State Mental Health Authority Principal Secretary to Government Health and Family Welfare and Chairman, Karnataka State Mental Health Authority welcomed all the members and invitee. Apologies; Dr. Dharitri Ramprasad, Dr.Shivshankar Pol , Dr Mathew Varghese , Dr MadhavRao Subject no: 1. Confirmation of the minutes of the previous meeting Minutes of the previous meeting held on 05/04/2014 and 27/06/2014 were read. Action taken on the proceedings was also explained. The minutes were confirmed. Subject no 2. Issues arising out of minutes As per minutes of previous meetings every Tuesday will be declared as ‘Psychiatric Clinic ‘at all institutions like Taluk Hospitals, CHCs and PHCs. This was deliberated and decided as follows: Team from the districts either Government Medical College or District Hospitals will visit Talukas. DIMHANS team will organize visits and monitor the districts in the Gulbarga and Belgaum divisions. NIMHANS team will visit and monitor Bangalore and Mysore divisions. Medicines should be supplied on indent by Medical Officers. Private Psychiatrists also should be considered for participation in this programme. Medical officers should be trained and supported in this programme. Medicines supply should be ensured in such a way that ‘no stock out ’situation should happen anytime. Supply should be made from Drugs and Logistic Society through tender process, tender documents from NIMHANS and DIMHANS also should be considered to ensure continue supply of medicines, in all hospitals. DHO’s and District Surgeons should monitor regular supply of medicines. 104 Helpline Arogyavani should be asked to send report of Mental Health Programme to KSMHA and any intervention done following crisis call should be reported to the authority. 3 Action: Director, HFW Services, Directors of Government Medical Colleges, DD (Mental Health), all DHO’s and District Surgeons Subject no: 3.Current status of implementation of recommendation by NHRC Sl no 3.1 Recommendations There is need to have a separate de-addiction Action already ward in all hospitals of the region. De-addiction beds made available in medical colleges and district hospitals as and when required. Decisions taken in the present meeting All Medical Colleges run District Hospital should establish 20 beds psychiatry unit as prescribed by Medical Council of India. Action; Director, Health and Family Welfare Services 3.2 There is a need to focus attention on the issue of mental health in terms of quality of services to the patients and appropriate human resource and infrastructure development in the mental hospitals. Mysore Medical College & Research Institute: RGUHS has approved for two MD (Psy) and two DPM seats. Awaiting MCI inspection. Vijayanagar Institute of Medical Sciences, Bellary: shortage of teaching faculty. Both institutions to take action to start MD(Psy)course Action: Director, Medical Education, Director, MMC&RI Mysore and VIMS, Bellary. 3.3 Action already taken There is need to have more open wards and Psychiatrists or trained medical officers are posted at half way homes. all district hospitals, treatment mainly given in open wards in these institutions. This completes compliance 3.4 The State Government should focus on DSERT has proposed for Rs.29 lakhs to implement life starting school mental health programmes skills education training to teachers through with teachers trained in suicide prevention. NIMHANS and process is continuing. This completes compliance 4 Subject no: 4. District Mental Health Programme (DMHP) Members were informed that Government of India has released grants for 12 districts to implement District Mental Health Programme. After deliberation members concurred for following proposals: Department of Psychiatry the Government Medical Colleges will take over District Mental Health Programme as listed. Sl .No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DMHP District Gulbarga Shimoga Karwar Chamrajnagar Raichur Bellary Belgaum Dharwad Dakshinakannada Chikkaballpur Hassan Mysore Nodal Office Government Medical College, Gulbarga SIMS, Shimoga Psychiatry Unit, District Hospital Psychiatry Unit, District Hospital RIMS, Raichur VIMS, Bellary BIMS, Belgaum DIMHANS, Dharwad Psychiatry Unit, District Hospital BMC&RI, Bangalore HIMS, Hassan MMC&RI, Mysore Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Government Medical Colleges will be designated as Nodal Officer of DMHP programmes. He will be identified by Professor & Head of the Department of Psychiatry. If there is no Government Medical College in the district, Mental Health Programme cum Family Welfare officer will be the Nodal Officer of DMHP programme. Appointment of the District Mental Health Programme (DMHP) team will be as per the DMHP 11th plan guidelines. Two divisions of South Karnataka, Bangalore division and Mysore division DMHP programme will be supervised by NIMHANS Bangalore. Two divisions of North Karnataka, Gulbarga division and Belgaum division DMHP programme will be supervised by DIMHANS Dharwad. For Dharwad district DMHP programme will be done by DIMHANS Dharwad & the joint account for the DMHP programme funds will be operated by Director, DIMHANS Dharwad and DHO Dharwad. In other districts joint account of DHO and Director of Medical College /DHO and Mental Health Programme Officer. Drugs and Logistic Society and tender documents of NIMHANS/DIMHANS to taken to consideration and orders be placed for drugs to DMHP. It was agreed in principle to re-appoint existing DMHP staff in 4 districts of Gulbarga, Karwar, Shimoga and Chamarajanagar and give benefit of salary as per NMHP 11th five year plan. Action: Director HFW Services, Directors of Government Medical Colleges, DD (Mental Health), NIMHANS, DIMHANS all DHO’s and District surgeons. 5 Subject no: 5. Audited accounts for the year 2013-14 Audited accounts of Karnataka State Mental Health Authority for the year 2013-14 was presented by the Secretary of the Karnataka State Mental Health Authority. Audit report was approved. Subject no: 6. Establishment of Day Care Centers It was informed that Day Care Centers for rehabilitation of severely mentally ill persons are established and functioning at Mysore, Chamrajnagar, Chikkmangalore and Gadag districts. Members discussed and said that performance report of day care centers should be reviewed at every meeting. It was also pointed out that NGOs should be allowed to function in their own centers if their no proper place provided for day care centers by the district hospitals. This will continue till provision is made in District Hospital / Government Hospitals. Action: Deputy Director (Mental Health) Subject no: 7.Any other business brought forward with the consent of the chairman. 7.1: Establishment of Manasa Kendra’s by Department for the Empowerment of Differently abled and senior citizens This subject was discussed and following was decided Directors of Shimoga Institute of Medical Sciences Shimoga, Raichur Institute of Medical Sciences, Raichur should provide place for establishment of “Manasa Kendras” run by Department of Disability Welfare. Manasa Kendra’s should become part of Psychiatry Department of the concerned Medical colleges. Manasa Kendra of Bangalore should be run by Psychiatry Unit of Sir C.V Raman Hospital, Indiranagar, and Bangalore. 7.2: Report on National Conference on Mental Health and Human Rights organized by NHRC Report on deliberations held at National Conference on Mental Health and Human Rights organized by NHRC held on 30th May 2014 at India International Centers, New Delhi was presented and accepted. Project of NIMHANS and Women and Child Development Department about education of teachers through SKYPE was informed. she was suggested to use telemedicine facility for the Purpose. Next meeting fixed on 5th Sept 2014 at Udupi district. Meeting concluded with vote of thanks. S/d N. Sivasailam Principal Secretary to Government Health and Family Welfare Department and Chairman, Karnataka State Mental Health Authority, Bangalore. 6