What difference did Pupil Premium make for children in 2014-2015? 1. EYFS children’s progress in Communication improved following targeted support. 2. The number of reception children at expected level more than doubled in a year. 3. A selective mute child began to speak in Year 1. 4. Springboard Literacy intervention helped 6 in KS1 children and 5 children in KS2 children to to be able to cope in class. 5. 8 children, eligible for Pupil Premium, received Numbers Count tuition and made equivalent of 16 months progress in a year. 6. Reading Recovery enabled 6 children eligible for Pupil Premium make accelerated progress in reading. 7. An increased number of children eligible for Pupil Premium passed the Phonics Screening. 8. Progress of targeted children eligible for Pupil Premium in KS2 increased in all curriculum areas, from the previous year. 9. 85% of the focus group in Year 6 children eligible for Pupil Premium made 3 or more sub levels of progress in a year. 10. 11 out of 12 more able children eligible for Pupil Premium achieved Level 5 in Writing. 11. All children eligible for Pupil Premium, who attended RM Maths showed greater confidence, especially in mental maths. 12. 97% of the children eligible for Pupil Premium, who attended SHINE on Saturdays achieved age related levels in writing. 13. All parents/carers completed a Parenting Course and reported how much is has done for them. 14. 10 parents/carers regularly attend Rainbow Room with pre-school children. 15. Parental Participation in school activities has more than doubled in a year. 16. 81% of children eligible for Pupil Premium, with EAL in KS2, made good or rapid progress in all curriculum areas and all are now coping well with classroom routines. 17. Translation services have been used to support with 5 Pupil Premium families- increasing communication with parent/carers who do not speak English. 18. The Educational Psychologist has contributed to one EHCP for a child eligible for the Pupil Premium fund. 19. All 7 boys who received mentoring for ‘Black Boys’ from Ngazi displayed improved maturity and a reduction in behavioural incidents. 20. 4 children eligible for Pupil Premium passed Grade 1 on the violin. 21. All children eligible for Pupil Premium in the school have learn a musical instrument for free. Children have learnt either: Djembe Drums, Ocarina, Recorder, Steel Pans, Guitar or Violin. 22. The Chess team were runners up in the Southwark Chess Tournament. 23. 16 clubs ran, giving a total of 253 children an opportunity to participate in an extra-curricular activity for no additional cost.