Highfield Update Update No. 4 Autumn Term October 2014 In Class

Highfield Update
No. 4 Autumn Term
October 2014
In Class
Please can I draw your attention to the website and the blogs which give you a flavour of the activities taking place in
class. If you look in the ‘School information’ section and follow the link to curriculum it will provide you with the termly
curriculum information digitally. It will also suggest different ways in which you can support your children at home.
Teachers are always happy to receive topic learning from home and will celebrate this in class.
If you would like to support us simply follow the instructions from Easyfundraising.org.uk
On Thursday 6th November, the Juniors are at the Turner Sims
(not at Church) so collection at the end of the day is from the
Juniors. The INFANT children will be attending the church as
normal and in the case of siblings, they will be kept in the church
until they are collected. We appreciate that this may make
collection a little later but please be as prompt as you can.
Exciting news about our School Meals provider!
City Catering, the Southampton City Council Catering service that
provides our school meals, is changing. From 1st April 2015 the
service will leave the council and become an independent Social
Enterprise in the form of a Charitable Trust, funded by the schools
that use its services and governed by a board of trustees. This
exciting development has the support of schools across the city
and means that in the future the service will be in a better position
to develop services that meet the evolving needs of schools, more
able to compete commercially and as a charitable trust will be
focused on supporting schools, parents and children across the
whole “Food in Schools” agenda.
Parents and pupils can be assured that this innovative
development will have no adverse impact on the school meal
service they currently receive or the price paid. This initiative is
designed to ultimately allow the service to develop its service
delivery on a school by school basis.
This notice forms part of Southampton City Council’s process of
consultation on this proposal, which will run from 3rd November
until 28 November 2014. If you would like more information please
visit the SCC web site at http://www.southampton.gov.uk/schoolslearning/in-school/school-meals/default.aspx where you will be
able to register any comments you may have.
Children in Need
This is on Friday 14th of November. We will be fundraising across
the whole school by: Having a non-school uniform day – please
bring in £1 to wear non-school uniform.
Bring in as many 10p silver coins as possible to enter the
“Build a Tower to Pudsey” challenge! The class who can build the
tallest tower of 10p coins will be declared the winner in the infant
and junior department. We will of course be using the opportunity
to do lots of money maths! Please support this cause!
Important Data Collection Sheets
Please could all parents/carers ensure the data collection forms
issued early in the term are updated and returned. It is vital we
have correct contact details for our parents in case of
emergencies. Please also consider if you have enough contacts
available at times when you are out of reach yourself – thank you.
Phone and fax 023 80555793
e-mail: info@highfieldschool.co.uk
Cakes/Sweets in celebration
We would remind all parents we are unable to
accept cakes or sweets into school to share
with children in class in celebration of birthdays
etc. This is due to Highfield needing to adhere
to the principles of being a ‘healthy school’ and
out of concern for children who have allergies
or dietary needs. These can also not be
handed out after school in the school premises.
In the past parents have thanked the school for
this ruling as it reduces the pressure to ‘provide
the best treat’, but inevitably we understand
that some children may be disappointed by
this. Also please could party invitations, where
possible be distributed parent/parent in the
playground to avoid disruption or potential
upset in class.
Secondary School Applications (Year 6)
The closing date for applications is 23:59 on
Friday 31st October. There are lots of parents
across the city who think they have applied but
have not ’submitted’ their application. It might
be worth checking online. If you have decided
not to apply in the city then it would really help
the central admin staff if you could let them
know by email at:
school.admissions@southampton.gov.uk . It
would make someone’s day!
We are always looking for Parent or
Grandparent helpers in class. If you can spare
some time to help in either department of the
school it would be lovely to see you. The
number of Parent helpers has been steadily
declining over time which is a shame as you
really could make a difference. If you can
squeeze in some time to help please talk to
your child’s class teacher and organise a
volunteer DBS check with the office staff if you
do not already have one.
You may also have a special talent that you
could share and teach to small groups of
children for the Golden Time slot on a Friday
afternoon in the infants. Please see Miss Savill
in the Infant Department if you can!