Danielle Pitt dpitt003@ucr.edu 3372 Spieth Hall 900 University Ave. Riverside, CA 92521 Co-PI: Dr. Kurt Anderson kurt.anderson@ucr.edu Growth rates of three competitor minnow species (Gambusia affinis, Notemigonus crysoleucas, and Pimephales promelas) at varying productivity levels and implications for coexistence Gambusia affinis (western mosquitofish) is a globally invasive species that tends to displace ecologically similar species when introduced. Effective control strategies for this species are non-existent (Walton et al., 2012). I wish to investigate how addition of an invasive species that competes with G. affinis will alter impacts on native competitors, particularly those that may be utilized for mosquito control. The impact of multiple predator interactions on a prey species may be more or less than their additive effects (Sih et al., 1998) and are not known relating to G. affinis. I hypothesize that two intraguild predators will, through interference competition, show a less than additive effect on an intraguild prey species assuming that both predators are size-structured, engage in both intraguild predation and cannibalism (Mylius et al., 2001; Rudolf, 2007; Crumrine, 2010) and that neither adapts to fill a niche occupied by the intraguild prey. To do this, I need to establish the comparative effectiveness at resource exploitation at different productivity levels. This will be useful to identify the conditions most likely to foster coexistence to a) identify the ideal conditions under which this hypothesis should be tested, and b) identify habitats where productivity levels may be ideal for field experiments. In this preliminary study, Notemigonus crysoleucas (golden shiner) will serve as a model for an intraguild predator and Pimephales promelas (fathead minnow) will be used as a model for an intraguild prey species. The proposed study, based on Laha & Mattingly (2006), will be performed in aquaria (2 gal, 25.4 x 20.3 x 15.2 cm. glass aquaria) in a laboratory with artificial refugia. Five juvenile fish of the same age and species will be paired with one of four productivity levels (0.25, 0.5, 1, and 2 mg of food per day (corresponding to 0.05. 0.1, 0.5 and 1 mg per fish per day). This will be repeated for each species (G. affinis, N. crysoleucas, and P. promelas) and replicated three times for a total of 36 aquaria. Fish will be given a 5 day acclimation period during which any fish that die will be replaced. Every three days for 1 month, fish will be removed from aquaria with repeated hand netting for all individuals, placed in a container with just enough water for fish to remain upright. Fish will then be photographed to determine length and the container massed to estimate wet mass of all fish. Potential for coexistence will be evaluated based on variation in specific growth rate. We assume that the species with the higher specific growth rate at a given productivity level will be the superior resource exploiter. We predict that as an intraguild prey species, P. promelas will be a superior resource exploiter to the two intraguild predator species at some productivity levels. This research will increase our understanding of the food web interactions of this important invasive species. To test the hypothesis that intraguild prey densities will be higher if predation among invasive species is greater than predation on the native competitor, I propose a laboratory study to test the comparative effects of fish assemblages of one to three species in a guild. Information gathered on these interactions can be used to model the complex short-term interactions within these assemblages. Once these short-term interactions are determined in aquaria, we can 1) repeat the study in enclosures in natural water bodies to test the real-world functioning of the assemblage, and 2) establish how evolutionary pressures acting on the assemblage may influence its long-term stability. Regardless of the results, these data and the resulting models can be used to understand the factors involved in coexistence in IGP systems and predict the effects of invasive intraguild predators. The goal will be to apply this work in the Shipley-Skinner Reserve to see how intraguild interactions involving a single or multiple intraguild predators will influence potential for coexistence in this system. The competition study will be performed in aquaria with artificial refugia and one or two prey types (daphnia as planktonic prey and chironomids as benthic prey) at a density corresponding to low productivity for 8 months from May to December. Treatments will all include 5 juveniles of G. affinis, N. crysoleucas, and P. promelas a) as a control with no adults, or with b) 6 adults of each of these species, c) 12 adults of each species, d) 6 adults of each pair of species, and e) 4 adults of G. affinis, P. promelas, and either N. crysoleucas or L. parva. Fish are to be separated by species and size-class to acclimate for 5 days. Those that die will be replaced. Behavior will be measured based on Altmann (1974) where 10 individuals are observed for 3 minutes each once per week and their position relative to other fish are mapped and aggressive encounters and foraging attempts are recorded. Fish will be sampled with repeated hand netting for all individuals and measuring their weight and length to calculate growth rate. If my hypothesis is correct, this research may lead to novel control strategies to benefit native species and habitat. Several species displaced by G. affinis have been proposed as mosquito control agents, so recovery of these species may be valuable for mosquito control (Saba, 2012). Arroyo chub (Gila orcutti), a southern California endemic displaced by G. affinis is a likely candidate for future applied studies using this basic research. REFERENCES Crumrine, P.W. (2010). Size-structured cannibalism between top predators promotes the survival of intermediate predators in an intraguild predation system. Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 29(2): 636-646. Laha, M. & Mattingly, H.T. (2006). Identifying environmental conditions to promote species coexistence: An example with the native Barrens topminnow and invasive western mosquitofish. Biological Invasions, 8: 719-725. Mylius, S.D., Klumpers, K., de Roos, A.M., & Persson, L. (2001). Impact of intraguild predation and stage structure on simple communities along a productivity gradient. The American Naturalist, 158(3): 259-276. Rudolf, V.H.W. (2007) The interaction of cannibalism and omnivory: consequences for community dynamics. Ecology, 88, 2697–2705. Saba, M.V. (2012, May 10). Proposal to Use Native Fishes as Mosquito Control Agents by the Orange County Vector Control District. Retrieved from: http://www.sawpa.org/wpcontent/uploads/2012/05/native-fish-proposal_OCVCD_April2012_final.pdf Sih, A., Englund, G. & Wooster, D. (1998). Emergent impacts of multiple predators on prey. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 13(9): 350-355. Walton, W.E., Henke, J.A., & Why, A.M. (2012). Gambusia affinis (Baird & Girard) and Gambusia holbrooki Girard (mosquitofish). In R.A. Francis (Ed.), A handbook of global freshwater invasive species (pp. 261-273). London: Earthscan. BUDGET Supplies: 100 fathead minnows $20 100 golden shiners 20 66 qt plastic bins 18 Gravel 20 2 water filters 32 Air pump 22 9 packs of air stones 27 8 control valves 40 Tubing 18 Fish food 10 MS-222 (anesthesia) 33 Total estimated tax 20 ____________________________________ Total requested: $ 280