PHYSCIAL EDUCATION LESSON PLAN GRADE: 1-5 LESSON: Predators/Prey OBJECTIVES: (themes, concepts, subthemes) EQUIPMENT: 35-50 poker chips (or equivalent to that), jerseys WARM UP: Stations ACTIVITY: -Divide class into 5 teams (follow diagram) - Team 5 are the predators (wear jerseys) -Teams 1-4 are the prey. -The prey tries to retrieve food (poker chips) from the middle and return to their safe zone. -If the prey gets tagged by the predators, they must go to the activity zone and complete an exercise (ex: 10 jumping jacks) INSTRUCTIONS/SAFTEY: Use music as start/stop indicator. Predators cannot enter the safe zones. ONE chip at a time. MODIFICATIONS: -Make certain colors worth more points. -Make certain colors poison (must return all chips) ASSESSMENT: Assessment will be done visually based on students’ ability to cooperate and stay on task. Spread Chips inside circle Circle is also a safe zone Team ONE Safe Zone Team TWO Safe Zone Sprea out Chips Team THREE Safe Zone Team Five spreads out around court Activity Zone Team FOUR Safe Zone