3.0 child and adolescent mental health services

Further Particulars
0.2 FTE clinical work component
Due to the very part time nature of this post, the post holder will not be expected to
contribute substantially to medical student teaching or supervision of CAMHS Senior
trainees research projects etc. Is hoped that an additional 3 PA’s clinical time will become
available to the post holder in 2016 at which time there will be an opportunity for the job
description will expand to include these areas
The post holder and other consultant colleagues will be expected to cover each others’
absences for sickness, annual or study leave as far as is appropriate.
The post holder should ensure that he/she and his/her staff;
 adhere to Solent NHS Trust policies and procedures at all times
 comply with Solent NHS Trust standing orders, standing financial instructions,
policies, procedures and guidelines
 take all reasonable steps to manage and promote a safe and health working
environment which is free from discrimination
 comply with the Solent NHS Trust policy on confidentiality and the Data Protection
Act 1988 as amended, relating to information held manually or on computerised
 respect the confidentiality and privacy of patients and staff at all times
 maintain a constant awareness of health, welfare and safety issues affecting
colleagues, patients, visitors and themselves, reporting any accidents or fault in line
with Solent NHS Trust policy
 fully participate in health and safety training
2.1 Solent NHS Trust
At present there are three major organisations providing health services in the Southampton
area: University Hospitals Southampton Foundation Trust (UHS), Southern Health
Foundation Trust, and Solent NHS Trust itself.
Solent NHS Trust provides the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services in Southampton,
across a population of approx. 320,000, including 61,700 children and young people aged
The acting CAMHS West service manager David Collins and Dr Alison Sankey is CAMHS West
lead clinician.
Children’s Services across the Trust (including Portsmouth) have recently come together as a
Service Line. The Clinical Director is Dr Jonathan Prosser, CAMHS psychiatrist in Portsmouth,
Operational Director is Charlotte Bemand and Governance Lead Is Angela Anderson.
The chief executive is Sue Harriman and Solent NHS Trust is in the process of applying to
become a Foundation Trust.
Dr Suyog Dhakras is the Training Programme Director for CAMHS senior trainees, ST4 -6. Dr
Carlos Hoyos is the LUME for Solent NHS Trust.
2.2 Paediatric Service at Southampton General Hospital
Southampton General Hospital is part of University Hospitals Southampton Foundation Trust
(UHS). The total population serviced is approximately 2.8 million. A full general paediatric
service is provided to the children of Southampton Health district which has a population of
about 500,000. Approximately 9000 children per year are admitted to the paediatric unit,
fairly equally divided between emergency and elective cases.
For details of CAMHS in the SGH see below.
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services within Southampton are delivered in the
following main service areas:
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services at SGH
Southampton Child and Family Mental Health Services based at The Orchard Centre
(0-14 yrs), Southampton.
 The Brookvale Adolescent Service providing youth mental health services for 14 to
18 year olds in Southampton.
 The Behaviour Resource Service (3-18 yrs) based at Coxford Road, providing a
short term outreach community assessment service for children and young people
with challenging behavioural and mental health problems.
3.1 Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services at Southampton General Hospital
These include:
i) An in-patient and day patient paediatric/child psychiatric unit at Bursledon House.
ii) Paediatric liaison is provided on an in-patient and day patient basis to the general
paediatric wards and specialised services such as paediatric neurology, paediatric oncology
iii) Assessment of young people admitted to the hospital following an episode of deliberate
iv) A specialised Autism assessment service based at Bursledon House.
3.2 Community Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, Southampton.
Southampton CAMHS is based at two sites, in clinics for younger children and for
adolescents. The two teams are the integrated Tier 2 and Tier 3 services that have been
provided in the City by Solent NHS Trust and its predecessor organisations.
The two teams include experienced practitioners who work across a wide range of problems
in child and adolescent mental health. The Tier 2 and 3 services are integrated in
accordance with a restructuring of City CAMHS in agreement with commissioners and other
stakeholders in 2011-12.
The area covered by the services has a mixed population, including inner city areas of high
deprivation, areas of over-crowded housing with high-rise flats, or bed and breakfast
accommodation, and areas of relative affluence.
Referrals into CAMHS are accepted from a number of sources, including health professionals,
education and social services. Referrals are triaged daily and allocated according to urgency.
The clinic has staff on-call daily to deal with urgent matters. The clinic participates in the
DSH rota, typically seeing cases at the General Hospital one day a week.
3.3 The Orchard Centre
The team at the Orchard Centre is multidisciplinary and multiagency, with the continued
inclusion of a Southampton City social worker. Staff roles include psychiatry, advanced
nurse prescribing, family therapy, play therapy, psychodynamic psychotherapy, children’s
nursing, and behavioural support work. There are three consultant child and adolescent
psychiatrists working in the clinic along with the holder of this post. The psychology team
provide assessments of autistic spectrum disorders together with psychiatrists, cognitive
assessments and therapeutic work.
A particular interest in the clinic is the pathway to care for children with ADHD led by the
consultant nurse for ADHD Cathy Laver-Bradbury. This includes the facility for nurse
prescribing which frees up medical time. Groups are run within the clinic for parents with
children with ADHD using the New Forest Parenting Programme.. Support groups in the
community are also provided and run by and for parents and these are supported from the
There are also Incredible Year groups for children with behaviour problems and groups for
parents with children on the autistic spectrum.
The facility at the Orchard Centre is located in a recently constructed building, which has
spacious clinical rooms, well equipped therapy and play rooms, and a high quality pair of
viewing rooms. The clinic has a library room with good computer connections, and an
adaptable pair of larger meeting rooms for clinical, business and academic use. The clinic’s
good facilities allow teaching to groups, and for external conferences to take place on site.
One initiative involving the clinic and Southampton University has been the establishment of
a film club using resources in the clinic to present films connected with children’s
development and mental health among other topics.
There are good links with community paediatric services, school nurses and health visitors
and regular consultation meetings are held for these professionals. There are also good
links with the area’s Social Services offices and with Education. Consultation meetings
about specific cases, where there is multi-agency involvement, are held regularly. The
Service has close links with a number of special schools in the City.
3.4 Brookvale Adolescent Service
The 14-18 years specialist CAMHS service in Southampton is provided at the Brookvale
Adolescent Service.
Brookvale is based in a large house in Portswood, Southampton, in a pleasant and mature
locality of the city with good transport links and convenient parking. The clinic is not
directly attached to any other healthcare premises, and the environment is liked by staff,
patients and their families.
Referrals into Brookvale are accepted from a range of agencies, as with the Orchard Centre,
but a major proportion of 14-18 referrals come directly from GPs, reflecting the pattern of
psychiatric presentations requiring Tier three intervention.
Brookvale includes an experienced multiagency and multidisciplinary team with a range of
therapeutic and other specialist skills, able to work successfully with young people
experiencing a very high level of disturbance in all areas of mental health. There are four
consultant child and adolescent psychiatrists working in Brookvale
Staff work on and off site, using family and adolescent friendly locations to engage difficult
to reach patients where possible. The service has developed a good capacity for intensive
work with adolescents at risk of hospital admission, and with adolescents leaving hospital
care, to help maintain particularly vulnerable patients in the local community.
Brookvale liaises with other services, including adult mental health, specialised learning
disabilities services and forensic services.
As well as psychiatric and nursing input to patients, Brookvale provides individual therapies
including CBT and CAT, art therapy, and counselling. There is a strong family therapy team.
Multiagency input is maintained by the clinic social worker. The psychology team provide
assessments of autistic spectrum disorders together with psychiatrists, cognitive
assessments and therapeutic work.
3.5 Behaviour Resource Service
This service is based at Coxford Road, Southampton. It provides an integrated multi-agency
approach to meeting the health, educational and social needs of children and young people
in the city who have complex mental health and behavioural difficulties, and is jointly
funded. The patient group consists of children and young people looked after/in care of
Local Authority or involved through adoption services. They may have a range of healthrelated needs and/or learning difficulties. They may display major behavioural and
emotional problems in several areas of functioning with high risk to themselves and others.
The service leads the provision of the newly formed IFAIS (Integrated Family Assessment and
Intervention Service) and holds under this aegis other specialist parenting assessment teams
and ‘contact assessment teams’. The service is commissioned by the Family Court to
provide specialist and timely reports for care proceedings. The service also delivers high
quality specialist interventions (eg DDB and Theraplay) based on attachment theory.
There is a multi-agency team of CAMHS professionals including community nurses,
psychologists, therapeutic social workers, and education professionals. The service manager
is a senior nurse and the lead clinician is a consultant psychiatrist who also works in
specialist CAMHS
3.6 Inpatient care
Leigh House is the regional in-patient NHS unit for adolescents and serves the Southampton
area. It has 20 beds. It has been built in Winchester in recent years and has increased its
bed occupancy to meet the increasing demand. It provides a service for young people (1218yrs) who present with a psychiatric disorder. Occasionally, the demand in Leigh House
means that the Southampton services have to approach other inpatient adolescent units
when requiring emergency admission.
The consultants at Leigh House are Dr Jacinta McCann and Dr Mary Mitchell. The unit is
managed within Southern Health Foundation Trust.
3.7 Learning Disabilities
Children and young people with learning disabilities and concurrent mental health problems
are managed alongside other patients at the Orchard Centre and Brookvale.
Services include very experienced practitioners providing detailed assessment of autistic
spectrum disorders in children with or without learning disabilities.
Clinic staff liaise with education, social services, community paediatricians and other service
provider in managing the complex needs of children and young people with learning
disabilities, including the specialised Jigsaw service for children and young people with
severe learning disabilities. There is a consultant at both the Orchard Centre and Brookvale
who have a special interest in learning disability and are in the process of developing and
improving targeted care to patients with learning disabilities.
The University of Southampton has a full-time undergraduate population of 10,600, and
includes a Faculty of Medicine.
The University had its first intake of medical students in 1971. There has been a recent
expansion of medical student teaching and the current intake is 240 new medical students a
The School of Medicine in Southampton opened with a curriculum that was recognised as
innovative in a number of ways. The Bachelor of Medicine curriculum has been taught by a
systems-based approach in years 1 and 2. The third year has included a clinical foundation
course followed by rotation through the major clinical specialties. In addition to other
clinical commitments, the fourth year has been dedicated to an eight-month Study-in-Depth
research project. An increasing proportion of BM students take an intercalated Bachelor of
Science course. In the final year of the BM course, students rotate to centres throughout the
region for their clinical attachments. CAMHS in Southampton has provided a significant level
of high-quality teaching to medical students, and this input is set to continue, while the
medical curriculum is set to change. Solent CAMHS in Portsmouth may also take up an
undergraduate teaching role.
The University and Solent NHS Trust have a clear strategy to pursue high quality research.
Research is being carried out within Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, in most of the
paediatric sub-specialities in the Child Health Directorate and in Adult Mental Health.
Research in CAMHS has concentrated round children with ADHD and their parents.
NFPP: There is a longstanding interest in parenting and ADHD. Colleagues in the CAMHS
service alongside colleagues in the Academic Unit of Psychology at the Universities of
Southampton and Nottingham have developed a parenting programme (the New Forest
Parenting Programme (NFPP)) which has been researched widely both here in Southampton
and internationally. Several grants are in place to support this work.
SHARe: Solent NHS Trust and Psychology Faculty hold joint grants to support a research
database of children and their parents with ADHD. This unique database holds information
about consenting families and their children including genetic information. This can provide
useful information about the complexity of the problems with which these children present,
but also provides a database of children who can consent to future research projects. Under
graduate (including medical students) and Postgraduate students can use the database to
recruit families for research projects, by application to the steering committee.
SHARe also looks at long term outcomes of families including the use of medication.
An interest in the overlap between ADHD and attachment is being developed.
A Clinical lecturer post in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry was created in 1996.
There are close links between the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, the
University Psychology Department, which moved into the Faculty in August 2003, and the
Department of Child Health, with collaboration on several joint research projects.
There are three Chairs in Adult Psychiatry .Other University appointments in adult psychiatry
include two senior lecturers. The research interests in adult psychiatry at the University
Department of Psychiatry include the Hampshire Depression Project and Suicide.
There is one Chair in Paediatrics, and three Senior Lecturers.
Undergraduate medical student teaching in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry is carried out
when students are in their third and fifth year. Each fourth year medical student undertakes
an in-depth research project and these are sometimes initiated and supervised by the Child
and Adolescent Psychiatrists, although this part of the curriculum is set to change shortly.
Child and Adolescent mental health teaching of third year medical students takes place
currently at The Orchard Centre and Brookvale (and other sites) on Mondays and Tuesdays
in term time. There are further placements in the clinics on Thursdays.
There are eight full-time Specialist Registrar posts, including one clinical lecturer, and there
have been up to six flexible Specialist Registrars in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
throughout the old Wessex Region. Specialist Registrars rotate between Southampton and
Dorset posts, or between posts in Portsmouth and Southampton. These two inter-linked
rotation schemes include posts at Leigh House Adolescent Unit and at Southampton General
The full complement of Specialist Registrars based in Southampton at any one time is four.
There are up to four flexible trainees, also based at Southampton. There is a regular day
release course for the Specialist Registrars, in addition to many other opportunities for
The clinics at the Orchard Centre and Brookvale provide training for Foundation years 1 and
2, Core Trainees in Psychiatry, Senior Trainees 4 -6 and General Practice Trainees.
Trainees from other disciplines are frequently on placement in the Orchard Centre, for
example, trainee clinical psychologists, trainee occupational therapists and student nurses.
The post-holder will be a member of the Solent child and adolescent psychiatrists group,
which meets monthly. This meeting is attended by the consultants, and is open to
Specialist/Senior registrars, staff grade doctors in child and adolescent psychiatry and the
manager responsible for CAMHS. The meeting is chaired and organised by the lead clinician.
Currently, colleagues in Southampton and Portsmouth attend, and the meeting is at Ashurst
Education Centre.
There is a monthly clinically based CPD meeting for all child psychiatric consultant
colleagues, which provides a forum for peer supervision and discussion and advice about
difficult case scenarios. The post holder will be encouraged to join a further small CPD
The post-holder will be offered a mentor.
An office and clinical space for the consultant is available at The Orchard Centre. The
facilities in the clinic are very good, with a spacious modern office and good computing and
internet connection.
Clinical secretarial support will be provided by a shared secretary at The Orchard Centre.
The Orchard Centre has a growing library of clinical texts and journals, and the Wessex
Health Services Library is on the Southampton General Hospital site. There is good access to
the wide range of library services it provides. At Ashurst Hospital there is an undergraduate
teaching/postgraduate centre, which has a small library and internet facilities.
Solent NHS Trust is committed to encouraging CPD/CME for all medical staff and has agreed
to fund a sum of up to £500.00 per person per year for CPD/CME. The budget is currently
held by the Medical Director. The post-holder will be expected to have a plan for such
education as agreed in the CPD peer group taking into account his/her own needs, the PDP
agreed as part of the appraisal process and those of the service. Basic entitlement for
professional development is 10 working days per annum (30 days per 3 year period).
The post-holder will take part in the on call rota which provides out of hours cover for child
and adolescent psychiatric problems (0-18yrs) arising within Southampton and Portsmouth
cities, Southampton General Hospital and Leigh House Hospital. At present there are twelve
other consultants involved in this rota, including the two consultants based at Leigh House.
There is usually a specialist registrar on call and the consultant is therefore usually second
on call, but on rare occasions there is no specialist registrar and the consultant is therefore
first on call.
The post-holder will also be available for emergencies during the day and will take part in
the within hours emergency rota. This primarily provides back up for the junior doctors who
assess cases following deliberate self harm, and usually involves a commitment one day a
week at a very low overall intensity.
It is expected that the consultant will take an active part in clinical audit both as part of the
medical appraisal process and to contribute to governance and service development and
Managerially accountable to the CAMHS Service manager
Professionally accountable to The Medical Director (Tony Snell) via the Children’s Clinical
Director (Jonathan Prosser) via the CAMHS West Lead Clinician (Alison Sankey)
The post is subject to the 2003 Consultant Contract Terms and Conditions of Service for
England. Salaries are thus on the national scale. Terms and Conditions for Medical and
Dental staff and locally agreed disciplinary and grievance procedures are negotiated through
the Medical and Dental Sub-Committee of the Joint Negotiating Committee.
Subject to the provisions of the Terms and Conditions of Service, the post holder will be
expected to observe Solent NHS Trust agreed policies, drawn up in consultation with the
profession on clinical matters, and to follow the Standing Orders and Financial instructions
to Solent NHS Trust.
All medical and dental staff employed by the NHS are expected to comply with Solent NHS
Trust Health and Safety policies.
Base: The Orchard Centre, Southampton. Residence within either 10 miles of or 30 minutes
by road from this base is a requirement of this post. The post-holder should have a current
driving licence and his/her private residence must be maintained in contact with a public
telephone service.
Rehabilitation of Offenders Act
Note: Because of the nature of the work, this post is exempt from the provision of Section
4(2) of the rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1994 (Exemptions) Order 1975. Applicants are
therefore not entitled to withhold information about convictions and in the event of
employment, any failure to disclose such convictions could result in dismissal or disciplinary
action by the Trust. Any information given will be completely confidential and will be
considered only in relation to an application for positions to which the order is applied.
Protection of Children
DHSS Circular HC (88)9. Within the terms of this circular and in view of access to children,
applicants are required when applying for this post to disclose any record of convictions,
bind-overs or cautions against the applicant as an index to accompany their application.
Candidates are encouraged to visit and should contact Dr Alison Sankey, Consultant Child
and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Tel 023 80586154 (Brookvale Adolescent Service), or David
Collins, Acting CAMHS West Manager Tel 02380716678.