12th November, 2004

Bar Lane Stapleford Cambridge CB22 5BJ
Headteacher: Mrs. Christine Spain
Deputy Headteacher: Mrs Emma Stevens
Telephone: 01223 508720
Fax: 01223 508721
E-mail: office@Stapleford.cambs.sch.uk
Friday 11th September 2015
Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope you all had a wonderful summer. You will be pleased to know the children have
settled into their new classroom and are already working hard. Thank you for the warm
welcome you have given me. Your children have helped me settle and have been very
helpful! The class have helped welcome the new children who have enjoyed their first few
days at Stapleford too.
I would like to take this opportunity to tell you a little more about what we are going to be
learning this half term, as many of you will know from your children or seeing the
classroom our topic is Space! Attached to this letter is a topic map for the curriculum
areas we will be covering this half term, along with some useful information below.
Reading books
The classroom has a super range of both fiction and non-fiction books in it, but children
are most welcome to bring in any reading books they are currently reading at home to
enjoy and discuss in class.
Pencil cases
If children wish to bring in their own pencil case, with equipment in they are welcome to.
However, it is not essential they have their own as we have plenty of equipment for them
to use in our classroom.
Water bottles
Please could you provide your child with a labelled water bottle for use in the classroom
and for PE sessions.
Homework and spellings
Every week on a Friday, I shall be setting children a list, initially of 10 spellings for them
to practice at home, as well as in school. The children will be tested on them the following
Thursday. I will also be setting a homework projects of varying lengths that can be
completed at home, or at school homework club. Additionally, please take time to read with
your child at home, at Stapleford we expect pupils in KS2 to be reading regularly at home
for around 20 minutes a day, as part of their homework. Any homework that is set will
always be set on a Friday and due the following Thursday.
We have PE on a Tuesday and Thursday, on a Tuesday we will be doing dance with football
on a Thursday. Please could I ask that your children have the following PE kits on these
Tuesday: red t-shirt, navy shorts
Thursday: red t-shirt, navy shorts or jogging bottoms, trainers.
Teaching assistant
This year we are lucky to have Mrs Tracy James working with our class on Monday and
Thursday mornings as well as Tuesday and Wednesday all day.
Release time
Mrs Karen Gentle will be teaching the class on a Thursday afternoon and Friday morning
providing me with time to have planning, preparation and assessment release time.
Naming clothing
Please could I ask that all clothing is named, both PE kits and daily school clothes as they
can often get muddled up when changing for PE and this ensures it’s return to the correct
Questions or concerns
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. You can e-mail
me at: SAbrey@stapleford.cambs.sch.uk or if you would like to make an appointment for
afterschool please drop a note or speak to the office and we can arrange a convenient
I have had a fantastic start at Stapleford Community Primary, I hope your children have
enjoyed their start to Year 5, and I am looking forward to the rest of the year ahead!
Yours sincerely,
Miss Sarah Abrey
Year 5, Ash class teacher