Grade 4 4th Grade Science Standard IV - Fossils FOSSILS: 4 KINDS [Create to Understand] - 2 DRAFT (lesson 2 of 5) Davis ‘Fossil Formations’ Science Standard(s): USOE Science Standard IV Objective I Content Objective(s): Language Objective(s): Teacher objective: Teacher objective: The students will work in table groups to create 4 kinds of The students will record 4 predictions of the products that will homemade fossils [imprint, mold & cast, amber, & fossilized result from homemade fossils and will use sentence frames to bone] and will compare the process and products with compare the processes and products of homemade and naturenature-made fossils. made fossils. Student objective [posted]: Student objective [posted]: Aujourd'hui je vais travailler avec mon groupe pour Aujourd'hui je vais noter 4 prédictions au sujet des fossiles que fabriquer 4 fossiles [empreinte, moule & moulage, ambre, nous allons fabriquer et je vais utiliser des phrases-modèles & os fossilisé] et je comparerai notre fabrication avec le pour comparer les processus de fabrication et les résultats processus de fabrication des fossiles dans la nature. obtenus avec les fossiles produits par la nature. Essential Questions: Required Academic Vocabulary for Word Wall: What is a fossil? Listen/Speak/ Read/ Write: une empreinte, conservé, la What can we learn from fossils? minéralisation, imprimer, un moule & un moulage, l'ambre, Materials: fossilisé, Objectifs écrits à l'avance Sentence Frames: Feuilles de prise de notes [1 par élève] Je prédis que le fossile que nous avons fabriqué [empreinte, Plâtre de Paris moule & moulage, ambre, os fossilisé] ressemblera à Tasses en plastique (2 par élève) ______________. Feuilles d'arbre (1 par élève) __________ représente ___________ [le processus de fabrication/le Coquillages (1 par élève) résultat de la fabrication] d'un fossile dans la nature [empreinte, Vaseline moule & moulage, ambre, os fossilisé]. Talc _____ est comme un fossile dans la nature car ______. 3x5 Cartes (1 par élève) Additional Lesson Vocabulary: Insectes (en plastique ou fabriqués avec des cure-pipes) les feuilles, les coquillages, du plâtre, du talc, de la vaseline, de la Colle chaude & pistolet à colle colle chaude, une éponge, Contenant en plastique (Pot de "Cool Whip" - 1 par groupe) Éponges (1 petite par élève) Sel Pichet d'eau Lesson: Instructional Time: 45 min. Opening: (5 minutes) Establish or Reinforce Management Routines/Procedures. Expectations in place and method to have the students respond to you. [i.e. Magic Word ‘fossil’ – when I say the magic word you will __, __, & ___. Ready? ‘Fossil!’] Essential Questions: What is a fossil? What can we learn from fossils? Class Definition of a fossil: the remains or evidence of an ancient organism – Learn about how ancient organisms of ‘then & there’ can be preserved, remain, or leave evidence in the ‘here & now’ by making our own fossils. Not ancient, but symbolic of the process (way it happened or HOW?) and the products (what was left or WHAT?). Objectives: Read content objective [teacher & then whole class] and verify that the students understand their task for the day and then read the language objective [teacher & then whole class] with more questions to check for understanding. Introduction to New Material (Direct Instruction): (5 minutes) Review basic vocabulary from lesson 1 - archaeologists discover fossils, but they don’t typically make their own unless they are just trying to understand the process better, which is our purpose today. New vocabulary introduction 3-column T-chart – 3 fossil Categories: [1-impression, 2-preserved, 3-mineral replacement] As listings within 3 columns of T-Chart the 4 kinds of fossils we will make today: 1-Impression [#1 Imprint Fossil/ #2 Mold and Cast Fossil] 2-Preserved Fossil: [#3 Amber Fossil] 3-Mineral Replacement Fossil: [#4 Fossilized Bone] Recording Page passed to all students as framework for the creation of 4 homemade fossils – Review each column as the structure of lesson delivery [definition of fossil type, process for homemade fossil creation, prediction of homemade fossil product, comparison of nature-made and homemade fossils] Guided Practice: Cycle INM-GP-IP repeated for 4 Kinds of Fossils (25 minutes) Teacher Note: This cycle follows the recording sheet format with 1-Introduction to New material [definition], 2-Guided Practice/Modeling [Process for homemade fossil], 3-Independent Practice [Prediction for fossil product- sentence frames] – cycled through 4 different times. Afterward, there will be modeling for the comparison sentence frames in the final Independent Practice section of the lesson. Review the fishbowl procedure for gathering at one of the table groups for instruction and modeling – 4 different times as chunk the information from each fossil type FOSSIL #1 Imprint Fossil [SEE CHART] (7 minutes) Introduction to New Material [INM]: Invite class to form a fishbowl at one table group setting Present Instructional Card for Fossil #1 DEFINITION: Impression Fossils are made by organisms that are left in sediments. If a small soft, organism is completely covered with sediments, the organism will leave its body prints on the surrounding mud. It will eventually decay with only the prints left on the sediments. Impression fossils are broken down into two categories: (1) imprint fossils and (2) mold and cast fossils. Imprint: These are impressions of thin organisms such as feathers, leaves, or fish that had fallen into sediment before the sediment hardened. Later the organisms decomposed leaving only the carbon remains of the organisms on the sedimentary rock. FOURTH COLUMN: COMPARISON NOT used until Independent Practice at the end of the entire lesson Guided Practice/Modeling [GP]: Modeling Cycle: teacher demonstrates steps of the PROCESS for homemade IMPRINT fossil creation [task and marking off each bullet as completed]. Teacher & student do. Two students do. Whole class repeats back steps they’ll do. PROCESS: Have the students select a leaf to imprint. (Give them time to collect one outside or choose from leaves you have) Mix up some Plaster of Paris, enough for each student. (It should have the consistency of a milkshake.) Pour about an inch into each plastic cup. Right after the Plaster of Paris is poured into each cup, have student place his/her leaf, vein side down, on top of the plaster. Have them press it so the whole leaf is in contact with the plaster, but it is still lying on top. (It must cure for a couple of hours so it doesn’t break.) Discuss the process and the following questions as a class: What do you think the plaster will look like when you take the leaf off tomorrow? (It will have a leaf print on it.) Why do you think this is? (Because the plaster became hard while the leaf was still on it, leaving the leaf design.) Why is this like a fossil? (It shows what a leaf looks like even though the leaf is no longer there.) Independent Practice/Sentence Frame [IP]: Modeling Cycle: teacher demonstrates how to use the PRODUCT prediction sentence frame and record answer in the third column of the recording page. The sentence should be read aloud and the basic response recorded in the blank space. Teacher & student do. Two students do. Whole class repeats back what they’ll do when given permission. Released to complete this independent PREDICTION task with their partner or group prior to being allowed to gather at a different table for the next fossil creation. FOSSIL #2 MOLD & CAST Fossil (8 minutes) Introduction to New Material [INM]: Invite class to form a fishbowl at a different table group setting Present Instructional Card for Fossil #2 DEFINITION: Mold and Cast: Mold fossils are impressions made from larger organisms. When an organism dies and is covered by sediments, it decomposes slowly, but eventually decays completely. The cavity left in the rock will retain the exact shape and size and is called the mold. The cavity in the sedimentary rock may later fill with sediments and may take the shape of the mold. This is the cast. It looks just like the original organism on the outside. Guided Practice/Modeling [GP]: Modeling Cycle: teacher demonstrates steps of the PROCESS for homemade MOLD & CAST fossil creation [task and marking off each bullet as completed]. Teacher & student do. Two students do. Whole class repeats back steps they’ll do. PROCESS: Part 1: Mold Have the students select a sea shell from those you have available. Have the students coat the bottom of their sea shells (rib side) with petroleum jelly. (So it doesn’t stick to the plaster.) Mix up some Plaster of Paris, enough for each student. (It should have the consistency of a milkshake.) Pour about an inch into each plastic cup. Have student place his/her shell, rib side down, on top of the plaster. Press the shell so about 3/4 of it goes into the plaster. When the plaster is almost hard, have the students pull the shell out. It will leave an impression in the plaster of what the shell looks like. This is the mold. Let the plaster harden for the next part of the activity. Discuss the process and the following questions as a class: What does taking the shell away from the plaster represent? (It represents the shell decaying and disappearing.) Why did the plaster take on the design of the shell? (When it was placed on the plaster, the plaster turned hard and was able to take on the shape and design of the shell.) Why is this like a fossil? (It shows what a shell looked like even though it is no longer there.) Part 2: Cast Put a thin layer of talcum powder on top of the plaster so it is evenly sprinkled everywhere. Mix up some more Plaster of Paris, enough for each student. (It should have the consistency of a milk shake.) Pour some more Plaster of Paris on top of the mold of the shell. (This will be the cast. It must cure for a couple of hours so it doesn't break.) Discuss the process and the following questions as a class: What do you think the cast will look like when the two pieces of plaster are separated tomorrow? (It will take on the design and shape of the mold.) Why will it look like this? (Because the plaster was liquid when it was poured onto the mold. When it hardened it took the shape of the mold.) Why is this like a fossil? (The cast shows the outside design, the shape, and the outline of what the shell looked like.) Independent Practice/Sentence Frame [IP]: Released to complete this independent PREDICTION task with their partner or group prior to being allowed to gather at a different table for the next fossil creation. FOSSIL #3 AMBER Fossil (5 minutes) Introduction to New Material [INM]: Invite class to form a fishbowl at a different table group setting Present Instructional Card for Fossil #3 DEFINITION: Preserved Fossils: These are fossils that are unaltered and the original organism stays intact. The soft body parts as well as the hard parts are preserved. Here are different ways preservation happens: Freezing- Sometimes whole organisms will be encased in ice or snow and the ice or snow never melts. The freezing of an organism prevents decaying and preserves the organism. Amber- Sometimes an insect gets trapped in tree sap. Over time the sap fossilizes to amber. Guided Practice/Modeling [GP]: Modeling Cycle: teacher demonstrates steps of the PROCESS for homemade AMBER fossil creation [task and marking off each bullet as completed]. Teacher & student do. Two students do. Whole class repeats back steps they’ll do. PROCESS: Give each student a 3 x 5 index card. Have the students draw about a one inch circle on the index card. Have them color in the circle with the color they think is closest to real amber. Students need an insect to trap in amber. They can trap real insects that have been collected outside, use a plastic insect, or create their own insect using pipe cleaners or other art supplies. Have each student put their insects inside the colored circle on the card. Have the students bring their cards up to you so you can encase the insects in hot glue (sap). After everyone is done, explain to the students that over a period of millions of years, the sap fossilized to amber and the insect is preserved. Ask questions: What do you think the cast will look like when the two pieces of plaster are separated tomorrow? (the same) Why will it look like this? (Preserved) Why is this like a fossil? (Sap encasing the insect) Independent Practice/Sentence Frame [IP]: Released to complete this independent PREDICTION task with their partner or group prior to being allowed to gather at a different table for the next fossil creation. FOSSIL #4 FOSSILIZED BONE Fossil (5 minutes) Introduction to New Material [INM]: Invite class to form a fishbowl at a different table group setting Present Instructional Card for Fossil #4 DEFINITION: Mineral Replacement: The fossils that students are most familiar with are mineral replacement fossils (also known as mineralized, petrified, and fossilized). When an animal is buried in sediments, the soft parts of the organism decay quickly. The hard parts such as bones, teeth, and claws will not decay right away in the sediments. Since they stay in the sediments unchanged for many years, they have a chance of becoming mineralized. For example, when the original bone is buried, water must seep through the sediment and pass through the bone. At this point mineral replacement can take place. The seeping water dissolves the bone, but as the water is dissolving it, the minerals in the water replace the bone one cell at a time changing it into stone. Guided Practice/Modeling [GP]: Modeling Cycle: teacher demonstrates steps of the PROCESS for homemade FOSSILIZED BONE creation [task and marking off each bullet as completed]. Teacher & student do. Two students do. Whole class repeats back steps they’ll do. PROCESS: 1. Give each group of students a large plastic container (Cool Whip container) filled with sand and a small sponge. 2. Have the students bury their sponges in the sand being sure there is a layer of sand both above and below the sponge. 3. Mix 2 parts salt to 5 parts water in a water pitcher. Make sure the salt is completely dissolved in the water. 4. Slowly pour the salt water on top of the sand until it completely soaks the sand. 5. Leave the container in a warm dry place until it completely dries. (You can expedite the process by putting it in the oven at 250oF for a few hours, but you will need to use an oven-safe container.) 6. NEXT DAY: When it is dry, excavate the sponges with a spoon. Notice how the sponges turned “bonelike.” Discuss with students a PREDICTION of how the sponge might turn to bone. When the salt water was added to the sand, it filled the pores in the sponge. When the water evaporates, the salt will remain in those pores. This simulates how dissolved minerals replace the cells in bones, wood, etc. Independent Practice/Sentence Frame [IP]: Released to complete this independent PREDICTION task with their partner or group prior to being allowed to gather at a different table for the next fossil creation. Independent Practice: Comparison Sentence Frames (5 minutes) Sentence Frames: __________ represents ___________ [process/product] of a nature-made [imprint, mold & cast, amber, fossilized bone] fossil. _____ is like a nature made fossil because______. Modeling Cycle: teacher does, teacher w/ student, two students do, whole class Teacher will model sentence frame for IMPRINT fossil, then work with a partner for MOLD & CAST fossils, two students will model the sentence frames for AMBER fossils and then the whole class can practice the FOSSILIZED BONE frames. Project the chart with sentence frames listed for each of the 4 kinds of fossils. Model for students how they can compare the process of creating homemade fossils to the real, nature-made fossils. Highlight from the columns of the chart words that can potentially go in the blanks for each fossil type for both PROCESS & PRODUCT comparisons. EMPREINTE MOULE & MOULAGE AMBRE OS FOSSILISÉ PROCESSUS: PROCESSUS: PROCESSUS: PROCESSUS: presser la feuille dans le formation d'un moulage de colorier les points sur la enterrer l'éponge dans le plâtre :: la feuille tombe dans plâtre :: solidification de la carte :: la fossilisation de la sable :: les sédiments la boue boue & de la terre sève recouvrent l'os RÉSULTAT: RÉSULTAT: RÉSULTAT: RÉSULTAT: empreinte de la feuille :: talc dans le moule :: séchage colle chaude :: sève de eau salée :: eau contenant sédiments sur la feuille des sédiments après l'arbre des minéraux décomposée décomposition Release the students to make their own comparisons, telling at least 4 different people in the class, one for every two frames for each type of fossil – total of 8 sentences. Closing: (5 minutes) Review the 4 kinds of fossils by describing the PROCESS steps used to make them and having students call out the term. Invite students to share some of their sentence frames and discuss as a class the information gleaned through simulating the fossil creation process. Explain that they will work more with the products in the next fossil lesson. Review the objectives, inviting students to read them and consider if they accomplished everything they said they would. Assessment: Informal observation and use of sentence frames & the work recorded in the chart Extra Ideas: Use other objects for fossil creation. Split the lesson between two days. Quatre Sortes de Fossiles: I – M&C – A - FB DEFINITION: PROCESSUS: RÉSULTAT: COMPARAISON: [TYPE DE FOSSILE] [FOSSILE FABRIQUÉ] [PRÉDICTION] [fabriqué par nous: fabriqué par la nature] #1 Empreinte de fossile: EMPREINTE choisir une feuille verser le plâtre dans une tasse (consistance d'un -organismes demeurés dans les sédiments milkshake) -laissent une empreinte -des plumes, des feuilles, ou des feuille pressée à poissons tombent dans des surface sédiments avant qu'ils ne durcissent laisser sécher la - les organismes se décomposent feuille en laissant une empreinte #2 Empreinte de fossile: MOULE & MOULAGE - ‘empreinte’ de plus grands organismes: morts/recouverts de sédiments/ finalement décomposés -MOULE: cavité ayant la forme exacte -MOULAGE: cavité remplie par des sédiments qui ont pris la forme et la taille de l'organisme original Je prédis que l'empreinte de fossile que nous avons fabriquée ressemblera à ______________. __________ représente ___________, le RÉSULTAT de la fabrication d'une EMPREINTE de fossile par la nature. la choisir un coquillage verser le plâtre enduire le coquillage de vaseline presser à la surface du plâtre-retirer talc dans le MOULE Plâtre MOULAGE __________ représente ___________, un PROCESSUS de fabrication d'une empreinte de fossile par la nature. Je prédis que le MOULE & le MOULAGE du fossile que nous avons fabriqués ressembleront à ______________. __________ représente ___________, un PROCESSUS de fabrication d'un MOULE et d'un MOULAGE de fossile par la nature. __________ représente ___________, le RÉSULTAT de la fabrication d'un MOULE et d'un MOULAGE de fossile par la nature. #3 Reste Fossilisé: AMBRE -petit organisme demeuré entier -parties molles & parties dures sont conservées lorsque de petits insectes sont prisonniers de la sève durcie d'un arbre # 4 Minéralisation: OS FOSSILISÉ -minéralisé, pétrifié, fossilisé -parties dures: os, dents, griffes -demeurés longtemps dans les sédiments -l'eau dissout les os qui sont remplacés, cellule après cellule, par des minéraux, pour devenir de la pierre 3x5 carte index point de couleur ambre placer un insecte sur le point inclure l'insecte dans la colle chaude (sève) contenant en plastique éponge enterrée entre des couches de sable eau salée sur le sable laisser sécher extraire l'éponge Je prédis que le reste fossilisé dans l'AMBRE que nous avons fabriqué ressemblera à ______________. __________ représente ___________, le PROCESSUS de fabrication d'un reste fossilisé dans l'AMBRE par la nature. __________ représente ___________, le RÉSULTAT de la fabrication d'un reste fossilisé dans l'AMBRE par la nature. Je prédis que l'OS FOSSILISÉ que nous avons fabriqué sera ______________. __________ représente ___________, le PROCESSUS de fabrication d'un OS FOSSILISÉ par la nature. __________ représente ___________, le RÉSULTAT de la fabrication d'un OS FOSSILISÉ par la nature. #1 Empreinte de Fossile: EMPREINTE -organismes demeurés dans des sédiments -laissent une empreinte -des plumes, des feuilles, ou des poissons tombent dans des sédiments avant qu'ils ne durcissent -les organismes se décomposent en laissant leur empreinte #2 Empreinte de Fossile: MOULE & MOULAGE - ‘empreinte’ de plus grands organismes: ils meurent/sont recouverts par des sédiments/ finalement se décomposent -MOULE: cavité ayant exactement la même forme -MOULAGE: cavité remplie par des sédiments qui prennent la forme et la taille de l'organisme original #3 Reste fossilisé: AMBRE - petit organisme demeuré entier - parties molles & parties dures sont conservées lorsque de petits insectes sont prisonniers de la sève durcie d'un arbre #4 Minéralisation: OS FOSSILISÉ - minéralisé, pétrifié, fossilisé - parties dures: os, dents, griffes - demeurés longtemps dans les sédiments - l'eau dissout les os qui sont remplacés, cellule après cellule, par des minéraux, pour devenir de la pierre