Metropolitan Community College COURSE OUTLINE FORM (Page 1 of 5) Course Title: ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES I Course Prefix & No.: LEC: LAB: MDST 1020 4.5 Credit Hours: 4.5 COURSE DESCRIPTION: The goal of this course is to teach the student how to perform word processing skills, medical transcription, appointment scheduling and scheduling of inpatient/outpatient procedures. COURSE PREREQUISITE (S): Successful Completion of all Medical Assisting prerequisite courses. ENGL1210-Applied Communications or ENGL 1010-English composition I, MATH 1310-Intermediate Algebra or higher, PSYC 1120-Human Growth and Development, BIOS 1310-Survey of Anatomy & Physiology RATIONALE: The Administrative Procedures I course is designed to offer entry-level training in the health professional career track. REQUIRED TEXTBOOK (S) and/or MATERIALS: Title: Medical Assisting Administrative and Clinical Procedures with Anatomy and Physiology textbook, workbook, and Electronic Health Records(comes as a set) Edition: Fourth Edition Author: Booth, Whicker, Wyman, Wright Publisher: McGraw Hill Materials: Electronic Health Records Attached course outline written by: Dona Marotta Date: 03/26/12 Effective quarter of course outline Date: 12FA Academic Dean: Stacey Dean Revised by: Dona Marotta Date: 08/29/12 Course Objectives, Topical Unit Outlines, and Unit Objectives must be attached to this form. COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this course with, the student should be able to: Perform basic clerical functions Schedule, coordinate, and monitor appointments Schedule inpatient/outpatient admissions and procedures Perform medical transcription Perform word processing applications, written correspondence using various formats, correct grammar Perform proper telephone etiquette 1 Metropolitan Community College COURSE OUTLINE FORM (Page 2 of 5) Understand, Identify, and perform proper patient interview techniques, cultural diversity, and appropriate dialogue among health care partners Apply bookkeeping skills, document & maintain accounting and banking records, accounts payable & receivable and process payroll Demonstrate and identify the components of proper office management techniques Demonstrate, identify the requirements for managing inventory and supplies, and develop inventory and supply list TOPICAL UNIT OUTLINE/UNIT OBJECTIVES: Fundamentals of Administrative Medical Assisting First Contact: Telephone and Reception Managing Appointments Scheduling inpatient/outpatient procedures Written Communication Health Information Management: Electronic and Manual Computer Applications in the Medical Office Management of the Medical Office COURSE REQUIREMENTS/EVALUATION: TRAINING METHODS Lecture/discussion Audio/visual material Guest Speakers Written Assignments Demonstration Role play EMR Training EVALUATION METHODS A. Grading Grade Scale Satisfactory Academic Progress Unit exams, assignments, attendance, and the comprehensive final exam percentages will be used to constitute your final grade. The letter grade for the class will be based on the following percentages: 93 - 100 = A 86 - 92 = B 76 - 85 = C 70 - 75 = D Below 70 = F 2 Metropolitan Community College COURSE OUTLINE FORM (Page 3 of 5) THE CURRICULUM. Grades for all coursework are averaged equally. Unit Exams /Comprehensive Final Exam A unit exam will be given over each unit. You can expect to have a test almost every week. Assignments Assignments are to be completed and handed in at the start of the day according to the class calendar. Students are to do their own work, but time will be set aside for class discussion. Attendance Attendance, active participation and timely submission of assignments affect learning and grading in this course. Attendance during scheduled class times is required. There is an attendance grade for this course. Every student begins the course with a grade of 100%. For every unexcused absence 10 points will be deducted from the attendance grade. The attendance grade will be average in with the assignments, quizzes and tests. There is a maximum of 4 absences per term. If a student is absent on a skills/lab day, it must be rescheduled with the instructor and completed within 1 week. If the skill missed requires a partner to complete, it is up to the student to get a classmate to participate with them. Failure to make up a missed skill or lab day will result in a course failure. To remain eligible for financial aid, students are responsible for meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress standards. Course Content/competency Requirements to complete this course Basic Medical Assisting clerical functions Telephone management Schedule and manage appointments Organize a patient’s medical record File medical records Computer Applications and functions Transcription Schedule inpatient and outpatient admissions and procedures Makeup Test Procedures A student may not enter the classroom after tests have been distributed. If the student takes an exam outside of the scheduled time for the exam it will be considered a makeup exam. An exam may be taken prior to the scheduled class without penalty. The exam must be made the day the student returns to class. Failure to make up the test or assignment(s) the day upon return will result in a 10-point grade reduction the 2nd day and a score of zero the 3rd day. 3 Metropolitan Community College COURSE OUTLINE FORM (Page 4 of 5) COURSE OBJECTIVES/ASSESSMENT MEASURES COURSE OBJECTIVES 1. Perform basic clerical functions, which includes maintaining patient charts or records using both manual and electronic health records, develop and complete filing procedures, demonstrate the principles of office management, charting chief complaints, procedures etc. ASSESSMENT MEASURES 1. Quiz, Test, workbook assignments, filing projects, TPO’s, or Terminal Procedural Objectives, which are competency based skills that are observed and scored by the instructor. 2. Demonstrate the ability to schedule, coordinate, and monitor appointments 2. Quiz, Test, workbook assignments, scheduling projects, TPO’s, or Terminal Procedural Objectives, which are competency based skills that are observed and scored by the instructor. 3. Demonstrate the ability to schedule inpatient/outpatient admissions and procedures 3. Quiz, Test, homework assignments, scheduling projects, TPO’s, or Terminal Procedural Objectives, which are competency based skills that are observed and scored by the instructor. 4. Perform medical transcription 4. Quiz, Test, homework assignments, work transcription projects, TPO’s, or Terminal Procedural Objectives, which are competency based skills that are observed and scored by the instructor. 5.Perform word processing applications, written correspondence, using various formats 5. Quiz, Test, workbook assignments, work projects, writing various business letters, proper charting of medical information, TPO’s, or Terminal Procedural Objectives, which are competency based skills that are observed and scored by the instructor. 6. Perform proper telephone etiquette 6. Quiz, Test, workbook assignments, In class projects, telephone simulation, TPO’s, or Terminal Procedural Objectives, which are competency, based skills that are observed and scored by the instructor. 7. Demonstrate proper communication skills, both verbal and non-verbal. Understand, Identify, and Perform proper patient interview techniques, cultural diversity and appropriate dialogue among health care partners 7. Quiz, Test, workbook assignments, In class projects, oral presentation, mock patient interviews and charting, simulation of working with culturally diverse patients as well as simulation of working with various disabilities and personality issues. TPO’s, or Terminal Procedural Objectives, which are competency based skills that are observed and scored by the instructor. 8. Apply bookkeeping skills, Document and maintain accounting and banking records, manage accounts payable and receivable and process payroll. 9. Demonstrate, and identify the components of proper office management techniques 8. Quiz, Test, workbook assignments, In class bookkeeping project, payroll project 10. Demonstrate; identify the requirements for managing inventory and supply lists. 10. Quiz, Test workbook assignments, role playing, take inventory of school medical clinic and create an inventory and supply list. TPO’s or competency based skills are observed and scored by instructor 9. Quiz, Test, workbook assignments, role playing, TPO’s, or Terminal Procedural Objectives, which are competency based skills that are observed and scored by the instructor. 4 Metropolitan Community College COURSE OUTLINE FORM (Page 5 of 5) See calendar for due dates, tests, projects and TPO’s September Sep. 5, 2012 Sep. 10, 2012 Sep. 12, 2012 Sep. 17, 2012 Sep. 19, 2012 Sep. 24, 2012 Sep. 26, 2012 Handouts, lecture Lecture Chapter 1 workbook due Chapter 2 workbook due Quiz over chapters 1 & 2 Chapter 3 workbook due Chapter 4 workbook due, Review for test October Oct. 1, 2012 Oct. 3, 2012 Oct. 8, 2012 Oct. 10, 2012 Oct. 15, 2012 Oct. 17, 2012 Oct. 22, 2012 Oct. 24, 2012 Oct. 29, 2012 Oct. 31, 2012 Chapters 3&4 quiz, Basic Communication test Chapter 11 workbook due Chapter 11 quiz, Chapter 12 workbook due Chapter 12 quiz, Chapter 9, workbook due, Review for test Telephone Test, work on patient brochures (in class) Chapter 10 workbook due, Patient brochure due, review for Test Chapter 9&10 Quiz, Chapter 7 workbook due, Records Management test Chapter 7 Quiz, Chapter 5 workbook due, work on procedure manual Chapter 5, quiz, Work on filing assignment (in class), review for test Written Communication Test, Chapter 8 workbook due, work on Procedure Manual (in class) November Nov. 5, 2012 Nov. 7 2012 Nov. 12, 2012 Nov. 14, 2012 Nov. 19, 2012 Chapter 8 Quiz, Chapter 6 workbook due, Review for Test Office Supply Test, Work on Procedure manual (in class), transcription Chapter 6 Quiz, Policy & Procedure Manual Due Office Management Test, Transcription Due Communications Final 5