Freshmen Student Council Application

Freshman Student Council Officer Application
2015 – 2016
Thank you for your interest in running for Freshman Student Council Officers. Student Council
Officers represent the school body of LaGrange High School and must be responsible, hard-working and be of
good character. Below are the officer positions along with the duties of each. Attached is the permission
form that must be signed and returned before you are considered a candidate.
Student Council General Information
Officers are required to attend ALL student council meetings. Representatives are also required to
attend ALL student meetings, but they can have three excused absences before consequences begin.
Absences from meetings, poor academic standing, and/or behavior problems will result in dismissal from the
Council. You will receive a schedule of meetings as soon as possible.
Duties of Student Council Leaders
 Represent the student body at school, district and civic meetings
 Know the basic rules of the parliamentary process
 Serve in the absence of the president
 Coordinate the work of the committees (when necessary)
 Conduct him/herself with academic integrity and exemplary conduct
 Take role at the meetings
 Tracks membership information
 Keep accurate minutes of the meetings
 Type and deliver a copy of the meeting’s minutes to the sponsor by the next Friday
 Conduct him/herself with academic integrity and exemplary conduct
 Keep accurate records of all income and expenses
 Reports at each meeting on money matters
 Help to coordinate fundraising projects with the student council
 Conduct him/herself with academic integrity and exemplary conduct
 Know the rules of the parliamentary process
 Directs the process of voting and notifies presiding officer of any problems in procedure
 Conduct him/herself with academic integrity and exemplary conduct
Class Representatives
 Attend student council meetings and report back to their classmates
 Report class feedback to the council
 Conduct him/herself with academic integrity and exemplary conduct
Sponsors (Mrs. Lewis / Mrs. Piper)
 Oversee student council meetings and activities
 Instruct students on holding elections and running for office
 Help student council to establish goals, plan a calendar and form a budget
Freshman Student Council Application
2015 – 2016
Name: _____________________________ I D Number: __________________ Shirt Size: _______
Circle the position(s) for which you are applying:
Class Rep.
I have read the attached information regarding the descriptions of the office for which I am seeking.
I would like to submit my name as a candidate for student council.
I understand that the fee for student council is $25.00 (District fee, State fee, shirt), which must be
paid in cash to Mrs. Lewis by Monday, October 5, 2015 in order for a shirt to be ordered for me.
I understand that I am taking part in elections to represent my school as a leader and a role model
for other students. I understand that I may be removed from office if my behavior is not
appropriate. I also understand that I must prepare a short persuasive campaign speech (must be
approved by Mrs. Lewis) if I choose to apply for an officer position (excludes Class Representatives).
Student Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ______________
I give permission for my child to run for student council officer. I have read the attached information
sheet. I understand that my child, if elected, will be required to attend meetings before school
occasionally, and stay after school occasionally.
Parent Signature: __________________________________ Printed: __________________________
Return to Mrs. Lewis, room 326, by Monday, October 5, 2015.
Elections will be TBA and held after school.