1. VEHEMENT (p. 23) - adj. Marked by forceful passion (-ly, -ence) 2. INARTICULATE (p.43) -adj. Unable to speak well; inaudible (-ly) 3. PROGENY (p. 27) - noun. The outcome or product of something or someone 4. TRANQUILLIZE (p.2)-verb. To have a calming affect (-er, noun) 5. TUMULTUOUS (pg.111 )- adj. Raising a great clatter and commotion; uproarious. (tumult – noun) 6. BESEIGE (p. 69)- verb. Surround (a place) with armed forces in order to capture it or force its surrender; trap. 7. GRANDEUR (p.32) - noun. Splendor and impressiveness especially of appearance and style; magnificence 8. WANTONLY(p.116) - adv.- Done, shown, used, etc. maliciously or unjustifiably; heedless (wanton – adj.) 9. ANATOMIZE (page 25) - verb - To examine and analyze in detail; analyze 10. INEXORABLE - (p. 71)- adj. impossible to stop/prevent (-ly) 11. FERVENT (p. 25) - adj. Having or showing great warmth or intensity of spirit and feeling; enthusiastic (-ly) 12. ABHOR (p 81) - verb; to regard with extreme repugnance or aversion; detest utterly; loathe; abominate (abhorrence – noun) 13. ASSUAGE -(pg 86) - verb; To make less intense or satisfy. appease 14. IRKSOME - (pg 73) - adj; Irritating or annoying; tedious 15. PURLOINED -( pg 88) - verb; Stolen 16. FLUCTUATE- verb. To continually vary in an irregular way (-tion) 17. ODIOUS - (pg 83) - adj. Deserving or causing hatred; detestable (odium – noun) 18. IGNOMINIOUS - (pg 64) - adj. Marked or attended by disgrace/dishonor; discreditable 19. SAGACIOUS - (pg 111) -adj. Having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgment; shrewd (-ity, noun) 20. GUISE - (pg.76) - noun. General external appearance 21. HOVEL - (pg 87)- Noun. A small crude shelter used as a dwelling. 22. AMELIORATE - (pg14) - Verb. To make better or more tolerable; lessen (-tion, noun) 23. ASSUAGE - (pg. 86) - Verb. To soothe, moderate, or relieve. 24. PANG - (pg. 74)- verb. an intense pain 25. INDEFATIGABLE- (pg. 33)- adjective. untiring; not yielding to fatigue. 26. DESPONDENCY -(pg. 90)-noun. Feeling downcast and disheartened. (-ent, adj.) 27. ENRAPTURE- (pg. 99)-verb. To fill with delight. 28. PERAMBULATION- (pg. 54)-noun. A walk around a territory in order to officially assert and record its boundaries. (-ate, verb) 29. ARDENT - (p. 14) adj. characterized by warmth of feeling in support or activity; impassioned. 30. HARROWING - (p. 15) adj. Tormenting; vexing