Wyoming Swimming, INC. Application for Team Wyoming Western Zone Meet _____ 2015 Senior Zones in Fresno, CA _____ 2015 Age Group Zones in Maui, HI My current status is (check one): ______I have already achieved the qualifying time for this event at a sanctioned USA Swimming Meet or in an observed swim in compliance with USA Swimming Rule 202.5. ______I intend on achieving a qualifying time at an upcoming sanctioned USA Swimming Meet. Name: ________________________________ USA Swimming # __________________________ Address:_______________________________ Phone:___________________________________ _____________________________________ email: ____________________________________ Event Time Achieved Meet and Date _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ I certify that I have been an athlete member of USA Swimming and attached to either a Wyoming LSC Club or to Wyoming Swimming, Inc. I acknowledge that I have or will participate in four (4) Wyoming Swimming Inc. Meets, including Winter and Summer State Swimming Championships, during the swim season beginning the 1st of September prior to the Zone Meet. Winter Short Course Meets Summer Long Course Meets _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Swimmer’s Signature:__________________________________________ Date: ___________________ I certify that ____________________________________ will be consistently in the pool during the 2015 summer season and will practice and compete at or near the times that qualify him/her for zones as set forth above. Coach’s Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: ___________________ Send Application for Team Wyoming form to Age Group Chairperson: Kiesa Geyer 7534 Legacy Pkwy Cheyenne, WY 82009