
National Federation of Federal Employees
Affiliated with the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers
USFS Forest Service Council
We work for America every day
James C. “Chris” Berry, President
Melissa Baumann, Secretary-Treasurer
Forest Service Council
Advanced Steward Training – Collective Bargaining (Negotiations)
September 28 – October 3, 2014 - Hollywood, Maryland
Training will be held at the IAMAW William W. Winpisinger (W3) Education and
Technology Center in Hollywood, Maryland.
Applications Due August 8, 2014
The program will develop individual negotiation and collective bargaining skills and will focus on mid-term
collective bargaining under the provisions of Article 11 of the FS-NFFE Master Agreement. Topics include:
Federal Labor Statute
Selecting bargaining teams
Article 11 negotiations procedures
Developing ground rules
Conducting research
Drafting agreement language
Interest-based bargaining
Impasse and negotiability procedures
Who should attend? NFFE Stewards and officers in the Forest Service who have attended Basic
Steward Training or the WWW Federal Employee Basic Program. It is not appropriate for newly
appointed/elected union officials who have not had experience in the general provisions of labor statute
and the Master Agreement.
Who pays?
The Winpisinger Center pays most costs - airfare to Baltimore-Washington Airport (BWI), bus
transport between BWI and the Center, and all meals and lodging while at the Center.
The Forest Service - you’ll need Forest Service travel approval for any local transport from your
duty station to your local airport, baggage costs, meals and any lodging away from the Center
(while on travel) and any parking at the airport.
When? Most will travel on Saturday, September 28, begin classes on Sunday, September 29, and
end classes and travel home on Friday, October 3.
How do I apply? Get your approvals (FS supervisor and Local NFFE President), ensure your family
and other obligations support your absence, and submit your application by August 8 for fair
consideration. For details, review the attached Checklist.
It is vitally important that people get release from work and family prior to applying.
It is extremely important that the enclosed application form for each authorized Local participant be
submitted by the August 8 deadline.
1. Ensure your Local President sponsors and approves your training.
A verbal okay is sufficient, but you must have their clear approval to move forward.
2. Request “Release” from your family and/or any other obligations:
Seriously. Ensure (as best as possible) that your family or any other kinds of obligations are
supportive of your absence. If you apply, are accepted and the Center buys you a plane ticket, and
then you cancel, you or your local may be obliged to reimburse the Center for lost travel costs.
NOTE: Family members may stay at the Center for a small cost to you and you are responsible for
travel their travel costs. (Specifics on this are included in the travel paperwork from the Center.)
3. Request Supervisor Release to Attend (request form attached):
Fill out the request letter (found below); attach a copy of the agenda; and submit it to your
supervisor for notification of training and release from work at least 30 days before the training.
Provide a copy to your Labor Management Relations (LMR) Specialist.
Remember release should be requested and received prior to submitting your application by
August 8.
Remember, you have a RIGHT to Union training! If your release is denied, or your supervisor
has questions, please contact Kelly Wolcott at nffe_fsc_training@fs.fed.us or call Kelly at
4. Submit Application Form to Training Committee Chair Kelly Wolcott by
August 8:
Return forms to Kelly Wolcott at nffe_fsc_training@fs.fed.us or fax to (530) 226-2485.
The Forest Service Council will review all applications to ensure fair consideration and to best ensure
wide representation in the training course. Training Committee Chair Kelly Wolcott will inform you of
your acceptance or deferral by August 15.
Tentative Agenda
Sunday, September 28
Collective Bargaining Simulation Overview
Monday, September 29
Collective Bargaining in the Federal Sector
Article 11 Procedures
Negotiating Committees and Groundrules
Bargaining Timeline
Tuesday, September 30
Drafting Contract Language
Techniques for negotiation
Collective Bargaining and the law
Wednesday, October 1
Federal Service Impasses Panel
Presenting Proposals at the table
Thursday, October 2
Collective Bargaining Simulation
Friday, October 3
Simulation debrief
Post negotiations items