Gallego, A. and Heath, M.R. (1994) The development of schooling

Gallego, A. and Heath, M.R. (1994) The development of schooling behaviour in
Atlantic herring, Clupea harengus. Journal of Fish Biology 45 (4):569-588.
Gallego, A. and Heath, M.R. (1994) Vulnerability of Atlantic herring, Clupea
harengus, to predation by whiting, Merlangius merlangus. Journal of Fish Biology 45
Gallego, A. (1994) Changes in the swimming behaviour of larval herring in
response to two different prey densities. Journal of the Marine Biological Association
of the United Kingdom 74: 955-958.
Gallego, A., Heath, M.R. and Fryer, R.J. (1995) Premature schooling in larval
herring in the presence of more advanced conspecifics. Animal Behaviour 50 (2):
Gallego, A., Cargill, L.H., Heath, M.R., Hay, S.J. and Knutsen, T. (1995) An
assessment of the immediate effect of the Braer oil-spill on the growth of herring
larvae using otolith microstructure analysis. Marine Pollution Bulletin 30(8): 536-542.
Gallego, A., Heath, M.R., McKenzie, E. and Cargill, L.J. (1996) Environmentally
induced short-term variability in the growth rates of herring larvae. Marine Ecology
Progress Series 137(1-3): 11-23.
Gallego, A. and Heath, M.R. (1997) The effect of growth-dependent mortality,
external environment and internal dynamics on larval fish growth: an individualbased modelling approach. Journal of Fish Biology 51 (Supplement A): 121-134.
Heath, M.R. and Gallego, A. (1997) From the biology of the individual to the
dynamics of the population: bridging the gap in fish early life studies. Journal of Fish
Biology 51 (Supplement A): 1-29.
Heath, M.R., Backhaus, J.O., Richardson, K., McKenzie, E., Slagstad, D., Gallego,
A., Madden, H., Mardaljevic, J., Hainbucher, D., Schacht, A., Jonasdottir, S., Beare,
D., Dunn, J. and Hay, S. (1997) Climate fluctuations and the abundance of Calanus
finmarchicus in the North Sea. ICES CM 1997/T:5, 16 pp.
MacKenzie, B.R., Visser, A.W., Heath, M.R., Gallego, A. and Crawford, W.R.
(1998) Environmental variability along the drift track of larval haddock in the East
Shetland Atlantic Inflow. ICES CM 1998/R:16, 16 pp.
MacKenzie, B.R., Ueberschär, B., Basford, D., Heath, M., and Gallego, A. (1998)
Diel Variability of Feeding Activity in Haddock Larvae in the East Shetland area,
North Sea. ICES CM 1998/CC:11, 8 pp.
Heath, M.R. and Gallego, A. (1998) Bio-physical modelling of the early life stages of
cod and haddock in the North Sea. Fisheries Oceanography 7(2): 110-215.
Stratoudakis, Y., Gallego, A. and Morrison, J.A. (1998) Spatial distribution of
developmental egg ages within a herring (Clupea harengus) spawning ground.
Marine Ecology Progress Series 174:27 32.
Gallego, A., Heath, M.R., Basford, D. and MacKenzie, B. (1999) Variability in
growth rates of larval haddock in the northern North Sea. Fisheries Oceanography
Gallego, A., Mardaljevic, J., Heath, M.R., Hainbucher, D. and Slagstad, D. (1999)
A model of the spring migration into the North Sea by Calanus finmarchicus
overwintering off the Scottish continental shelf. Fisheries Oceanography
Madden, H., Beare, D., Heath, M.R., Fraser, J.G. and Gallego, A. (1999) The
spring/early summer spatial distribution of Calanus spp. in the northern North Sea
and adjacent areas. Fisheries Oceanography 8(suppl.1):138-162.
Heath, M.R., Backhaus, J.O., Richardson, K., McKenzie, E., Slagstad, D., Beare, D.,
Dunn, J., Fraser, J.G., Gallego, A., Hainbucher, D., Hay, S., Jonasdottir, S.,
Madden, H., Mardaljevic, J., and Schacht, A. (1999) Climate fluctuations and the
abundance of Calanus finmarchicus in the North Sea. Fisheries Oceanography
MacKenzie B.R. , Ueberschär B. , Basford D. , Heath M. and Gallego A. (1999) Diel
variability of feeding activity in haddock larvae in the East Shetland area, North Sea.
Marine Biology 135: 361-368
Gallego, A. and Heath, M.R. (1999) Short-term changes in the vertical distribution of
haddock larvae as a function of environmental factors. ICES CM 1999/Y:14
Gallego, A., Heath, M.R., Wright, P. and Marteinsdottir, G. (1999) An empirical
model of growth in the pelagic early life history stages of North Sea haddock. ICES
CM 1999/Y:13
MacKenzie, B., Heath, M. Ardlandsvik, B., Backhaus, J., Bogstad, B., Gallego, A.,
Godo, B., Gudmunsdottir, A., Harms, I., Heilemann, J., Jonsson, S. , Kjesbu, O.,
McKenzie, E., Marteinsdottir, G., Nielsen, E., Scott, B., Strugnell, G., Steffanson, G.,
Thorsen, A., Visser, A. and Wright, P. (1999) Overview of the EU FAIR project
“STEREO” (Stock Effects on Recruitment Relationships). ICES CM 1999/Y:10.
Heath, MR and Gallego, A. (2000) Modelling the spatial and temporal structure of
survivorship to settlement in north sea and west of Scotland haddock ICES CM
Hislop, J. R. G., Gallego, A., Heath, M. R., Kennedy, F. M., Reeves, S. A., and
Wright, P. J. (2001). A synthesis of the early life history of the anglerfish, Lophius
piscatorius (Linnaeus 1758) in northern British waters. ICES Journal of Marine
Science, 58:70-86.
Gallego, A. and Heath, M.R. (2003) The potential role of settlement on the stockrecruitment relationship: numerical experiments using bio-physical modelling
simulations. ICES CM/P:11.
Gallego, A., Heath, M.R. and Cook, B. (2004) The origin and destination of sandeel
larvae sampled in the northern North Sea: bio-physical modelling simulation results.
Rasmussen, J, Gallego, A., Heath, M. and Boyle, P. (2004) Multispecies diet
composition and selectivity in a larval fish assemblage east of shetland, May 1996.
ICES CM/O:13 (poster)
Hedger, R., McKenzie, E., Heath, M., Wright, P., Scott, B, Gallego, A., Andrews, J.
(2004) Analysis of the spatial distributions of mature cod (Gadus morhua) and
haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) abundance in the North Sea (1980–1999)
using generalised additive models. Fisheries Research 70: 17–25.
Demain, D., Gallego, A., Jones, E. G., and Priede, I. G. Temporal patterns of
settlement and dietary changes of 0-group cod, haddock and whiting. ICES ASC.
CM2005/O:45. 2005 (poster).
Switek, K., Gallego, A. and Heath, M.R. (2005) Modelling the growth of sandeel
larvae as a function of temperature and zooplankton concentration: "do larvae eat
temperature?". ICES, CM2005/O:04
Andrews, J.M., Gurney, W.S.C., Heath, M.R., Gallego, A., O'Brien, C.M. & Darby, C.
(2006) Modelling the spatial demography of cod on the UK continental shelf.
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63(5): 1027-1048.
Pan, M., Gallego, A., Hay, S.J., Ieno, E.N., Pierce, G.J., Zuur, A.F. and Smith, G.M.
(2006) Univariate methods to analyse abundance of decapod larvae. In Zuur, A.F.,
Ieno, E.N. and Smith, G.M. Analysing Ecological Data. Springer.
Kenny, A. J., Kershaw, P., Beare, D., Devlin, M., Reid, J. B., Licandro, P., Gallego,
A., Winpenny, K., Houghton, C., Langston, M., Skjoldal, H. R. and Perkins, A. (2006)
Integrated assessment of the North Sea to identify the relationships between human
pressures and ecosystem state changes – implications for marine management.
ICES CM 2006/P:09.
Heath, M.R., Kunzlik, P.A., Gallego, A., Holmes, S.J. and Wright, P.J. (2007) A
model of meta-population dynamics for northern European cod – the dynamic
consequences of natal fidelity. FRS Internal Report No.4/07. 38 pp.
Debes, H.H., Gallego, A. and Magen, C. (2007) Seasonal abundance and
development of krill in the Faroe-Shetland Channel. ICES CM 2007/F:01.
Gallego, A., North, E.W., Petitgas, P. (2007) Introduction: status and future
directions in modelling physical-biological interactions in the early life of fish. Marine
Ecology Progress Series 347:121-126
Gallego A., North EW, Petitgas P, Browman HI (eds.) Theme Section on “Advances
in modelling physical–biological interactions in fish early life history”. Marine Ecology
Progress Series (2007) 347: 121-306.
Heath, M.R., Kunzlik, P.A., Gallego, A., Holmes, S.J. and Wright, P.J. (2008) A
model of meta-population dynamics for North Sea and West of Scotland cod—The
dynamic consequences of natal fidelity. Fisheries Research 93 (1-2): 92-116.
Hatfield, E.M.C, Watret, R. and Gallego, A. (2008) Exploratory Methot net sampling
of herring larvae during the 2008 west coast Q1 IBTS. Linking Herring Symposium,
26-29 August 2008, Galway, Ireland (poster).
Payne, M.R., Hatfield, E.M.C., Dickey-Collas, M., Falkenhaug, T., Gallego, A.
Gröger, J. Licandro, P., Llope, M., Munk, P., Röckmann, C., Schmidt, J.O., and
Nash, R.D.M. (2009) Recruitment in a changing environment: the 2000s North Sea
herring recruitment failure. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 66: 272-277.
Curchister, E., Gallego, A., Kishi, M. and Di Lorenzo E. (2009) Workshop A:
Modelling ecosystems and ocean processes: the GLOBEC perspective of the past,
present and future. GLOBEC International Newsletter 15(2): 32-33.
Lusseau, S.M., Gallego, A., Rasmussen, J., Hatfield, E. and Heath, M.R. (2009)
Changes in the over-winter survival of larval herring related to their food intake. FRS
Contract Report. 69 pp.
North, E.W., Gallego, A. and Petitgas, P. (2009) Manual of recommended practices
for modelling physical - bilogical interactions during fish early life. ICES Cooperative
Research Report 295, 90 pp.
Heath, M.R. and Gallego, A. (2010). Ecosystem structure and function. In
Resolving climate impacts on fish stocks. Rijnsdorp, A. D., Peck, M. A., Engelhard,
G. H., Möllmann, C., and Pinnegar, J. K. (eds). ICES Cooperative Research Report
No. 301, pp. 72-79.
Gallego, A. (2011), Bio-Physical Models: An Evolving Tool in Marine Ecological
Research, p. 279-290, in Modelling Complex Ecological Dynamics. Jopp, F., Reuter,
H. and Breckling, B. (eds.) 413 pp. Springer.
Demain D. K., Gallego A., Jaworski A., Priede I. G. and Jones E.G. (2011), Diet and
feeding niches of juvenile Gadus morhua, Melanogrammus aeglefinus and
Merlangius merlangus during the settlement transition in the northern North Sea.
Journal of Fish Biology 79 (1): 89–111.
Demain D. K., Gallego A., Millar C. , Priede I. G. and Jones E.G. (2011), Temporal
settlement patterns and size at transition of juvenile cod (Gadus morhua), haddock
(Melanogrammus aeglefinus) and whiting (Merlangius merlangus) in the northern
North Sea. ICES CM 2011/H: 07.
Gallego A., North E.W. and Houde E.D. (2012), Understanding and quantifying
mortality in pelagic, early life stages of marine organisms - Old challenges and new
perspectives. Journal of Marine Systems 93: 1–3.
Gallego A., North E.W. and Houde E.D. (eds.) Understanding and quantifying
mortality in pelagic early life stages of marine organisms: experiments, observations
and models (WKMOR) special issue (2012) Journal of Marine Systems 93, 94 pp.
Heath M.R., Rasmussen J., Bailey M.C., Dunn J., Fraser J., Gallego A., Hay S.J.,
Inglis M. and Robinson S. (2012) Larval mortality rates and population dynamics of
Lesser Sandeel (Ammodytes marinus) in the northwestern North Sea. Journal of
Marine Systems 93: 47-57.
Gómez García G., Demain D., Drewery H. and Gallego A. (2012) The distribution
of zooplankton prey of forage fish in the Firth of Forth area, east coast of Scotland.
Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science Report 3 (4), 27 pp.
Gallego A., Gibb F. M., Tulett, D. and Wright P. J. (2013) Connectivity of benthic
priority marine species within the Scottish MPA network. Scottish Marine and
Freshwater Science 4(2), 55 pp.
Turrell W.R., O’Hara Murray R., Berx B. and Gallego A. (2014) The Science Of
Deepwater Oil Spills – Results From The 2013 Marine Scotland Science Modelling
Workshop. Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science 5 (3): 31 pp.
Bastrikin D., Gallego A., Millar C., Priede M. and Jones, E. (in press) Settlement
length and temporal settlement patterns of juvenile cod (Gadus morhua), haddock
(Melanogrammus aeglefinus) and whiting (Merlangius merlangus) in a northern
North Sea coastal nursery area. ICES Journal of Marine Science
Lusseau S.M., Gallego A., Rasmussen J., Hatfield E.M.C. and Heath, M. (in press)
North Sea herring (Clupea harengus L.) recruitment 1 failure may be indicative of
poor feeding success. ICES Journal of Marine Science