Project Management and Organizational Context

Decision Sciences Department
Project Management Program
Project Management and Organizational Context – DNSC 6290, Fall 2014
1.5 credit hours
This course explores how organizational context influences with the use of project management practices.
Readings focus on 1) the characteristics that define and differentiate organizational contexts and
organizational culture and 2) the influence of organizational context and culture on project management
processes. Students will be asked to synthesize and apply course concepts to their personal/professional
experiences and case studies. Assignments will involve analyzing how organizational context influences
initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and controlling, and closing processes.
Course Objectives
1. Understand the key terms and concepts used to define, classify and describe organizations,
organizational context and organizational culture
2. Explain how and why organizational context and culture influence organizational learning and
project management processes
3. Apply course concepts to real world situations and cases
4. Identify the skills and competencies enable Project Managers to be successful in different
organizational contexts
Required Text (Please see below for links to additional articles)
1. Flamholtz, E. and Randle, Y. (2011). Corporate culture: The ultimate strategic asset. Stanford
Business Books: Stanford
2. HBR case studies (2)
Tim Keller at Katzenbach Partners LLC (A). by Boris Groysberg, Christopher Marquis,
Ayesha Kanji. Source: Harvard Business School. 17 pages. Publication date: Sep 06, 2006.
Prod. #: 407037-PDF-ENG $6.95
Beijing EAPs Consulting Inc. by Mitch Rothstein, Lily Jiao Li. Source: Richard Ivey
School of Business Foundation. 9 pages. Publication date: Mar 02, 2009. Prod. #: 909C05PDF-ENG$6.95
Recommended Reading
Meredith, J. & Mantel, S. (2012) Project Management: A managerial approach. 8th Edition. Wiley1
Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 10 and 11
Note: this text is used in other courses in the Decision Science program.
Journal Articles
1. Alderton, M., & Nelson, Z. (August 2012). Bridge your skills gap. PM Network, 46-49
2. Dewhurst, M. Heywood, S. and Rieckhoff, K. (2011) Preparing your organization for growth.
3. Greengard, S. (2007). A defined plan. PM Network 3(1), 28-29.
4. Scott, L. (August 2012) Hard Choices. PM Network, 66.
Organizational Culture
5. Pemsel, S., Müller, R. (2012) The governance of knowledge in project-based organizations.
International Journal of Project Management, 20(8), 865-87
6. Turner, J. R., Keegan, A., & Crawford, L. (2000). Learning by experience in the Project Based
Organization. Proceedings of the PMI Research Conference.
7. Yazici, H. J. (2011). Significance of Organizational culture in perceived project and business
performance. Engineering management Journal 23(2), 20-29
Organizational Learning
8. Berson, Y., Oreg, S., & Dvir, T. (2008). CEO values, organizational culture and firm outcomes.
Journal of Organizational Behavior 29, 615-633.
9. Eisenstat, R, Foote, N, Galbraith, J. Miller, D. (2001). Beyond the business unit. McKinsey
10. Hauschild, S, Licht, T. and Stein, W. (2001) Creating a knowledge culture.
11. LaGuardia, D. (2008). T&D 62(3), 56-6
Organizational Strategy
12. Bradley, Bryan, and Smit. (2012). Managing the Strategy Journey. (2012) McKinsey Quarterly.
13. Bryan, L and Joyce, C. (2005). McKinsey Quarterly Better strategy through organizational
14. Bryan, L and Joyce, C. (2005). The 21st-century organization. McKinsey Quarterly
Most recommended readings are available through free online subscription services or GWU Library’s
Articles Plus. Enter in the title of the article you would like to find in the respective search engine.
Attendance at On Campus Class Sessions
Attendance at each class is expected and necessary to successfully meet course objectives. If your
religious observances conflict with any aspect of the course activities, contact the instructor as soon as
possible to discuss alternative arrangements.
Students are responsible for preparing for each class session and completing the work assigned for each
week before the class meeting. Please note that, in addition to the readings listed in the syllabus,
additional reading material may be assigned during the course. If reading generates questions for a
student and this question is not presented by the instructor during class, the student has the responsibility
of addressing the instructor privately or raising the issue during a class discussion (on campus or online).
In preparing for class please:
 On Campus Students: Read the assigned readings prior to coming to class. Formulate questions
and/or ideas based on the content of the readings. Be prepared to share with your classmates how
the weekly reading applies to your professional experiences. Consider how weekly readings/class
activities, and class presentations can be incorporated into future assignments.
 Distance Students: Read the assigned readings and review the course capture and the power point
slides posted after the On Campus section meeting. This preparation should be completed prior to
the Elluminate session (Thursdays at 8pm). Formulate questions and/or ideas based on the content
of these resources. Be prepared to share with your classmates how the weekly reading applies to
your professional experiences. Consider how weekly readings/class activities, and class
presentations can be incorporated into future assignments.
Discussions of readings will involve dialogue with peers and asking and/or answering questions. When
engaging in discussions, please consider the following guidelines:
On Campus Students: Respond to the discussion questions that are presented during lecture.
These discussion questions will be included in the PowerPoint slides that are used during the
class session. Respond to the ideas and questions presented by your classmates.
Distance Students: Review the discussion question(s) that are posted each week. These questions
will be the same questions that are used with the On Campus section. Formulate a response to
these questions and prepare to share your thoughts during the Elluminate session. NOTE: You
will NOT be expected to post your responses to these questions in a Discussion Thread. The
questions are provided to allow you to prepare for the Elluminate session.
BlackBoard Discussion (Distance Students ONLY)
BlackBoard Discussion Threads allow Distance Students to engage in collaborative learning activities
that parallel the on campus activities. When engaging in discussions, Distance Students should consider
the following guidelines:
Be sure to provide one ORIGINAL and one RESPONSE post each week.
Be sure to respond directly to the question/prompt and provide one ORIGINAL post. A complete
original post will be between 150 and 200 words. The purpose of this requirement is to
discourage posts such as “Great idea” and “I agree”.
When responding to another student(s), be sure to make the correct number of complete
RESPONSE posts. A complete response post will be between 70 and 100 words.
Post discussion responses by 8:00 pm on the day AFTER the scheduled Elluminate meeting day
Note: If a classmate has responded to your post with a question, please make every effort to reply to
those questions. Feedback from students in previous semesters included comments that the class
discussions are more beneficial if this two-way communication occurs.
The grades earned will be assigned based on the point total at the end of the semester, as indicated below.
Assignments and Due Dates
The total course grade of 700 points will be determined by the assignments outlined in this syllabus.
Assignments must be completed using APA format. Points will be deducted for formatting and grammar.
Additional detail on each assignment is provided at the end of this syllabus.
Article Review
Workplace Analysis Paper
Beijing Case Analysis
Case Study Presentation
Team Assessment
Total Points
The total course grade of 700 points will be determined by the assignments outlined below. Additional
detail on each assignment is provided later in this document.
Assignments should be submitted before class on the indicated due date. When submitting assignments,
please use the following guidelines:
 On Campus Students: Assignments should be submitted via BlackBoard no later than 5:00 p.m.
on the scheduled class meeting day for that week. Please use the following naming convention:
Distance Students: Assignments should be submitted via BlackBoard no later than 5:00 p.m. on
the scheduled Elluminate session for that week. Please use the following naming convention:
Late assignments will not be accepted or graded. Extensions on submission timelines must be requested
in advance of the due date. Extension requests will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and must be
submitted in writing. Please provide a complete description of the need for the request, along with any
relevant documentation. Granted extensions will not exceed 5 business days.
You may use previous coursework as the foundation for completing assignments in this class. Should you
plan to use a portion of work submitted for another class, please email me a description of the other work
product and your rationale for using it prior to submitting your completed assignment. Resubmission of
the coursework (partially or in its entirety) used in previous classes (whether or not taken at GWU), is
unacceptable and will correspond to earning a zero for the assignment.
Team Assignments: The team assignments require individual contributions as well as group analysis,
problem solving, and decision-making. Final team products must be produced by the team as a
whole. After completion of the team project members will assess the team performance. The evaluation
of team performance is intended to promote mutual accountability among peers.
Lecture Components
Text & Cases
Recommended Reading
Organizational Characteristics
Chapters 1 and 2
Corporate Culture
Flamholtz, & Randle
Chapter 1
Contexts and
Strategy and Projects
Organizational Structures
Flamholtz, & Randle
Chapter 2 and 3
Process and Tools
Strategic Management
Project Selection
Assignment 1
Article Review
Flamholtz, & Randle
Chapter 4 and 5
Customer Orientation
People Orientation
Planning and Initiation
Performance Standards & Accountability
Assignment 2
Beijing Case Study
Flamholtz, & Randle
Chapters 6 and 7
Innovation and Change
Monitoring and Close
Flamholtz, & Randle
Chapters 8 and 9
Beijing Case Study
Assignment 3
Beijing Case
Lecture Components
Recommended Reading
Text & Cases
Dark Side
Tim Keller Case
Flamholtz, & Randle
Chapter 10
Tim Keller (A) Case
Tim Keller (A) Case
Career Development
Assignment 4
Case Study
Assignment 5
Applicable George Washington University Policies & Other Information
The George Washington University Bulletin, Graduate Programs, 2009–2010: "Regular attendance is
expected. Students may be dropped from any class for undue absence…. Students are held responsible for
all of the work of the courses in which they are registered, and all absences must be excused by the
instructor before provision is made to make up the work missed."
University Policies Regarding Conduct and Academic Integrity
Students are expected to do the individual assignments and exams on their own. Plagiarism on individual
assignments will result in loss of all the points for the assignment and report to academic integrity office.
Students are also expected to know and understand all college policies especially the code of academic
integrity. For more details see Academic dishonesty, as defined
by the university policy, will NOT be tolerated in any form. Activities that constitute academic
dishonesty in this course may include, but are not limited to: (1) copying text passages verbatim or
paraphrasing those passages in your paper without referencing the original source (including internet
sources); (2) consulting those who have already taken this course about exams or assignments before
they are due or taken; and (3) working with others on individual assignments; working with non-team
members on team assignments. Papers that are judged to be substantially similar in content will be
submitted to University procedures. If you observe instances of dishonesty, please report them to me
immediately. Academic dishonesty cheapens the value of your degree and undermines the quality of
your education. University procedures will be used to investigate reported instances of dishonesty.
Cell phones and electronic equipment: As a courtesy please turn off all cell phones, etc. You may quietly
use electronic devices (e.g. laptops, etc.) for taking notes as long as it does not provide a distraction from
the class lecture or discussion.
Accommodations: Any student who feels he or she may need an accommodation based on the impact of a
disability should contact his or her professor privately to discuss specific needs. To establish eligibility
and to coordinate reasonable accommodations, please contact the Disability Support Services office at
202-994-8250. For additional information refer to Any student with special
needs should bring this to the attention of the instructor as soon as possible, but not later than the
second week of class.
Changes: This syllabus represents the current plan of the course best possible plan at this time. The
instructor reserves the right to make revisions to any item on this syllabus, including, but not limited to
any class policy, the course outline and schedule, grading policy, required assessments, etc. Please note
that the requirements for deliverables may be clarified and expanded 4 in class, via email, or on
Blackboard and students are expected to complete the deliverables incorporating such clarifications and
additions. Thus, students should check email and Blackboard announcements and discussion forums
frequently before submitting deliverables.
MBA Late Penalty Policy
Timely completion of all assignments is critical to student success in an accelerated graduate program.
Instructors may grant limited extensions of time for unexpected business, health or personal emergencies
beyond the student’s control. In order to be granted such an extension, the student must make the request
in advance of the due date and support the request by a compelling rationale that would be fair to others in
the class. Any such extension will be for a specific period, not to exceed one week. For late submissions
that have not been approved by the instructor (and for assignments submitted after an extension due date)
the penalty will be a 5 point reduction in the grade (on the hundred point scale) for that assignment for
each day that the assignment is late.
General Course Policies
Please contact me at any time with questions related to your performance in class, course concepts and
Grade Appeals:
Request for reconsideration of an assignment grade should be submitted in writing within 48 hours of
receiving the grade. The request should detail the reasons why the answer given is adequate or deserving
of more points.
Assignment 1: Article Review
In completing this assignment you will:
- Research a company and learn more about their context and culture
- Apply course concepts to a real world case (see Exxon Example below2)
1) Conduct research and obtain a recent news article that describes a current/planned project for a
company of your choosing
2) Visit the corporate website and gather information about the company’s context and culture
3) Analyze the article and highlight how the article reflects some aspects of the organizational
1. 1 page summary that outlines
a. The project
b. The aspects of the organizational context/culture relevant to the project
c. The relationship between these aspects and the project
On Campus Students will make a 5 minute presentation in class on your article and analysis
Distance Students will post your one page summary in a Discussion Thread and comment on 1 other
student’s post
SYDNEY—A partner in Exxon Mobil Corp.'s XOM -0.11% Papua New Guinea natural-gas project said it is
confident that enough new gas will be found in the country to justify a significant expansion of the project's
processing facilities. Exxon's biggest partner in the project, Australia's Oil Search Ltd. OSH.AU +0.52% , said
sufficient natural gas probably exists in the country's to warrant adding at least one refrigeration unit, known as a
train, to chill natural gas into liquid so it can be exported to fast-growing markets in Asia.
Any major boost to the liquefied natural gas produced in Papua New Guinea promises to be a vital new source of
profit for Exxon, which is attempting to arrest three years of falling production. Shareholder returns
Expansion also would prove a windfall for Papua New Guinea's developing economy. "By the end of the year, I
think we'll have a pretty good idea as to the size and shape of the Hides field" in the highlands, said Oil Search Chief
Executive Peter Botten. A large increase in the amount of LNG pumped into Asia would make the gas market more
competitive by creating a new source of supply for buyers in places such as Japan, South Korea and China.
The US$19 billion Papua New Guinea project began exporting chilled natural gas in May, putting the impoverished
nation into the global energy market about three months ahead of schedule. The project's two existing trains are
capable of producing 6.9 million metric tons of LNG a year, equivalent to about 8% of Japan's total LNG intake last
year. Corporate Responsibility
Exxon's oil and gas production has fallen since 2010 as the industry generally has struggled to find big deposits in
countries that aren't hostile to foreign investment. The Papua New Guinea development is a key part of Exxon's
efforts, along with exploration in Asia and projects in Canada and Russia, to improve performance.
The prospect of adding new refrigeration units to LNG projects is appealing to producers because costly
infrastructure, such as pipelines, roads and storage tanks, has already been installed. Expanding processing is
therefore a relatively inexpensive way to boost production.
Still, expanding the project would bring more LNG into the market, potentially driving down prices for producers
such as Exxon, Chevron Corp. CVX +0.54% and Royal Dutch Shell RDSA.LN -0.14% PLC. Supplies in Asia are
already expected to rise substantially in the coming years as a result of the U.S. shale-gas boom. Papua New Guinea
operators have an advantage over LNG developers in places such as Australia, where labor is more expensive.
Buyers are also eager to diversify their supply sources to protect against the possible disruptions.
John Hirjee, an analyst at Deutsche Bank, estimated that Exxon's plant in Papua New Guinea will generate a return
on investment of 19% over its life, potentially making the project one of the most lucrative in the Asian-Pacific
region. Strategy/Performance Metrics
For Oil Search, which recently began exploring for oil in Iraqi Kurdistan, adding a third processing unit could be a
quick way to increase earnings as investors question how it will maintain sharp gains in its stock price. The
company's shares have almost doubled in price in the five years since construction on the LNG project began.
For Papua New Guinea's government, a decision to invest in new processing facilities would inject much-needed
cash into the economy. Spending on the foundation stage of the project is already set to more than double the
country's gross domestic product, according to some estimates. Large investments in the country have led to
quarreling between tribal landowners and lawmakers over how the proceeds should be divided. Corporate
Oil Search's Mr. Botten, a longtime resident of the country, said he was optimistic that rewards from the project
would be distributed equitably. "The government has made the right moves in terms of setting up sovereign-wealth
funds and various mechanisms for benefits distribution, but it's early days," he said. "Part of the solution is that the
private sector works with government to help deliver services like health." The country's high proportion of people
with AIDS—as much as 0.7% of the nation's adult population, according to some estimates—is of particular
Assignment 2: Workplace Analysis
In completing this assignment you will:
- Apply concepts used to characterize organizations and organizational context and/or culture to
your own experiences in a current/recent work environment
- Identify challenges and opportunities the organizational context and/or culture creates for
effective project management
- Gain insight into how the work of a project manager can be impacted by organizational context
- Synthesize course concepts and your own experiences
1) Select an organization that is either a current or recent workplace. Ensure you have sufficient
knowledge of the organization to conduct an assessment of the organizational context and/or
2) Develop a framework for assessing the organization context and/or culture in the organization
you selected. Ensure your framework based on a combination of a) course readings, b) course
presentations and/or c) other sources.
3) Explain your assessment framework. Provide a rationale for the elements included in your
4) Analyze the organization you selected by applying your framework. Summarize your findings
and present your assessment
5) Identify how the organizational context and/or culture impacted your efforts to utilize project
6) Identify two ways in which you could which you can customize your approach to project
management to align best with the organizational context
Definition of a Framework: A set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way
of viewing reality. A theoretical framework is a collection of interrelated concepts, like a theory but not
necessarily so well worked-out. A theoretical framework guides your research, determining what things
you will measure, and what statistical relationships you will look for3
1. 4 page Word document
3 For more information see: or
Description of the
organization and the
Description of organization does
not provide details regarding
industry, size, strategic goals
and/or description is not fully
Description of project is not
sufficiently detailed. Reader is left
with questions about the work
included in the project and the
relationship between the project
and the organization’s strategic
Framework for
assessing the culture
and context in the
organization you
Rationale for the
elements included in
your framework.
Assignment 2: 250 Points
Description of industry, size, strategic
goals, etc. is complete and fully developed
Description of project has sufficient detail
Information regarding the project and the
relationship between the project and the
organization’s strategic goals is clear and
Description of industry, size, strategic goals, etc is
complete and fully developed. Description is clear
and concise. One external reference to supporting
information is provided.
Description of project has sufficient detail
Information regarding the project and the
relationship between the project and the
organization’s strategic goals is clear and complete
Explanation of why the project was assigned to this
division is provided. External references to
supporting information are provided.
Discussion in this section does not contain
conjecture or unsubstantiated opinion. No irrelevant
information is presented
Framework used to assess the organizational context
is well defined and appropriate.
Framework used to assess the
organizational context is not well
defined and/or inappropriate.
Framework used to assess the
organizational context is well defined and
Framework is not based on a
combination of a) course readings
and b) other sources.
Framework is based on a combination of a)
course readings and b) other sources.
Framework is based on a combination of a) course
readings and b) other sources. Specific reference is
made to more than two course concepts.
Explanation of elements used in
framework is clear and correct.
Explanation of elements used in framework is clear
and correct.
Logic underlying framework is clear.
Rationale for elements included in the
framework is clear and appropriate
Logic underlying framework is clear. Rationale for
elements included in the framework is clear and
Results of assessment are clear, logical and
Result of the assessment is clear, complete, relevant
and aligned to previous sections in the paper
Explanation of elements used in
framework is not provided and/or
Logic underlying framework is
unclear. Rationale for elements
included in the framework is not
clear or inappropriate
Assignment 2: 250 Points
Results of assessment are unclear
and/or lack logic and focus.
Identification of how
the organizational
context impacted
your efforts to
implement project
Ways in which you
could which you can
customize your
approach to project
management to align
with the
No specific examples of impact of
organizational context and/or
culture on project are provided
Fewer than two ideas for
customizing approaches to project
management are provided.
Ideas for customizing approaches
to project management are not
aligned to previous sections in the
0 Points
More than 5 grammatical or
presentation issues
Citations used to support framework and rationale.
One example of the impact of
organizational context and/or culture on
project are provided.
Two examples of the impact of organizational
context on project are provided
Example is incomplete and/or not fully
Examples are complete and fully developed.
Examples include specific reference to project
management processes and/or knowledge areas.
Examples are not aligned to previous
sections of the paper.
Examples are clearly aligned to previous sections of
the paper.
Two ideas for customizing approaches to
project management are provided
Citations are used to support ideas and analysis.
More than two ideas for customizing approaches to
project management are provided
Ideas for customizing approaches to
project management are partially aligned
to previous sections in the paper.
Ideas for customizing approaches to project
management are fully aligned to previous sections in
the paper
Strategy and actions to customize
approaches to project management are
Strategy and actions to customize approaches to
project management are clear and complete.
Specific reference is made to at least one
course concept.
5 Points
Between 2 and 5 grammatical or
presentation issues
Specific reference is made to two or more course
concept. Citations used to support suggested
10 Points
No grammatical or presentation issues
Assignment 3: Beijing EAPS Consulting Case Analysis
In completing this assignment you will:
- Apply course concepts to a case study
1) Read the Beijing EAPS Consulting case study
2) Analyze the case from one of the following perspectives
a. Customer Element of Corporate Culture
b. People Element of Corporate Culture
c. Performance/Accountability Element of Corporate Culture
d. Innovation/Change Element of Corporate Culture
e. Process Element of Corporate Culture
f. Organizational Structure
g. Use of Project Management Planning Processes
h. Use of Project Management Execution Processes
1. 1 page summary that presents your analysis
On Campus Students: Make a 5 minute presentation in class on your article and analysis
Distance Students: Post your one page summary and comment on 1 other student’s post
Assignment 4: Organizational Context Culture Case Study
In completing this assignment you will:
- Build upon your exploration of course concepts from previous assignments and work
collaboratively to apply course concepts to a case study
- Work collaboratively construct a framework for assessing organizational context and/or culture
- Identify the opportunities and challenges for effective project management created by the
organizational context and/or culture presented in the case
- Identify how organizational context and/or culture influence the project management process
- Make recommendations to optimize the effectiveness of project management practices in the case
1) Read the Case Study
2) Revisit the frameworks you developed for Assignment 2. Determine if/how each team member’s
framework could combined/integrated and applied to this case.
3) Make revisions or new frameworks, as necessary. Be sure your final framework is based on a
combination of a) course materials and b) other sources.
4) Make explicit the rationale for the elements included in your framework.
5) Analyze the organization in the case by applying your framework. Determine how the
organizational context and/or culture is influencing project management
6) Summarize your findings and create an assessment
7) Identify and describe the opportunities and challenges for effective project management created
by the organizational context and/or culture
8) Description of the strategies and /or actions senior leaders in the case study could engage to
facilitate effective project management.
1. 7-10 slide summary PowerPoint presentation
When complete, the final PowerPoint presentation should include a description of:
a. Summary of relevant facts in the case
b. Description of assessment framework
c. Rationale for elements included in assessment framework
d. Findings and assessment
e. Identification of challenges and opportunities
f. Recommendations for senior leadership
On Campus Students: Each group will make a 10-15 minute presentation in class on your analysis of the
Distance Students: Post your presentation and comment on 2 other group’s presentations. Students will
also have the option of presenting their presentations during the Collaborate session on December 4th
(incentive points may be available).
Description of relevant
facts presented in the case
Description is incomplete and
Description does not provide
sufficient background to understand
subsequent discussion of context,
culture and project management
Framework for assessing
the culture and context in
the organization you
Rationale for the elements
included in your
Assignment 4: 200 Points
Description is complete and clear.
Description provides sufficient background
to understand subsequent discussion of
context, culture and project management
Framework used to assess the
organizational context is not well
defined and/or inappropriate.
Framework used to assess the
organizational context is well defined and
Framework is not based on a
combination of a) course readings
and b) other sources.
Framework is based on a combination of a)
course readings and b) other sources.
Explanation of elements used in
framework is not provided and/or
Logic underlying framework is
unclear. Rationale for elements
included in the framework is not
clear or inappropriate
Explanation of elements used in
framework is clear and correct.
Logic underlying framework is clear.
Rationale for elements included in the
framework is clear and appropriate
Results of assessment are clear, logical and
Results of assessment are unclear
and/or lack logic and focus.
Description is complete and clear.
Description provides sufficient background
to understand subsequent discussion of
context, culture and project management
Key aspects of the case are highlighted.
Description is focused and concise.
Description does not include information that
is not relevant to subsequent discussion of
context, culture and project management
Framework used to assess the organizational
context is well defined and appropriate.
Framework is based on a combination of a)
course readings and b) other sources. Specific
reference is made to more than two course
Explanation of elements used in framework
is clear and correct.
Logic underlying framework is clear.
Rationale for elements included in the
framework is clear and appropriate
Result of the assessment is clear, complete,
relevant and aligned to previous sections in
the presentation.
Citations used to support framework and
Opportunities and
challenges for effective
project management
created by the
organizational context
and/or culture
Recommendations of
strategies and /or actions
senior leaders in the case
study could engage to
facilitate effective project
Only one opportunity and one
challenge are discussed. Specific
project management processes, tools
and techniques are not referenced.
Assignment 4: 200 Points
Two opportunities and two challenges are
discussed. Specific project management
processes, tools and techniques are
More than two opportunities and two
challenges are discussed. Specific project
management processes, tools and techniques
are not referenced.
Description of the opportunity and
challenge is not specific, complete
or accurate.
Descriptions of the opportunities and
challenges are specific and accurate but
not complete.
Descriptions of the opportunities and
challenges are specific, accurate and
Discussion of opportunities and
challenges is not directly related to
assessment of organizational
context and/or culture presented
earlier in the paper.
Discussion of opportunities and challenges
is directly related to assessment of
organizational context and culture
presented earlier in the paper.
Discussion of opportunities and challenges is
directly related to assessment of
organizational context and/or culture
presented earlier in the presentation.
Strategy presented is incomplete
and/or irrelevant to the case and the
assessment framework.
Specific action steps to implement
the strategies are not included.
Practical issues surrounding
implementation and degree of
difficulty are not addressed
Strategy presented is complete and
relevant to the case. The connection
between the strategy and the assessment
framework/findings are made explicit.
Citations are used to support opportunities
and challenges.
Two or more strategies are presented.
Strategies are relevant and appropriate given
the organizational context and culture.
Specific action steps to implement the
strategies are presented.
Specific action steps to implement the
strategies are presented.
Practical issues surrounding
implementation and degree of difficulty
are not addressed completely.
Practical issues surrounding senior leasers’
implementation and degree of difficulty are
addressed completely.
Expected effects/outcomes of recommended
actions are presented.
Citations are used to support strategies and
action steps.
Assignment 5: Team Assessment
In completing this assignment you will:
- Develop a rubric for assessing your team’s performance
- Work collaboratively to define the performance expectations for your team
1) As a team, define the performance expectations for each member for Assignment 4
2) Create a rubric to assess overall team performance
3) Complete the rubric after completing Assignment 4
Sample Team Performance Areas:
Quality of Deliverables
Cooperation and Collaboration