Term 1 - Working in a Laboratory (Safety)

Science Planning: Working in a Laboratory (Safety) and Science Skills
Week: Term 1 weeks 1-4
Duration: 4 weeks
Class Team: Grade 7
Staff: Grade 7 Team
Learning Objectives: Students will be able to successfully identify dangers in a laboratory and use safe work practices when
conducting experiments and investigations.
We Are Learning To...
Successfully identify equipment
Identify hazards in a laboratory
Take appropriate action if an accident occurs
Correctly dispose of chemicals and hazardous materials
Carry out an investigation
Use the skills of observation and recording
WILF: What I’m Looking For...
 Identify the correct names and use of equipment
What will students be able to do?
 Operate safely in a laboratory
What new skills will students acquire?
 Use observation and recording skills to find out facts / details and information
What will students have made or
TIB: This Is Because... (to be completed with students)
 To work in a laboratory students must be able to identify and know how to use equipment safely
 Working with other demands the safe use of equipment to avoid injuries
 To investigate a phenomena successfully the power of observation must be used along with recording observations
Links to Tasmanian Curriculum
Content Strand and Content Descriptor
 Across all strands
Whole: Warm up (5 min)
 Think Pair Share
 Question” Why do we need to know the names and use of pieces of equipment in the work place
 Sharing ideas like: taking the same language, help others, follow instructions, use equipment safely etc.
 Write up ideas and decide on three most important points
Introduction of Cycles Focus: WALT, WILF TIB (15 min)
 What the pieces of equipment we use in the laboratory and what is there use
 Show students equipment with tagged names and describe how the equipment is used
 Pick several pieces of equipment and pose a hypothetical – What do you think these are used for?
Science World 7 - Pages 1 - 4
Small Learning Activities: 30 Minutes
Whole – discuss WALT, WIF, TIB
Lesson 1
What is science?
Safety in the lab. Go through dos and don’ts of lab rules.
Equipment needed for science experiments.
Work through naming equipment. Have equipment out and labels and hands on match.
Recap by Students drawing pieces of science equipment as simple diagrams in their books.
Exit card
Challenge of naming pieces of equipment from a box of 10 items.
Science Quest - Pages 7
Science Quest student book p1
Worksheet 1.1, 1.2 (both sides)
PowerPoint: Science Equipment
Whole – discuss WALT, WIF, TIB
Pose the question “Why is working safely in industry take so seriously?
Brainstorm ideas / suggestions and record on whiteboard
Discussion of possible safety rules in the laboratory. (Recap from lesson 1)
Go through hazard symbols PowerPoint.
Lesson 2
Complete worksheet on new, old and meanings. By moving around the classroom.
Discussion about the correct disposal of chemical and why?
Reinforce to students chemicals in the environment end up back in the ecosystem and can cause toxic side
Formative assessment
5 multi-choice questions and go through answers.
Week 2
WholeWhat are science observations? Smell, sight, touch
Remember safety, how to smell safely
Teacher demonstration on candle observations-go through Faradays experiment.p12-13 in Science Quest 7.
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Complete observing and recording inquiry Quest 7
Draw table in books and record.
Why observations are so important in science?
Complete recording.
Whole – discuss WALT, WIF, TIB
Teachers outlines turning on electricity / gas in laboratories and emergency cut offs
Demonstration of safe setting up and usage of a Bunsen burner
Students undertake Investigation 1 Parts A, B and C – Using a Bunsen burner
Science Quest 7
Observing and recording worksheet
Science World 7 – Pages 11 – 13
Record flame colours.
Discussion of questions related to Using a Bunsen Burner
1. Bunsen burner
2. Heatproof mat
3. Tripod
4. Gauze mat
5. Matches
6. Piece of copper wire
7. Metal tings
8. 250 ml beaker
Whole – discuss WALT, WIF, TIB
Writing experimental reports – convey why reports are written
Sharing ideas, repeating procedures, improving processes etc.
Components of a report: Title, aim, materials, method, results, discussion and conclusion
Lesson 1
Teach yourself how to fold filter paper
Filter various mixtures like sand and water, soil and water, copper sulphate
Explain why some solutions filter successfully and other do not
Science World 7 – Page 14
Discussion of what to put in experimental report of experiment
Write a sample on the board for student to copy into their books
Whole – discuss WALT, WIF, TIB
Review components of a report: Title, aim, materials, method, results, discussion and conclusion
Lesson 2
Students undertake Investigation 2 – Making milk glue
Discussion of what to put in experimental report of experiment
Set as HW task to read copy of the draft report for the experiment
Science World 7 – Page 15 - 16
Week 4
Whole – discuss WALT, WIF, TIB
Review components of a report: Title, aim, materials, method, results, discussion and conclusion
Discuss with students what they observed from the experimental report on Making Milk Glue
Discussion why observing and recording is an important investigation skill
Lesson 3
Students test the strength of their glue using different materials to join
What is the best surface for the glue e.g. paper to wood, paper to paper, wood to wood etc.
Write summary of their findings
Come up with a recommendation of how the glue would best be used
Discuss their recommendations
Talk about there are many different commercial glues like Araldite, Superglue, hot glue gun, Aquadhere
Set as HW task to read copy of the draft report for the experiment
Will discuss next lesson and ask questions about the experimental report
Whole – discuss WALT, WIF, TIB
Students undertake Investigation 3 – Observing and recording
Discussion of experimental results and answers to questions
Lesson 1
1. Limewater
2. Drinking straw
3. Flask (250 ml)
4. Test tube
5. Small piece of Zinc
6. Dilute HCl in dropping bottle
7. Spatula
8. Sodium thiosulphate crystals
9. Ink pad
10. Methylated spirits
11. Paper towel
12. Hand lens
Whole – discuss WALT, WIF, TIB
Fingerprints and forensic science
Draw diagrams of different finger prints
Set up a crime scene with several prints
Get all students to put their finger points to named piece of paper
Solve who committed the crime
Lesson 2
Work through chapter check / challenge / main ideas / review
Science World 7 - Page 19
PowerPoint: Fingerprints
1. Ink pad
2. Methylated spirits
3. Paper towel
4. Hand lens
Whole – discuss WALT, WIF, TIB
Discussion of learnt skills over the past few weeks
Lesson 3
Check / Challenge / Main Ideas / Review
Making Observations
Set tasks for groups of students depending upon their ability
Science World 7 - Page 19 - 24
Discuss answers to above sections
Concluding Whole: (15 min)
Call out what students have learnt
For each called out item explain why?
Pre and Post Assessment
What will students do, say, make, write?
Pre Assessment:
 Question students on simple pieces of Science equipment and the
possible use
 Question students on investigation techniques
Post Assessment:
 Students understand the use of Hazchem sheets and what actions to take for
caustic spills and gas leaks
 Students are able to articulate the step to safely use a Bunsen Burner
 Students understand the steps in conducting a Science experiment
 Students can use skills of comparison and deduction to complete a finger print