Name: _________________________ World History Mesopotamia and Egypt- Polytheism Study Guide Standard 2.10.1 Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from complex text Not a 3.0 yet I have not received a 3.0 because … 3.10.2 Create a system of organization to sequence ideas, concepts, and information to make important connections and distinctions I have not earned a 3.0 yet because… 8.10.1- Define polytheism and its role in early civilizations I have not earned a 3.0 yet because… 3.0 What is polytheism and how did it exist in Mesopotamia? -P. 31-2- A Religion of Many Gods --- 6-9 FQI Notes What is polytheism and how did it exist in Egypt? P. 37-8 Egypt Unites into a Kingdom (Red) + Egyptian Culture (Red) - 9-11 FQI Notes I turned in my completed test ticket on either Egypt or Mesopotamia I have written one paragraph on either Mesopotamia or Egypt My paragraph has 4-5 important details that answers one of the following questions: What is polytheism and how did it exist in Egypt? What is polytheism and how did it exist in Mesopotamia? 3.10.3 Create more complex topic sentences that tie information to thesis I have not earned a 3.0 yet because… My topic sentence in my essay correctly rephrases the question into a statement 3.5 4.0 I read the packet Religion in the Lives of the Ancient Egyptians on my own and took 9-11 notes on facts about the Egyptian Gods. 9-11 FQI I turned in my completed test ticket on both Egypt and Mesopotamia I turned in my completed test ticket on both Egypt and Mesopotamia I have written two paragraphs on both Mesopotamia and Egypt I completed the section for Religion in the Lives of the Ancient Egyptians I have written two paragraphs on both Mesopotamia and Egypt My paragraphs have 4-5 important details that answers both of the following questions: I wrote a separate paragraph on Religion in the Lives of the Ancient Egyptians in my Egypt paragraph. What is polytheism and how did it exist in Egypt? What is polytheism and how did it exist in Mesopotamia? In addition to rephrasing the question into a statement, my topic sentence paraphrases the statement, uses synonyms and or expands the statement. Option #1- Mesopotamia Step #1- Write a topic sentence/claim for this question What is polytheism and how did it exist in Mesopotamia? - Prompt ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Step Two- Rewrite your statement by paraphrasing, expanding and/or using synonyms ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Step #2- Write down 4-5 facts that support your topic sentence/claim Facts 3.5 option - Inferences- use 2-3 about the facts Option #2- Egypt Step #1- Write a topic sentence/claim for this question What is polytheism and how did it exist in Egypt? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Step Two- Rewrite your statement by paraphrasing, expanding and/or using synonyms ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Step #2- Write down 4-5 facts that support your topic sentence/claim Facts 3.5 option - Inferences- use 2-3 about the facts 4.0 Option- Information from Religion in the Lives of the Ancient Egyptians What is polytheism and how did it exist in Egypt? Egyptians? How did religion affect the Ancient ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Step Two- Rewrite your statement by paraphrasing, expanding and/or using synonyms ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Facts