Copy of Ecology Study Guide

Ecology Unit Test Study Guide
1. What would happen to the population of any animal if that animal’s food supply
decreased? They would have to find other animals in their food web to prey on or risk
extinction. Give an example with an animal and it prey. Lion is the predator, the zebra is
the prey
2. Explain how an animal’s color is related to camouflage. Camouflage helps something
blend in with their surroundings. An animal’s color can help it protect itself from
predators by blending in with its habitat. Why is a polar bear white? Its white fur helps
camouflage them when in its Arctic habitat
3. What adaptations might keep a penguin warm? Their feathers form a protective layer to
keep them dry. Their size (larger penguins can survive colder weather than smaller
4. How would a stinky smell or bad testing outer layer help protect an animal? It can use it
in a defensive manner to help ward off predators
5. What impacts do chemicals humans use have on an ecosystem? It can kill living things
in an ecosystem and species can become extinct
6. What is a producer? An organism that makes its own food. List and justify 3 examples.
Plants, trees, bush-because they make their own food
7. An animal that eats only plants is an herbivore.
8. An animal that eats only meat is a carnivore.
9. An animal that eats both plants and meat is an omnivore.
10. What does it mean when something begins to decay? Organisms break down into
simpler materials. What happens to it as it decays? It becomes organic matter
11. Describe a characteristic of an animal that would help it get food. The long neck of a
giraffe helps it reach the leaves on top of trees. A bear’s claws help it climb trees and
find prey.
12. What are predators and prey? Predator is an animal that hunts other animals for food.
Prey is an animal that is hunted for food. Give one example and explain why. Lion is a
predator on the zebra who is the prey
13. How does an animal know it is time to hibernate? When winter brings freezing
temperatures and snow, they hibernate to survive the weather
14. Why are predators important to prey? Predators help control the population of an animal
15. What is the difference between a living thing and a non-living thing? Non-living things
help living things meet their needs such as water, air, light, soil, shade. Living things are
plants and animals
16. What is the difference between migration and hibernation? Migration is when animals
move to another region when the season changes, looking for food. Hibernation is when
animals sleep during the winter and usually do not need food. Why do animals need to
migrate or hibernate? To survive the hard weather
17. Describe adaptations that an animal in the Arctic need. Thick layers of fur or feathers to
help keep them warm. How would those adaptations be different than an animal in the
Savannah River? The Savannah River is a warmer ecosystem and animals would not
need the same adaptations as an animal in the arctic.
18. What is an energy source in a food chain and why is it important? The sun is an energy
source. It is important because without it plants (a producer) could not grow and animals
(consumers) could not eat and get energy
19. Describe the difference between a consumer and decomposer. Consumers get energy
by eating plants or by eating other animals that eat plants. Decomposers break down the
remains of dead organisms. Decomposers may break down the remains of animal that a
consumer was preyed on
20. Why have some animals become extinct? Hunting, pollution, and the destruction of their