Data needed for LightCycler assay development and support

Data needed for LightCycler assay development and support
[1] customer data
Name and adress of the customer
telephone, fax
[2] customers request
(a) check of suggested hybridization probes
(b) design of hybridization probes
[3] target data
(a) target source, organism
(b) experimental setup quantitation or genotyping of variants / polymorphism
(c) primers currently used
(d) target nucleic acid DNA (genomic) or cDNA (RNA)
(e) target sequence
- genbank entry if known or if related variants are existing
(e.g. special strain for virus or bacteria)
- or target sequence as computer readable file (email, attatched text file as txt, doc, or rtf file)
- location of primers
- location of mutations
General rules how to design hybridization probes for the LightCycler are available from
Roche Diagnostics and from TIB MOLBIOL.
(i) For some applications TIB MOLBIOL might have already established solutions. We do not publish a list of these assays.
(ii) For other applications TIB MOLBIOL might have already designed customers owned solutions and might not be able to
find a new and different design - in this case we still will check customers design.
(iii) All submitted sequence information not available from public sources (Genbank) will be treated as confidential.
All customers design, customers primers and assay conditions will be treated as confidential.
(iv) In the case that TIB MOLBIOL changes a customers design the intellectual properties will stay with the customer.
(v) In the case that TIB MOLBIOL makes the complete design the intellectual properties will be at Olfert Landt, TIB
MOLBIOL. The customer is allowed to use this design without any restrictions. All (first) publications of these assays shall
at least acknowledge that the design was made in cooperation or was from Olfert Landt, TIB MOLBIOL. New designs made
by TIB MOLBIOL will not given to any other customer without written notice and with agreement of the first customer.
Premade designs (i) will be available for every customer.
(vi) A reprint of all publications containing assays designed with the help of TIB MOLBIOL should be send to
TIB MOLBIOL, Tempelhofer Weg 11-12, D-10829 Berlin, Germany.