QUESTIONS FOR ALL MODULES 1. The germ layers (ectoderm, mesoderm, entoderm) and their derivatives. 2. Organs, system of organs, apparatus, organism as a whole. 3. Norma and anomalies. 4. Individual types of the structure of the human body. 5. Bone as an organ. Classification of the bones. 6. The structure and function of bones. 7. Development of the bones. Its growth in length and thickness. 8. Development of the skull. Pharyngeal arches and their derivatives. 9. Individual, sex and age special pecularities of the skull. 10. Classification of the joints. 11. Articulations. Their classification, structure and function. 12. The characteristics feature of the vertebral column and thorax in association with the upright position of the body. 13. Muscle as a organ. Development of the skeletal muscles. 14. Classification of the muscles (in shape, structure, function and development). 15. Accessory components of the muscles: fasciae, sessamoid bones, synovial sheath and recession. The muscle work. 1. Vertebrae, ribs and sternum. Their structure, development and anomalies. 2. Bones of the upper limb. 3. Bones of the lower limb. 4. Bones of the cerebral cranium. Temporal bone, its parts, openings and canals. 5. Sphenoid bone, its parts and openings. 6. Bones of the visceral cranium. 7. The interior surface of the skull. Its openings. 8. The exterior surface of the skull. Its openings. 9. Orbit. Its walls and communications. 10. Nasal cavity. Its walls and communications. Paranasal sinuses. 11. Temporal, infratemporal and pterygopalatine fossae. Their communications. 12. Age and sex characteristics of the skull. 13. Articulations of the vertebral column. Physiological curvatures of the spine. 14. Joints of ribs. Thorax as a whole. Shapes of the thorax. X-ray anatomy of the thorax. 15. Shoulder girdle joints. Shoulder joint. X-ray anatomy. 16. Elbow joint. Structure and function. Muscles, which act on it. 17. Forearm and hand joints. 18. Joints of the pelvis. Pelvis as a whole. Sex characteristics. Measures of the female pelvis. 19. Hip joint. Structure and function. Muscles which act on it. Their blood and nerve supply. X-ray anatomy. 20. Knee joint. Structure and function. Muscles, which act on it. Their blood and nerve supply. X-ray anatomy. 21. Ankle joint. Joints of the foot. Foot as a whole. 22. Joints between the bones of the skull. Sutures. Temporo-mandibular artuculation. X-ray anatomy. 23. Articulations of the vertebral column with the cranium, atlas with axis. 24. Muscles and fasciae of the back. 25. Muscles and fasciae of the thorax. Their blood and nerve supply. 26. Muscles of the abdominal wall. Topography, function, blood and nerve supply. Rectus sheath. Linea alba. 27. Inguinal canal. Walls, openings. Contents. The weak points of the abdominal wall. 28. Femoral canal. Walls, openings. 29. Muscles and fasciae of the shoulder girdle and the arm. Topography, function, blood and nerve supply. 30. Muscles and fasciae of the forearm and the hand. Topography, function, blood and nerve supply. 31. Muscles and fasciae of the pelvis. Topography, function, blood and nerve supply. 32. Muscles and fasciae of the thigh. Topography, function, blood and nerve supply. 33. Muscles and fasciae of the leg and the foot. Topography, function, blood and nerve supply. 34. Muscles of the head. Topography, function, blood and nerve supply. 35. Muscles and fasciae of the neck. Topography, function, blood and nerve supply. 16. Structure of the tubular and parenchimatous organs. 17. The general structure, function and development of the organs of the digestive system. 18. The general structure, function and development of the organs of the respiratory system. 19. The general structure, function and development of the organs of the urinary system. 20. Classification of the glands. 21. Classification of the vascular system. 22. Development of the heart. 23. Rools of the distribution of the arteries. 24. Rools of the distribution of the veins. 25. Rools of the distribution of the lymphatic vessels and nodes. 26. Neuron. Reflex arch. 27. Rools of the distribution of the nerves. 28. Classification of the nervous system according to the development, structure and function. The second questions: 36. The axillary and brachial arteries. Topography, branches, regions of blood supply. 37. Arteries of the forearm and hand. Topography, branches, regions of blood supply. 38. Venous and lymphatic outflow of the upper limb. 39. The common, external and internal iliac arteries. Their branches. 40. Arteries of the leg and foot. Topography, branches, regions of blood supply. 41. The femoral and popliteal arteries. Topography, branches, regions of blood supply. 42. Venous and lymphatic outflow of the lower limb. 43. The common, external and internal carotid arteries. Their branches. 44. Subclavian artery. Topography, portions and branches. 45. The internal carotid artery. Topography and branches. Arterial circle of Willis. 46. Venous and lymphatic outflow of the head and neck. 47. Aortal arch and thoracic portion of the descending aorta. Their branches. 48. Abdominal aorta. Branches and anastomoses. 49. The right and thoracic lymphatic ducts. 50. Lymphatic outflow of the organs of the thorax and abdomen. 51. Porta-caval and caval-caval anastomoses. 52. Arterial and venous anastomoses. Collateral circulation. 53. Veins of the thoracic cavity. 54. Veins of the abdominal and pelvic cavities. The third questions: 1. Oral cavity. Its parts and walls. Palate. Their structure, blood and nerve supply. 2. Glands of the oral cavity. Topography, structure, ducts, blood and nerve supply. 3. Tongue. Development, structure, function, blood and nerve supply. 4. Milk and permanent teeth. Their structure and development. Dental formula. Blood and nerve supply. Lymphatic nodes. 5. Pharynx. Its structure, blood and nerve supply. Lymphatic nodes. 6. Esophagus. Its topography, structure, blood and nerve supply. Lymphatic nodes. 7. Stomach. Its topography, structure, blood and nerve supply. Lymphatic nodes. X-ray anatomy. 8. Small intestine. Its parts, topography, structure, blood and nerve supply. Lymphatic nodes. Its relation with the peritoneum. 9. Duodenum. Its parts, topography, structure, blood and nerve supply. Lymphatic nodes. Its relation with the peritoneum. 10. Mesenteric part of the small intestine. Its parts, structure, blood and nerve supply. Lymphatic nodes. Its relation with the peritoneum. 11. Large intestine. Its parts, topography, structure, blood and nerve supply. Lymphatic nodes. Its relation with the peritoneum. X-ray anatomy. 12. Cecum and vermiform process. Thier topography, structure, blood and nerve supply. 13. Rectum. Its parts, topography, structure, blood and nerve supply. Lymphatic nodes. Its relation with the peritoneum. 14. Liver. Its development, topography, structure, blood and nerve supply. Lymphatic nodes. 15. Gall bladder and the bile ducts. Blood and nerve supply. 16. Pancreas. Its development, topography, structure, ducts, blood and nerve supply. Lymphatic nodes. 17. Peritoneum. Its relations with the organs. The upper floor of the peritoneal cavity. 18. Topography of the peritoneum into middle and lower floors of the peritoneal cavity. 19. Nasal cavity. Blood and nerve supply of its mucosal coat. 20. Larynx. Its cartilages, joints, muscles, blood and nerve supply. 21. Laryngeal cavity. Vestibular and vocal folds. Blood and nerve supply of the larynx. 22. Trachea and principal bronchi. Bronchial tree. Their blood and nerve supply. 23. Lungs. Its development, structure and segments. X-ray anatomy. Blood and nerve supply. Lymphatic nodes. 24. Pleura. Its bounderies and cavity. Pleural sinuses. 25. Mediastinum. Its division and organs. 26. Kidneys. Their development and structure. Blood and nerve supply. Lymphatic nodes. Anomalies. 27. Ureteres and urinary bladder. Structure, blood and nerve supply. X-ray anatomy. 28. Urinary bladder and urethra. Their structure and sex features. Blood and nerve supply. Anomalies. 29. Testis and epididimis. Their development and structure. Blood and nerve supply. Coats of the testis. Anomalies. 30. The ducts which conduct the sperm. Spermatic cord. 31. Prostate gland. Seminal vesicle, bulbo-urethral glands. Their structure, blood and nerve supply. 32. The external male genital organs. Their structure, blood and nerve supply. Development and anomalies. 33. Ovary. Its topography, structure, blood and nerve supply. The incretory part of the ovary. 34. Uterus. Its development, structure, ligaments, blood and nerve supply. Lymphatic nodes. 35. Uterine tube. Its development, parts, structure, blood and nerve supply. Salpingography. 36. Vagina. Its development, structure, blood and nerve supply. Anomalies. 37. Perineum (the pelvic outlet). Its parts, muscles, fasciae and sex features. Blood and nerve supply. 38. Mamma. Its structure, blood and nerve supply. Lymphatic nodes. 39. Anomalies of the face and oral cavity. 40. Anomalies of the gastro-intestinal tract. 41. Anomalies of the urinary system. 42. Anomalies of the male genital organs. 43. Anomalies of the female genital organs. 44. Heart, its chambers, openings, and valves. X-ray anatomy. 45. The structure of the cardiac wall. Conducting system of the heart. Pericardium. 46. Bounderies of the heart. Projection and auscultation of the cardiac valves. 47. The vessels of the heart. 48. The nerves and conduction system of the heart. 49. The systemic, pulmonary and cardiac circuits of blood circulations. 50. Anomalies of the heart and great vessels. 51. The blood circulation of a foetus, postnatal changes in circulation. 52. The incretory glands. Their classification. 53. Branchial group of the incretory glands. Structure and function. 54. Suprarenal glands. Structure, blood and nerve supply. Paraganglia. The fourth questions: 1. Spinal cord. Its development, topography and segments. Blood supply. White mater and conduction pathways. 2. Grey matter of the spinal cord, its centers. 3. Cerebral vesicles and their derivatives. 4. Cerebral ventricles and their communications. 5. Medulla oblongata. External and internal structure. Its nuclei. Topography of the nuclei of the cranial nerves. 6. Hindbrain. Its parts and internal structure. The nuclei of the pons. Cerebellum. 7. Midbrain. Its parts and internal structure. Topography of the nuclei and conduction pathways. 8. Formatio reticularis of the cerebral stem. 9. Interbrain. Its parts and internal structure. The third ventricle. 10. Telencephalon (endbrain). The centers of the cortex. 11. Basal nuclei of the hemispheria. 12. Rhinencephalon. Its periphery and central portions. 13. Membranes of the brain. 14. Sinuses of the dura mater. 15. Production and circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid. 16. The spinal roots, nerves, branches and plexuses. 17. Segmental nerves. The - intercostal nerves and dorsal branches of the spinal nerves. 18. The cervical plexus. 19. The brachial plexus. 20. The lumbar plexus. 21. The sacral plexus. 22. Sciatic nerve. Its topography, branches and innervation. 23. Cranial nerves. Its Ist and IInd pairs. The tract of the vision. 24. Oculomotor, trochlear and abducent nerves. 25. Trigeminal nerve. Its Ist and IInd branches. 26. Trigeminal nerve. Its IInd and IIIrd branches. 27. Olfactory, optic and vestibulo-cochlear nerves. The tract of the hearing. 28. Facial nerve. 29. Glossopharyngeal, accessory and hypoglossal nerve. 30. Vagus nerve. Its nuclei, topography, branches and innervation. 31. Sympathetic, parasympathetic and suprasegmental autonomic centers. 32. Sympathetic nervous system. 33. The cervical ganglia of the sympathetic trunk. 34. Parasympathetic nervous system. 35. The thoracic ganglia of the sympathetic trunk. 36. The lumbar and sacral ganglia of the sympathetic trunk. 37. The sympathetic ganglia and sympathetic nerves. Their topography and innervation. 38. Parasympathetic nerves. 39. Autonomic plexuses of the abdominal cavity. 40. Autonomic plexuses of the pelvic cavity. 41. The inner ear. Its structure and function. 42. The middle ear. Its structure and function. 43. The eye. Its structure, blood and nerve supply. 44. The refracting media of the eye. The tract of vision. 45. The accessory organs of the eye. 46. Gustatory organ. Its conduction tract. 47. Olfactory organ. Its conduction tract. 48. The skin and its derivatives. Mamma. Its topography, structure, blood and nerve supply. 49. The tracts of the skin sensitivity. 50. The proprioceptive pathways to the cortex of the hemispheria and to the cerebellum. 51. The corticospinal and the corticonuclear tracts. 52. The extrapyramidal tracts. 53. The efferent pathways from the midbrain, pons and medulla oblongata.